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Join 411’s Live WWE Raw Coverage

January 31, 2022 | Posted by Tony Acero
Ronda Rousey WWE Raw Image Credit: WWE

Keep Refreshing For The Latest WWE Raw Results

Congratulations to Hawkeye Fan for, not only winning the Iron Man, but also the MOST eliminations with AJ Styles! This means he/she gets two shirts from the site of their choice! Please e mail me at [email protected] with a link to the shirts you want along with size and mailing address. I promise, I won’t send polaroids of myself.

As for the big winners…both DrCottonBalls and the totally not racist Will1225 walk away as winners! Please also e-mail me at [email protected] and tell me whether you’d like a) the upcoming WWE 2k22 video game, or two shirts from the aforementioned sites as well as mailing address and size (if choosing shirts).

Thanks for playing!

It’s Monday…you know what that means.

It’s a special edition of the RAW Report, emanating from an undisclosed location rumored to be Parts Unknown. The arena is full, and the ring is empty. Various signs in the crowd read, “DUMPSTER FIRE ACERO,” “IMMA LEN MARK,” “BENDER, I HARDLY KNEW HER!” A video package starts, as a hush falls over the crowd.

It’s a recap of the year, including a video that lasts around twenty minutes highlighting every wrestler fired in 2021. For the sake of time, we’ll fast forward to the main event.

It’s time for….THE 411 ROYAL RUMBLE!!!

Adam Pearce is in the middle of the ring! He’s here to inform us of the upcoming Chamber match, but gets cut short as Lashley’s music hits. Lashley with the red and black paisley suit, giving Seth a run for his money.

MVP says this is not how this is supposed to work. Lashley proved his superiority. He went to hell and back and now you want him to go to hell again? It’s not fair. The odds are against him. Five other people are in that match. This is wrong.

Lashley asks Pearce who he thinks he is? Lashley should be celebrating. He knew he was better all along. He is a better amateur wrestler, MMA dude, and champion in the WWE than him. He slayed The Beast. Look at the footage. All you Lesnar fans out there, he has a question: who is the conqueror now? Who is the beast now? Who is the champion now?


He’s ready to fight! Brock is all smiles, in his wrestling gear. Brock circles the ring, enters, then grabs a mic.

Brock tells MVP to shut up or he will stick his cane up his ass. MVP stands behind Bobby. Brock calls Bobby “Bobby Who” a few times, then laughs. He asks him why he is going to stand here and pretend like he is the champ? From one athelete to another, what’s the pride in that? Bobby didn’t beat Brock Saturday night. Come on. You know the only way Bobby beat him was because of Reigns and Heyman. He ain’t mad. It’s all good. He is mad at Roman and Paul. After that little “tebacle,” a good contest, by the way, kudos, but after all that, Brock took it upon himself to enter the Rumble and win. That ain’t a knee slapper, says Brock. Because he won, he gets to choose who he fights at Mania.

No need to worry, it’s not Bobby. Brock wants Reigns. At Mania, Brock v Reigns will be title vs title. This is why it involves Bobby. As you can see, Brock is dressed to fight. Because o this, he challenges Lashley to a rematch here and now.

MVP tries to stop Lashley, but Lashley wants it. Says he pinned Brock once, he can do it again.

Brock: “Get that $5 suit off and lets go, brotha.”

He tells Lashley MVP is holding him back. MVP grabs the mic, says Brock can go to the end of the line and earn the title shot. Challenge declined.

Brock continues to try and get Lashley’s attention, calling him a chicken shit. Lashley leaves the ring to a chorus of boos.

Pearce says that Lashley may not be facing Brock tonight, but Brock WILL be in the Elimination Chamber. It’s official.

We switch gears to Nikki and Rhea’s break up.

“Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag” blares through the speakers as #1 readies for his entrance. It’s AG Awesome and he’s brought a kid with him!!!! The baby has a Lily Doll in its hand, and AG is all smiles as they had down the ramp. He sits his kid on the apron and grabs a mic.

