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Csonka’s WWE Main Event Review 10.27.17

October 29, 2017 | Posted by Larry Csonka
WWE Main Event WWE 2k18 Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows Good Brothers
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Csonka’s WWE Main Event Review 10.27.17  

Csonka’s WWE Main Event Review 10.27.17

– Matt Hardy defeated Curt Hawkins @ 4:59 via pin [**]
– Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson defeated Titus O’Neil and Apollo Crews @ 4:32 via pin []

Main Event reviews are back for the millions of people that are dancing in the streets for hot and sexy WWE E-Show action!

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

– You can watch WWE Main Event on Hulu.

– We get highlights from WWE TLC.

Matt Hardy vs. Curt Hawkins: Hawkins backs off right away, but matt fires away with rights and works a side headlock. Hawkins fights back and grounds the action, but Matt lays in rights again and takes control, covering for 2. Hawkins cuts off Matt, stuns him off the ropes and hits a clothesline, covering for 2. He then trips up Matt, celebrates and lays the boots to Matt. The Russian leg sweep follows, and Hawkins covers for 2. Hawkins works a chinlock, but runs into rights from Matt, who then slams him to the buckles. The corner clothesline follows and the running bulldog gets 2. Matt now hits the elbow off the ropes, but Hawkins counters the twist of fate for a roll up and gets 2.The Michinoku driver follows for 2. Hawkins is frustrated, and Matt hits the twist of fate, and that’s that. Matt Hardy defeated Curt Hawkins @ 4:59 via pin [**] This was a perfectly solid little match, as Hawkins goes to 0-120.

– Back to Raw for Heyman & Lesnar appearing. JIP as Heyman explains that the last time a SD star battled Brock, the match was stopped. Brock violated all of the rules of the PG Era, so Mahal’s challenge is officially accepted. Heyman destroying Mahal isn’t the best of builds, but sometimes the truth just works the best; Heyman burying Mahal was wildly entertaining. Unfortunately they cut that out here. You can read my Raw Review at this link.

– Back to Raw for Balor vs. Kane. JIP as Balor heads up top but Kane grabs him and chokeslams him. Kane hits another chokeslam and then a third. That’s it. Kane defeated Finn Balor via pin [*] This was hot fucking garbage, and an example of a match that never should have been booked. I get that they want Kane strong for Braun, but you completely nullified the great match and win by Balor over Styles at TLC. This is why no one can truly get momentum; booking like this completely stifles it. Seriously, was Curt Hawkins too busy in catering? You can read my Raw Review at this link.

Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson vs. Titus O’Neil and Apollo Crews: Gallows and Titus to begin. Gallows beats on Titus, calling him a nerd, which fires up Titus, who fires back with strikes. They trade and Anderson tags in but Titus works him over and tags in Crews. Titus and Crews double-team him and Crews covers for 2. Crews hits a shoulder block, picks up the pace and hits a dropkick before clearing the good brothers to the floor. Post break and Titus hits a powerslam and things break down, and Crews gets posted. Gallows and Anderson hit the magic killer, and that’s that. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson defeated Titus O’Neil and Apollo Crews @ 4:32 via pin [*½] These poor bastards never had a chance, there was pretty much nothing to this. It was nice to see the good brothers pick up a win.

– Back to Raw for RAW UNDER SEIGE. Angle hypes Survivor Series, but Shane arrives to interrupt him. How rude. Shane is in the crowd with the Smackdown roster, and they surround the ring. Angle looks stunned. Shane says “under siege.” Angle bails and heads to the back. Shane then orders the Smackdown roster to head to the back and go get them. They run into Titus and Crews and kick their asses. Corbin beats up a production geek as they trash the interview area. They then beat down Hawkins and Goldust. Now it’s time for a Jason Jordan ass beating, Matt Hardy also gets beat down. They continue to work through the locker room, beating down the Good Brothers. The ladies now brawl, with Smackdown continuing to stand tall. Shane watches on, pleased with his team. Rollins and Ambrose dive onto them and attack, but the numbers get to them. They make Angle watch and then escort him back to the ring. Raw has been decimated. Shane tells them to bring Angle to the ring, and Shane says at Survivor Series, bring your gold medal and what’s left of your roster, and we’ll finish it. Angle is left in the ring, a sad panda. This was an overall fun closing segment, getting some heat on the Survivor Series Raw vs. SD theme. I really dug Smackdown getting the upper hand here. You can read my Raw Review at this link.

– End scene.

– Thanks for reading.

 photo fe36ffd0-0da4-4e3b-a2d3-b026b341dd87_zps41ef5d61.jpg
“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia.”

The final score: review Not So Good
The 411
This was a rough edition of Main Event, they neutered the Heyman promo, showed Balor losing like a geek and this week’s, matches left a lot to be desired.