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Join 411’s Live AEW Collision Coverage

September 14, 2024 | Posted by Theo Sambus
AEW Collision Image Credit: AEW


Hey friends! It’s Theo Sambus checking in for your weekly dose of Collision, coming to us tonight via tape delay. We have EIGHT matches in store which likely means it’s going to be Squash City for a large part of the show, BUT we could be looking at a banger main event as FTR go up against Grizzled Young Veterans in tag team action. That’s got tag team classic written all over it, so strap in folks, it could be a wild ride!


Location: Dayton, OH

Venue: Nutter Center

Commentators: Nigel McGuinness & Tony Schiavone


We see The Scapegoat Jack Perry pull up to the building as we come on the air, and here he comes to the ring for our opening contest.

[TNT Championship] Jack Perry (c) vs Christopher Daniels

Perry backs Daniels into the corner, goes for a cheap shot but Daniels avoids it and turns the tables. Suplex by Perry, followed by a neckbreaker for a 2 count. Perry kicks the bottom rope into the face of Daniels, cocky cover just for 1. Missile dropkick, 1, 2, Daniels kicks out. Daniels gets back into it with a few jabs and the STO. Exploder suplex from Daniels, and the Death Valley Driver! 1, 2, no. Daniels looks for the Angel’s Wings, but Perry counters it, and they go into a series of rollups for 2. Perry gives his Raven pose in the corner, followed by the running knee to get the 1, 2, 3.

Winner and STILL TNT Champion: Jack Perry

Time: 5:06

Rating: **1/2 – Ostensibly a glorified squash, which was a shame as Daniels vs Perry could have been a bigger deal considering how much Daniels has been getting in the Elite’s business.

Perry walks out with his title, heads back to his van saying ‘the people who don’t like me are the people who can’t handle the truth’, and then he drives off. Easy night!



Backstage, Wheeler Yuta arrives, and Lexy Nair catches up with him. She asks about Danielson, and Yuta says out of respect for Bryan, he doesn’t want to share too much, but he’s doing the best he can. Yuta is distracted and seems pretty depressed. He has a match tonight, and Henry is a hell of a competitor, not to be taken lightly. One thing Bryan told him is that when he’s in the ring, he feels like he’s meant to be there…and Yuta will try and channel that tonight.


[Trios Match] Mark Briscoe, Kyle O’Reilly & Hologram vs The Beast Mortos & Premier Athletes

Smart Mark Sterling on the mic says they’re teaming with Mortos because the Conglomeration have been ‘thorns’ in their side as of late, so they hired two horns to stick in theirs. O’Reilly faces off with Tony Nese as the bell rings. Kyle works over the arm of Nese, leg takedown into a front chancery, and he tags in Briscoe. Ariya Daivari tags in too and works over Mark in the corner. Redneck Kung Fu is applied to Ariya and a big boot, tag from Kyle, and we get some double teaming from the Conglomeration.

Kyle wrings the arm, but Mortos tags in and rocks O’Reilly with a right hand. Hologram tags in, but Mortos is waiting for him and knocks him down off a dive with a shoulder tackle. Hologram tries another dive, Mortos catches him, and Hologram manages an armdrag this time. Trevor Lee flipping powerslam connects, and Kyle tags back in. Daivari drags gim to the floor, and Mortos comes charging but is sent into the railings. Briscoe and Hologram are held back as Kyle now gets beaten down by the Premier Athletes and Mortos on the outside.

Back in the ring, Mortos keeps control of O’Reilly, Daivari tags in and hits a neckbreaker for 2. Nese in, but Kyle locks in a guillotine…no, Nese flips him over into a capture suplex. Daivari back in, rear chinlock, before O’Reilly starts to fight back in the corner. He makes the tag and here comes Mark Briscoe. Briscoe unloads on both Premier Athletes, and nails a running kick to Mortos. Enziguri to Daivari, Fisherman’s buster to Nese, 1, 2, no. Mortos goes for a monkey flip but Briscoe simply tosses him overhead to the outside.

Hologram in, Canadian Destroyer to Nese! 1, 2, no. O’Reilly knees Daivari to the outside and hits a running knee off the apron. Nese with a Fosbury Flop! And here comes Hologram with a tope con hilo through the ropes. Mortos with the tornillo to follow! And Briscoe has the chair as everyone gets their dives in…nope, Mark Sterling interrupts to throw away the chair. Redneck Kung Fu strike to the balls of Sterling, and Briscoe uses him as a launch pad to hit the dive! Nice.

