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Jeremy’s WWE NXT Review 1.14.25

January 14, 2025 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
WWE NXT 1-14-25 Roxanne Perez Image Credit: WWE
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Jeremy’s WWE NXT Review 1.14.25  

Hello everyone, and welcome to our live WWE NXT coverage on 411! It’s Jeremy Thomas, and NXT New Year’s Evil is in the rearview with the fallout set to be felt on this week’s show. Tonight’s episode will see Nathan Frazer and Axiom defend the NXT Tag Team Title against OTM, while Shotzi battles Stephanie Vaquer in a Women’s North American Title #1 Contenders match. Plus Oba Femi addresses the NXT Universe as NXT Champion for the first time, Roxanne Perez weighs in on her future after losing the Women’s Championship to Guilia and more. Should be a fun show.

Here at Thomas HQ, I’ve been busy with my movie-watching as I work my way through my Giallo January list. I’ve seen a host of giallo films over the past week including standouts The Strange Vice of Mrs Wardh and Torso, as well as the psychedically enjoyable A Lizard in a Woman’s Skin and the solid mysteries of The Fifth Cord and The Possessed. On the flip side, The Night Evelyn Came Out of the Grave was a bit of a disappointment and The Killer Is Still Among Us was a humdrum crime thriller with a frustrating “ripped from the headlines” story and infuriating ending.

For 2024 catchup watches, I saw a few stellar films in Jessie Eisenberg’s dramedy A Real Pain, Brady Corbet’s epic immigrant drama The Brutalist, and the must-see prison drama Sing Sing starring Colman Domingo. I did a rewatch of last year’s exceptional Canadian court thriller Red Rooms as well. I got my first 2025 watch done in the fun horror comedy Get Away, which you can see my full review of here, and did a few older film watches and rewatches in the great Big Trouble in Little China and Battle Royale, as well as The Other Side of the Mirror: Bob Dylan Live at the Newport Folk Festival. And finally I watched the 2024 documentary Studio One Forever about the historic gay disco in Los Angeles.

Finally in TV, I finished up Creature Commandos which ended on a high note and watched the decent docuseries Jerry Springer: Fights, Camera, Action on Netflix.

As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s kids is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.



* We’re LIVE in the Capitol Wrestling Center! And we go back to last week for the recap video of New Year’s Evil including Rock’s appearance, Guilia’s NXT Women’s Title win, Lexis King winning the Heritage Cup and Oba Femi taking out Eddy Thorpe before the NXT Championship match, then beating Eddy and Trick to win the title. It’s apparently a new era and new time.

* And we’re kicking off the show with Oba Femi, First of His Name as he makes his way to the ring with the title. He gets a mic and lets the crowd chant for him a bit before saying Dread It, Run For It, destiny will always arrive just as he has. He says many would come out and say “I can’t believe I could do it,” but he always believed he could. He told everyone he was backed by destiny and people thought it was a catchphrase but it’s true. He was backed by destiny when he won the Breakout Tournament, the NXT NA Title and definitely now.

He says he’s going to rule as he sees fit. But he wants to acknowledge Trick and says he broke so many records as champion. But just like everyone back there he has a ceiling unlike Oba. And as for Eddy, he’s a piece of work. A rat, a deceiver, a cockroach that won’t die. He issues Eddy his first and final warning: annoy someone else in the locker room, but —

TONY D’ANGELO IS HERE! Tony D congratulates Oba on his win and says he’s in the big seat now. He says he was in the back with the Family listening to him listing his accomplishments including his NXT NA Title reign. But when it comes to that it’s The Don 2, the Ruler 1. Tony says Oba is the ruler now but he’s the one man who defeated him. And he decides to go after the title, they both know he’ll leave as the Double Tirle Don.

