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Lance Storm Working as Producer For Impact Wrestling at Upcoming Tapings

March 9, 2019 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas

– Lance Storm has revealed that he is going to work as a producer at Impact Wrestling’s upcoming tapings. Storm appeared on Figure Four Daily and revealed that he will be starting as a producer at tapings later this March, with the possibility of the position being on ongoing one.

“I’m going to be doing the agent/producer role for Impact Wrestling in the near future,” he said (per Wrestling Inc). “The March 22 and 23 tapings in Windsor, Ontario, which I think are their next TV tapings. Yeah, it’s only a couple of weeks away now…It is not a permanent position. It is a bit of a test to see if I like the job and if they like my ability to do the job, but, I will be in Windsor for the next Impact Wrestling tapings.”

He added that working as a producer is “possible [for him] because they only tape two days a month and it’s a Friday and a Sunday, so I would only have to adjust one day, per month, out of my SWA training schedule. So, it’s doable, and obviously I get along extremely well with both Don Callis and Scott D’Amore. So, I’ve been watching the product religiously for the last month or so to be up to date, and I have my travel, so I assume it’s official now. So, I will be going to work in that capacity and see if I can be helpful to the product. And if both sides like it, I will probably do it moving forward for a while.”