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Winfree’s WWE Smackdown Review 5.24.24

May 24, 2024 | Posted by Robert Winfree
WWE Smackdown 5-24-24 Randy Orton Kevin Owens Image Credit: WWE
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Winfree’s WWE Smackdown Review 5.24.24  

Well everyone it’s the go home show for Ring Royalty and Saudi Blood Money tomorrow, so we’re finalizing the King and Queen of the Ring final matches. Nia Jax will take on Bianca Belair, and given that Belair’s knee has been targeted for her last two matches plus Lyra Valkyria waiting tomorrow Jax would seem like the favorite here and might win the whole thing. On the men’s side Randy Orton will take on Tama Tonga for the right to get chopped to pieces by Gunther, and again Randy seems like the easy booking choice since he and Gunther will match up better and Kevin Owens showing back up to mess with the Bloodline and cost Tonga makes a lot of sense. Bayley will be battling Chelsea Green, AJ Styles has hinted that he’s unsure about his direction, Carmelo Hayes and La Knight have been chirping at each other recently, DIY and the tag team champions seem like they’re heading towards each other, and we’re still waiting for Shinsuke Nakamura to show up on TV. Cody Rhodes and Logan Paul are set to main event tomorrow and they’ll probably have some kind of interaction here after Logan refused to put the US title on the line in that match. That’s pretty much it for the preamble, so let’s get to the action.

We open seeing people arrive at the venue then include Triple H announcing that the King and Queen winners will get title shots at SummerSlam.

Out comes Bianca Belair first, guess we’ll be starting with a match.

Match #1 – Queen of the Ring Tournament Match: Bianca Belair vs. Nia Jax

They tie up and fight for position before Nia hits a snap down then tosses Belair into a corner. Corner avalanche from Nia then another toss and another avalanche. Belair grabs at a sleeper but Nia is able to get free. Back elbow from Belair then a front kick and a shoulder block but Nia bumps for no one so she just kind of staggers around the ring. Eventually Belair with a 10 punch in the corner but Nia breaks that up, Belair fights from the apron and goes back to the 10 punch but Nia gets away from that and tosses Belair down by the hair. Nia posts herself charging at Belair then Belair hits a pescado to send us to break.

Nia is in control as we come back and lands a headbutt. It takes Nia a minute but she remembers how to do a Stretch Muffler but Belair rolls through then grabs a crucifix pin for 2. Nia catches Belair with a Samoan Drop for a 2 count of her own. Belair avoids a corner attack then goes up top and hits a cross body. At this point Belair is starting to sell her knee a bit. Belair with some strikes but Nia kicks her down then hits a leg drop on the knee of Belair. A Nia Later attempt but Belair catches her with a powerbomb for a near fall. Belair thinks about the Kiss of Death but Nia hits a chop block and goes back to attacking the knee. Another Annihilator attempt but Belair fights back again, this time gets Nia up for the Kiss of Death but her knee gives out and Nia falls on her. Senton then an A Nia Later and Nia wins.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Nia Jax won in 11:15

Rating: 2 stars
Thoughts: It’s rare that Belair loses but she was fairly protected here. Nia remains largely uninteresting but with the right dance partner she can not make things worse.

Post match Nia gets an interview, Lyra is in the crowd and Nia says she’s buzzed through Becky Lynch, Rhea Ripley, and Bianca Belair so she’s going to do the same thing to Lyra. Then at SummerSlam she’ll become champion. I’m not sure why she decided that “buzzed through” was the phrase to go with.

In the back Grayson Waller and Austin Theory are sort of preparing for their segment, really it just makes me think they’re missing their Curly to go with them as Larry and Moe. Anyway after this break LA Knight will be on the Grayson Waller Effect.

In the back Tiffany Stratton makes fun of Belair for losing to Nia, then Candace LeRae and Indi Hartwell come up to mock her as well with a ton of audio issues. Jade Cargill shows up as backup for Belair and they scamper away. Jade heads to speak with Nick Aldis about dealing with them.

Back to the ring and we’ve got Waller and Theory on set for the Grayson Waller Effect. We do get our Uncle Howdy QR code showing up during their intros though. Waller welcomes us to the show. They both make fun of the crowd then start their intros but Carmelo Hayes interrupts this. Hayes thanks them for bringing him out as they were clearly describing him then puts himself over a bit more. A little trash talk but Hayes thinks they should stick together. Waller thinks Hayes would be a better guest as he gets in the ring. Hayes says they need to raise the bar for the veterans. Bobby Lashley is gone and the Street Profits are losing, all the old guys are jealous of them. That brings them to LA Knight, a veteran who hasn’t accomplished anything. After a bit LA Knight does come out to save this segment, Knight trashes the set a bit then gets a mic. Knight wants to talk to us, then addresses Hayes. Hayes is poking at him, and that’s going to go badly for him and he’s going to figure out who’s game this is. This does lead to a brawl between Knight and Hayes, then Theory and Waller get involved which of course brings out the Street Profits to even the odds. Ford and Dawkins clean house and we head to break with the predictable trios match presumable being set during the break.

