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Winfree’s WWE Smackdown Review 10.04.24

October 4, 2024 | Posted by Robert Winfree
WWE Smackdown Tonga Loa Tama Tonga 10-4-24 Image Credit: WWE
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Winfree’s WWE Smackdown Review 10.04.24  

Hey there people, it’s the go home show for Bad Blood on this episode of WWE Smackdown. Honestly they’ve stacked tonight, on paper at least. We’ve got a triple threat ladder match for the tag team titles with the former Guerillas of Destiny defending against DIY and the Street Profits, this might be a decent way to get the belts off Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa without them having to put anyone over especially if any good guys get involved to mess with the Bloodline. Speaking of Bloodline related things Solo Sikoa and Jacob Fatu might be around since tomorrow they’re teaming up against Cody Rhodes and Roman Reigns. Roman seems to be back on his every other week schedule so he could very well be here tonight to further that build. Cody is having some growing tension with Kevin Owens while Randy Orton of all people is playing peacemaker, but that seems like it’ll simmer for a little while longer. Michin will take on Chelsea Green in a dumpster match, Naomi and Tiffany Stratton will square up as well. Bayley earned a shot at Nia Jax tomorrow so there might be some kind of interaction between them here. AJ Styles is returning for the first time in a while, Giovanni Vinci is kind of a joke now, still no sign of Shinsuke Nakamura, and now Carmelo Hayes and Andrade are tied up at 3-3 in their ongoing series of very good matches but now with the added wrinkle of US champion LA Knight being around. Well that’s how things look on paper, let’s get to the action.

We see the tag teams arrive for that ladder match.

To the ring and Hardy, the country music guy, is in the ring since we’re in Nashville. Hardy plays with the crowd then welcomes back the phenomenal forearm, AJ Styles. OK then. I think AJs got new music now as he heads to the ring, but don’t quote me on that one. AJ gets a mic and enjoys some adulation from the crowd for a bit before saying he’s missed the fans but it’s fitting that he’s in Nashville considering this is pretty much where his career started. He’s done things over the last months that he regrets, but he’s ready to start rebuilding his legacy tonight. So to everyone in the back, this is still the house that AJ Styles built. That brings out Carmelo Hayes with a mic of his own. Hayes isn’t surprised no one’s welcoming him back, but he’s here and has been holding things down while AJ hasn’t been here. Hayes is getting a bit of the “what” treatment, and Hayes calls AJ old then wants to talk about himself. He deserves to be US champion, the crowd isn’t buying this and AJ cuts him off to save the segment. AJ warns Hayes that LA Knight is relentless, he came to AJs house, they had a WrestleMania match, then Hayes cuts him off and says he doesn’t need advice from a quitter. AJ admits he earned that one, but if Hayes is as good as he claims to be he’d already be US champion. Hayes then says if AJ were phenomenal he’d be WWE champion, but that line is drowned out by a “you’re not him” chant. AJ then does the logical thing and challenges Hayes to a match right now, Hayes declines but here’s LA Knight to liven the segment back up. Knight has a mic but stays on the entrance stage, and wants to talk to us. He brings up how much Hayes runs away from fights, and he and AJ might not be friends and the last time they saw him he was sneaking into a title match. But Hayes comes out and whines about what he wants, and Hayes is going to get stomped out tonight either by Knight doing it for free then have a good night in Nashville or Hayes could accept AJs challenge. To sweeten the deal Knight will make the case to Nick Aldis that Hayes should get a title shot if he can beat AJ. No matter what though, you’re still going to hear everyone saying LA Knight, yeah. A ref heads down and we’ll have a match after this break.

We get a brief promo of driving through a city, someone’s coming to Smackdown soon. OK then, it was suitably vague it could be almost anyone.

Match #1: AJ Styles vs. Carmelo Hayes

The bell rings as we come back. AJ with a quick backbreaker then he starts laying in strikes. Some rope running then AJ lands a dropkick. Hayes rolls out of the ring to recover and eventually heads back into the ring. Oh, LA Knight is sitting by commentary, not on the call but he’s present. Hayes with some strikes but AJ lands a back elbow then misses a springboard moonsault only for Hayes to land a springboard clothesline for a 2 count. Suplex from Hayes then he sends AJ out of the ring. Hayes taunts as AJ heads to the apron but Hayes punches AJ back to the floor. Hayes tosses AJ into the announce table, Knight is in proximity and shares some words with Hayes as we head to break.