Oba says Tony’s found his confidence and great, but last week his ass was dropped by Santa. He tells Tony to worry about his NA Title and leave him be. Tony says he’ll take care of Ridge —

AND HERE’S RIDGE! Ridge says Tony’s in better shape since he last saw him, and brought Tony a belated Christmas gift of a photo of the Santa moment. Tony says he’ll sign it for him and the brawl ensues, with officials trying to break it up. Oba watches — and Eddy attacks Oba from behind! He takes Oba down with a dropkick to the knee and DDT, then wraps a strap around his arm and nails Oba! Eddy grabs the title and says he’s not going anywhere, raising it high.

* Oro is talking to Dante when Ethan Page walks in talking shit. He talks about his interaction with “DJ” (The Rock) and asks what he was up to last week. “It doesn’t matter!” He says he can smell… the jealousy in the locker room. Dante says Ethan is obnoxious and no one wants him here after attacking Je’Von. Ethan says he doesn’t care and Dante shoves him. Ethan says he thinks it’s funny and Dante goes to get a match made.

* The Unholy Union WALK backstage, and elsewhere Roxanne Perez arrives.

NXT Women’s North American Championship #1 Contenders Match
Stephanie Vaquer vs. Shotzi

Circle to start, Vaquer ducks a lockup into a waistlock, counterwrestling from them. Shotzi gets a one-count pin and a wristlock, they reverse each other until standing up and staring off. Fistbump and they circle again.

Lockup now, Vaquer with an armdrag variation. Shotzi tries for an armdrag, Vaquer springboards into a counter, pin for two, Shotzi escapes and some more counterwrestling until Shotzi locks in an inverted submission. Back up, Shotzi with an enzuigiri, she puts Stephanie in the corner and climbs up for legscissors, backing over the ropes for a four-count. Shotzi lets go, goes up for a high crossbody for two.

Stephanie puts Shotzi in the corner and hits a shot, she catches Shotzi’s leg for a dragon screw and then a legscissors into the headslams into the mat as we go to break and Shotzi rolls to the outside.

We’re back and Shotzi hits a superrana on Stephanie, big kicks knocks Steph down! Cover gets two. Vaquer blocks a kick and knocks Shotzi down, she charges in but Shotzi dodges and then hits a charging cannonball. Waistlock, Vaquer grabs onto the top rope but Shotzi pulls her free into a belly to back for two-plus!

Shotzi charges in but Stephanie with a hiptoss into the corner. She kicks at Shotzi then charges in for the double knees. Cover gets two. Vaquer goes for a powerbomb, Shotzi slides down the back and they trade shots. Jacy Jayne is out here on the apron and they both pill her in for a double headbutt! Stephanie into the ropes but Fallon is there and nails her with the belt. Roll-up by Shotzi gets the win!

Winner: Shotzi (11:04)
Rating: ***
Thoughts: Solid opener here. Vaquer is great and Shotzi did her part well. The finish protects Vaquer and sets up a solid match for two weeks from now.

* Sol Ruca consoles Kelani for losing last week and Zaria walks up and says she has to do something to change the tide and use the loses as motivation. Cora walks up and says she’d be #1 contender without Kelani and says she’ll win a title before Kelani. Kelani slaps her and says she’s not the same girl she used to be.

* Oba barges in on Ava and says she’s going to destroy Eddy. He wants to give Eddy a match and Ava isn’t happy with the idea. Mr. Stone says Eddy is playing him like a fiddle and Oba puts him up against the way. He says he’s NXT Champion and if he wants Eddy, he gets Eddy. Ava says put him down and says fine, Oba gets Eddy next week. Oba walks off and Stone pops back up, shaken.

Ethan Page vs. Dante Chen

Page attacks Chen to start and the bell rings, Chen takes it to Ethan to start! He batters Page and slams him headfirst into the corner, ducks a clothesline and hits several stricks. Kick to the head off the ropes. He lies in wait but Page escapes and hits a shot to Chen. Big neckbreaker, cover for pin.

Winner: Ethan Page (0:58)
Rating: N/A
Thoughts: RIP Dante Chen.

Page attacks Chen post-match and pulls him by the foot to the apron. He pulls Chen’s boot off and yanks him out of the ring, trapping Chen’s leg behind the steps! Double stomp to the steps and Page is in agony as Page stares at him. Officials are out here to order Page to leave so they can tend to Dante.

