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411’s WWE NXT Report 10.23.19

October 23, 2019 | Posted by Tony Acero
WWE NXT 10-23-19

Guess who it is!!! Man, it’s been a long time since I’ve donned the yellow and black. In fact, the last time that I did, I believe Matt Stryker still had a job, Daniel Bryan only ever wore maroon, Curtis Axel had a chip on his shoulder, and AJ had only made out with one person on live TV. Times, they have certainly changed…

What better way to start the show thn with my buddy Harry Broadhurst handling match 1 while I deal with an arrogant teller at the bank down the street?!

Match 1: Rhea Ripley vs Bianca Belair

Crowd split and ladies even to start. Neither gets an edge from the collar and elbow so they shift to a test of strength. That ends in a stalemate before Bianca strikes with a kick to the stomach. Counter exchange in corner but neither gains an edge. Waistlock takedown by Belair but Ripley out and responds with a kick to the face. They both try for a vertical suplex which Ripley eventually gets. Ripley tries to pull Belair up to the buckle but Bianca pulls her off and goes to a grounded full nelson. Ripley out and Belair with a vertical suplex for 1.

Ripley back up and Belair with a hair takedown. Abdominal stretch applied but Ripley out and puts Belair down as we go to screen in screen with commercials.

Back from the break to full screen where Belair was in control. Belair has a crate as we come back before dieting Ripley into the further got a series of strikes. Belair goes for a leap but ripley dropkicks her out of midair. Punch blocked and a snapmare leads to a basement dropkick for 2. Ripcord clothesline follows and then a standing dropkick. Ripley locks in the Kondo Clutch but Blair gets to the ropes.

Sharai is there to hit a 619 to Rhea! She tosses her back in the ring. Belair with a spear! Pin for 1..2…NO!!! Oh shiiiid.

Io gets onto the apron to shout, and out comes Candice to stop that shit real quick. Rhea in the ring, she ducks from a kick and hit a pumphandle slam into a pin for 1..2…3!!!

Winner: Rhea Ripley
Man, NXT just be hittin different…
Match Quality: ***1/2
Personal Enjoyment: ****
Total Rating: ***1/2

Tony’s back.

Last week, Dream was viciously yelled at, and we get a recap of that. This week, we’ll get a triple threat for the North American Championship.

Dunne and Bate are walking around the campus like creepers. Dunne is asked about Killian and the fireworks from last week. He doesn’t care bout Dain.

Ciampa is in the same jail as Dean Ambrose, contemplating his stripping of the title. He speaks of regret and unanswered questions, of depression and missed opportunities. A package of his intense recovery and resurgence is juxtaposed with the title held high by Adam Cole. Ciampa is back, and he knows his why. Daddy’s home.

Match 2: Matt Riddle vs Cameron Grimes

Each man goes for their finisher immediately, but neither get it. Grimes shoots the legs a few times, so Riddle drops the hips and gets a lockup from behind into a takedown. Riddel locks up from behind and takes him down again. Grimes seated, reverse and a lockup from behind, they hit the ropes and we get a roll into Riddle with a submission, he turns it into an arm bar, which is turned into. Pni by Grimes for 1. NO! Grimes with aback elbow. Middle with a kick to the chest. Again. A third. Shove to Grimes. Another kick. A flurry of kicks in the corner. He hits the ropes. Running forerm to the face, another one. Exploder suplex out of the corner from Riddle. He hits the ropes, goes for a kick, tries. Shooting star, but Grimes moves, so Riddle hits a senton, hits the ropes, drops a kick and a pin for 1..2…NO!!! Riddle with a hard chop to the chest. Grimes sends Riddle into the corner. He misses a clothesline. Kick from Riddle to the chest. A stomp and a pin for 1..2..NO!!!! Riddle with a siiiick ass Jackhammer just as the crowd is chanting RIDDLE ala Goldberg. Sick. Another senton and a cover for 1..2…NO!!! Chop from Riddle after a few kicks. Riddle covers for 1..2..NO!! Riddle looking for a key lock, but Grimes locks the fingers and rolls into a pin. 1..2..NO! Riddle up and kicks the side, then stomps the back. Riddle kicks the shoulder. He goes fo ra face kick, but Riddle rolls him up, then backflips INTO A GERMAN!! Pin for 1..2…NO!!!!

We are back from a break, and Riddle hits a sikc kick, kips up, gets a knee, then a fucking sick gutbuster and a german with a pin for a 1..2…NO!!!! Riddle pulls the leg of Grimes away from the ropes and hits another senton. Grimes with a kick to the face. Running kick to the chest of Riddle. Riddle sets Grimes up on his shoyulders, Grimes falls to his feet, swings Riddle around and drops him hard with something like a swinging Deep Six! Pin for 1..2…NO!!! Grimes heads to the top rope. Grimes gets a right, then Riddle chops. Locks the head on the 2nd rope,and hits a superplex down to the mat for 1..2…NO!!! Riddle to the top rope. Riddle with a floating bro, but Grimes gets the knees up!!! Grimes with a clo—noooo, Riddle lands on his feet, Grimes flips forward, forearm to Riddle, Final Flash knee strike, Grimes hits the ropes, Crossbo—no!