We come back to Hayes working a Half Crab on AJ, AJ gets to the ropes to break the hold. AJ with some kicks then a flurry of strikes and a sliding forearm. They’re playing AJ’s leg injury as legit, not sure how true that is because AJ is such a wonderful seller. AJ with a neckbreaker over the bad knee and both men are down. The ref talks with AJ and they wave this off.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Carmelo Hayes won via injury in 8:33

Rating: 2 stars
Thoughts: Hard to get a read on this one, these two are clearly great wrestlers but I can’t help but think there were other ways to let Hayes get a weird win. Unless of course the injury is legitimate, in which case they did a pretty solid job of working around it just enough to finish the match. Still, odd as I would expect a lot more from these two.

Post match Knight crushes Hayes with Blunt Force Trauma to keep the crowd from turning sour.

We get a hype package for Solo and Fatu vs. Cody and Roman.

In the back we see Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano of DIY warming up.

We see production assistants bring out a dumpster for our next match after this break.

Post break Chelsea Green heads to the ring, she’s got a trash bag for her dress train. Michin comes out with a garbage can full of weaponry.

Match #2 – Dumpster Match: Michin vs. Chelsea Green

Michin tosses Green a kendo stick, Michin has one as well and Michin hits Green with the stick a few times to send her out of the ring then hits a suicide dive. Now Michin goes under the ring for a bunch of plunder, including a table to a big pop. Green tries a dive but Michin cracks her with a cookie sheet. Back in the ring Michin goes up top and hits a dropkick to send Green back out of the ring. Michin tries to toss Green into the dumpster but Green fights back then hits a modified curb stomp to kick Michin’s face into the dumpster lid and send us to break.

Green is hitting Michin on the apron as we come back, but Michin fights back with strikes then a diving tornado DDT through the ropes. German suplex from Michin, but then Green blocks Eat Defeat and hits a Canadian Destroyer. Even Green seems surprised she did that, then she tosses Michin into the dumpster but when she tries to close the lid Michin blocks it and whacks Green with a loaded trash bag. They fight to the floor as Michin keeps hitting Green with stuff before they get back in the ring. The crowd wants tables but is denied, Green tries an Unpretty Her but Michin counters into Eat Defeat then puts a trash can on Greens head. Michin up to the second rope and crushes the can and Green with a senton. Now Michin goes for the table and sets it up across the opening of the dumpster, as she’s got it set up Piper Niven runs down to attack her and hits a senton on the floor. Piper then misses at attack and runs into the dumpster. Michin heads back to the apron, Green lands a boot to her there and then heads out to look for a back suplex into the dumpster but Michin blocks that. Michin picks Green up and powerbombs her through the table into the dumpster, Michin jumped in with her but then pulls herself up and shuts the lid to win.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Michin won in 10:22

Rating: 2.5 stars
Thoughts: Fun enough plunder match, Green’s character work is still great and while this probably didn’t need 10 minutes it was fine overall.

Post match we see Green covered in garbage and she’s horrified.

In the back we see that AJ was examined in the back for a left ankle issue, and apparently he’s gone to a local hospital.

Elsewhere in the back Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill hype up Naomi for her match later. They tell Naomi she’s hosting Bad Blood with them tomorrow and she’s happy. Bayley interrupts and wants to talk with Naomi. Bayley sets up a promo segment for later and says after she wins she will give Naomi the first shot. Some aggressive back slapping happens then Bayley heads towards the ring.

Post break we get Nashville B-roll then see the Street Profits getting ready in the back.

To the ring and here comes Bayley. Bayley gets a mic and reminds us about her title shot tomorrow then calls out Nia Jax for a little face to face. After a bit Jax does oblige, with Tiffany Stratton in tow. Jax gets a mic and tells Bayley to say whatever she’s going to say. Bayley says Jax doesn’t understand the important of the title she’s carrying around, what it means to love wrestling and dream about holding that belt. She runs down some great women who made that belt feel like the biggest thing in the world. She puts over Jax’s current title run, it’s been a decent couple of months I guess, but there are two people who could take that title from Jax. One of them is Bayley, tomorrow. The other is Tiffany with her Money in the Bank contract. The moment Tiffany gets tired of Jax bullying her she’s stabbing Jax in the back and taking the title. Tiffany gets involved now, she objects to Bayley calling her not good enough, and insinuating that the only way she could beat Jax is with the briefcase. Jax gets a little annoyed and Tiffany backpedals and plays nice with Jax. Bayley at least respects Jax’s dominance, where Tiffany is just useless. She calls Tiffany a bitch so you know she’s serious, then a little scuffle breaks out. Jax takes down Bayley but Bayley avoids a senton then clobbers Jax with Tiffany’s briefcase and hits a running knee before posing with the title over the fallen Jax. Tiffany picks up her briefcase, there’s a moment where they tease her cashing in but nothing comes of it. Naomi heads out for her match with Tiffany after this break.