Tornado DDT from Hologram on Nese, straight into the smooth crucifix pinning combination for the 1, 2, 3.

Winners: The Conglomeration & Hologram

Time: 10:36

Rating: ***1/4 – Fun trios with the usual wild action.

Mortos attacks Hologram after the bell! Briscoe and O’Reilly break it up and lariat him to the outside, but the Mortos and Hologram rivalry will continue.

We see clips from the CMLL 91st Anniversary Show last night, featuring Jericho beating Mistico with the Walls.

Renee Paquette is standing by with Orange Cassidy to ask about CMLL, but Big Bill comes out of nowhere with a boot to the face! Bryan Keith puts OC’s backpack over his face now. Jericho appears and smacks the photo of the Best Friends over his head.

We see a video package of someone watching old classic AEW matches. Thought it was Stokely Hathaway for a moment? He’s watching Briscoes vs FTR 3.

Mariah May is backstage with Lexy Nair, and she still hasn’t had her celebration yet. But she says she can’t celebrate without Mina Shirakawa. Yuka Sakazaki shows up and says she wants her belt! Mariah promises to rip her head off. Yuka in the cheeriest voice ever says ‘OK! Bye bye!’ Ha.



Wheeler Yuta vs Anthony Henry

Anthony Henry is accompanied by BEEF. New member of the WorkHorsemen? Henry snapmares Yuta, avoids a sunset flip with a double stomp to the chest. Yuta misses a senton. He gets sent to the outside, and he goes to catapult himself back in the ring like he normally does, but he can’t do it! Yuta gets suplexed into the guardrail as we go to commercial.

Back in the ring, Henry has a strait-jacket choke applied, until Yuta manages to roll out of it. Henry catches him in the corner and gets a nice running Air Raid Crash for 2! Yuta manages the rebound on the ropes this time, and nails a German suplex. To the outside, Henry flies into camera with a running kick to the face, and follows in the ring with a double stomp off the top! 1, 2, no. Henry mocks him being a ‘sadboi’ and says Danielson isn’t here, and that fires Yuta up big time! Yuta with a ton of strikes in the corner, and the arm-trapped stomps, with the ref having to pull him off. Tope suicida to the outside, and now Yuta sends Henry into the barricade on multiple sides.Yuta tosses him back in the ring and knocks out BEEF, before heading up to the top, missile dropkick connects. Kip up, hammer and anvil elbows…Cattle Mutilation locked in!

Winner: Wheeler Yuta

Time: 8:58

Rating: ***1/4 – This whole “Yuta is depressed” angle could work for him and help further build him as a babyface. It certainly worked here, with him ‘performing’ depressed at first and then firing up big time, going nuts on Henry in the last minute. Very nice! Henry’s offense looked awesome in his moments of shine too.

Lexy Nair is backstage with Serena Deeb and Queen Aminata. Deeb thanks Aminata for her time. Deeb watched her match with Mariah, and says Aminata has potential, but she’s not ready. However, Deeb’s offer still stands, and she knows where her locker room is. Aminata says she doesn’t have time for this. Deeb says she can let the Professor show her how it’s done. Deeb gives Yuka some words of warning before their match later.



Anna Jay speaks in a video package! She has just returned from Japan and the Stardom Grand Prix. And she wants more. Mariah May is due some receipts, and she’s never stepped in the ring with Mercedes Mone. If you want to see what Anna Jay has become, just try her.

Komander & Private Party vs Jon Cruz, Lord Crewe & Ren Jones

Pre-match inset promo from Private Party, who say they will see the new BCC real soon, as they never back down from a fight. It’s Brother Zay to start, hurracanrana. Komander dives off the top rope to take out Cruz. Crewe is catapulted into a gamengiri. Komander with a nice moonsault, uppercut to Jones, and the Gin & Juice connects for the 1, 2, 3.

Winners: Komander & Private Party

Time: 1:37

Rating: N/R – Total squash, but they need building up if they’re going to look credible in any sort of way before facing Moxley’s new stable.



