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Join 411’s Live TNA Turning Point 2024 Coverage

Keep Refreshing For The Latest Results
Hey everyone! Well, this is definitely an interesting revelation! Yours truly is here to cover TNA Turning Point for all the TNA fans out there, so let’s have some fun!
Turning Point is quite the fitting name for this show, isn’t it? I mean, it follows the company’s biggest show, Bound for Glory, and it begins the push toward a new season for the company.
Although I have been fading in and out with the company over the years, it will be fun to cover Turning Point tonight. When Jeremy asked me if I could do it, I said I would do it, and here we are!
Apparently, I joined during this during the Pre-show, and Rosemary just won a Knockouts Match. So, sorry I was kind of late, but hey, we’ll be here for the live show! Let’s go get it, TNA!
Gia Miller has Steve Maclin backstage. He hasn’t changed anything about himself, but he has changed the standard within TNA. When he beats Josh Alexander tonight, it will be bag Em, Tag Em! FRONT TOWARD ENEMY!
On to the main show, as we are LIVE from the Benton Convention Center in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The announcers are Tom Hannifan and Matt Rehwoldt.
Opening hype promo for Turning Point. Good job hyping this show up, although I’m not sure Eddie Edwards will beat Nic Nemeth if Joe Hendry couldn’t. Should be fun, tho!
To the arena for our opening match!
Mike Santana vs. Frankie Kazarian
The bell rings, as Kazarian takes his time getting his jacket off. Lockup, Santana goes behind. Kazarian switches and takes control of the arm, but Santana gets to his feet. Frankie steps out of the ring and steps back in. FRANKIE SUCKS chants from the crows, how dare they heckle the King! Santana with a shoulder block, hop toss, Frankie with one. Kazarian sends Santana to the apron but eats a fist. Back in the ring, Santana with a moonsault off the second rope. Frankie goes to the floor, but he’s not safe, as Mike with a DIVE through the ropes! Santana throws Kazarian back in the ring, snapmare into a basement drop kick. Cover by Santana, just a two. Santana approaches Kazarian, but he throws him through the ropes to the floor. Santana hits a superkick to Frankie and sends him back into the ring. But Frankie takes over and sends Santana back to the floor as he flaunts in the middle of the ring. Santana rolls back in, but Kazarian stomps away. Frankie with a leg drop to the arm and locks down on his arm. Santana repeatedly tries to roll up Kazarian but gets a two count each time. Santana fires up with chops in the corner, whips Frankie, but Santana catches him on the come back with a clothesline. Both men on the apron, Kazarian back over the top rope, and he snaps the throat of Santana on the top rope. Kazarian over the top with a slingshot DDT to Santana on the apron! Frankie back in, he wants the count-out victory! Santana makes it back into the ring, so Frankie hits a scoop slam and a sprinboard leg drop, goes the cover but Santana kicks out at two. Kazarian looks for the chicken wing, but Santana fights out. Frankie goes up top, but Santana meets him and hits a release belly-to-belly suplex!
The match resets as both men get to their feet. Santana with some clotheslines. A series of counters in the corner leads to the rolling Buck 50, but Kazarian kicks out at two. Kazarian hits some punches, but he charges right into a DVD from Santana for a two count. Santana misses an enziguiri, Kazarian with a float over neck breaker for a two count. Chicken Wing attempt, but Santana sends Frankie to the corner. Frankie from the apron, but Santana counters with a Northern Lights Suplex. A neck breaker from Santana gets a two count. Kazarian sends Santana to the apron, Santana back in, but Frankie catches him with a cutter, only a two count. Counters ensue, but Santana with a knee strike, SPIN THE BLOCK! Santana wins with that one!
WINNER: Mike Santana
TIME: 12:00
THOUGHTS: Good opener between two good wrestlers. I’m happy to see Santana get a good singles run in TNA, and it’s always a fun time seeing Frankie compete.
RATING: ***1/4
Matt and Tom run down the matches for later tonight at Turning Point.