In the back the soiled Chelsea Green walks by Pretty Deadly, the stench making them wander off in distress. She finds Grayson Waller and Austin Theory who make fun of her as well. Angel and Berto are next on the walk of shame. Green finds Nick Aldis, Nick has puns then Green just storms off. Hayes walks up to Nick and asks for a title match and Nick shames him for that attitude and quality of his win. Maybe they can talk about it once he gets an update on AJ.

Back to the ring.

Match #3: Naomi vs. Tiffany Stratton

They tie up, Tiffany getting Naomi into a corner. Shove from Naomi after the clean break so Tiffany slaps her. Naomi with a Thesz Press then some punches. Some corner work from Naomi now then a sliding clothesline. Naomi grabs a headlock but Tiffany fights free but Noami avoids a clothesline and hits a mule kick then an X-Factor for a 2 count. Tiffany blocks a Heatseeker but Naomi pulls her into the ring and hits a suplex for a 2 count. Again Naomi has a Heatseeker blocked and Tiffany then hits a springboard rolling senton. Head kick from Naomi but then Tiffany clotheslines her to the floor. They fight over an apron spot and Naomi hits a split leg drop on the apron to send us to break.

We come back to Naomi hitting a backpack Stunner to break a sleeper hold. They trade some strikes then Naomi hits a side kick to take over. Bulldog from Naomi then a slap and a spike head scissors for a near fall. Tiffany tries to fight back but Naomi with kicks, then Tiffany blocks an X-Factor with a handstand then hits a dropkick for a 2 count. They head up top, Naomi headbutts down Tiffany then hits a crossbody but Tiffany rolls through and picks up Naomi only for Naomi to fight free and land a kick. Split legged moonsault is missed though then Tiffany tries the Prettiest Moonsault Ever but has to land on her feet. Naomi sort of avoids a handspring back elbow, then they fight over pinning situations until Naomi grabs a crucifix to get the 3 count.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Naomi won in 10:05

Rating: 2 stars
Thoughts: The commercial break hurt this one, and the long tradition of MITB winners going on losing streaks continues.

We get a recap of the stuff featuring the Bloodline and Kevin Owens and Cody Rhodes from last week.

The Bloodline walk, Jacob Fatu talks about everyone loving the Tribal Chief. Bring anyone to them, they’ll all be made to love their Tribal Chief. And if you can’t do that, then you’ll be forced to acknowledge Solo Sikoa. Once again, Fatu comes across as a big deal while the others look like an afterthought. Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa head to the ring for our main event, that will be up after this break.

Post break we see Tiffany walking in the back and Jax walks up to her. Jax asks about Tiffany about the fake cash ins, then advises her to cash in on Liv Morgan tomorrow. Or promise Jax right now that she’ll never betray her. Tiffany kind of promises. I really can’t stress enough that turning Tiffany into a bullying victim feels like a mistake for her character.

Commentary runs down Bad Blood tomorrow. Apparently Cody and Roman vs. Solo and Fatu is the main event for that card, those four having to follow Punk and Drew in Hell in a Cell is certainly a choice.

DIY then head to the ring, followed by the Street Profits.

Match #4 – Triple Threat Tag Team Title Ladder Match: (c) Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa vs. Street Profits (Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins) w/ B-Fab vs. DIY (Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa)

Everyone stares at the hanging titles then everyone jumps Tama and Loa then tosses them out of the ring. Ciampa with a knee to Loa then Ford boots Tama. Dawkins runs over Tama on the floor as we get picture in picture action.

The good guys team up to beat down Tama and Loa for a while then Ciampa and Johnny put a ladder in the ring. Loa with his still terrible punches fights back against both of them. How is his offense still so bad? Anyway Johnny and Ciampa resume running him down and slam him into the barricade. Johnny sets up a ladder in the ring then the two face teams wind up having a disagreement over who might climb it. That leads to Ciampa beating down Dawkins, Johnny tries to climb the ladder but Ford stops him and punches him down. Dawkins climbs the ladder but he’s cut off by Ciampa. Johnny and Ciampa stop Ford from climbing but when Ciampa climbs Dawkins is able to pull him down.

