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Csonka’s Impact Wrestling Review 8.23.18

August 23, 2018 | Posted by Larry Csonka
Sami Callihan Impact Wrestling Image Credit: Impact Wrestling
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Csonka’s Impact Wrestling Review 8.23.18  

Csonka’s Impact Wrestling 8.16.18 Review

– Matt Sydal defeated Zachary Wentz @ 4:05 via pin [**½]
– KM & Fallah Bahh defeated Desi Hit Squad @ 5:25 via pin [**¼]
– Kiera Hogan defeated Alisha Edwards @ 6:20 via pin [**]
– Brandon Tidwell & Mr. Atlantis defeated Cult of Lee @ 1:55 via pin [NR]
Mexican Death Match: Sami Callihan defeated Pentagon @ 15:50 via pin [****]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

– You can check out my top 31 matches of JULY list at this link.

Crazy Eddie Edwards Talks: Edwards can admit that he’s gotten his ass beat recently, but he’s back standing in the ring. He’s looking for a fight, he may be crazy, but no one could have lived through all of the shit he’s been through without changing, and he likes the new him. He has nothing to lose, which makes him a dangerous person. He’s been dreaming of using his kendo stick against Aries & Kross, and wants to do that tonight. He calls them out and says if they don’t come out, he’ll come and find them. Aries & Kross arrive and Aries says they have no problem kicking his ass, because he’s the best; Edwards blew, it, and is crazy and stupid. Aries found someone even crazier and more dangerous in Kross. Edwards attacks as Aries monologues, and takes control until Aries chop blocks him. Kross chokes him out and Aries adds in a figure four. Referees arrive; Aries throws a shoe (who throws a shoe, really?), and they set up a chair and look to finish Edwards off… but Moose makes the save. Moose runs them off and the faces stand tall. This was a good opening segment, Edwards was really good here, it played off of his title loss, and Moose making the save works as he also recently lost to Aries and has a previously established friendship on screen with Edwards.

– In a pre-taped promo from oVe, Sami Callihan rants and blames all of his problems on Pentagon.

– Backstage Alisha is happy Moose is back and has Eddie’s back, but she’s forgiven Eddie yet; things aren’t ok.

Matt Sydal vs. Zachary Wentz: Sydal’s third eye is officially opened and he’s ready to kick some ass. They lock up and Sydal grounds the action early on. Wentz escapes, picks up the pace and hits a high cross and follows with a dive to the floor. Sydal hides under the ring, leading to a sneak attack. Back in and Sydal grounds the action, working a cobra clutch. Wentz escapes, looks for a RANA, but Sydal plants him with a powerbomb. Sydal misses a charge and Wentz lays into him with knees, kicks, and a standing moonsault for 2. Wentz now hits the code breaker but Sydal blocks the running shooting star press. Sydal follows with a knee strike and twisting neck breaker for the win. Matt Sydal defeated Zachary Wentz @ 4:05 via pin [**½] This was a short, solid, and fun match with Sydal picking up a win he desperately needed.

– Cult of Lee meets with Drake, and Drake says they aren’t friends. Some jobbers arrive and they will face Cult of Lee.

– They hype the September TV tapings in Mexico.

– Cage cuts a pre-taped promo. He knows he’s better than anyone else, and is the guy that stands out. Lashley was the past and he’s the present because no one can do what he does. He focused on the X-Division because of its history and he wanted to re-write that history. Next week, Fenix will find out why he’s the evolution of pro wrestling.

– We get the GWN moment of the week, featuring dark AJ Styles making his return and beating down Bad Influence and then attacking James Storm.

– Fallah Bahh gave KM a gift earlier in the day.

Desi Hit Squad (Raju & Singh) vs. KM & Fallah Bahh: Bahh’s gift to KM was matching ring gear. Bahh makes him take off his boots. Bahh and Raju start us off, with Bahh controlling with ease. The big leg drop follows, and Singh tags in as does KM. DHS quickly double team him and takes control. The DHS continues to control, cutting off KM each time he fires up. KM finally fights them off and tags in Bahh. Bahh runs wild, and cuts off Singh. Raju tries to cut off the steamroller, but Bahh hits a splash on Singh with Raju on his back. Bahh and KM hit steamrollers and miscommunication from DHS allows KM to hit project Ciampa and Bahh wins with the banzai splash. KM & Fallah Bahh defeated Desi Hit Squad @ 5:25 via pin [**¼] While not a great team, KM & Fallah Bahh continue to be a fun act that the crowd loves. Desi Hit Squad picked up wins early on but are now on a losing streak. The match was only ok, but at least it was fun.

– Hendry, Grado, & Katarina all meet backstage. Scarlett Bordeaux then meets with Grado and he breaks down in front of her due to all of his losses, and invited Grado on her show. If she does something for him, he has to do something for her. We then see Grado pole dancing.