We get a promo from The System. Brian Myers says Eddie Edwards will be the champion again tonight. He says wish him luck, but he doesn’t need it. Moose says he is the face of the franchise and is going to beat the hell out of Laredo Kid. He will take his mask to give to his kid. Edwards says too bad that Nic Nemeth’s dream will turn into a nightmare tonight when he becomes a 3-time TNA Champion. You will learn to the TRUST THE SYSTEM!
To the arena for our next match!
Turkey Bowl Match: Brian Myers vs. Eric Young vs. John Skyler vs. Hammerstone vs. Joe Hendry vs. Rhino
A friendly reminder that, as has been tradition in TNA, the wrestler who takes the fall in this match has to put on the Turkey Suit. If they don’t, they will be fired.
On his way to the ring, Skyler cuts a promo, running down the North Carolina fans. He doesn’t make promises he can’t keep, but one of these five “ham sandwiches” will be wearing the turkey suit tonight, courtesy of these good hands.
Everyone fights everyone to begin the match! The ring clears, leaving Skyler and Hendry in the ring. RHINO chants from the crowd, and I am disappointed that we didn’t get another Hendry song. Speaking of, Hendry has Skyler up in a delay vertical suplex and he drops him. Cover, Skyler kicks out at two. Myers and Rhino are now in the ring. Rhino with shoulder tackles and a shoulder block in the corner. GORE, screams Rhino, but Hammerstone drags him out of the ring. Young and Hammerstone now in the ring. Young whipped into the corner, he goes over and gets back into the ring. A dropkick and Young cover him for a two. Hammerstone goes to the floor, clearly, he’s favoring something.
Matt: Keep your mind out of the past and out of your ass, Hannifan!
Skyler and Myers working together to wear down Young and Hendry. They ran together in the past, didn’t you know? Hammerstone is somehow back in the ring but he’s not moving that well. Myers, Hammerstone, and Skyler are working over Young now. Young with a jawbreaker to Skyler, and he drops the other two men. Young up top, he’s crotched by Hammerstone. Everyone is in the ring now except for Rhino. Skyler and Myers have Young up top. Rhino back in. GORE to Hammerstone! Rhino to the corner and he hits a powerbomb from the corner, throwing Young, Skyler, and Myers to the mat. Hendry back in. Clotheslines for everyone! We believe in Joe Hendry! Fallaway slam to Myers! One for Skyler! One more for Hammerstone! Stomp-Stomp-Clap! Everyone is now hitting their stuff. Hammerstone gets another GORE from Rhino! GORE to Young! SPEAR by Myers to Rhino! Hendry grabs Myers out of his attack! STANDING OVATION BY HENDRY AND MYERS HAS TO WEAR THE TURKEY SUIT!
WINNER: Joe Hendry
TIME: 8:25
THOUGHTS: Hendry gets the win, which I mean, come on, who else was going to win? Surprised Skyler didn’t lose after his pre-match promo, but Myers is a good one, too.
Post-match, Myers tries to leave, as Rhino throws him back in. TURKEY chant from the crowd. Rhino, Young, and Hendry hit finishers to knock Myers out. Hendry and Young put the suit on Myers as we get a TURKEY MYERS chant now. Glorious! Myers looks GREAT in the turkey suit, as Young holds him up for the fans to take pics of.
In the back, Rosemary cuts a promo. Did the children see the destruction tonight? It is just a taste, but it’s a shame that those we lost cannot be here to celebrate this. We want the shiny prize! The Harvester of Despair is on your trail. We want it! I want it! There is nothing you can do to stop us!
Our first title match is coming up next!