We come back to another ladder getting set up, all four of the good guys are climbing up but Tama and Loa show up to complicate things. Ultimately that attempt is canceled. Tama gets a ladder and hits Dawkins with it, then Ford tries to climb the ladder they’re holding but gets tossed down. Eventually Ford runs into a ladder clothesline. Johnny gets hit with a ladder. Tama and Loa set up a ladder between the ropes then Tama catapults Ciampa into it. Loa suplexes Dawkins onto a ladder then Tama follows with a hilo. Tama and Loa throw a ladder at Ciampa but miss. Some brawling on the floor now with Tama and Loa double teaming Ciampa then they hit him with a ladder. Dawkins then dives onto the ladder they’re both holding to drop them. Johnny dives onto Dawkins. Everyone’s in a pile so naturally Ford leaps onto all of them. Ford gets motivated by B-Fab who also tells him to get something from under the ring, he looks around and finds a table which the crowd likes as we again go picture in picture.

Ford sets up the table on the floor while Dawkins kicks down Loa. Tama fights off Ford and Dawkins long enough for Loa to come over and join in. In the ring Loa with awful strikes to Johnny and Ciampa. Everyone winds up back in the ring, then there’s a tumble to the outside as we come back.

Tama sets up a ladder, there’s a ladder in two of the four ring corners. Ciampa and Johnny block Tama’s ascent and pull him off the ladder into a Shatter Machine. Tama then eats a knee from Ciampa but Johnny got pulled out of the ring by Loa. Loa tosses a ladder into Ciampa then hits Johnny and Ciampa with the ladder. Loa lifts a ladder high but gets kicked down with the ladder on his head and then Meet in the Middle to the ladder, better idea than execution. Johnny goes to set up a ladder and climb, but Dawkins is here to stop that and punch Johnny down. Slingshot Spear from Johnny, not sure if that landed but then Ciampa with a knee to Dawkins to put him down. Ciampa climbs but Dawkins pulls him down. Dawkins gets Ciampa on his shoulders, Ford then comes over a ladder for the Doomsday Blockbuster, heck of a visual there even though it didn’t quite land properly. Dawkins once again sets to climb, he’s up but Tama shoves the ladder over to stop him. On the floor Dawkins gets headbutted by Loa then Tama slides a ladder into his face. Tama and Loa set to take out Dawkins with a chair but B-Fab pulls the chair away from Tama then Johnny and Ciampa with chair shots to Tama and Loa. They set Loa on the table then hold him as Ford climbs the ropes, Ford with From the Heavens to Loa through the table and they’re out of the equation for now.

Ciampa and Johnny tear apart the announce table, they want more blood and bring over Tama. Tama tries to fight but he’s beat down by the three men, they set up Tama and crush him with a Shieldbomb through the table. Double kick to Dawkins from Johnny and Ciampa who then get a ladder and set it in the ring. Only 3 minutes left as DIY start climbing, Ford’s back in the picture though and he and Ciampa jump up on the ladder together. Dawkins and Johnny look to join in, this is going to end badly. Dawkins and Ciampa fall through a ladder, then Loa shoves the ladder over to spill Johnny and Ford through another ladder. Loa climbs, fails to reach the top but eventually gets there and retrieves the titles.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa retained the titles in 20:00

Rating: 3.5 stars
Thoughts: Fine enough car crash match, but if the goal was to make Tama and Loa look unstoppable it didn’t work. Loa and Tama coming back from what they endured just made it seem silly that those spots have put people out of action in the past. This might be a point where they can try to elevate the tag titles but I’m doubtful that Tama and Loa do anything but become fodder again in 2 weeks.

Solo Siko and Jacob Fatu head down to celebrate with Tama and Loa as the episode ends.

The final score: review Good
The 411
What an odd episode, it started OK with the potential of AJ and Hayes but that turned sour in a hurry. If it's because of a legitimate injury then I have to cut some slack on the review here because they did a pretty good job of adjusting and keeping things running smoothly. If it was a work, it feels like a big miscalculation. The middle portion felt a little meandering, though props to them for paying off Green's loss like they did. The main event was a good enough match with a finish that felt rushed, another 2-3 minutes and the return from Tama and Loa would have worked much better. I had high hopes for this episode, and while I'm not at all going to call it bad it didn't reach what I thought it could.

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WWE Smackdown, Robert Winfree