Grimes takes the momentum and slams Riddle down hard with a Spanish Fly!! Fucking amazing! Grimes looks for the finisher, but Riddle Powerbombs him! Final Flash! Bro Derek! Pin for 1..2…3!!!

Winner: Matt Riddle
Well, shit!
Match Quality: ***1/2
Personal Enjoyment: ****
Total Rating: ***3/4

Riddle goes to fist bump Grimes, but Grimes ain’t down, so he offers it to Bate. Bate takes it. Grimes takes offense, shoves Bate, and goes to grab his hat. When he turns, Bate is there to give him a nice little chin check.

2 weeks agi, Forgotten Sons destroyed the pretty boys to set up a six man tag tonight with Breezango and a mystery partner.

Backstage, Dijakovic is punching air. Air is dodging every hit.

Regal informs us that some NXT faves will get a shot at the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship titles.

Match 3: Breezango and Isaiah “Swerve” Scott vs The Forgotten Sons

Breeze starts off with this big bearded dude that I don’t know. Breeze tags in Swerve, who I also don’t know. He works the arm, gets a go behind, tossed over by Mountain Man, then Fandango tags himself in and rips his tank top. Lockup and he can’t get the upperhand. Side headlock, Fandango gets shoulder tackled by Ryker. Tag to Cutler who gets a side headlock takedown. Fandango escapes and hits a leg drop. He sends Cutler over the top rope, and the faces stand strong.

Back from the break, and the big guy Ryker is back to destroying Tyler. He chops the shit out of him in the corner. Tag and Ryker double teams Breeze so his partner can cover. Blake grabs the head of Breeze and underhooks with a crossface. He cinches the hold, tightening it against the shoulder and chest. Tag to Ryker and they double team Breeze yet again. Cover from Ryker and he only gets a 2. Ryker grabs the head and sends Breee into the corne.r Right hand to the face. Ryker whips Breeze into the roeps, hits an axe handle into the chest, and covers for 1..2..NO!!! Tag from who whips Ryker, but Breeze moves, and Ryker hits the post. Breeze sends one of the sons out! But the other rolls him back in and gets the tag! Blake back in, sunset flip, but Breeze escapes. Tag from Fandango .Chops a plenty then a clothesline. Another. Whip to Blake, Blake icks, tag, powerslam from Fandango, but the legal man kicks, gets caught, hits a suplex, and Cutler prevents a ta- NO he doesn’t! Swerve up top with a frog splash corss body for a count. Cutler with a kick double underhook into a backbreaker and a tag to Ryker. Swerve on the top rope. All three men up top. Headscissors takedown and the Forgotten Sons all drop onto Swerve. Pin for 1..2..NO!!! Breezango in to stop the pin. Blake and Swereve are legal. Hammerlock and strike to the face. Dropkcik to Swerve. Tag to Cutler. Double team, Swerve from behind. Rollup for 1..2..NO!!!! he gets pushed forward and hits a Flatliner! Tag from Ryker. Dropkick from Swerve. All three men outside. Swerve to the top rope! Ryker walks up the corner. He locks the head. Swerve looks for a superplex of his own, but drops down instead. Ryker on the ropes. Swerve to the top he steps onto the chest of Ryker and bounces off with a moonsault onto The Forgotten Sons! He rolls back in. Ryker locks the head, bounces Swereve off the ropes. Grbs the tights. Swerve tags. Double Superkick to Ryker. Pin for 1..2..NO!!! Broken up!

Fandango and Ryker on their knees. They box back and forth, then Fandango hits some chops and a eblwo. Tag, and Fandango gets stuffed. He gets sent over the top rope with Ryker, but not before Ryker gets a tag and sending Swerve inside out then back outside.

Tag to Swerve rolls through, escapes, back kick to the neck. Cover for 1..2…3!!!

Winner: Breezango and Swerve
Little basic to start, but strong finish
Match Quality: ***
Personal Enjoyment: ***
Total Rating: ***

Backstage, The Undisputed Era sit around while one of their own readies for the main event. Strong cuts himself a little basic promo as we go to break.

So this is where they threw that trash Lio Rush away to?

Killian Dane is chillin fireside, wrapping his fingers up.