X-Division Title match: Moose w/Alisha Edwards (C) vs. Laredo Kid
The bell rings, as both men come face-to…well, Laredo Kid comes face-to-chest with Moose. Kid ducks a clothesline and kicks away at the quads of Moose. Kid to the top rope, looking to walk, but Moose sends him crashing off the top rope and to the floor. Moose goes outside, hits a thunderous chop. Moose whips Kid into the guard rail as Edwards talks some trash. Moose throws Kid back into the ring, as he stalks Kid. He tries to rip off the mask of Kid, then gets back to business. Powerbomb attempt, but Kid fights out. He hits an enziguri, off the ropes, but a pump kick by Moose floors Kid. Moose sits Kid on the top rope, goes back to the mask. Kid upside down now as Moose stomps away. Moose distracts the ref while Alisha chokes out Kid. Moose looking spear in the corner, but Kid ducks. Kid charges, but Moose moves out of the way. Moose tries another spear, but Kid rolls up for a two count. Another roll-up by Kid, another two count. Moose tries another powerbomb, but Kid counters with a hurricanrana. Moose fires back with a standing urinagi, one footed cover gets a two count. Moose chokes Kid on the second rope, and Alisha again rips at the mask of Kid. Moose talks trash, slaps Kid, but it fires him up. Moose chops Kid back down to mat and signals for another spear. Kid slaps Moose, hits an enziguiri, and a missile dropkick. Moose to the floor, Kid up top, front flip senton to the floor on Moose! Kid rolls Moose back into the ring and charges Moose, but Moose throws off Kid. Moose to the top rope, but Kid cuts him off. Kid up top, LAREDO FLY FROM THE TOP ROPE! The cover, Moose kicks out at 2.9999999! THIS IS AWESOME chants from the crowd. Kid back up top, 450 attempts, but Moose gets the knees up. SPEAR by Moose finally hits. Another spear! The pin, it’s over!
WINNER: Moose (Still champion)
TIME: 8:20
THOUGHTS: Fairly solid match. The action picked up when Laredo Kid was on offense, as to be expected, but it was a fun big man-little man match.
Promo for the Steve Maclin and Josh Alexander No-DQ match, that’s up next!
No Disqualification Match: Josh Alexander vs. Steve Maclin
Despite this being a No-DQ match, Alexander’s Northern Armory mates Judas Icarus and Travis Williams are banned from ring side. Makes sense?
The bell rings, and this is a Memento Mori face paint versus wrestling head gear match. Love it. A hockey fight breaks out to start, as Maclin clotheslines Alexander to the floor. A dive through the ropes by Maclin, as he throws Alexander into the barricade and then the ring steps. Maclin drops Alexander face first on the ring apron, as he pulls out a table from under the ring. TABLES chant from the fans, naturally. Maclin has Alexander up on the apron, on his shoulders, but Alexander rakes the eyes to escape. Alexander tries to knock Maclin through the table he set up, but Maclin with a headbutt to the gut. Back in the ring, clotheslines from behind on Alexander by Maclin. Steve hammers away on Josh’s back. Alexander grabs Maclin from behind German Suplex! ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR! FIVE! SIX! SEVEN! EIGHT! Maclin fights with elbows, and he hits his own German Suplex. Maclin whips Alexander into the corner, he missed a clothesline, and a release suplex sends Maclin neck first into the bottom corner. Alexander goes outside, grabs another table and sets it against the apron. Both men trade chops and punches out in the aisle. Maclin looking for a piledriver, but Alexander counters with a backdrop. Alexander now has Maclin up, he fights out. MACLIN WITH THE DVD ON ALEXANDER THROUGH THE TABLE!
Maclin goes under the ring, throwing weapons into the ring. Maclin smacks Alexander to the back with a trash can lid. A shot to the back of the head. Both men in the ring, he stomps Josh and hits him again with the lid. Steve lodges the trash can in the corner. Alexander cuts off the attack and drops Maclin with some punches. Alexander sends Maclin to the other corner, Maclin puts up his leg, but Josh with an ankle lock attempt! Maclin breaks the hold with a trash can lid. Both men on the outside now, and Alexander with a variant of the World’s Strongest Slam on Maclin on the apron! Josh with the trash can, hits Maclin twice with it. He puts Maclin in the can and smacks it with a broken piece of the table on the floor. Alexander back in the ring, he hits a crossbody on Maclin while he’s still in the trash can. Okay, that was pretty creative.
