wrestling / News
DDT Pro Parent Company CyberAgent Purchases Pro-Wrestling NOAH

– Earlier today, it was announced that CyberAgent, the parent company and owner for Dramatic Dream DDT (DDT Pro), has purchased Pro Wrestling Noah. The announcement and official press conference are available below.
Per the official announcement, following the acquisition, DDT Pro announced that company president Sanshiro Takagi will serve as the new company President for Pro-Wrestling NOAH. Also, former GHC heavyweight champion Naomichi Marufuji is now the new Vice President of NOAH (h/t Barry Meijer). Current company President Akihiro Takeda ill now move into an executive officer role for the promotion.
Additionally, the streaming video distribution service, DDT Universe, will have free live coverage of the upcoming NOAH Global Jr. League 2020 event that will be held at Korakuen Hall in Tokyo, Japan. The card is scheduled for January 30. Also, wrestlers for the promotion will be competing at the DDT event Wrestle Peter Pan 2020 at the Saitama Super Arena. The event will be held on June 7 in Saitama, Japan.
Starting in February, Abema TV will be regularly streaming NOAH events.
高木三四郎、ノア・グローバルエンタテインメント代表取締役社長就任のお知らせhttps://t.co/RqruoHiMgE#ddtpro #noah_ghc pic.twitter.com/N69JRi3R9E
— DDT ProWrestling (@ddtpro) January 29, 2020
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