JE’VON IS HERE! Evans attacks Page but a quick shot by Page to the jaw downs him. Page hovers over Evans and yells “Give me a smile for me now, Je’Von!” He is backed out of the ring and smiles before leaving.

* Oba is walking backstage when Dion Lennox congratulates him on becoming champion and says he’ll challenge him for the title some day. He walks on past Shawn Spears, who is trying to turn Adriana Rizzo against The Family. Izzi Dame walks up and says that she doesn’t need him and neither does Rizzo. Rizzo says she had it handled and Izzi says to tell the Don they’re event.

We then see Karmen Petrovic and Ashante The Adonis, and Ashante wants to start fresh with the new year, giving her a rose. She says “About damn time!” and kisses him.

* The NXT Spotlight is on Guilia’s NXT Women’s Title win last week. Giulia says it’s time for the Beautiful Madness to take over and we get highlights from the match. We see social media reactions to the win and headlines. Giulia says this is why she came to America and thanks fans for supporting her. She says after the match that holding the title means she can take on many new challenges. And she believes she has the ticket to take them on. She returns next week.

* Hey, #DYI are here! Sarah asks then why they’re in NXT and Ciampa says they’re two-time champions. He says they’re here for Fraxiom and hear they’re the greatest tag team in NXT history. Gargano says they need to be 10 steps ahead and know they’ll face Fraxiom at some point, so they have front row tickets to see them in person. Ciampa swears no shenanigans and you know, I’m not sure if I 100% trust that.

WWE Women’s Championship #1 Contenders Match
Meta-Four vs. Unholy Union

Jakara and Alba start off and lock up. Jakara with a wristlock, quickly reversed and Fyre works over Jakara’s arm. Jakara goes for a tag but is stopped, she reverses the wristlock but Alba breaks free and slaps her in the chest. Jakara fires back and blocks an overhand chop. Tornado armdrag and dropkick, Lash tags in as does Isla.

Lash runs over Isla and knocks ALba down. She grabs Isla by the hand and picks her up, Isla back down with a waistlock but Lash with a back elbow. She splashes Ilsa in the corner, Jakara tags in and mocks Alba before splashing Ila. Roll-up cover gets two.

Isla fires back and comes off the ropes, but Jakara takes her down and hits a standing twisting senton for two. Lash tags in and slams her down, She catches Jakara in a wheelbarrow slam on Isla for two. Lash gets Isla on her shoulders but she fights free, Lash with a big shot but Alba nails Lash behind the refs back. Isla jumps on Lash’s back, Alba tags in and they double team Lash for a bit in the corner.

Alba tags back in and boot chokes Lash. Isla back in, she bends Lash back against the ropes but Lash breaks free and attacks Alba. Isla jumps on her back but gets slammed down. Lash tags in Jakara who gets on Lash’s shoulders — Alba trips Lash and Jakara hits the turnbuckle! Isla takes out Jakara on the outside, Alba takes down Lash who goes to the outside and Alba up top to dive on them both as we head to break!

We’re back and Jakara nails Alba. Lash tags in and she grabs Isla, hitting knees to the side and hitting Alba with Isla before hitting a fallaway slam. She flapjacks Alba onto Isla, kips up and chokeslams ALba. Cover for two but Isla breaks it up.

Ila begs off from Lash and that lets Alba hit a chopblock. Tornado DDT blocked by Lash, who hits a clothesline. She bodyslams Isla and tags in Jakara, who is up on Lash’s shoulders again — double crossbody! Cover gets two-plus.

Isla grabs Lash on the outside and Alba knocks Lash off the apron. Isla tags in and hits a Backstabber on Jakara, Alba with a senton, cover gets two-plus but Lash breaks it up! Jawkbreaker by Isla to Lash, Jakara takes out Alba. Lash tries a pump kick but misses and goes to the floor. Alba kicks Jakara and goes for a belly to back but Jakara rolls through and takes down Isla. No tag to be made, Alba tags in and goes for the Gory Bomb but Lash is up and tagged in! Wheelbarrow slam/facebuster combo gets the win!