Josh now uses the trash can more conventionally and smashes Maclin repeatedly with it. Alexander with the lid again, a couple of smacks to Maclin. Alexander brings out a door from under the ring, but he takes too long with it and Maclin drop kicks it into the face of Alexander. DOOR chant from the fans. Maclin puts the door on Alexander, CACTUS JACK ELBOW BY MACLIN! Maclin smacks Alexander with the broken piece of table. He goes back into the ring to fire the fans up and goes back out to retrieve Alexander. Josh out the other side, Josh picks the ankle of Maclin and traps him against the ring post. Josh with shots from the broken table piece to the ankle of Maclin. Alexander taunts Maclin, as he kicks Steve in the middle of the ring. Alexander smashes the leg of Maclin down. Alexander sets up two chairs in the middle of the ring. Josh stomps on Steve’s left leg against the ropes. Alexander stands up on the chair, looking for a piledriver, but MACLIN CATCHES ALEXANDER AND HITS AN ALABAMA SLAM TO JOSH THROUGH THE CHAIRS! THIS IS AWESOME and TNA chants now.
Both men struggle back to their feet, Maclin unloads the clotheslines. Lou Thesz press by Maclin, follows that with a backbreaker. Maclin tries the KIA, but Alexander forces Steve back to the corner. Josh with the chair, swing and a miss. Maclin throws the chair at Alexander, Busaiku Knee by Maclin to the chair to Alexander! Cover! 2.75! Maclin to the top rope, he jumps, but Alexander chucks the chair right in his face TORTURE RACK BOMB BY ALEXANDER, SENDING MACLIN OVER THE ROPE AND THROUGH THE TABLE! Alexander rolls Maclin back into the ring, the cover, 2.95! Ankle lock by Alexander. Maclin fights through the pain and rolls Alexander over and headfirst into that lodged trash can in the corner! Maclin has Alexander upside down in the corner. Maclin charges and hits Alexander! Twice! Thrice! KIA BY MACLIN, but he breaks up his up his own count!
Maclin goes outside the ring and throws the black bag into the ring. it’s either thumb tacks or Legos. Nope, they are bullet shell casings. Alexander with a low blow to Maclin, as he takes a breather on the apron. Maclin is back up to greet Alexander on the apron. Open handed slaps being traded. Alexander pulls Maclin up to the top rope, C-4 Spike attempt, but Maclin with a headbutt. KIA BY MACLIN INTO THE SHELL CASINGS! THAT’S GAME!
WINNER: Steve Maclin
TIME: 23:40
THOUGHTS: Sometimes, you just need a good old-fashioned brawl on wrestling show, and that’s what this was. Plenty of fun weapon spots, creative use of things like the door and the chairs, and just two guys really laying it all out there. I loved it!
RATING: ****
Promo for Chris Bey, a QR code is presented to help Bey during his recovery.
TNA Tag Team Champions Matt and Jeff Hardy and Ace Austin vs. KUSHIDA, Zachery Wentz, and mystery partner
Wentz has the microphone. Says that Miguel has travel issues and cannot be here tonight. He called the Shaman, and he said the BRO is in the building tonight. That Bro, of course, is none other than Matt Riddle, BRO!
(Lowkey, I love all the shots that Hannifan is taking here at NXT and at the “birds” that would fly when Riddle did his pose. Nice.)