We go to Nigel McGuinness & Tony Schiavone at ringside, and Nigel says as we don’t know if Danielson will be fit to compete at Grand Slam, a title shot can’t be booked, which is why Darby opted to face Moxley instead. Nigel will be at Grand Slam waiting for a non-title match against Danielson, and if Danielson isn’t there, it’s not because of his condition, it’s because he’s afraid of McGuinness. We get an awesome video package narrated by McGuinness, looking at his ROH career and the stories McGuinnness/Danielson feud. No matter how much success Danielson has had, McGuinness says he is haunted by the memories of the beatings Nigel gave him. Don’t worry, Bryan, he’ll get to leave Arthur Ashe with the championship, but McGuinness will look to end his career instead.


Yuka Sakazaki vs Serena Deeb

They face off but the music of Mariah May hits, and she joins Nigel and Tony on commentary. Sakazaki gets rolled up into the Paradise Lock, and haha Mariah May says this is child abuse. Deeb kicks her in the butt, but Sakazaki comes back with the rolling snapmare and a kick to the face. She sends Deeb dizzy with rolling pinfalls, eventually getting a 2. Sakazaki charges at Deeb on the apron, but Deeb catches her and delivers the reverse neckbreaker over the middle rope.

Back in the ring, Deeb rolls through into a single leg crab. Galleria connects for 2, and Deeb stamps on the face of Sakazaki! Elbow drop to the inside leg as Mariah tells Nigel that she hears he’s ‘stiff…in the ring’. Tremendous, you can actually hear Nigel blushing. Yuka hangs Deeb over the ropes with her legs, choking her out. Hurracanrana and a vertical suplex connect, 1, 2, no. Standing switches, Deeb with a release German. Pepsi Twist follows for 2. Back body drop sends Deeb to the canvas, sliding lariat gets a 2 for Sakazaki!

Roaring elbow misses, Deeb gets a powerbomb and the Horse Collar, but Yuka drags herself to the ropes. Uppercut from Deeb, both women trade strikes now. Stereo lariats, another German from Deeb! Running lariat connects, the Detox is avoided, and Yuka hits the Michinoku Driver. Magical Girl Splash connects! 1, 2, 3.

Winner: Yuka Sakazaki

Time: 10:38

Rating: ***1/2 – Oh my God I need this Nigel-Tony-Mariah combination on commentary every week, their dynamic is amazing. Really entertaining match too, with Deeb focusing on Sakazaki’s now-healed broken leg, which was smart.

Sakazaki celebrates up the ramp, but Mariah May blindsides her with a lariat from behind. May looks for Storm Zero on the stage, but Yuka escapes and nails her with a superkick! Yuka grabs the Women’s title and raises it aloft, and May is outraged.

It’s time for an OUTRUNNERS VIDEO PACKAGE. Yes! The Youngest men Alive take us through their gym routine. “If you haven’t seen The Outrunners, you haven’t seen nothing yet!”



Top Flight arrive, and Action Andretti is pissed off. They lost opportunities, and Action is hot about it. It’s not just a loss. They had so much potential, but here they are just talking about food. Andretti wants to know why they’re not beating teams like the House of Black, and he says they need to get it together, before storming off. Well that’s the most interesting Top Flight have been in some time!

Bang Bang Gang vs Cage of Agony

Juice and Liona start this off, Juice gives him a little slap on the ass which doesn’t seem wise. Sure enough, Liona elevates Juice and sends him straight back into the canvas, but he avoids the axe handle smash. Kaun and Colten in now, arm drag and a tag to Austin, double team strike combos lead to a 1 count. Leg trip from Austin Gunn, flipping necbkreaker, but Kaun comes back with a lariat to cut off momentum. To the outside, Kaun whips Austin back and forth between the ring and the barricade. Cage is in, gets his apron superplex, and gives a little flex.

Liona keeps control of Austin, booting him to the outside. He gets back in to meet the count, but Liona is there for a knee drop as he does so. Tag to Kaun as we head to commercial.

Back from break, Austin finally gets the tag to Colten, coming in hot with a dropkick and a One and Only to Brian Cage. Zig-zag neckbreaker on Liona, 1, 2, no. Colten to the middle rope, Kaun cuts him off, but Colten gets a suplex anyway. Suplex to Cage too. Cage of Agony get involved to distract the ref from a rollup. Pounce by Liona, tag to Cage as Juice is knocked off the apron again. Assisted sitout powerbomb by Cage of Agony, 1, 2, NO. Colten manages to reverse a double suplex with a DDT on both guys as Cage is sent to the floor. Juice tags in, crossbody to Cage, followed by the jabs. Discus lariat from Cage, Deep Sea Diverticulitis connects. Austin is held up for Kaun, but Juice intervenes. 3:10 to Yuma on Cage! Juice nails the front chancery DDT for the 1, 2, 3.

