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Mark Henry Recalls Regretful Decision To Work Through Injury That ‘Destroyed’ His Knee

May 31, 2023 | Posted by Andrew Ravens
Mark Henry WWE 2013, WWE ID Image Credit: WWE

On the latest episode of SiriusXM’s Busted Open Radio, WWE Hall of Famer Mark Henry talked about working through injuries, including a broken kneecap that he regrets doing so to this day due to the pain he’s currently in. You can check out some highlights below:

On working with a torn rotator cuff and labrum: “I think it was important at the time because of what I was involved in, both of the injuries that I’m thinking of my right rotator cuff tear and labrum tear. I was working in the main event with Chris Benoit and we were leading up. To go into Mania, he had the title and I was chasing and. Bro, I did everything I could. I popped it back in place. You name it and it just kept coming out and it’s. I knew I had to have surgery when I would fall asleep and I would wake up in the middle of the night screaming, scaring my whole family because my shoulder slipped out in my sleep. So I had to get that. But I was going to work every week and was still working trying to press people, catching people off the top like you name it. That was not smart to do because it got worse and worse and worse.”

On working with a broken kneecap that he regrets: “With my knee, I broke my kneecap in half based on the fact that I’m not experienced like Bully Ray. Me and Kurt Angle were. I put Kurt Angle through a table for consecutive weeks and then I went to pull the table out and when I pulled it out it caught something and broke the leg and I was like, ‘Oh, I’m not gonna get another table. I’m gonna just put this one on the wall and on the ring.’ And I went up to the apron and jumped off. It slid off the wall and we both went through the table. But when I slid off the table, my knee hit the concrete bang and broke my kneecap in half and I kept. I kept wrestling for probably another six months and sometimes I would stand up and my knee would be like the place where it was broken was not flush. And I would have to sit down on my butt and have Shelton or somebody step on it to pop it back flat and then I could. ‘OK it’s good.’ And not realizing that I was destroying my knee. I regret it because I still suffer damage from that knee injury.”

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit Busted Open Radio with an h/t to 411mania.com for the transcription.

article topics :

Mark Henry, WWE, Andrew Ravens