Match 4: Angel Garza vs Jack Gallagher

Lio is on commentary, so I’ll be watching on mute. Angel asks for a handshake, but he’s just kidding. Gallagher is a gent, though, so takes little offense. Garza works the arm, Jack flips out, uses his foot to escape, works the arm, twists it till Garza flips out and sweeps the leg. Side headlock but Gallagher shoves him down and locks his own. Nice. Gally sweeps the legs then goes for a crucifix, which is reversed back and forth a bit as they trade pins, then both stand at a stalemate. Jack misses a right, ducks under and rips off the pants of Garza. Garza in trunks hits a dropkick to the distracted Jack. He hooks the head and bounces Jack off the ropes with an inverted suplex and a hard kick to the head. Cover for 1.2…N!O!! Right hand from Jack then he beats down the back and hooks the head. Hook, stalled, SUPLEX! Gallagher from behind goes for a cross arm breaker, but Garza turns it into a pin, only for Jack to do the same. Garza grabs the ropes. He kicks Jack voer the top rope to the outside! Garza hits the ropes, looks to slide, stops, and slaps Jack on the back. Rolls back inot the ring, sets up for a powerbomb, Jack stands out of it. HEADBUTT! Jack rushes the corner, Garza sits him on the top rope and swings him down back first.

Gallagher with a nice flip off the ropes onto Jack and a pin for 1…2..3!!!

Winner: Angel Garza
Impressive on both men’s part
Match Quality: ***
Personal Enjoyment: ***
Total Rating: ***

Match 5: Tegan Nox and Dakota Kai vs Marina and Jessamyn

Jess and Kai to start, and Jess attacks from behind with a kick to the face. Pin for 1..2.NO!!! jess sends Kai into the corner and tags in Marina who beats down Kai in the corner. Kai is lifted, then attacked with ights. Melina centers her and swings a hip into the mid section, looking for a throw. Marina finally gets a judo throw and a pin for 1..2..NO!!! Marina comes to tag in Jess. Jess knees the back of the head of Kai, and Marina drops her onto the knee. Running knee by Jess and a cover for 1..2..NO!!! Kai grabs the bottom rope. Jess grabs Kai and sends her into the roeps, Kai bounces back into a kick to the back. Tag to Marina. Marina steps on the back of Kai. Arm bar from above by Marina. Kai reaches for a tag, hits a right, reaches for a tag, ducks a right, sends Jess down on the apron, rushes to tag, but Maria holds on, Kai swings with a kick. Tag to Jess. Tag to Tegan who hits an elbow to both women. Clothesline. Chokeslam to each. Swinging kick to Jess in the corner. She runs with a cannonball to Jess. Tegan to the top rope. She dives with a crossbody and a pin for 1..2..N!O!! Marina stops the pin. Running big boot from Kai. Jesss rolls Tegan up for 1..2..NO!!!

HEADBUTT from Tegan! Shining Wizard! Pin for 1…2…3!!

Winners: Tegan Nox and Dakota Kai
Awww, how cute.
Match Quality: *1/2
Personal Enjoyment: **
Total Rating: *3/4

On the big screen, Asuka and Kairi are very happy for them…we think. Asuka says they’re going to beat them next week. Next week, they have no chance.

Match 6: North American Heavyweight Championship Match
Kieth Lee vs Dominic Dijakovic vs Roderick Strong

Strong rolls out of the ring, ASAP, but the two big dudes drop down and trap him. He rolls back in, Dom followd, and Strong drops some stomps. Lee in, and just bounces Roderick off of him with zero effort. Dom rolls in and the two big guys are ready to tango. Dom kicks, right hand, kick, elbow to Lee. Dom gets Lee in the corner and hits a back elbow. Another. Dom runs, hits the ropes, Lee lifts him up like nothing and slams his ass down hard.

