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ROH On HonorClub Results 1.23.25: Komander Defends TV Title, More

January 23, 2025 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
ROH On HonorClub 1-23-25 Image Credit: ROH

ROH On HonorClub aired its 100th episode on Thursday, with a TV Title match and more. You can see the full results from the show below, per Fightful:

* Mark Briscoe cut a promo congratulating ROH on eaching 100 episodes in its current era and said he hoped for 100 more.

* ROH World Television Championship Match: Komander def. QT Marshall. Lee Marshall appeared on the ramp after and called for a World Television Title match.

* Leila Grey def. Marti Belle

* The Outrunners def. Jon Cruz & Rosario Grillo

* Athena cut a promo celebrating ROH’s 100 episodes and said she’d be back soon.

* The Beast Mortos def. Lord Crewe

* ROH World Tag Team Championship Match from International Challenge 2006: Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal def. Blood Generation

* Leila Grey was interviewed by Lexy Nair and said she intended to win the ROH Women’s World Television Championship, challenging Red Velvet for next week.

* Taya Valkyrie def. Lady Frost

* Jacked Jameson met with Griff Garrison, Cole Karter & Preston Vance and pitched a faction called The Fraternity. The three talked if over and said they would think about it.

* The Gates of Agony def. Terry Yaki & Joey Lucas

* Chris Jericho appeared and congratulated ROH on 100 episodes.

* Katsuyori Shibata def. Shane Taylor. Shane Taylor Promotions attacked Shiata after the match until Daniel Garcia & The Undisputed Kingdom made the save.

* Don Callis & Konosuke Takeshita challenged Katsuyori Shibata for a match at AEW Collision Homecoming for the AEW International Championship.

article topics :

ROH TV, Jeremy Thomas