We come back to a Blair Davenport video package.

Match #2 – Trios Match: LA Knight and Street Profits (Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins) w/ B-Fab vs. Carmelo Hayes and A-Town Down Under (Grayson Waller and Austin Theory)

After that we do get the bell for this match. Ford and Hayes start us off, they circle then tie up and trade arm wringers and escapes for a bit before Ford hits an arm drag then does a flip routine and hits a dropkick. Dawkins tags in and then hits the ropes then a flapjack that Hayes seemed to forget briefly. Knight tags in and Hayes runs away to tag in Theory. Knight goes right after the arm of Theory then Waller with a blind tag and they wind up jumping Knight. Waller then botches an Irish whip somehow and Knight tags in Dawkins. Dawkins runs over Waller for a bit but Dawkins punches down Hayes leading to Theory hitting a rolling dropkick. Waller with a sliding clothesline on the floor and everyone gets into a staring contest as we head to break.

We come back to Hayes controlling Dawkins but Dawkins fights back with an exploder suplex. Waller tags in but Theory then gets clotheslined by Knight on the floor. Knight tags in and runs wild on Waller with a shot to Hayes for good measure. Knight then hits a slingshot shoulder block and tilt a whirl powerslam and Hayes has to break up the pin. Hayes with a First 48 to Knight and it’s time for everyone to get their stuff in, Waller then tries the rolling Flatliner but Knight hits Blunt Force Trauma and tags in Ford. Hayes and Knight fight on the floor as Ford comes From the Heavens, actually overshoots Waller a bit, but it’s still good enough for the win.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Street Profits and LA Knight won in 9:10

Rating: 2.5 stars
Thoughts: House show kind of match, but I don’t mean that as an insult. I was a little surprised they went with the Profits here instead of DIY since DIY seems like your next challengers. After a slightly awkward start this settled down into a perfectly acceptable match.

We next get a recap of the press conference from yesterday focused on Logan Paul and Cody Rhodes.

Next we see Cody Rhodes arrive, he runs into Randy Orton and they shake hands. After this break Cody will be speaking to the crowd.

Post break some SummerSlam promos then we see Tama Tonga in the back warming up.

To the ring and here’s Cody Rhodes for some promo time. Before Cody can talk here’s Logan Paul to interrupt. Logan talks on his way to the ring, he’s walking down in Saudi again with gold in his sights and tomorrow Cody is his victim. While Cody might be more experienced, Logan is smarter and he’s a better athlete. Yesterday Logan handed his brass knuckles over to Michael Cole and he’s going to beat Cody fair and square. Cody knows Logan is just a scared kid, afraid that someone is going to see through his facade, realize he’s just cosplaying as a wrestler. But Cody doesn’t believe that, he knows how good Logan is, but Logan’s imposter syndrome is showing. In fact Cody knows Logan has another set of knux on him right now. Logan laughs this off, he’s not a liar. Cody says maybe Logan can prove that he’s a man of his word, there’s a ref right here to give him a pat down just like he would before a match. Logan wants Cody to get the same, which Cody obliges. The ref finds nothing on Cody. Logan then gets patted down and the ref finds something in one of his pockets, of course it’s knux. Logan claims these aren’t even his pants to try and deflect things. OK, Logan wont use them in the match tomorrow but of course he’s got protection, and Cody’s now in possession of contraband so he should be arrested. Logan again says he’s just better than Cody and tomorrow he’s beating Cody fair and square. Cody says those are the difference between them, a crutch. The title on Cody’s shoulder isn’t a crutch, this is all he’s ever wanted to be, everything in his life is about this and his family is as real as it gets in this business. Cody doesn’t think of Logan as YouTuber, he believes he’s a pro wrestler and superstar, but until you dedicate your heart and soul to this you will never be on Cody’s level and never be undisputed WWE champion. Tomorrow Cody’s going to beat Logan so badly he’ll regret having ever gotten into this. They had to put this together pretty quickly and while it’s obviously a somewhat filler program for both men this wasn’t the worst final sell.

In the back Randy Orton talks with Byron, Randy admits Tama Tonga is unhinged and unpredictable, but Randy is all of those things too. Numbers wont really matter here, Randy has overcome odds over and over again and tonight Tonga gets the three most dangerous letters in wrestling, RKO.

Elsewhere in the back Bayley walks, she finds Nia Jax and Nia tells her to keep the belt clean until SummerSlam before Bayley heads tot he ring. After this break Bayley will take on Chelsea Green.

