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Seth Rollins Pays Tribute to Brodie Lee and Bray Wyatt at Madison Square Garden

December 27, 2023 | Posted by Joseph Lee
The Shield The Wyatt Family, Seth Rollins Image Credit: WWE

WWE held a live event last night at Madison Square Garden in New York, which is part of their Holiday Tour. The show featured Seth Rollins paying tribute to Bray Wyatt and Brodie Lee. Rolling said during his comments:

We are packed from the front row to the nosebleeds in the most famous arena in the world. Thank you, Madison Square Garden. There’s just one more thing I gotta do tonight. Today is the twenty-sixth of December. A few years back, my good friend, our good friend Brodie Lee passed away. I miss him. Just a few months ago, we lost Windham Rotunda as well. But earlier tonight, when the nights went down, I saw some fireflies out there in the Garden. Yeah, yeah, yeah, man. So look, here’s the deal. They’re kicking me out of here, we got a curfew. But I’m not leaving this building until you guys light this place up with those fireflies and you sing my damn song so loud Brodie and Windham can hear you, baby. Let’s go, New York. I love you forever.