Winners: The Bang Bang Gang

Time: 10:35

Rating: *** – Decent stuff here, and it’s amazing how solid the Gunns have become in the ring these days.

Lexy Nair catches up with Serena Deeb backstage…and Queen Aminata walks passed, saying ‘So…is that how it’s done?” She heads to the ring for her match, next.



Queen Aminata vs Robyn Renegade

Aminata rolls Renegade up with a body scissors for a 2. Crossface applied, Robyn gets out of it and hits her in the chest. Aminata comes right back with a kick to the face. Running hair takedown, 1, 2, no. Aminata gets dropped across the top rope, and it’s Renegade with the hair takedown now. Clothesline against the ropes, dropkick to the face, and follows up with a pretty sick DDT! Spinning neckbreaker from Aminata though, double slap to the chest and the Brain Drain headbutt. 1, 2, 3.

Winner: Queen Aminata

Time: 3:04

Rating: N/R – I love that Aminata has finally ‘graduated’ from being squash fodder to now getting the spotlight. Well deserved.

Deeb appears from nowhere and attacks the leg of Aminata! She locks in the single leg crab as Aminata screams in pain.



We hear from the House of Black. Buddy Matthews says everyone wants a piece of them. If the 7 of them want to challenge HoB, the odds might be 50/50…King says probably still 80/20. Black advises them, come one, come all.

FTR vs Grizzled Young Veterans

Dax and Gibson are the legal men as the bell rings. It immediately breaks down with all four coming face to face, but the seconds back off, leaving Dax and Drake. Shoulder tackle, cover for 1. They lock hands, and Drake headbutts Dax. Tag to Cash, springboard shoulder tackle, arm drag, and a tag back to Dax. Gibson in, right hand to the mouth as Gibson calls him a rat. Uppercuts from Gibson, Drake sweeps the legs, and Gibson acts as a launching pad for Drake, nailing Cash on the apron.

Sunset flip from Dax, Cash dives to take Gibson off the apron to the floor, and Dax gets Drake on the top rope. Back suplex from the top, and both men are down. They roll to the floor, where GYV play the numbers game and send Dax into the steel steps. Gibson knocks Dax to the canvas with a clothesline and tries a chickenwing, but Dax manages to back body drop him. Dax is about to make the tag, but GYV put a stop to that. Spinning heel kick from Drake, but Dax fights back in the corner. Dax sends Gibson to the floor, and both Dax and Drake take each other out with double clotheslines. Dax makes the tag to Cash…but Stephon Smith didn’t see the tag! It’s disallowed as Dax again gets worked over in the corner.

Finally Dax makes the tag, and Cash comes in with a flying double clothesline. Strikes in the corner now, Drake comes in fromt behind, Cash nails a dropkick though. Powerslam to Gibson! And one to Drake, but no Drake rolls through into a pinfall! 1, 2, no. Jackknife from Drake, 1, 2, no. Backslide attempt from Cash, tag to Gibson. Enziguri from Drake and Gibson signals for Grit Your Teeth. Dax shoves Drake though, and Dax rolls up Gibson for 2. Cash blocks some outside interference from Drake, but gets rolled up by Gibson for another close nearfall.

Spike piledriver attempt from FTR, Drake puts a stop to that. Keylock driver to Dax, and he’s sent into the ringpost. Dax steps through on Drake into a sharpshooter! And Drake taps!

Winners: FTR

Time: 11:04

Rating: ***1/2 – Really good match that felt truncated in the end, plus a surprisingly clean win for FTR. That didn’t make much sense considering GYV are new on the scene in AEW, but the post-match stuff indicates this is far from over.

The action continues despite the bell ringing, with all four men battling it out. Grit Your Teeth connects for the Grizzled Young Vets…but here come The Outrunners! Floyd and Magnum go toe to toe with GYV, and a double team clothesline takes Drake to the floor. FTR are up on their feet too now as the Outrunners stretch their hands out for a handshake. And FTR shake to a big reaction from the Dayton crowd. With that, we are out! See you next time, everyone!



article topics :

AEW Collision, Theo Sambus