“I just got here, and I’m already tired! I don’t know if I can last the whole show, but damnit, I’m going to try!

The crowd is eagerly anticipating #2, and #2 does not keep them waiting long! It’s MJF with Wardlow!!! THE FORBIDDEN DOOR HAS BEEN BUSTED WIDE OPEN!!! MJF is smirking. He and Wardlow walk down the ramp. MJF walks up to AG’s kid, rips Lily from her arms, and tears the doll in half! AG is livid! MJF enters the ring. The ring announcer, Macaulay Culkin gives us the Royal Rumble rules, and the bell rings!

AG on the attack! But MJF rolls out of the ring with a smile. He’s out long enough to enrage AG and waste enough time for #3’s music to hit. The tron’s screen flickers then goes to white. Two beautiful feet drop from the top down as sultry music plays. The French tipped toes wiggle left and right, and AG sees nothing but them. He, in a trance like state, hops over the top rope, to the floor, eliminating himself, then walks up the ramp, leaving his child and his Royal Rumble dreams behind him.

The screen turns to black, comes back on to a video of Futurama playing, and out comes Bender on robotic wheels! He clotheslines AG on the way down and slides into the ring, but forgets the brakes, runs into the ropes, and over, eliminating himself in record time!!!

Match 1: Nikki A.S.H. vs Rhea Ripley

Ripley drops Nikki like nothing, gets a quick two-count, then catches Nikki off the ropes for a delayed suplex. She finally drops Nikki. Nikki rolls out of the ring. The ref starts the count as Nikki calls for a time out. Rhea slides out of the ring, Nikki slides in, Rhea slides in, Nikki slides out, Rhea slides out, Nikki catches her in the ring apron and starts with a barrage of punches. Kicks to Rhea as we go to break.

We are back, and Nikki is in control. She’s got Rhea’s elbow behind her, until Rhea turns into the hold. Whip to the corner, Nikki hits some shoulders then kicks her away. Nikki baks up, hit a running forearm, then hops to the top rope. She smiles, then grabs Rhea by the head, locks the head, spins for a tornado DDT, but Rhea shoots her off. Rhea kicks her away, locks the right arm up, then hits a short arm clothesline, holds on, and hits another, a third is dodged, so she hits a headbutt. Rhea hits the ropes, dropkick to the side of Nikki! Rhea screams. It’s super effective. Northern Lights! 1….2….NO!!! Rhea shoots Nikki to the top rope, they fight back and forth, Nikki chops Rhea in the face, locks the head, tornado DDT this time around gets it! 1..2..NO!!!! Nikki climbs to the top rope.

Nikki flies, rolls through, dodges a right, hits Rhea in the back of the nek. Nikki spins for a neckbreaker, but Rhea reverses, RIP TIDE! Cover! 1..2…3!!!

Winner: Rhea Ripley
Probably the best interaction these two have had in the ring but…what are we doing here…
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 8:03

Round Two of the Academic Challenge will take place now, backstage. Gable is wearing a helmet and a full body suit, possibly for aerodynamics. Riddle dedicates this race to Randy. He tries to read some rules, but the paper simply says GUSTAVO. Gable calls this a joke, saying a scooter race being included in an academic challenge is insulting.

The rules: 50 laps of the arena and cross the finish line at ringside wins. Gable says he has some Olympic friends, speed skaters, and they sent him this sick speed suit. No flow to slow him down, bro. Riddle says it is a pretty sweet suit. Riddle says…ugh, nevermind.

He introduces the special guest race-starter, R-Truth. He’s got a checkered flag, and the are off. We get a tracker of how many laps they are doing.

We head back to last week where Alexa speaks about Lily.

MJF realizes he is the only man in the match as of now, and enters the ring. He aks for a mic.

“Acero!!!! GET MY GUM!!!!!!”

Out runs Tony Acero, but not as an entrant. He runs past Wardlow, slides into the ring, hands MJF some gum, then heads back outside to sit with the announcers. MJF chews obnoxiously and stands in the middle of the ring as the countdown starts and #4 gets ready to come out.