Post break in the back Kayla talks with the Street Profits about their win then DIY shows up to talk with them. They love the optimism of the Profits, but if they have to go through them to take the titles they will.

Back to the ring where Bayley is hanging out before Chelsea Green heads down.

Match #3: Bayley vs. Chelsea Green w/ Piper Niven

Quick attack from Green including a top rope dropkick for a 2 count. Bayley hits a jawbreaker but Green then pulls her to the apron and hits a pump kick to send us back to break.

We come back as Bayley starts her comeback, but Green fights back with a Zig Zag then a Rough Rider for a 2 count. Bayley fights back with a powerbomb, Rose Plant and we’re done.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Bayley won in 4:44

Rating: 1.5 stars
Thoughts: Not much to say here, oddly set up and with a commercial break to ruin any chance of momentum. Would have been better as a squash.

Post match Piper hits the low crossbody. Bayley fights back with a couple of kicks and punches but Piper then with Into The Abyss (a Black Hole Slam). A couple of sentons from Piper for good measure and we’ve got our Clash at the Castle women’s title match is my guess.

In his office Nick Aldis gets to see AJ Styles. AJ talks about being close to beating both Cody and Randy, he wants one more title shot at the WWE title. Aldis considers as AJ basically begs, Aldis has a ton of respect for him and personally he’d love to grant that but professionally he can’t give him that shot. That kind of shot is earned. AJ says he doesn’t have much time, but that isn’t something Aldis can help.

After this break we’ll get Randy and Tonga.

Andrade video post break. He controls his destiny and he’s going to show everyone who Andrade El Idolo is.

Legado del Fantasma watched that the in the back. Santos wants to think about business and feels Andrade could be a great addition to their ranks.

After that a recap of the King of the Ring matches from last week.

Tama Tonga is in the back along with Solo Sikoa and Paul Heyman. More audio issues. Heyman makes sure Solo knows that Tonga Loa isn’t here. Solo knows, they’re dangerous people he’s bringing into the Bloodline. Until Roman comes back Solo is in charge. Heyman is interrupted by Tonga and Tonga will become King tomorrow. Tonga has a very odd sounding voice.

Back to the ring and here comes Randy Orton. Randy gets to the ring and we get a commercial break.

Post break commentary runs down King and Queen of the Ring for tomorrow. After that’s done Tama Tonga heads to the ring.

Match #4 – King of the Ring Tournament Match: Randy Orton vs. Tama Tonga w/ Solo Sikoa and Paul Heyman

Tonga attacks at the bell and unloads with strikes. Randy fights back with a fall away slam then he posts Tonga a few times then unloads with uppercuts. 10 punch from Randy and then he tosses Tonga out of the ring. Randy follows him and bounces Tonga off the announce table then Tonga flips out of a back suplex and hits a chop block before shoving Randy into the ring steps leg first. That sends us to break.

We come back to Tonga working the leg of Randy, then Randy avoids a splash to the leg. Randy sets for the draping DDT but Tonga avoids that with an inside trip then more leg work. Sleeper from Tonga but Randy eventually slams his way free only to have Tonga hit another chop block. Back to the sleeper, and it’s certainly working on me but not so much on Randy. Randy fights up and hits a back suplex to break the hold. Clotheslines from Randy then a snap powerslam to put Randy firmly in charge. Tonga is able to dump Randy out of the ring, but on the floor Randy with an eye shot then drops Tonga with the back suplex on the table, then another one for the second announce team just for good measure. Back in the ring Randy catches a charging Tonga then floors him with the draping DDT. Randy sets for the RKO, but Solo disrupts things allowing Tonga to grab a School Boy for 2, but then Randy hits the RKO to win.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Randy Orton won in 11:06

Rating: 2.5 stars
Thoughts: Tonga’s mat work leaves a lot to be desired and he spent a lot of time doing that. Randy is still an incredible in ring psychologist and that helped carry the interest in this one. Randy vs Gunther tomorrow should be very good and Tonga doesn’t lose much standing taking the pin from Randy.

Post match Randy stares down Gunther in the crowd but Solo attacks him. Of course this brings out Kevin Owens to brawl with Solo and Solo winds up retreating from a Stunner. Once again Randy and Gunther lock eyes as we end the episode.

The final score: review Average
The 411
Kind of a weak go home show if we're being honest, Belair vs. Nia was passable somewhat and Randy vs. Tonga was fine but almost everything else felt listless and kind of lifeless. Cody and Logan tried but they haven't been given a whole lot to work with, the tag team scene is still kind of rebuilding and shaking out post Draft, Bayley and Chelsea got no time, and the pacing on the whole felt a little off. Grading this on the go home show curve makes this a little kinder, and the crowd seemed happy which helped a lot, but on the merits this felt a little weak.

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WWE Smackdown, Robert Winfree