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Vince McMahon Selling 5.35 Million Shares Of TKO Stock

March 4, 2024 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Vince McMahon WWE, Adnan Virk, ECW Image Credit: WWE

Vince McMahon is seeking to unload another large portion of his TKO stock. A new SEC Filing reports that McMahon is selling 5.35 million shares of TKO stock, which is valued at $411.95 million according to the filing.

Morgan Stanley is brokering the deal for McMahon, who still maintains about 15 million shares of stock in the company.

McMahon resigned from all positions in TKO Group back in late January following the lawsuit filed by Janel Grant against him, WWE and John Laurinaitis accusing McMahon of sex trafficking, emotional abuse, and sexual assault. McMahon has denied the allegations.

article topics :

TKO, Vince McMahon, Jeremy Thomas