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TNA Impact Taping Results From San Antonio (SPOILERS)

TNA Wrestling taped several matches for next week’s episode of Impact and beyond last night in San Antonio. You can see spoilers below, via Andrew See:
* Jake Something def. Laredo Kid and Jason Hotch
* Steve Maclin def. John Skyler
* Brian Myers def. Leon Slater
* Nic Nemeth cuts a promo before his brother Ryan interrupts. They are then interrupted by First Class.
* Cora Jade def. Hyan. Jade attacked Hyan after the match but Xia Brookside and Masha Slamovich made the save.
* Sami Callihan and Mance Warner brawled in the crowd and in the ring. Steph de Lander distracted Callihan, which let Warner get the advantage.
* Eric Young and Josh Alexander vs. Sinner & Saint ended with Young betraying Alexander.
* Wes Lee def. Ace Austin. Tyson & Tyriek attacked Austin after the match, but the Rascalz made the save.
* Nic & Ryan Nemeth def. First Class.