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DC Daily Reveals New Look at Nicolas Cage’s Superman Lives Costume

DC Universe’s DC Daily has revealed the first-ever up-close look at the costume Nicolas Cage would have worn in Superman Lives. In Friday’s episode of the DC news program, the show’s hosts revealed the first-ever in-depth look at the costume that was to be worn by Cage in the scuttled Tim Burton take on the Man of Steel.
You can see the reveal in the below video at about 18:16. Machinima writer Ray Carsillo also shared a picture of the suit on his Instagram account.
Superman Lives is a legend among superhero films, having been written by Kevin Smith before Burton came on board. Producer Jon Peters infamously gave Smith a series of guidelines, including the fact that Superman could not be shown to fly and couldn’t wear his iconic suit. He also had to fight a giant spider in the third act. When Burton came on board, he brought on his own writer in Wesley Strick, who rewrote the script. The film would have been loosely based on the “Death of Superman” arc and would have featured Braniac, Lex Luthor and Doomsday. Cage was cast and the film went into pre-production, but Warner Bros. cancelled the film before shooting began.
The whole story was chronicled in Jon Schnepp’s The Death of “Superman Lives”: What Happened? documentary.