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Darren Young On Several WWE Talents Using CBD

January 23, 2020 | Posted by Joseph Lee
Darren Young Fred Rosser

In an interview with Fightful, Darren Young spoke about his personal use of CBD and which WWE stars currently use the product for various reasons. Here are highlights:

On his experience in wrestling: “Veteran Darren Young. I’ve spent a lot of years and miles on the road, I started with WWE in 2009. May 4th, 2009, out of 75 other guys and girls from all over the world. I beat them all out. Same day I got signed was the same day AJ Lee got signed. But, my first day stepping foot in the ring was September 11th, 2002. One year after 9/11. So, I put some miles on this damn body, so I call myself a veteran, dammit. I ain’t former. Veteran.”

On his speaking engagements: “I say my social media is an open diary to the world, so anything I ever post always comes from the heart with the intent to inspire, motivate and educate our youth. I’ve been doing a lot more speaking than ever before. My Block Hate movement is running wild in a city near you. It was running wild at Starrcast, as part of an all star panel. I’ve just been doing a little bit of everything. When I got released I was already living in L.A., because nothing lasts forever. So, I’m making moves out in L.A.. I always say, “Just because moves aren’t being announced doesn’t mean moves aren’t being made.”

On coming out as gay: “I always say that I have to just keep pushing forward. I want people to see me on the big screen or on social media and say “Well, if he can do it, so can I.” I’m not the first and I’m not the last, but by being the first I’ve encouraged other athletes that they still have a duty to instill confidence to our youth and lead by example. And by being the first, I’ve encouraged wrestling fans all over the world to go after their dreams and not allow the opinions of others to derail them on their journey to greatness. I just have to keep pushing forward. You’re ain’t gonna get negative shit out of me. You ain’t gonna get no negative shit about me. Ask me about Saudi!”

On WWE not using his sexuality for storylines even with his permission: “I scratch my head. Every damn day, man. You just never know, man. Back in the day it was just Vince McMahon and Pat Patterson running the show. Now it’s Vince McMahon, Pat Patterson and a plethora of guys that… You know, it is what it is. That’s all I can say. I can only control my future now. I can say and talk badly about WWE, but I can’t be a hypocrite. Block the Hate. It’s easier to love than it is to hate. I had a great career for WWE, I’m making moves into other projects. Like I said, what me hurt the most is when I got released from WWE and four months after my release they put the LGBT movement on Finn Balor, who’s a good friend of mine, but he’s a straight guy. I just wanted to get that brought up, be able to represent the community. For me, WWE is entertainment, AEW is entertainment. I just love wrestling in general. [So, me personally, however I want to be perceived, I’m gonna be the boss of that.]”

On his acting: “So, I had a few cameos in films to get that experience. ‘Cause I’m getting my foot in the backdoor pretty much, with no acting experience. Just my WWE experience, so I’m getting that experience. I’m with a clothing brand now; Headquarters Clothing, who are big wrestling fans. And three main reasons I love Headquarters Clothing is the message, the quality and they’re like family to me. So I’m becoming a business man, and on top of that I’m getting into the CBD world, man. As an athlete, we want to get people off those opiates and get them into healthy lifestyles living. And that’s what it’s all about with me. So I’m making moves, making moves, making million dollar moves. Literally.”

On WWE’s CBD use: “I was a CBD user when I was on the roster. I’ve had concussions; I’ve been rocked several times. And when you have to go from city to city three hundred miles, I just couldn’t do it. So the CBD helped me out. It helped me out with my anxiety and car rides with Titus O’Neil and Sheamus and Mark Henry. But, I love those guys ‘cause those guys supported me when I came out. They made it a lot easier for me to walk into a locker room. So, yeah, I’m trying to get into the CBD world, baby.”

article topics :

Darren Young, Joseph Lee