Winner: Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson (12:57)
Rating: ***
Thoughts: We can no longer say that Lash is just “getting better”; she’s there. Very good match, and I’m actually okay with Meta-Four beating my witches.

* Lexis King gets his nameplate on the Heritage Cup and is feeling good. Charlie and Wren walks upo and Charlie congratulates Lexis. Wren says that Lexis got a cheap shot in and calls for a rematch. Ava agrees and the match appears set.

Meanwhile someone is fighting outside and Ava goes to check it out. It’s Ridge and Tony, behind held back by officials.

* Masha Slamovich is in the audience! They remembered that the TNA/NXT crossover is a thing, yay!

Kelani Jordan vs. Cora Jade

Cora talks shit to start and shoves Kelani, who shoves back. Kelani blocks a punch and ducks another, hitting a front dropkick and armdrag. Double leg takedown and mounted punches, Cora escapes to the outside and Kelani chases her down. Cora in the ring and comes off the ropes, Kelani in and leapfrogs, then knocks Cora down. Splash off the ropes gets two.

Kelani to the apron and drives the shoulder into the gut. Up top but Cora trips her to the ground, laughs at her and stomps away at Kelani. She wraps Kelani up in the ropes for a knifehand chop, then off the ropes for a dropkick. Springboard double stomp, Cora covers for two.

Cora chokes Kelani against the middle rope, Cora off the ropes but gets rolled up for two. Kelani with chops to Cora, she is put in the corner and Cora hits a leaping knee strike. Cover but kickout at two.

Masha watches as Cora with a chinlock, Kelani to her feet and elbows out. Back suplex by Kelani, both women down. They get to their feet and trade shots, Kelani with a kick but Cora answers with a punch. Kelani catches a kick and ducks the enzuigiri, she comes off the ropes to take Cora down and hits a sitting facebuster for two. Kelani goes right into repeated stomps to the chest!

Kelani unleashes on Cora in the corner and the ref pulls her back after four. Kelani goes back in and lays in the punches. The ref tries to break it up, Cora with a rake to the eyes. DDT and a cover gets three.

Winner: Cora Jade (5:12)
Rating: ** 1/2
Thoughts: Decent for a five-minute match. Is Kelani getting the Roxy rage-into-heel treatment? I wouldn’t complain.

* Eddy Thorpe shares a video on Twitter laughing and saying he has things to say. It’s a full moon and he says it was a good night at work. He set the bait – again – and Oba took it again. So easy, so predictable. He gives a shoutout to Ava for making the match and it almost makes up for her calling him a liar. He says Oba calls himself the Ruler of NXT, but next week he’ll be overthrown. He has one week, but in the meantime he’s going to go celebrate. He feels good.

* Briggs and Inamura walk up and say they saved Fraxiom last week and they didn’t have their attention, but they have it now because they have next. OTM walk up and say they’re talking to the wrong people. Fraxiom walk off and OTM talks trash to Briggs and Inamura. That leads to a brawl.

* Trick Williams said on Twitter that he needs to figure out his next move.

WWE NXT Tag Team Championship Match
Fraxiom vs. OTM

Axiom leaps over Price to start and ducks a shot, hitting a chop to no effect. He hits a couple kicks to the thigh and a headlock, into the ropes and Frazer tags in, running around Price but getting run over. Nima tags in and knocks Frazer down, cover gets two as #DIY watch from the stage.

Nima drives the shoulder into Frazer in the corner, Frazer tries to fight out but is cut off and put in the hostile corner. Nima up to the top rope and leaps off for a stomp to Frazer. Price tags in and yanks Frazer up but Frazer with an enzuigiri. Axiom tags in and they take it to Price. Price no-sells some Axiom kicks and flattens Axiom with a lariat as we go to break.