It’s GoalFather!!! He has a mic.

“I only came out here to say that this is a complete waste of time. If you find RAW to be so disappointingly boring then STOP DOING THE DAMNED REPORT!!”

He drops the mic and leaves!

What the hell?!

MJF is still alone in the ring. He sits on the corner, still smiling and chewing his gum. He looks down to Acero who is applauding him. !!!

We come back to Alexa sitting in her black chair with her doctor. She says two weeks ago, he mentioned “imaginary,” but Lily has always been there .We get some kid pics of Alexa, with an imposed Lily on all the photos. The doc asks how Alexa would feel if Lily would somehow come back to her. Alexa lists some things she’d do with her. The doc has somrthing he’d like to show Alexa. It’s a replica doll. It’s not the real doll, so it shouldn’t mean anything. He holds up a doll. How does it make Alexa feel? She smiles.

After a recap of The Miz’s loss, we head to RAW where he will face Dominik Mysterio, who is apparently defending the family name.

Match 2: The Miz vs Dominik Mysterio

Lockpu to start, Dom with the go behind, Miz ties to elbow out, Dom sends Miz to the ropes, goes for a 619, but Miz escapes and yells at Rey. Dom grabs his hea, Miz hangs him up then shoves Rey for no reason. Miz enters the ring, the ref stops Rey from entering. Dom with a kick, whip to Miz, Miz kicks, he then pretends to trip, making it look like Rey Mysterio tripped him up.

The ref sends Rey to the back, and Miz hits a Skull Crushing Finale! Cover for 1..2..3!!

Winner: The Miz
Rey v Miz or Rey v Dom, I’m with it.
Total Rating: NR
Match Time: 2:08

Bavkstage, Dana Flair is walking around looking for would-be attackers. Tamina comes by to do just that, but here comes Ridle and Gable, scooting their life away.

We go full black. No one can see a thing. A barely audible “WTF” from MJF is heard before a single green laser shoots towards the tron. It spells out in all caps THE EX COLLECTORS! The lights go on!

It’s #5, #6, #7 and #8!!!

Filthy Jake Fury, Jack of Clubs, MoMoney1985, and Stinko Malenko come out at the same time! They’re wearing huge EXs on their singlets! They’ve broken the rules of the Rumble! They head to the ring, one man on each side, and hop onto the apron SHIELD style! MJF stands in the middle of the ring, frightened. Wardlow slides in to go back to back with MJF. The crowd is going wild! EX! CO! LLECTOR! Chants over and over! THEY ENTER THE RING! All four hop on Wardlow first as MJF cowers to the corner! They send Wardlow out of the ring in quick fashion, then turn to MJF, grab him and send him flying out of the ring!

All four men stand in the middle of the ring. One hand in the sky, finger pointing upward, and the other on their chest!


Riddle appears to be in the lead at 25/50 laps. He runs into Omos, tells him he has beautiful eyes.

KO is in the ring, ready for the KO Show! Who is his guest? Fuck if I know.

He says the last few nights have been exciting. He brings up Lashley, and the crowd boos. He informs us of the two night Mania coming up, and calls it stupendous. He has some a scoop for us. He, Kevin Owens, will be in the Elimination Chamber match…as soon as he beats Austin Theory.

His guest is Rollins.

They’d like to sit. Owens thanks him for accepting his invitation. Seth calls Cincinnati the hottest city in th country, and he wouldn’t miss it for the world. Ownes brings up Reigns and asks for the footage.

After this, Kevin Owens calls Seth the Universal Champion of his heart. Seth thanks him. He stands. He says although he isn’t here with the title, he did acquire something else. He is now living rent free in the brain of Roman Reigns. Seth has a surprise for Owens.

Seth announces that he is IN the match. Owens tries to convince Seth to go tell Pearce and Deville that he wants Owens in the match or he will walk. Owens would do it for Seth. Seth says he wnts to believe him, but he’s not sure about this.

Theory is here to stop the nonsense.