PIP and Roderick is back in only to eat ahard right and get sent right back out. Lee gets Dom in the corner with a face shove. He locks the arm behind the rope and double chops the chest. Lee works the left arm, whips Dom into the corner hard, rushes into a kick, then rolls to the ropes. Dom attacks from behind, sending him into the corner. Kicks in the corner. Big boot to the throat. Ref breaks it. Lee with a left, a right to the face. Dom hits a knee, then an elbow to th back of the head. Dom hits the ropes, kicks Roderick back out, then clubs the back. A elbow to the face. Chop to the chest of Lee. Headlock and Dom wants a suplex. Lee locks the leg, Dom works it again, but Lee stops it. Lee escapes, hits a right, creating space. Left to the front. Dom chops away, kicks Roderick back out of the ring yet again, and hits a right elbow to Lee. Lee attacks the mid section, then a back hand to the face. Dom to his knees. Rocderick back in. He attacks Lee. Lee grabs him and tosses him across the ring, making him roll right the fuck back out. Lee splashes in the corner. He sits Dom on the top, spreads the legs. Lee to the top rope, but Roderick is back in. he shoves lee, and he tumbles down to the outside. Kick from Roderick to Dom. He locks the head and hits a superplex to Dom! Cover for 1..2…NO!!!! Roderick kicks Lee off the apron this time. He stomps Dom down a few times, then rips the face apart. Chop to Dom. Another attack to Lee sends him off, but Dom takes advantage, hits a kick then a back elbo. Dom kicks the chin of Lee, Roderick takes advantage, so Dom sends him into the corner. Roderick runs with a knee. Fallaway slam, Dom swings. Dom locks the head of Lee. HE SUPLEXES DOM ONTO RODERICK! Dom drags Roderick across the ring towards the corner. Dom to the top rope. He looks to flip, but Roderick rolls away. Dom lands on his apron. He runs with a front flip, but Lee catches him!!! Lee swings Dom up Roderick hits the ropes and dropkicks Dom INTO Lee! Roderick hops of fthe apron, Dom with a swinging punch to Roderick! He sends Roderick into the ring. Dom grab the head, send him into the corner. Dom sits him up at the top. Right elbow to the face. Another. Dom swigns the legs, spreading them on th to rope. Roderick with a right. Dom with a punch to the chest. Another. Roderick tumbles of the corner. Dom heads to the top rope, locks the head of Roderick, Lee is back in! He clubs the back of Dom. He sets up for a powerbomb, and here we go!!!! It’s botched just a bit, but they recover well enough to not injure anyone.

We return to Lee tossing Dom and Roderick off of him like a vest in a male strip club. All three men up They trade offense. Roderick in between both dudes, Dom kicks Lee, Roderick with a Lumbar Check move. Roderick hits the ropes and punches Lee hard, once, twice, another, fourth, fifth with a high knee!!!! He gets a fucking ANGLE SLAM to LEE!!! Cover for 1..2…NO!!!! Lee flings him off hard. Roderick locks the head, Dom is up on the apron. Roderick punches him down, Lee chops the chest, and he’s happy. He runs, but Roderick holds the ropes and Lee heads to the outside. Roderick hits the ropes, swings, and both big men catch him, but Roderick beats them down till he’s escaped. Lee grabs him, tosses Roderick onto the shoulders of Dom into a firemans, flips his ass onto his knee!!! The big guys stare at each other. They both point to the ring. They roll in and get ready!!!

Beaatdown back and forth. Lee hits a headbutt to Dom. Lee to the top rope. He grabs Dom and pulls him up by the arm. Dom to the top, nearly falls, stands on the side rope, back flips off the rope. SUPERKICK!!! Spinning boot to the face of Lee. Dom lifts Lee onto the top turnbuckle with one arm. Dom calls for a chokelsam. Lee stands DOM HITS A CHOKESLAM!!! Pin for 1…2….NO!!!!! Dom hits the ropes. Roderick on the outside. Lee is up. He moves. DOM FLIPS OVER THE TOP ROPE ONTO RODERICK!!! Dom is slow to crawl himself up Lee is standing tall in the ring. He turns. He hits the ropes. Lee with a front flip to the outside ONTO DOM!!!! He sends Dom into the ring. Lee rolls in as well. He’s up. Dom is down on the rope. Dom gets to the top rope, grabs the head. He lifts Dom up to the 2nd rope. To the third.

Lee looks for a super powerbomb off the top rope. HE HITS IT!!! RODERICK RUNS IN WITH A KICK TO THE FACE!!!! Pin onto Lee! 1….2….3!!!!

A couple botches aside, this shit was majestic. Wow. Just wow.
Match Quality: ****
Personal Enjoyment: *****
Total Rating: ****1/2

After the matc,h The Undisputed Era attack Lee. They all lift Lee up and quadruple team that ass.

All four members stand tall with their titles..until…

The music of Ciampa hits, and out comes Daddy with a crutch. He walks down to the bottom of the ramp, and the Era invite him in. Ciampa walks up the steps, gets to the apron, staring each of the four men down. He enters the ring,

And her ecomes help! Gargano! He heads down the ramp, onto the apron, and enters. Gargano looks at Ciampa, they exchange some pleasantries, then look back towards their rivals. Another song hits, and here comes Finn Balor!

He stands in between Ciampa and Gargano.


BALOR TURNED!!!! UNDISPUTED BEATS DOWN EVERYONE!!!!! Finn watches in the corner. Cole with a knee to the back of the head of Ciampa! Gargano is fucked up on the outside. Finn leaves the ring. He takes his jacket off. HUGE DROPKICK TO GARGANO INTO THE BARRICADE!!!

Balor grabs Gargano and tosses him towards the ramp. He locks the head. OH SHIT! BALOR SPIKES GARGANO’S HEAD ONTO THE RAMP!!!

Balor stands proud while UE is in the ring posing.

End Show

article topics :

WWE NXT Report, Tony Acero