The director of Toy Story 4 is set to take the reigns of Paramount's animated Transformers prequel...
Topic: Toy Story 4
Disney has been having an unprecedented year, and that continues as they set a new record for $1 billion-grossing films...
Marvel made its return to the box office with Spider-Man: Far From Home this weekend, which dominated for a #1...
It was a second weekend atop the box office for Woody and company, with Toy Story 4 holding onto the...
Steve Gustafson takes a look at the Toy Story franchise following the fourth film's release this weekend, as well as...
Pixar made its return to the top of the box office this weekend as Toy Story 4 blasted off to...
The story continues...
Disney and Pixar released the final trailer today for Toy Story 4. You can check out the new video in...
Bo Peep is back...
Disney and Pixar released a new TV Spot during the Super Bowl last night for Toy Story 4, which will...