wrestling / Columns

Can They Be Champ? 11.20.07: Survivor Series Fallout

November 20, 2007 | Posted by Mike Minotti

What a fun Survivor Series, wouldn’t you say? I got to do the Instant Access for it, so I consider myself lucky to get to review one of the better WWE PPVs there have been in awhile. The Orton/Michaels match in particular was all kinds of awesome.

I want to talk about some of the consequences of the PPV today. This is a rather broad subject, so the column is going to be a bit more free form than it usually is. No bolded titles today.

Also, I apologize for not posting a column last week. My PC died on me, so I had to get a new copy of Windows and reformat it. Lots of fun, I assure you

Now, let’s get to it.

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One of the more surprising things to happen was the way the traditional Survivor Series match went, namely in that Jeff Hardy got the final pin while HHH was still in the match. God, I was glad to see that. I was worried that they would make HHH the sole survivor or something, but they thankfully gave the momentum to Jeff. Now, what are they going to do with it? Jeff’s the current IC champion, and I think the representatives from the heel team in the survivor series match (namely Umaga and Mr. Kennedy) will now be gunning for that gold. Of course, Hardy vs. Umaga has been done to death, but I don’t think that would stop them from revisiting to it. Kennedy and Hardy have been feuding recently, so they can continue that. I think they’ll also use Hardy’s momentum to build him up as a possible winner for the Royal Rumble. I don’t think he’ll win it, but I could see him making the final four.

HHH also was a part of the big win, as many expected. I think it’s obvious at this point that they’re building Trips up for WrestleMania. It’s a little hard to say if he’ll be defending or challenging for the title yet, but it will be one or the other. I think we’ll have a much clearer idea after Armageddon. I just hope they don’t have him winning the Royal Rumble, since someone else could use that push much more.

Like I said before, Orton and Michaels had a great match. Now, Orton technically got the clean win, but it was made clear that Michaels would have gotten the win if he was able to use Sweet Chin Music. Plus he hit Orton with the Superkick after the match. I’m imagining that this will lead to one more match between the two at Armageddon. Well, at the very least they’ll be involved in some sort of WWE Title match. I’m actually hoping that since New Year’s Revolution no longer exists, we’ll see an Elimination Chamber match at Armageddon. They could put Michaels and Orton in it for obvious reasons, and I think HHH and Jeff deserve a spot after winning the Survivor Series match. The last spot would be taken by some heel, either Umaga or Kennedy. Who knows, maybe Jericho could be in it.

I think it’s obvious that we’re going to be seeing a Beth Phoenix/Mickie James program for the woman’s title. Hey, remember how Beth Phoenix was originally brought in as Mickie James old friend? I don’t remember her being so big back then. Anyways, this feud will probably be starting soon, and cold continue for some time.

Remember the whole Mickie James/Cade and Murdoch thing? I’m willing to bet they drop that and pretend it never happened. Also, I’m expecting a rematch between Cade and Murdoch and Rhodes and Holly, though I expect Rhodes and Holly to in the belt eventually. They have to do something to get Cody Rhodes over.

We saw Edge come back at Survivor Series, making a big statement by costing Taker the WHC. A lot of people are hoping that this will lead to a Taker/Edge match at WM24, though if that is the case I think they may have fired the first shot in this feud a bit early. Hopefully they’re smart and save that feud for April. In the mean time, Batista vs. Taker isn’t as over as we all thought. Who know, there could be another match. Maybe we’ll see a triple threat match between Taker, Batista, and Edge. Honestly, those three men make up the entire title scene at the moment, so I don’t see what choice they have. Somehow, I think Taker will win the belt back, and I think Edge will win the 2008 Royal Rumble. That’ll get us to the Edge/Taker match at WrestleMania 24.

The other big feud in the WWE is between Matt Hardy and MVP. I’m expecting this feud to come to boiling point soon. We’ll probably see Hardy vs. MVP for the US Title at Armageddon, a match that Matt will win.

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EDGE has proven he can Beat Batista, what EDGE does know it takes a helluva lot to beat the Undertaker if you remember all the way back to June how EDGE Stole the Title from the Deadman it took a Cage Match with Batista, a Decimation by mark Henry and even then a Spear From EDGE just to keep Taker down for the 3. yet EDGE has managed to beat Batista several times in a row. So I think EDGE runs in and Spears Taker Giving Batista the Cheap win because he knows he can Beat Batista.


I got this email on Nov. 6, so keep in mind this was before Survivor Series happened. Good job, JBBTHWK, you pretty much called it.

Alright, that’s a wrap. I hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving, and do yourselves a favor and tape TNA Impact. Spend time with your families. Unless you hate your families, then you can do whatever you want.

I need email! I CRAVE IT!

Jericho’s coming to save us! Jericho’s coming to save us!


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Mike Minotti

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