Okay, the match is underway with Wentz and Austin. Both men trade counters and holds, a quick cover for a one by Austin. Wentz counters with a crucifix for a two count. Cartwheel by Wentz, but Austin with an arm lock. Kicks are ducked by both men, as the fans applaud. Wentz says he wants a piece of the Hardys, so Austin tags in Jeff. Lockup, Wentz takes Jeff to the corner, Jeff fights him to his own corner and gives a clean break. Standing switch by Jeff, as we get a BROTHER NERO chant. Both Jeff slides out of the ring, as Wentz gives chase. Matt tags himself in as Jeff and Matt do some double teamwork. Wentz does an arm drag, boot to the face in the corner, spiral cross body. KUSHIDA gets the tag, he drops Matt and puts on a low surfboard submission. Matt back up, he does repeat arm wrenches. Jeff tags in, off the top, double axe to the arm of KUSHIDA. Jeff tags in Austin, Ace continues to work over the arm of KUSHIDA. Austin with a roll through, but KUSHIDA with a basement drop kick.
Tag made to the Original Bro! Austin swings but misses, and Riddle hits the rolling gutwrench suplex. Riddle with a fisherman suplex for a two count. PK by Riddle, but the senton splash is blocked by Austin. Ace sends Riddle to the floor as Austin tags in Jeff. Wentz also gets the blind tag. Jeff with a clothesline and a kick to the spine of Wentz, cover for a two count. Matt tags in, AHHHHHHHHH, attacks the arm of Wentz. Matt does the DELETE turnbuckle smash to each buckle and then hits a slingshot into the bottom rope. Wentz grabs the bottom rope to break up the pin. Austin tags in, as Wentz tries to fight out. He knocks the Hardy’s off the apron, and he gets Riddle into the match. Ripcord knee strike to Matt! BRO clotheslines to both Matt and Wentz. Exploder to Austin. Powerbomb on his knee, knee strike to Austin. KUSHIDA with the tag as they have isolated Austin in their corner. Wentz in, but a quick tag back to KUSHIDA. Austin catches the knee of KUSHIDA, he tries a choke, but both men knock each other out with kicks. Jeff and Wentz tag in, as Jeff delivers the hits, and covers for a two count. Twist of Fate attempt, but Wentz with a jumping knee strike. KUSHIDA tagged in, but Jeff fights him and Wentz off. Whisper in the wind by Jeff to both men! Matt is in. Poetry in Motion to Wentz as he hits the floor. Elbow and senton combo by the Hardy’s on KUSHIDA, but Riddle breaks it up. EVERYONE GETS THEIR SHIT IN!
THIS IS AWESOME chant, as we are left with Jeff and Riddle in the ring. They fist bump, then slug it out. Riddle misses a kick, Candian Destroyer by Jeff, as Riddle hits the floor. KUSHIDA and Austin in the ring. Austin to the floor, double back elbow by KUSHIDA to the Hardy’s. Hoverboard Lock attempt is broken up, the Plot Twist by the Hardy’s. Jeff goes to the top rope, SWANTON BOMB! The cover, that’s game!
WINNER: The Hardy’s and Ace Austin
TIME: 15:55
THOUGHTS: Really wasn’t feeling this until the competitors started to get their moves in in the final stretch. Then the match took off and got good. Still, a fun match, and awesome to see the Original Bro show up.
RATING: ***1/4
Post-match, everyone shakes hands and show respect.
Genesis promo up next, that comes to us on January 19th in Dallas, Texas!
Next up, the Knockouts Title is being defended! Tale of the tape before the intros take place.
TNA Knockouts 2-out-of-3 Falls match: Masha Slamovich (C) vs. Jordynne Grace
I’m used to Grace holding the Knockouts Title. What world am I living in that she is the challenger? So wild.
The bell rings, and both ladies circle, we get a handshake. Slamovich tries to work the arm, gets a headlock takeover and is keeping the Juggernaut grounded. Grace tries a leg lock, but Masha fights out. We reset, another lockup, as Grace powers Slamovich to the corner. Backfist attempts miss, and Grace just runs over Masha. Again. Spinebuster, a kick out at two by Slamovich. Masha escape a powerbomb attempt, a kick, and she drops Grace throat first across the top rope. Masha misses another kick, Grace misses the backfist, Masha with a clothesline for a one count. Three snapmares by Slamovich, kick to the back, and Slamovich with a dive to the outside on Grace. Noth ladies on the apron, Slamovich tries a piledriver, but Grace sends her into the ring. Slamovich with a clothesline and dropkick to Grace. Masha tries the piledriver again, it breaks down into a slug fest. Dual chants for both women as Slamovich peppers Grace with kicks. Grace catches the last one, uppercut to Slamovich, PACKAGE PILEDRIVER BY GRACE, as Slamovich falls to the floor.
