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Mideon on How His Nude Streaker Gimmick in WWE Came About

July 30, 2023 | Posted by Jeffrey Harris
Mideon Shane McMahon 1999 Image Credit: WWE

– During a recent edition of Oh You Didn’t Know, former WWE Superstar Mideon (aka Dennis Knight) discussed his infamous naked streaker gimmick in WWE. Below are some highlights (via WrestlingInc.com):

Mideon on the story that inspired Vince McMahon to give him naked man gimmick: “Kurt [Angle] comes back and he’s talking and he goes in and takes a shower and he comes back out and he pulls his underwear off and I drop my towel and I go, ‘I am the naked man.’ Then [Blackjack] Lanza comes and goes, ‘Hey we need someone for a meet and greet,’ and I threw on my towel and walked out into the hallway and was like ‘Where is this meet and greet?'”

On not seeing the gimmick as a negative: “It’s so funny, that’s all anybody ever talks about and they’re like, ‘Oh, that must’ve been terrible,’ I was like, this is ’98, ’99, I’m getting my head kicked in by Vader, and all these guys every single night. I got paid the exact same amount of money for like eight months to run to the ring in my fanny pack.”

article topics :

Mideon, WWE, Jeffrey Harris