
Leighty’s WWE Main Event Review: 05.26.22

May 26, 2022 | Posted by Robert Leighty Jr.
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Leighty’s WWE Main Event Review: 05.26.22  

-Announce Team: Kevin Patrick and Byron Saxton
-Taped: Evansville, IN

Commander Azeez (w/ Apollo Crews) vs. Akira Tozawa

-Tozawa lands a punch but hurts his hand. He climbs on the back of Azeez but gets shrugged off. A few dropkicks have no effect. He opts to head up top but gets caught and tossed off across the ring. Azeez works the back and then hits a belly to back suplex for two. Azeez works a submission for a bit and then tries a slam, but Tozawa squirms out. He dropkicks the knees to get Azeez to his knees. He lands some strikes and hits a head kick for one as Azeez kicks out with ease. Missile dropkick next and back to the strikes as he tries to chop Azeez down. Chokeslam is countered by Tozawa into a rana for two as the crowd was buying that fall. Azeez has had enough and finishes with the swinging Rock Bottom for the pin at 4:22.

Winner; Commander Azeez via pin at 4:22
-Better than I thought as they actually got the crowd to buy the one near fall. Azeez probably should have SQUASHED him more, but Tozawa getting his offense was the best part of the match. *1/2

-Back to RAW a few weeks back for Lashley/Omos inside the cage. Cedric Alexander and MVP get involved, but Lashley gets the win as Omos tosses him through the cage.

-WWE and Special Olympics partnership commercial!

-Hulu commercials!

-Back to RAW as MVP vs. Lashley is set and winner gets to pick the stipulation for Omos/Lashley IV at Hell in A Cell. Lashley dominates, but Omos gets involved and MVP gets the fluke count-out win. MVP then adds himself to the match, making it a handicap match.

-Back to SmackDown for a video package on RK-Bro vs The Usos in the Tag Title Unification Match. Reigns gets involved and The Usos own all the gold. Our Tribal Chief is quite happy! The Bloodline then destroy RK-Bro after the match and thankfully they show the kids in the audience that were in shock or crying. Got to love real emotion over a wrestling angle!

-Asuka/Bianca Hell in a Cell commercial! Again, probably should have updated that by now.

-Hulu commercials!

-Back to RAW for The Usos and Sami Zayn vs. The Street Profits and Riddle. The Bloodline walk off and leave Zayn alone where a pissed off Riddle gets the win. I mean, he has no chance of winning but I am all for Riddle vs. Roman at MITB. He deserves to headline a show like this after the work he has done in the last year.

-Crown Jewel is returning from Saudi Arabia November 5!

-Hulu Commercials!

-Back with Apollo Crews in the ring with Azeez. He throws out an open challenge and it is answered quickly by T-Bar.

T-Bar vs. Apollo Crews

-Crews attacks at the bell, but T-Bar tosses him in the corner and lands some elbows. Back breaker and then a middle rope double ax gets two. Crews escapes a slam and hits a dropkick as Azeez threatens KP on commentary. T-Bar fights back with more elbows, but gets caught throat first on the middle rope. The crowd is actually into this one as T-Bar as a babyface is working. T-Bar gets dumped to the floor where Azeez knocks him down with a clothesline. That sends us to our commercial break.

-Hulu commercials!

-Back with Crews controlling with a side headlock. T-Bar tries to elbow out, so Crews just releases and tosses him down. He rakes his forearm across the face and lands some more strikes. T-Bar fights back with forearms, but Apollo escapes a suplex. He does get caught with a boot. High Justice hits, but Crews kicks out at two. Weird! We get a T-Bar chant as this match has had the hottest Main Event crowd in a good while. Crews back with an Angle Slam and then standing moonsault for two. Another loud T-Bar chant as Crews tries for a slam. T-Bar elbows out and gets the release vertical suplex. Up top and Azeez shakes the ropes to distract T-Bar. The moonsault misses, but T-Bar lands on his feet. He ends up on the apron and Azeez tries to get involved, but T-Bar kicks him in the face. He heads up again, but Crews crotches him and then finishes with the fall-away Samoan Drop at 8:43,

Winner: Apollo Crews via pin at 8:43
-This was solid and got really good after the break. It was nice seeing a match the crowd was actually into as the fans are getting into T-Bar as a face and hopefully that pays off for him down the line. **3/4

-Back to RAW two weeks ago as Asuka uses the power of THE MIST to knock off Becky Lynch and earn a Title Match against Bianca at Hell in a Cell.

-Back to RAW as Becky and her puffy shirt complain to Pearce that Asuka cheated. Pearce books her s Asuka with Lynch getting added to HIAC if she wins.

-Rollins/Rhodes Hell in A Cell commercial!

-Hulu commercials!

-Back to RAW as Asuka closes the show for a 4th straight week. Another good match between these two and as expected when the stipulation was announced, Becky gets the win and we get the Triple Threat Match that seemed to be the way they were going since Asuka returned.

-Thanks for reading!

The final score: review Average
The 411
Decent show this week thanks to Crews/T-Bar and that's all I ask out of this show each week.

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Robert Leighty Jr.