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LA Knight Reflects On Period After 2014 WWE Exit, Making Return To Company

December 4, 2024 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
LA Knight WWE Smackdown Image Credit: WWE

LA Knight’s first run in WWE ended back in 2014, and he recently recalled his exit and the period between then and his return. The former US Champion spoke with Jazzy World TV and you can see highlights below, per Wrestling Inc:

On being in a Triple H workout video in his first run: “Did that help me in any way? Probably not because [I got fired soon after]. It took me another journey around the world to come back home here and make things happen… It’s wild to be here now and just consider all that history and the crazy different side quests I’ve taken, whether it be [the fitness video] or doing different commercials, TV shows, whatever. [At this point], sky’s the limit.”

On if he ever considered quitting after leaving WWE: “There was really never a moment that I ever felt like I was gonna call it quits. [I knew] that something was gonna connect. [It] was just ‘keep pushing forward.’ The only time where I thought, ‘I think I’m kinda stuck and I think this might be the end of the road for me,’ [was] when the pandemic happened.”

On being unsure if he would make it back to WWE at the time: “[I thought] Man, things are slowing down. I’m at an age now where people are going to really scrutinize me. Do they really want to bring me in because they like bringing in all these 20-year-olds?… I get [companies looking at younger talent] because this is a physical game. At the same time, I’m in tremendous shape. I don’t think most people can touch the shape I’m in.”

On giving himself another shot at a WWE run: “With everybody seeing that age number and then the pandemic, that was the only time where I started to doubt that this might happen and then at some point,I just said, ‘Forget all that. I’m gonna make that overture one more time, keep pushing forward, and here we are.”

article topics :

LA Knight, WWE, Jeremy Thomas