wrestling / Video Reviews

Leighty’s Retro Review: WCW Monday Nitro 9.25.95

February 5, 2025 | Posted by Robert Leighty Jr.
WCW Nitro 9-25-25 Meng Haku Lex Luger Image Credit: WWE
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Leighty’s Retro Review: WCW Monday Nitro 9.25.95  

-As I write this review, I am 2 days past having surgery to repair a hernia. The doctors and staff at Ruby Hospital in West Virginia were wonderful. I am pretty sore, but medications are helping. I am off work for five days, and I am not allowed to lift anything over 10 lbs for next 6 weeks. I have a wrap around my stomach that I have to wear for about a month as well. Sitting isn’t as painful now, so I figured it was time to get back to Nitro. Let’s get to it!

-Announce Team: Eric Bischoff, Bobby Heenan, and Mongo
-Florence Civic Center, Florence, South Carolina

Alex Wright vs. Disco Inferno

-Disco attacks before the bell and lands a back elbow. He then drops another elbow and fires Wright to the floor. Disco plays to the crowd which lets Wright hit a shoulder to the gut and then a shotgun dropkick off the top. Whip to the corner and Wright hits a spin wheel kick. Now Disco gets pitched to the floor. Wright with a dive over the to as Mongo tells us all to avoid Monday Night Football because we all know San Francisco is going to win. Probably means I was watching Monday Night Football. Go Niners! Running clothesline from Disco and he goes back to dancing and fixing his hair. It does get heat from the crowd. Short-arm clothesline and more dancing which gives us more boos. Disco takes his time getting up top which lets Wright hit a dropkick to knock him down. Wright starts firing off right hands and gets a two count. Wright sets too early on a backdrop and Disco clubs him down. Side suplex from Disco and back to the dancing. He goes for the swinging neckbreaker, but Wright counters with a backslide for the pin at 4:00. Oh, and Mongo was right as my Niners beat Detroit 24-17.

Winner: Alex Wright via pin at 4:00
-Fun 4 minute match as both men worked hard and the crowd was into it. **1/2

-Pretaped interview with Hulk Hogan and Jimmy Hart. Hogan is sporting a neck brace and hasn’t missed a work out yet. Hogan has built a bigger monster truck and throws out the Sumo Monster Truck Challenge and then throws out the challenge to face him for The WCW Title. “You will be laid to rest, right next to your father, where I beat him in Detroit.” Them getting away from Giant being Andre’s son can’t come soon enough.

-We go back to last week where Randy Savage and Lex Luger had another verbal confrontation and Macho wanted to fight right then, but no dice.

-Back to the ring as Gene is back in the ring with Randy Savage and Lex Luger sprints down to the ring. Lex calls out Savage for not having respect for him. Lex says going to war with someone doesn’t always mean respect, and sometimes you have to go to war against each other. Macho is cool with that as Lex brings up that Savage slapped him in the face. Lex challenges Macho to a match next week and Lex will leave WCW if he loses. Randy accepts and wants a handshake, but Luger just pats him on the shoulder and leaves.

-Halloween Havoc: Oct 29: MACHINE VS. MACHINE! HOGAN vs. GIANT!

Kurasawa (w/ Colonel Parker) vs. Sgt. Craig Pittman

-Kurasawa broke the arm of Hawk and has been living off that during this WCW run. Pittman with a pair of headbutts to the ribs and he goes to armbar. He slams Kurasawa down, but that only angered him as he goes off with a series of kicks and dumps Pittman to the floor. He exposes the concrete and hits a sick suplex. Ouch! Back in the ring Kurasawa gets a take down and starts working on the elbow. He fires off some kicks but charges one time too many and gets backdropped to the floor. Pittman runs him shoulder first into the apron and then again. Cool! Pittman pulls Kurasawa back into the ring by the arm and gets a bell to belly suplex. Headbutt and then into the Code Red! Kurasawa gets to the ropes to break. Kurasawa gets suplexed on his face. Pittman tries a German Suplex, but Kurasawa reverses and gets a bridging suplex for the pin at 4:25.