Kiera Hogan vs. Alisha Edwards: Allie is out with Hogan. They lock up, work into some back and forth, and Hogan grounds the action. Edwards fights back and gets a cradle for 2. They slowly and sloppily trade pin attempts. Edwards now cuts off Hogan, hits a sliding clothesline, and lays in forearm strikes. Corer forearms follow and then a neck breaker by Edwards connects for 2. Hogan cuts her off and dropkicks Edwards to the buckles and then hits corner attacks; the cover gets 2. Edwards then hits a flatliner and that gets 2. Edwards now misses a high cross and Hogan hits something looking like a bulldog. Edwards cuts off Hogan with a slap and backpack stunner for 2. They work to the ropes, and back to the mat as Hogan fights off a crab. The fisherman’s neck breaker gets the win. Kiera Hogan defeated Alisha Edwards @ 6:20 via pin [**] This ended up an ok match, they had some sloppy parts, but worked hard, and really busted heir ass to save it down the stretch. It was still rough though.

– Allie praises Hogan post match and then says that Su Yung took a lot from her and made her go to the dark side. She knows her purpose is to end Yung. Allie proposes a triple threat match for next week.

– Earlier today, Kong Kong attacked Johnny Impact at a cabana party. Kong ended up tossed into the pool.

– We get a video package, recapping the Allie promo and challenge with some footage added in from the feuds. Tessa claims that Allie only cares about her self, about she admits that she wants the knockouts title and wants next week’s match to be for the title.

– Alicia interviews Rich Swann about signing with Impact. He wants the X-Division championship and wants to be added to the great list of names that have held the title. He faces Petey Williams next week.

– Pentagon cuts a promo on tonight’s match with Sami Callihan; he promises to make Sami respect him.

– Aries cuts a promo and challenges Moose & Edwards to face he and Kross next week.

Trevor Lee & Caleb Konley vs. Brandon Tidwell & Mr. Atlantis: Drake is on commentary. Cult of Lee attacks at the bell, working over Tidwell. They run wild, knocking Atlantis to the floor, and lee then starts showing off for Drake, trying to earn his love. Konley looks for a gravy train but gets rolled up and loses. Brandon Tidwell & Mr. Atlantis defeated Cult of Lee @ 1:55 via pin [NR] This was disappointing, the tag team division needs viable tag teams, and making Cult of Lee into complete goofs seems counter productive to me.

– LAX celebrates seemingly ending the OGz last week. They are happy and say they don’t have to worry about the many more. Konnan says he has a surprise for his boys as we see a car roll up (driven by the OGz) and run over a kid! Impact sees that Lucha Underground is killing folks left and right and went a bit Assault on Precinct 13 here with the apparent child death.

Mexican Death Match: Sami Callihan vs. Pentagon: Fenix & oVe are banned from ringside, there are no rules, and falls count anywhere. They immediately drop to the floor and get chairs. They chair fight and trade kicks. Pentagon hits sling blade and follows with chops. Pentagon takes off Sami’s vest and lays in more chops, but Sami dares him to throw more, so Pentagon does and drops him to the mat. Pentagon lays the boots to Sami, sets up chairs, and takes Sami up top but Sami slips out and powerbombs Pentagon onto the chairs for 2. Sami sets up tables against the barricade, but Pentagon fires back and knocks Sami to the floor. He follows with a rope through a table. Post break, and Pentagon gets a piñata, and tosses it to Sami and then superkicks it into his face. Pentagon rips it open and gets a staple gun. Pentagon staples him in the arms and then the dick. Pentagon now staples Sami’s hat to his head and then rips it off. The backstabber follows for 2. Pentagon rips open another piñata and pulls out clippers. Sami fights him off and locks on a groin claw to counter. He tosses the clippers and they fight to the floor. Sami sets up a table and they trade kicks, Sami with a trashcan shot and Pentagon is down. Sami opens another piñata and pulls out a bat. Trashcan on Pentagon’s head and the bat shot follows and then another. Pentagon fights back and DVDs Sami through the table on the floor, and that gets 2. Back in and Pentagon breaks out LEGOS from a piñata. If you have kids, you know those fuckers hurt. Sami cuts him off and hits the package piledriver into the LEGOS for 2. Low blow by Pentagon, package piledriver by Pentagon and that gets 2. Pentagon slides in another table, lays Sami on it and heads up top. Sami pops up and cuts him off, and then follows him up and Sami rakes the eyes and hits the Cactus driver through the table for the win. Sami Callihan defeated Pentagon @ 15:50 via pin [****] While not as bloody and violent as their Slammiversary match, I thought that this was an overall great match and fitting sequel that played into the feud well. Sami needed the win here, and got it. This was easily the highlight of the show.

Next Week (Redefined Special):

* X-Division Title Match: Champion Cage vs. Fenix
* Knockouts Title Match: Champion Su Yung vs. Allie vs. Tessa Blanchard
* Rich Swann vs. Petey Williams
* Austin Aries & Killer Kross vs. Moose & Eddie Edwards
* The Smoke Show Returns

– End scene.

– Thanks for reading.

 photo fe36ffd0-0da4-4e3b-a2d3-b026b341dd87_zps41ef5d61.jpg
“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”

The final score: review Average
The 411
This week’s episode of Impact Wrestling was a solid show, with some build to next week’s special (which looks interesting) and delivered a great main event. Although, I REALLY could have done without the child murder stuff.