Match 3: Kevin Owens vs Austin Theory

Kevin with a whip to the corner hard. Stomp to the hand, then a chop to the chest. Another chop to the chest. Kick from Theory out of the corner, right hand, another right. Kick to the mid, and some stomps in the corner. Whip to Owens, Theory runs, gets sent to the apron, hangs Owens up, Theory rolls through the ropes and hits a dropkick to Owens. Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Theory with a back elbow in the corner, another, another. Right hand to the face, another, rights and lefts until the ref holds him back .Chop from Owens. Owens with a right to the face, another chop. Owens whips, Theory reverses, kick from Owens, clothesline. Owens sends Theory to the outside, then into the barricade. Back in the ring, but Theory rolls right back out. Owens stands by the steps, Theory grabs him by the head and slams him INTO THE STEPS! Ouch!

We are bck, and Owens hits Theory with a DDT! Owens to the top rope. Frog Splash attempt, but Theory is up quickly! Right hand to Owens. Headbutt from Owens. Owen hops up, moonsault, but Theory is out of the way! Standing blockbuster! Cover for 1..2..NO!!!! Theory with a Fireman’s, Owens on his feet, right hand. Chop to Theroy. He3 hits te ropes, right hand from Theory. Theory hooks the internal leg and drops Owens head on his knee! Cover for 1..2…NO!!! Owens returns the favor, dropping Theory on HIS knee!!! Son of a bitch. 1…2…NO!!!! Owens up! He kicks! Stunner attempt, but Theory escapes! SUPERKICK FROM OWENS!!! Owens to the top!!! He fleis with a swanton bomb! Cover for 1…….2….NO!!!!! Owens to the top, Theory follows. He hooks the head. Owens hooks the leg! OWENS WITH A SUPERPLEX! Pin for 1…2….NO!!!! Theory with the boot on the rope!

Theory rolls outside. Owens follows, pissed. He hits Theory over and over, rights to the head. He tosses Theory into the table, then looks for a powerbomb on the apron, but Theory escapes into the ring! Kick to Owens. ATL to Owens!!! Cover for 1..2…..3!!!!

Winner: Austin Theory
That. Was. Great. Owens did Theory a huge favor here, but Theory held up his end of the bargain. Hell of a match.
Total Rating: ****
Match Time: 11:12

Backsage, Riddle stops by The Street Profits, takes a sip of their lean, then scoots on out. Gable is up next, and Dawkins ain’t about that sharing life. Galbe says he is parched. Here’s Otis with a cup of something for him. Gable is wasting ample time. The drink is steak sauce. Gable scoots on.

Match 4: Dolph Ziggler vs Angelo Dawkins

Ziggler with. Dropkick out the gate. Cover for 1….2..NO!!! Ziggler sends Dawkins into the corner then drops him for a pin and gets a 2. Ziggler sits on the back of Dawkins, pulling on his face. Boot scrape. Ziggler grabs the head, does another boot scrape. Cover for 1…..NO!!! Ziggler mounts and locks in a side headlock. Dolph in the corner, looks to attack, but Dawkins hits a surprise right hand to knock Ziggler on his ass. Both men down, ref starting the count. Dawkins uses the ropes to rise, Ziggler up, clothesline from Dawkins. Whip and reverse and Dawkins hops over ZIggler, hits a spinning back elbow then a t-bone suplex. Dawkins with a spinning splash in the corner, hits the ropes, bulldog to Ziggler. Cover for 1..2..NO!!!! Ziggler hops up, hits a DDT to Dawkins! Cover for 1..2..NO!!!

Ziggler with a superkick attempt, but Dawkins holds on, tries for a Backslide, Ziggler slips out, double underhook into a spinning suplex and a cover for 1..2…3!!!

Winner: Angelo Dawkins
Yeah, I’m just not interested in anything Ziggler does, and a singles match for Dawkins doesn’t do much for me, either.
Total Rating: *
Match Time: 4:24

Backstage, we are at lap 49, and Riddle and Gable are neck and neck.

