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Kylie Rae Plans To Wrestle Again After Her Pregnancy

June 26, 2023 | Posted by Joseph Lee
WWE Main Event Briana Ray Kylie Rae Image Credit: WWE

As previously reported, Kylie Rae and her longtime partner Isaias Velasquez are expecting their first child. In an interview with Fightful, she said that she plans to wrestle again after she gives birth. Here are highlights:

On her pregnancy: “As far as the pregnancy, I’m, again, this is my first time giving birth. So I think I was a little naive shooting for, you know, two months of recovery time. I’m hearing it’s more like six months.”

On her plans after giving birth: “I know I still want to wrestle. I still go to training at least once a week and get in and do the warm-ups and the drills that I’m able to do; I don’t necessarily do any spots or drills with other people, and that’s because accidents can happen; god forbid something horrible happens. I definitely limit what I’m able to do, and that’ll probably even decrease even more once my belly’s out to here, and I can’t do a forward role anymore. I believe in training consistently because I think that if you don’t use it, you lose it, no matter how long you’ve been doing anything. I’m trying not to lose too much throughout the pregnancy if that makes sense. I’m holding onto that set drift. I would love just to keep having fun and growing and learning and trying to; I don’t want to say correct mistakes but learn from the mistakes that I’ve made.”

On when she’s planning to return: “I can’t predict the future. Whatever happens, happens, but I know I still love wrestling, and I probably always will. I want to continue doing this as long as I can. I initially said I would like to be back working matches in January, but again, I’m hearing that that’s not possible. So I’m shooting for April. of 2024. and maybe baby steps into whatever happens from there. I don’t know if it’s ok to say, I feel like I’m a little bit of a, I don’t want to say liability, but I know I need to be better at, let’s say, reaching out if I need help or if I’m overwhelmed. So, one of the biggest things I want to continue is keeping certain things in place; if I ever am going through one of my down periods.”

On her progress with sobriety: “I will say this; I am over 20 months sober now and consistently going to thank you so much. That’s something that I’ve always kind of struggled with throughout my life, continuing my sobriety. I go to therapy every other week. I am continuing that as well. It helped me. I will be honest if this was a year ago, I don’t know if I would have been able to hop on a call with you all. So that’s how much my anxiety would really affect me. So that’s progress, right? So just progressing every day.”

article topics :

Kylie Rae, Joseph Lee