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Himanshu’s TNA Impact Review 11.21.24

November 21, 2024 | Posted by Himanshu Doi
Matt Hardy TNA Impact 11-21-24 Image Credit: TNA
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Himanshu’s TNA Impact Review 11.21.24  

Hey there, TNA fans! It’s Thursday and that means it’s time for another episode of TNA iMPACT! I’m Himanshu (you can follow me on Twitter @Himanshu_Doi) and you know how this works. Tonight on iMPACT, Jody Threat takes on Ash By Elegance, Masha faces Alisha Edwards in a high-stakes match, Trent Seven teams up with Hammerstone and Jake Something to take on The Hardys and Ace Austin and more. So, let’s jump right in!

As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.


Date: November 21st, 2024
Location: Crown Arena in Fayetteville, NC
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matt Rehwoldt

Match 1: Masha Slamovich vs. Alisha Edwards for the TNA Knockouts World Championship in a No Disqualification Match

Masha Slamovich looks for a suicide dive onto Alisha Edwards on the outside but Alisha hits her with a trash can lid. Alisha throws her back in the ring and hits a DDT on a steel chair for two. She throws Masha face first into a chair in the corner and runs into the chair but Masha moves out of the way. Masha pulls out a kendo stick and trash can from under the ring and goes to hit Alisha with the trash can but Alisha kicks her. Masha sets up the trash can and lifts Alisha to the top rope and goes for a superplex but Alisha thumbs her in the eye and powerbombs her into the trash can and pins her for two. Alisha takes the kendo stick and smacks Masha, but Masha blocks it and swings it at Alisha and hits the package piledriver for the win.

Result: Masha Slamovich def. Alisha Edwards by pinfall to retain the TNA Knockouts World Championship
Rating: ***

After the match, Tasha Steelz attacks Masha Slamovich but Jordynne Grace runs out and Tasha bails. Jordynne hands Masha her title but not without tugging at it.

Kushida is backstage with Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz. Wentz says they have the current IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion, Trey and him are former TNA Tag Team Champion, so this is going to get sick.

Match 2: Jody Threat vs. Ash by Elegance

Ash kicks Jody in the corner and Heather pulls her by the hair when the referee isn’t looking. Ash pulls Jody by the hair and gets her in a chinlock but Threat reverses into a pin for two. Threat hits a pump kick followed by Double Knees on Ash on the ropes and a German Suplex. Ash pulls Threat by the hair. Jody spears Ash into the corner and hits her with 10 short-arm clotheslines in the corner. Jody gets Ash up in the corner and Heather distracts the referee while the Personal Concierge pulls Ash’s leg and Ash pushes Jody down. Ash hits Rarefied Air for the win.

Result: Ash by Elegance def. Jody Threat by pinfall
Rating: **½

Santana comes out through the crowd. He says all his life he was told he was not good enough and all he was going to be was a statistic. He says he turned all those words into fuel to light the fire that turned him into one of the best wrestlers in the world. He says he makes another promise to the people. He says he will sit at the top of the throne and become TNA World Champion. Kazarian’s music hits and he makes his way out with his trophy. He says the only throne he’s going to sit on is some dirty toilet in the Bronx. He says he understands that he defeated Moose, but it does nothing to impress him. He says he did it all by himself. He says the trophy guarantees a shot at the title for one year. Santana says before Kazarian came out and he was so rudely interrupted, he has not problem cracking his head with his trophy. Kazarian says he would love to embarrass him, but he has to embarrass Rhino. He says he will have a close eye on the Eddie Edwards vs. Nic Nemeth match. Santana says in TNA there are no day offs and he’s going to ask Santino for a match against Kazarian. Rhino’s music hits.

Match 3: Kazarian vs. Rhino

Kazarian and Rhino exchange punches. Rhino drops Kazarian with a back elbow. Kazarian punches him and Rhino lifts him but Kazarian reverses him into an attempted chickenwing. Rhino goes for a Gore but Kazarian gets out of the way and rolls up Rhino with his feet on the ropes for the win.

Result: Kazarian def. Rhino by pinfall
Rating: **¾

After the match, Kazarian poses with his trophy, but Rhino gores him.

Maclin is at a bar. The waitress asks him if he can get him anything to drink. Eric Young is there too. Maclin gets into a hotel room and looks at some photos. He goes to bed but can’t sleep. He sits on a chair and Eric Young sits in front of him. Eric Young asks why they’re there. He asks if this is making him think. He asks what they lost and Maclin says time. Eric Young asks if he wants to fix it. Eric Young asks if Maclin knows who he is and Maclin says no one does. Eric Young says he can trust him. Maclin wakes up and Eric Young is knocking on his door. Maclin opens the door and it’s Eric Young.