The oddly familiar sound of Alberto Del Rio’s music hits! Out comes Roberto Benavidez! He’s in a suit! He’s got a microphone. The four men turn towards the ramp, awaiting the entrance of Benavidez! He hushes the crowd…


Benavidez introduces Ricardo Rodriguez as #9!!!

Ricardo runs down the ramp, enters, tries to do the same pose The Ex-Collectors did, but they don’t fall for it! Ricardo is eliminated!

The timer counts down as the men in the ring high five each other, neither attacking the others. We finally get to #10, and it’s ROBERTO BENAVIDEZ!!! He runs from his post at the top of the ramp, slides into the ring, the four men circle him, but Robert rips of his suit! HE’S AN EX-COLLECTOR, TOO!!!!

We are back, and Truth and Kevin are ringside, waiting for the inevitable endof the race. Truth is asked who he thinks will win, and he says The Bengals for the cheap pop.

Here comes Gable and Riddle. Gable trips and falls. Riddle cheers and scoots his way to the victory, but Otis is there to pounce Riddle into oblivion. Gable back on the scooter. He scoots past Riddle, circles him once before crossing the finish line. Gable celebrates as Truth waves the flag.

Riddle enters the ring with a mic, saying Gable lost all integrity of a Scooter Race. Gable shooshes him, wonders if his cauliflower ears are deceiving him, or is Riddle calling him a cheater? He has never cheated in his life. It sounds like Riddle wants a match. Since he’s pissed Gable off and ran his scooter into his prized pupil, he has a match…but it’s with Otis.

Before the match, Pearce comes out to announce that whoever wins will be in the EC match..


Match 5: Matt Riddle vs Otis

Otis crushes Riddle in the corner, he then tosses Riddle down hard. Otis hits the ropes, huge splash to Riddle. Cover for 1..2.NO!!! Riddle kicks out. Huge bak elbow from Otis that sends Riddle flying. Riddle kicks out of the corner, Otis hits the chest, then hits a shoulder in the corner. Kick from Otis to Riddle’s midsection, sending him to the outside. Ref starts the count, Riddle hops to the apron, hits a shoulder, flips over Otis into the ring, but Otis hits a HUGE POUNCE, sending Riddle flying! Otis squeezes the head of Riddle until Riddle hits an elbow. Otis clubs the back, hits a body slam, drops an elbow. Riddle writhes in pain. Otis with a boot to the back, pressing Riddle into the bottom rope until the ref stops him Otis stands on Riddle’s chest and again the ref puls him back. Riddle on the apron, Otis lifts him up, Riddle hangs him up. Riddle flies over the top rope, hits a running forearm, another, hits the ropes with a third forearm, but Otis hits a HUGE CLOTHESLINE!!! Cover for 1..2…NO!!!! Otis with another vice grip of Riddle’s face. Riddle escapes, high kick to the head, but Otis stops him AGAIN with an over the head suplex! Otis stops a splash in the corner, eats a forearm, Riddle with another forearm, Otis tries for a clothesline, Riddle ducks, hits a knee, another drops Otis! Riddle to the top rope! Floating Bro! It’s mostly on the knee, but Otis sells it as a move. Good shit, Otis.

Riddle up, calls for an RKO ala Orton. Otis shoots Riddle away, Riddle hits the corner, back elbow, FLOATING BRO!! Cover for 1.2….3!!!!!

Winner: Matt Riddle
This was a great big man/little man match, with Otis and Riddle putting in work in under ten minutes. Otis continued demolishing of any type of momentum Riddle could get was great to see, and although the win was obvious, they did their thing. I especially loved Otis selling the Floating Bro to the knee as legit painful, because that was obviously not where he was supposed to land.
Total Rating: ***1/2
Match Time: 7:26

We get AJ Styles vs Rey Mysterio next! That should be good! This is for a spot in the Chamber.

