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Top 7 Wrestling Fan New Year’s Resolutions

January 3, 2025 | Posted by Steve Cook
WWE AEW Logos, Eric Bischoff, WWE Holiday Tour Image Credit: WWE/AEW

I used to mock the idea of New Year’s Resolutions. They always seemed like an excuse for people to act like they were going to change just because the calendar did. The success rate of these resolutions doesn’t seem to fare well from my experience, so why bother?

I’ve come to the realization that I’m not perfect. The fact that I’m not perfect means there are things that I can improve on. Maybe making resolutions on New Year’s is kind of lame, but maybe it could help if I achieved some of them!

As it turns out, there are a lot of things I could stand to improve on. One of them is being a wrestling fan/writer/so called expert. I used to be pretty good at these things but have slipped in recent years. With this in mind, today I present my seven pro wrestling-related New Year’s Resolutions.

7. Keep Track Of Things

Image Credit: WWE & AEW

You’ve probably noticed over the past couple of years that the 411 Year-End Awards have been conspicuous by their absence. Most people seem to love awards and debating over them, and people used to ask me for my contribution. I never really felt good about doing them, because I never excelled at keeping track of the best wrestlers and matches from year to year. Sure, I watched a lot of stuff, but I always had difficulty ranking it all or remembering when it happened. Even when it comes to message board stuff, I usually operate pretty blindly when it comes to naming a Wrestler or a Match of the Year.

I will probably still struggle with remembering specific matches, but wrestlers is something I should be able to do.

6. Give Things A Chance

Some have accused me of being a bit of a negative Nellie over the years. They weren’t wrong. I figured it was better to enter things with a healthy amount of skepticism than to overly praise everything and everyone. That way, my praise would hopefully have more meaning than praise from someone that thought everything was the best ever. I don’t think I’ll go full blown positivity patrol, but I’ll try to give things a chance that I would usually cast aside without even watching.

After you see so much wrestling and see the same ideas and same wrestlers over & over again, you tend to assume what the outcome will be. You know what happens when you assume…you make an ass out of yourself.

5. Lay Off The Social Media

Image Credit: X, Bluesky & Meta

I don’t want to come right out and say that social media is the devil. I’ve interacted with some pretty cool people that I never would have if not for the Twitter machine. It’s a good way to get opinions out there and get some immediate feedback. Also, at least until recently, it was a good way to get information.

That all being said, social media sites should only command so much of our time. Especially with character counts so limited. It’s not like anybody’s writing the Great American Novel on there. Add in the fact that social media sites create echo chambers for pretty much everything, and it’s tough to say what we get out of it other than reading things we want to read. Then there’s the people obsessed with arguing against things they don’t believe in and shaming everyone for disagreeing with them, and even if you agree with them, they can be pretty exhausting.

Of course, this is all hypocritical because I’ll plug my pages at the end of my columns anyway. I won’t be doom scrolling as much anymore, so at least there’s that.

4. Expand Horizons

I recently did a survey that made me realize one main thing: there’s a lot of stuff I don’t watch or have fallen out of the habit of watching. Some people watch everything, and it seems like they have mostly fun with what they’re watching. Wrestling has never been more accessible to view, it’s not like we’re in the old days with antennas and gigantic satellite dishes.

WWE is obviously the in thing right now, but there’s a whole world out there that I’d like to get back to. Hopefully once I finish World Class I can get back to it.

3. Write More

I’ve been slacking a lot the last couple of years when it comes to my writing. There are many different reasons why this has happened, but the bottom line is that I haven’t delivered enough content to justify my status as senior writer/blogger here at 411mania. Fortunately, Ashish, Jeremy & the powers that be are very kind and haven’t fired me yet.

I can’t say that I was ever a really phenomenal writer, but I used to be more consistent. Hopefully I can get back on that kick this year and provide some entertainment for y’all.

2. Attend a Show

Image Credit: TNA

I feel it’s important to attend a show at least once a year as a reminder of why I still love this stuff. As much fun as one can have sitting on one’s couch in front of their television with their electronic device by their side, it’s much more fun seeing wrestling shows in person. Last April I was able to make it to an independent show down the road from my house…while the wrestling wasn’t as good as what we see on TV every week, there was enjoyment to be had while watching the wrestlers try to entertain and seeing the fans react to it. You just can’t get that from your computer.

On paper, this sounds like something everyone should be able to do. There are wrestling shows all over the place, even in Flyover Country and markets that don’t get discussed much as wrestling hotbeds. People that love wrestling generally love attending wrestling shows, so this seems like a slam dunk.

However, it’s not as easy as it sounds. Even if there are all kinds of shows happening in your area, life has a tendency of getting in the way. Adults have jobs to do and/or families to take care of. Most of us can’t drop everything and head out to a show on a random night without tons of planning. Kids are dependent on their parents or other adults to get to shows, and the older I get, the more I understand why my parents usually didn’t have the time or energy to take me to a random TV taping on a weeknight.

I still think that everybody reading this should be able to make it to a live event this year. It doesn’t have to be a major event, a TV taping or anything like that. (I was thinking about going to Indy for the Rumble but Good God those prices.) Whatever it is, it should be able to remind you why you love this stuff.

1. Enjoy Pro Wrestling More

Hopefully, once everything else on this list happens, enjoying pro wrestling more will be the result. If that doesn’t happen…well, maybe you’ll find me at 411politics.com. Just kidding, I wouldn’t put myself through something like that!

Thanks for reading! Hit me up at [email protected] or on the social media with thoughts, comments or suggestions. Feel free to hit the comment section and tell us about some of the resolutions you’ve made for 2025 or haven’t because you’re perfect in every way. Until next time, true believers!

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Steve Cook