Grace rolls Masha back into the ring, but Slamovich escape out the other side of the ring. Grace follows, big right hand to Masha. Grace misses a clothesline, kicks by Masha. Counter piledriver attempts ends with Slamovich hitting Grace with a Tombstone Piledriver on the floor! Slamovich favors her knee as Grace isn’t moving. Slamovich breaks the count at eight to go get Grace and brings her to the ring. The cover, Grace kicks out at 2.5. Slamovich with a strike to the back and a clothesline. This fires up Grace, as she hits repeat body slams. Masha fights out of a third one, backfist by Masha. Grace fights off another piledriver attempt, standing Kryptonite Krunch! Two count! REF YOU SUCK chant. Muscle Buster is countered by Slamovich, Grace slams Masha into the corner three times. Knee strike by Slamovich, counter pin falls. Grace stacks up Slamovich for the three count!
Jordynne Grace earns pinfall #1 at 11:18
Grace charges Slamovich in the corner, but she moves and boots Grace in the face. Liger rolling kick gets Masha a two count. Slamovich with a straitjacket submission attempt. Grace to her feet, she powers her way out. Full Nelson attempt by Grace as Slamovich tries to stay with it. Slamovich with a stomp to the foot, but Grace thwarts Masha’s attempt at a sleeper. Short clotheslines by Grace, one that sends Masha to the mat for a two count. Reversals ensue, Masha with the rollup, double stomp! The cover, just a two count! Slamovich with the sleeper, but Grace powers up and throws Slamovich off. RUNNING KRYPTONITE KRUNCH BY GRACE! JUST A TWO COUNT! Grace looking for the Juggernaut Driver, Masha fights out. Off the ropes, springboard tornado DDT! Masha to the guillotine choke! Two hand slaps, but Grace responds before the third! World’s Strongest Slam by Grace! Vader Bomb! Juggernaut Driver is countered by a small package by Masha for the three!
Masha Slamovich earns pinfall #2 at 17:04 (1-1)
Grace responds with some forearms to Slamovich as Rosemary appears in the aisle. Grace with the backfist, but Masha with a kick, backslide for a two count. Grace rolls through, looks for the Boston Crab, but Masha fights out. Knee strike to the face of Grace, sit out Powerbomb! PACKAGE PILEDRIVER, THAT’S IT!!
WINNER: Masha Slamovich (Two Falls to One)
TIME: 18:50
THOUGHTS: Great match between two proficient women in the ring. Thrilling action throughout, as both ladies left it all in the ring.
RATING: ****
Tom and Matt run down the matches for next week’s episode on Thursday. We get a promo for the main event, which will be on deck next!
TNA World Heavyweight Title: Nic Nemeth (C) vs. Eddie Edwards w/Alisha Edwards
A tale of the tape before this one gets underway. I have to say, it’s really wild how Nemeth looks like he hasn’t aged a day over the past, what, ten years? I also remembered how annoying Eddie’s Boston accent is.
The bell rings, and the main event is underway! Eddie steps out to talk trash to the fans. Both men jockey for position in the corner.
(Side note: I really like this team of Matt and Tom, Matt is so funny as a sarcastic heel, and Tom playing it straight is great).