Match 6: Bianca Belair vs Carmella

Lockup and Bianca with the go behind then a takedown. Mella wants her to let go, but Bianca stands up with the hold and drops her again. Mella: “Am I still pretty?” Bianca stands again, back elbow from Mella. She shoves Bianca. Belair wants more, Mella shoves her. Belair grabs her hair, pretends to whip her, but shoves her instead. Mella with a smack to the face. Bianca chases Mella out of the ring, around it, back in, and Mella stomps her over and over. Bianca is up, shoves Mella in the corner, hits a shoulder, another, another, Mella shoves her down, Bianca kicks Mella in the back. Lifts and Mella sends her into the middle buckle. Stomps in the corner, then some right hands. Mella continues the beat down. Bianca is up in the corner, Mella scrapes the forearm, then hits a right, back elbow, another, another, another, Another drops Bianca. Mella covers for 1 then gets a chinlock from behind. Bianca lifts her, but Mella body slams and covers for 1..NO! Chinlock again.

Bianca tries to get the crowd to help her. She stands, turns into the hold, suplex to Mella!

Bianca up, beats Mella like a stepchild, then hits a right punch and a KOD to Mella! Cover for 1..2…3!!!!

Winner: Bianca Belair
I hate squash matches, but this one needed to be just that. This was sloppy and boring. Mella did nothing even remotely close to wrestling.
Total Rating: *
Match Time: 5:31

We are reminded of Alexa falling in love with her replacement doll and will be updated soon on what happens next.

Bliss tells the doll she misses he so much. The doctor is sure to tell us where to buy this replica. She is going to let Alexa hold the doll. Bliss takes it, holds her, and is all smiles and tears. Happy tears.

Backstage, Kevin wants to look back at the scooter race that we just saw.

Gable says of course he won the race, and next week they will have a quizbowl. When RKBRO loses the bowl, just like the Bengals will lose their bowl game coming up, they can kiss a title rematch goodbye.

Match 7: AJ Styles vs Rey Mysterio

Handshake to start. AJ lifts Rey and slams him down on his stomach. Rey gets a rope break. Ref stops them, both men up. Test of strength and AJ trips Rey, Rey kicks AJ away, flies to the shouldres, sunset flip, AJ escsapes, trips Rey and covers for 1. Side headlock from AJ. Rope work and Rey hits a rana! He rushes the corner, sits on the top rope, AJ with a chop, headbutt from Rey, Rey hops over the head and hooks the leg, ranas AJ away, then whips, reversed, AJ with a titlt a whirl backbreaker. AJ grabs Rey, Rey hits some eights, AJ sends Rey flying outside and Rey bounces and lands on his feet, AJ flies over the top rope, lands on his feet, Rey dropkicks him off the apron, Rey flies and tries for the sliding splash, but AJ has the knes up! He looks to powerbomb Rey, but Rey with another rana, sending him into the barricade!

We are back, and AJ shoves Rey to the ropes, AJ hits a kick, moonsault off the ropes, but AJ catches him! Rey with a surprise DDT! Rey with another rana! Right hand to AJ. Whip to the ropes, reversed, AJ misses a right, splash off the roeps from Rey! Cover for 1..2..NO!!!! Rey with a kick to the hammy, another. Whip to the ropes, AJ holds onto the ropes, hits a low clothesine, firemans and a neckbreaker to Rey! Cover for 1..2.NO!!!! Rey sends AJ to the ropes, goes for a 619, but AJ dodges. He’s on the paron, flies for a rfeorearm, rolls through, Rey grabs, rolls through for a calf crusher, but Rey with a kick! Rey hits a shoulder, sends AJ to the corner, top rope, wants a Rana, but AJ holds on, he locks the head. He wants a Styles Clash! Rey avoids it, hits a rana off the top, 619 to AJ!!! Rey stands on the apron, goes to the top rope, flies with a frog splash, but AJ Moves!!!! Rey with a surprise crucifix, but AJ escapes! Pele Kick! AJ grabs Rey, stands him up, locks the head.

Rey reverses, heads to the top rope. He flies but AJ is up. SEATED SETNON! AJ rolls through!!! Styles Clash! Cover! 1..2…3!!!!