Back and OTM is in control, with Nima manhandling Axiom. Kneelift to Axiom but he fights out of the corner and leaps on Nima, who rolls through and puts him on his shoulders — crucifix by Axiom for two. Frazer in and slides off Price’s back! He hits a DDT and an enzuigiri, standing SSP for two.

Frazer up top for a moonsault, he misses and rolls through but Price plants him. Nima tags in, inverted DVD and cover but Axiom breaks it up. Price tags in, he goes for a flapjack but Frazer dives through it and hits Nima. Pick to Price, Axiom tags in, Frazer holds Price for a leaping kick from Axio. Cover gets a nearfall and Axiom transitions into an armbar as Frazer dives on Nima! Frazer catches Nima in the ring for a dragon sleeper, but Price stands up with Axiom on his back — he’s back to his knees! But Nima pulls Frazer into a suplex and drops him onto Axiom and Price to break it up!

All four men slow to get up, Axiom chops at Price. He kicks away a chop, Axiom into the ropes and makes the tag. Price grabs Axiom, catches Frazer and slams them down together! Price is in, charging kick to Frazer’s head on Nima’s shoulders, cover for two-plus. Nima pounds on Frazer, Price beats on Axiom on the outside and he clears the commentary booth! He grabs Axiom and goes to slam Price onto it but Axiom hits a kick to him! Nima shoves Frazer down off the top Axiom in there to get the tag and he nails Nima! Frazer up top — FROG SPLASH through the booth! Axiom with a Spanish Fly! Golden Ratio! Pin!

Winner: Fraxiom (13:14)
Rating: *** 1/4
Thoughts: Look, at some point Fraxiom will lose the titles but I’m okay with it not happening here. OTM looked great but it wasn’t their time. Damn good match.

* Roxy WALKS backstage and someone has arrived in the parking lot!

Set For Next Week:
– NXT North American Championship Match: Tony D’Angelo vs. Ridge Holland
– NXT Championship Match: Oba Femi vs. Eddy Thorpe

* Roxy is in the ring! She says when she won her second NXT Women’s Championship, no one expected she would hold it for so long. Nine title defenses, and the women’s division constantly got better. All she wanted to do was make a women’s division that could main event and that they attracted the best from around the world and have the best division in wrestling today.

She says she doesn’t have her title because Giulia was the better woman last week. And as sad as she is, it’s what the fans wanted. But even sadder? The state of the division without her as champion! She says no one will love the division as much as her, and the feeling we get when we say women’s wrestling is the focus? Kiss it goodbye because NXT doesn’t deserve her. She says it’s not going to be the same because in the past you needed the Four Horsewomen. But you only needed her now —

BAYLEY IS HERE! Bayley has arrived, and Roxy’s expression is hilarious. Bayley says “Ding dong, Roxanne!” The fans chant “WELCOME BACK!” Bayley says she’s excited to be back and had to come out because she knew Roxy would be angry about her loss. She says Roxy is at a crossroads and she can learn from it.

Roxy says she doesn’t need the advice, and Bayley says that Roxy’s been asking for advice ever since she was 14. She says NXT means so much to her and she’s followed Roxy’s career. But the division will be fine. They’re bigger than that, and her title run has been amazing.

Roxy says Bayley is just like Nattie and CM Punk and everyone she used to look up to. She asks why Bayley’s here, does she think NXT owes her something? Bayley set records, but Roxy broke them. Bayley WAS her role model, but she could be Bayley’s now.

Bayley says the difference between them is Roxy will be stuck here while she goes to WrestleMania when she wins the title from Tiffany on Friday! That leads to a fight to close the show.

And with that, we’re done for the night!

The final score: review Good
The 411
A very solid episode of NXT this week with a few great TV matches, a couple promos and some table-setting for NXT Vengeance Day. Nothing on the show was particularly bad and while the pacing was a little more rushed than I tend to prefer, this did a good job of starting to set things up moving forward. This week was mostly about the set-up and I'm perfectly fine with that.

article topics :

WWE NXT, Jeremy Thomas