Match 4: Leon Slater and Laredo Kid vs. Moose and JDC

Moose throws Laredo into the steps and back body drops him onto the apron. Moose tags to JDC and Laredo Kid and JDC take each other down with a clothesline. Slater and Moose get the tag and Slater hits a running dropkick in the corner to Moose. Leon hits a leg lariat for two. JDC gets the tag and Leon rolls him up for two and JDC hits a Falcon Arrow for two. Laredo Kid looks for a dive on the outside but Moose catches him with a powerbomb on the apron. Leon Slater goes to the top rope for a Swanton 450 splash but JDC moves out of the way. Leon rolls him up and gets the pin.

Result: Leon Slater and Laredo Kid def. Moose and JDC by pinfall
Rating: ***½

After the match, Moose and JDC attack Leon Slater. Laredo Kid attacks them with a steel chair.

Joe Hendry’s music hits and he comes out and says Thanksgiving is just around the corner and he has a lot to thank for. He said for him the goal is for him to be TNA World Champion. He said at Turning Point, he will be competing in a Turkey Bowl match. He says it is difficult for him to imagine that he could be wearing a turkey suit. He says when you have a dream you go all the way and you risk it all because anything is possible when you believe.

Nic Nemeth is backstage and he says he is not just facing Eddie Edwards but the entire System. He says at Turning Point, Eddie will never take this power away from him and the Wanted Man will do what he always does, steal the show and stay TNA World Champion.

Match 5: Savannah Evans vs. Brittany Jade

Evans spears Jade in the corner and hits a butterfly suplex. Jade tries for a hurracanrana but Evans reverses it into a sidewalk slam. Savannah Evans hits a full Nelson slam for the win.

Result: Savannah Evans def. Brittany Jade by pinfall
Rating: NR

Backstage, Jordynne Grace is with Masha Slamovich and Masha suggests they make their match at Turning Point at 2-out-of-3 falls match. Jordynne Grace says she loves that idea.

Match 6: Trent Seven, Hammerstone and Jake Something vs. The Hardys and Ace Austin

Trent Seven hits a scoop slam onto Ace and tags Jake. Jake hits a scoop slam for two. Trent gets the tag and hits a DDT for two. Ace hits a back elbow to Trent followed by a double dropkick to Hammerstone and Jake Something. Ace hits an enzugiri to Trent and goes for a tag but Hardys are taken out. Hammerstone and Something hit a double chokeslam and Trent hits a Seven Star Lariat for two. Trent goes for a BirmingHammer but Ace gets out of it. Ace hits a DDT and tags to Jeff Hardy. Jeff hits and atomic drop followed by a basement dropkick for two. Jeff hits a Side Russian Leg Sweep but Hammerstone and Something go after him. Matt Hardy takes them out with a DDT. They’re all taken out with a Twist of Fate. Jeff goes for a Swanton Bomb but Hammerstone catches him. Ace goes for a suicide dive but Hammerstone and Something catch him and Jeff hits a splash onto them. Jeff Hardy hits a Swanton Bomb onto Seven and Ace goes for the pin but Hammerstone and Something pull them out. Ace goes for The Fold but Trent hits a low blow when the referee isn’t looking. Trent hits the BirmingHammer for the win.

Result: Trent Seven, Hammerstone and Jake Something def. The Hardys and Ace Austin by pinfall
Rating: ***¾

After the match, Trent, Hammerstone and Something attack Ace Austin and The Hardys until Kushida and The Rascalz run out and chase Trent, Something and Hammerstone out of the ring.

The final score: review Good
The 411
A fun show this week. A lot of stories going in a bunch of new directions. Masha vs. Alisha was exactly what it needed to be, setting up Jordynne vs. Masha which we now know will be a 2-out-of-3 falls match. That's going to be insane. Santana had a really good promo with Kazarian and he continues to run with the ball he's been given. We had the follow-up this week to Maclin driving off and it seems we might see an alliance with the Violent by Design version of Eric Young, or see his character become similar to that. Joe Hendry is still as over with the crowd as he ever was and TNA creative is smart in that they give him mic time even if he doesn't have a match. The Hardys and Ace Austin had a fun match with Trent Seven, Hammerstone and Jake Something. I found it interesting how they protected Trent Seven as much as they did. They might very well have big plans for him going forward.

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TNA Impact, Himanshu Doi