Winner: Kurasawa via pin at 4:25
-The ending seemed a little off as Pittman may have kicked out and it seemed to confuse the announcers. Outside of that this was another energetic match. They were both trying to rip off the other’s arm and then started trading suplexes. It was rough and kind of a clash, but that’s what made it worth watching. Nitro was good for giving us matches you would never expect and some hit while others were train wrecks. **1/4

-Mean Gene is in the ring with Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman. Flair is still looking for a partner to face them. Pillman goes off on a Pillman rant about bearing arms and being able to assemble. Gene questions why Arn would turn his back on Flair. Arn: “Think what you want to think.” That should have been a clue right there. Arn brings up that Flair ran over everyone for 10 years and it shouldn’t come as a surprise that nobody wants to team with him. Man has a point.

-Back to the set of Baywatch where Kevin Sullivan attacked Randy Savage as he was lifting weights.

The Taskmaster (w/ The Zodiak) vs. “Macho Man” Randy Savage

-Savage chases Sullivan on the floor where Zodiak runs Savage into the post behind the ref’s back. Sullivan lays in the boots and chops. Savage pitched to the floor and Sullivan drops him balls first on the railing. Boot to the head sends Savage off the apron and back to the floor. Right hand from Sullivan and another. Savage finally gets back in the ring, but Sullivan cuts him off and sends him right back to the floor. Sullivan charges and Savage gets a backdrop on the floor. He sends Sullivan into the railing and then back into the ring. Double Axe from the top! Savage brings Zodiak into the ring and hits an elbow. Savage pushes the ref out of the way for the DQ at 2:58.

Winner: The Taskmaster via DQ at 2:58
-Not much of a match which is fine as Savage just wanted revenge and only cared about hurting Sullivan. 3/4*

-Savage stacks both men and goes for the flying elbow, but Sullivan rolls off and lets Zodiak to take the move. Here’s The Giant and plants Savage in the ring with a choke slam. Frankie Lancaster tries to make the save and CHOKE SLAM. Mark Starr: CHOKE SLAM! Alex Wright comes off the top, but Giant catches him and CHOKE SLAM. Lex Luger is out next as Savage takes another CHOKE SLAM. Luger stands over Savage and The Giant goes to grab him. Luger fires off a right and eats a CHOKE SLAM. This sure made Giant look like a beast so it accomplished that goal.

Meng vs. Lex Luger

-Luger is still in the ring trying to get to his feet. Meng smartly sprints to the ring and attacks. Luger should have minded his own business knowing he had a match. Eric lets us know that Hulk Hogan has announced he will be in Denver next week on Nitro. Meng with a SWANK piledriver for two! Meng continues to maul Luger in the corner with chops and chokes. Snap suplex from Meng gets two. Nerve hold which is the first time all night someone went to a rest hold. The arm drops twice, but Luger shows life and the crowd is behind him. He elbows his way out and fires off right hands. One kick from Meng stops that rally. Gut-wrench backbreaker from Meng gets two and then another two. Meng buries a knee to the back and hooks a chinlock. Leg drop gets two and back to the chinlock though no knee in the back this time. Luger gets to his feet, throws a couple elbow, but again one shot from Meng ends the rally. Suplex from Meng and he heads to the middle rope. He jumps off but Luger is up and plants Meng face first into the mat. Meng is still up first though and fires off a chop in the corner. He charges in the corner and gets caught with a boot, a knee, and then double boots. Running clothesline from Luger, who bounces off Meng. Luger beats him down to the mat, but as the ref pulls him away, Meng pulls a spike out of his tights and catches Luger with it in the throat for the pin at 6:45.

Winner: Meng via pin at 6:45
-This lacked the energy of the other matches. It did make sense for Meng to get a win on a wounded Luger and they protected Luger with Meng cheating to win as well. *1/4

-Eric runs down who will be appearing on next week’s show and we are out. Thanks for reading and I am going to lay down for a bit.

The final score: review Average
The 411
The first two matches were fun sprints and we had star power with Luger and Savage in the last two matches. Interesting that they set up the Luger/Savage match and have both men lose. As always this is an easy watch at 45 minutes. It's not full of BANGERS like people expect on today's wrestling shows, but that's because it was a different time.

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WCW Nitro, Robert Leighty Jr.