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TNA Impact Taping Results From San Antonio (SPOILERS)

January 24, 2025 | Posted by Joseph Lee
TNA Impact 1-30-25 Image Credit: TNA

TNA Wrestling taped several matches for next week’s episode of Impact and beyond last night in San Antonio. You can see spoilers below, via Andrew See:


* Jake Something def. Laredo Kid and Jason Hotch
* Steve Maclin def. John Skyler


* Brian Myers def. Leon Slater
* Nic Nemeth cuts a promo before his brother Ryan interrupts. They are then interrupted by First Class.
* Cora Jade def. Hyan. Jade attacked Hyan after the match but Xia Brookside and Masha Slamovich made the save.
* Sami Callihan and Mance Warner brawled in the crowd and in the ring. Steph de Lander distracted Callihan, which let Warner get the advantage.
* Eric Young and Josh Alexander vs. Sinner & Saint ended with Young betraying Alexander.
* Wes Lee def. Ace Austin. Tyson & Tyriek attacked Austin after the match, but the Rascalz made the save.
* Nic & Ryan Nemeth def. First Class.

article topics :

TNA Impact, Joseph Lee