Eddie escapes to the floor, and we get EDDIE SUCKS chants. Test of strength, but Eddie takes a headlock. Eddie knocks down Nemeth, but Nic responds with his own. A pin for a two count. Nic off the rope, shoulder block, Edwards attempts to trip Nemeth, but Nemeth pins Edwards for a two count. Not sure what happened there, but that didn’t look right. Edwards runs through Nemeth and talks some more trash. Edwards with a chop to Nemeth, but Nemeth fires back. That is cut off, as Edwards sends Nemeth sternum first into the corner. Edwards with a cover for two. Crossface punches to Nemeth, and Eddie chokes Nemeth on the ropes. Alisha chokes out Nemeth while Eddie has the referee. Edwards with a shoulder tackle, cover, two count. Eddie with a side headlock, Nemeth to his feet, headbutt. Nemeth off the ropes, but Edwards with a clothesline. Edwards with a pin attempt. Two count. A second attempt. A third pin attempt. A fourth pin attempt. A fifth one, where Eddie hooks both legs. All two counts. Edwards with a chop to Nemeth. Edwards sends Nemeth into the corner chest first, but he comes back with a dropkick. SYSTEM FAILURE chant. Neckbreaker by Nemeth as he fires up.
Nemeth lays in an elbow drop. Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Seven! Eight! Nine! Ten! Edwards rolls out of the ring. Nemeth follows, but Eddie with a thumb to the eye. Nemeth smacks Edwards face off of the guardrail. Nemeth tries a superkick, but he misses Eddie and kicks the timekeeper! Edwards and Nemeth fight up the aisle. Eddie celebrates like he won the Superbowl, but here comes Nemeth! He throws Edwards into the ring, goes up top, Shot to the Heart elbow drop! Just a two count! Nemeth is distracted by Alisha, allowing Eddie to hit a backbreaker. Eddie whips Nic to the corner and follows up with a clothesline. A cover now, a two count. Edwards with a sleeper hold. FUCK THE SYSTEM chants. Nemeth fights back to his feet, both men run the ropes twice, double clothesline!
The match resets, as both men get to their feet. Nemeth with a punch, Edwards responds. The trading continues, as Nemeth kicks Edwards in both shins. Headbutt by Nemeth, Alisha grabs the feet of Nemeth in front of the referee. She ejects Alisha from the match. Eddie throws a tantrum as Nemeth charges him in the corner. Punches in the corner, neck breaker attempted, but Edwards shoves him off. Lou Thesz press by Nemeth, he calls out the FAMOUSER, but it’s countered with a Blue Thunder Bomb by Edwards. The pin, 2.9! Edwards runs into an elbow in the corner but catches Nemeth on the top rope. Backpack Stunner by Edwards, but Nemeth kicks out at two. LET’S GO NIC chants now. Nemeth tries to get to his feet, but a big chop sends Nemeth back down to his knees. Edwards tries another chop, but Nemeth blocks it and hammers away on Edwards, FAMOUSER! But Edwards kicks out at two! Alisha is back on the ring apron, she goes to slap Nemeth, Eddie charges, but they avoid a bump. Alisha hits Nic in the head with the title belt, Eddie with the pin, Nic kicks out at two! BOSTON KNEE PARTY FROM EDWARDS, BUT NEMETH KICKS OUT AT 2.9! Edwards looking for the Diehard Driver, countered by Nemeth, DANGER ZONE BY NEMETH! EDDIE KICKS OUT AT 2.88888888! Nemeth clotheslines himself and Eddie to the floor. Here comes Turkey Myers! He gets in the ring, puts on the ring. Here comes John Bradshaw Layfield! CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL TO TURKEY MYERS! JBL takes his leave from the ring and walks up the aisle. Both Edwards and Nemeth are back in the ring. Counterfest ensues, headbutt by Nemeth, superkick, DANGER ZONE! The cover and that’s it!
WINNER: Nic Nemeth (Still Champion)
TIME: 20:07
THOUGHTS: The first half of this match was kind of boring and felt like it was in slow motion. The second half, the match picked up, and Nic got some help from JBL. Overall, a good match, but following the Knockouts Title Match and the No-DQ match, it didn’t hit with the same umph.
Nemeth celebrates with the title as our show goes off the air.
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