Winner: AJ Styles
Don’t get me wrong, this match was a lot of fun, but there were moments where I felt like Rey was going through the motions a bit much. He went for like 8 ranas, and it came off a little repetitive. Still, it was about as good as we could expect from these two!
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 11:42

The music of Shaft hits! The five men in the ring await the next man! It’s LEN ARCHIBALD!!!

Len stands at the top of the ramp and stares at the five men in the ring. He makes zero effort to make it down the ramp, and instead, sits on the edge of the stage while the five men in the ring stand there confused. Commentary runs down Len’s accomplishments while he swings his legs, hanging off the stage a bit. Len has a bag of popcorn with him! Ha! He grabs a few kernels and pops them in his mouth as we get to the final countdown of ten…nine….eight…

It’s KEN HILL!!!!!!

The Len and Ken Connection are here! Len hops up, tosses the bag of popcorn behind him, and gives a knowing nod to Ken! They walk down the ramp in unison. The five men in the ring all look ready to go! Ken and Len stop at the bottom of the ramp, right in front of the ring. Len slices his neck with his finger, Ken punches his fist into his hand. They hop on the apron just as the 10 countdown starts. Ken and Len point behind The Ex-Collectors! They turn.

Tony Acero hops on the apron behind them with a smile!! Len and Ken smile knowingly, Tony stares the men down in the ring. It’s still three on five, but they don’t care!


JEREMY THOMAS is here!!!! He’s welding a huge ass hammer! The head of it reads loudly “BANHAMMER!” Jeremy walks down the ramp just as Tony, Len, and Ken enter! They all go at it!!! Len and Ken and Tony are doing fine until the numbers get to them! Just as The Ex-Collectors take the numbers advatange, Jeremy comes it! He swings the BANHAMMER HARD! Out goes Roberto! Next is MoMoney! Jeremy is swinging for the fences! He knocks Malenko over the top rope, then Jake and Jack!

Catch AEW Dynamite Report for Part II!!!!!

Ronda is here! She stares at the Mania sign. She says she has been debating whose title she wants to take at Mania. Charlotte or Rebeca. She has unfinished business with both. She could choose Rebecca, but her attention is a compliment Becky doesn’t deserve. The biggest fight for any woman is always with her, and Becky’s stagnant title reign is not Ronda’s problem. She could choose Charlotte, just to prove that Becky is still on her undercard.


Everyone will know that the baddest big time bitch is her.

Ronda drops the mic and….uh…ok.

Becky’s music hits, and she is here. She’s missed Ronda! Look at her out there using the government, spouting nonsense. Nice to see she hasn’t changed. Ronnie loses credibility, though, talking bout being the undercard, when Becky is the only one being able to beat her. She wasn’t even sure we’d see Ronda back here again. Now that she is, the biggest match in anyones mind is her and Ronda. Seein as this is Ronda’s first Mania back, she wouldn’t blame her for choosing an appetizer like Flair.

If you want the meat and potatoes, though, Becky is all game. Please make the decision soon, though, because time is money. Who will it be? The people want to know. Ronda with an arm toss. She takes the mic from Becky. Ronda says she’ll have her answer on Friday.

Becky is shocked. Shocked I say!

Ronda leaves. Becky grabs the mic.

She says it’s official, Ronnie fears Becky. Maybe she just wanted to get out of Cincinnati as much as she does. Ok, Ronnie. Run, but you can—

LITA’s Music Hits! Wtf?!

Lita says wow that was so rude. What is Ronda’s problem with her? So rude. Becky agrees. Lita doesn’t know how she could talk about Becky like that’ she is the GOAT. Shes known since the first day she met becky she’d be right here. She has set the division on fire. Becky agrees to all of this. Becky has been a fan since she was a kid.

Lita says the one thing she respects is that Becky is a fighting champion, and never backs down from a challenge.

Becky wonders what Lita is getting at here.

Lita wants a shot. Lita vs Becky. Elimination Chamber. No, says Becky. Lita knows it’s a lot of work, and if she’s afraid, just say it.

Becky says she is not. If she wants it, she’s got it.

Becky vs Lita.

End Show

article topics :

RAW, WWE, Tony Acero