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Winfree’s WWE Smackdown Review 6.28.24

Well hello there everyone, it’s time for another episode of WWE Smackdown. Last week was one of the most consistently good top to bottom shows Smackdown has had in a while culminating with the WWE debut of Jacob Fatu who took out Kevin Owens, Randy Orton, and Cody Rhodes basically by himself. Tonight Fatu gets welcomed into the Bloodline officially, assuming no interference from the good guys of course. We’ve also got some matches to further qualify people for Money in the Bank, specifically we’ll have LA Knight vs. Santos Escobar vs. Logan Paul, and two triple threats for the women with Naomi vs. Blair Davenport vs. Indi Hartwell and Jade Cargill vs. Tiffany Stratton vs. Candice LeRae. Escobar seems like a safe bet on the men’s side of things, Knight and Logan are building towards singles stuff so Escobar making it to the ladder match seems fine. For the women, it’s a little harder to predict given that Blair Davenport has yet to wrestle on the main roster, and Jade might seem like a sure thing on the other side but I wouldn’t count out Tiffany Stratton over there. We still haven’t seen what AJ Styles will be up to beyond knowing he’ll be in Japan to take on the criminally underappreciated Naomichi Marufuji in the near future. No word yet on Bobby Lashley, or Shinsuke Nakamura for that matter, and the Wyatt Sicks have still stuck to RAW lately but I’m not sure anything’s keeping them from popping up on the blue brand if they want to. Well that’s the preamble, let’s see how the action goes.
Oh, as a minor note this is the last WWE show for Kayla Braxton and it will be a shame to see her go as she’s been very good in the role she’s been given. Plus her always startling Paul Heyman was great for a laugh.
Commentary welcomes us to Madison Square Garden for this episode, then runs down the card focusing on the triple threat matches to qualify for MITB. Then we get a recap of Jacob Fatu’s debut and Solo Sikoa claiming to Heyman that Roman is never coming back to WWE. Apparently they’re calling Jacob Fatu “the wolf” instead of the Samoan Werewolf, though if MLW had that one trademarked it would make sense to avoid it.
We see the Bloodline arrive as Heyman is waiting for them, no Fatu yet. Heyman asks where Fatu is, Solo doesn’t answer as we get a loud “we want Roman” chant from the crowd. The Bloodline head to the ring to open the show, Heyman is looking a little disheveled at the moment. As they’re walking to the ring we see Cody Rhodes, Kevin Owens, and Randy Orton arrive through the back and we’ve got a brawl on the entrance stage. Cody going right after Solo is still solid work as a character, Owens is fighting with Tonga Loa to the production area while Randy, Tama Tonga, Cody, and Solo fight to the ringside area. Randy is stomping the heck out of Tama while Owens sets up Loa on a table and then climbs for a dive, Tama takes a back suplex onto the barricade then Owens with a Swanton bomb off the fan area to drive Loa through the table. Randy and Cody wind up standing in the ring as Nick Aldis and a boatload of security goons show up to try and restore order. Owens joins them in the ring as the goons keep the warring factions apart and we head to break.
The good guy coalition is still in the ring as we come back, Aldis is trying to restore order. Cody wants a fight and Aldis wants to run his show, Cody: “This is the best part of the show!” A security goon gets in the ring, and eats an RKO to spark off a brawl with the developmental goons and the main roster guys win. We get the parade of finishers for good measure as Aldis stomps up the ramp. Cody gets mics for everyone and they’ll get to talk now. Owens says they’re not waiting for Money in the Bank. Randy says the Bloodline has been a problem for 2 years and put him on the shelf for 18 months, well at MITB they’re putting the Bloodline down for good. Cody claims the Bloodline only see victims in this ring right now, well Cody sees a dangerous man like Owens, a 14 time world champion and first ballot hall of famer Randy Orton, and he sees a sold out MSG. He should be defending his title tonight against a worthy opponent and instead he’s fighting a war with the Bloodline that he should have already finished at WrestleMania. Aldis comes back out with cops in tow this time. Cody warns that there’s no Tribal Chief or Head of the Table for the Bloodline, all he sees in Solo is a seat filler. Nice line. We get Cody’s music so the crowd can sing as the fired up good guys do leave peacefully escorted by the cops. Fairly hot opening segments there.
After this break we’ll get our first MITB qualifier match.
We come back to a recap of that opening brawl then to our three good guys walking in the back. Kayla asks Aldis for a comment on what just happened and gets blown off as Cody, Owens, and Randy get in a car and drive off.
Back to the ring where Tiffany Stratton heads to the ring. She’s followed by Candice LeRae, that poor woman gets no pop, and then of course Jade Cargill.
Match #1 – Money in the Bank Triple Threat Qualifying Match: Jade Cargill vs. Candice LeRae vs. Tiffany Stratton
Candice wants to team up with Tiffany against Jade, Jade just beats them both down before Tiffany catches her with a dropkick to the knee. Double suplex to Jade then they stomp on Jade for a bit. They try another double suplex, this time Jade flips free and levels both of them with clotheslines. Jade with a backbreaker to Candice then a gordbuster and superkick to Tiffany. Jade presses Candice overhead and throws her out of the ring onto Tiffany, Nia Jax waddles down to ringside but it looks like Bianca Belair is right behind her. Indeed Belair and Jax start jaw jacking as we head to break.
Tiffany and Candice are back to working over Jade in the ropes as we come back. Candice then drops Tiffany with a clothesline because there can be only one winner. Candice gets some of her stuff in then Jade floors her with a superkick. Tiffany with the cartwheel Alabama Slam into the corner from to Candice then a handspring back elbow to Jade and a follow up one for Candice misses. Jade with a spinebuster to Candice then Tiffany hits her with a dropkick and Candice breaks up the pin. Candice tries to fight both women but Jade launches her into a corner, then slams Tiffany into one as well. Jade with a corner splash to Candice but Tiffany avoids her when she tries the same on her. Jax looks to mock Jade, but here’s Belair to get into things with Jax. Indi Hartwell shows up to post Jade behind the refs back, Belair chases Indi away then Candice tries a Small Package on Tiffany for 2. Tiffany blocks a Lionsault, hits the Prettiest Moonsault Ever to win.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Tiffany Stratton won in 9:07
Rating: 2.5 stars
Thoughts: Acceptable enough match, Tiffany makes sense if they’re not ready to really strap the rocket to Jade for whatever reason. Tiffany holding the briefcase is a real possibility.
In the back Naomi warms up and Bayley shows up to make fun of Tiffany. Bayley expects Naomi to win the whole thing, then here’s Blair Davenport to rain on their parade and walk off. That sends us to break.
Post break Michin asks Aldis for a match with Nia Jax. The Street Profits arrive with B-Fab and want a match with the Bloodline, Aldis says maybe next week but here’s Pretty Deadly. Pretty Deadly are willing to deliver a pitch, they want a Pretty Deadly musical. The Profits run them down, then Montez Ford wants a match with Pretty Deadly and Aldis is willing to make that one.
Next we get a recap of the issue between LA Knight and Logan Paul.
Santos Escobar heads to the ring with the rest of Legado del Fantasma there on the stage with him but they don’t follow him ringside. LA Knight follows with his usual big pop. We head to break after Knight gets to the ring.
Post break we see Solo and Heyman in the back, Heyman brings up that Cody, Owens, and Randy have been removed from the venue. He asks what they’re doing tonight, and asks where Fatu is. Solo hears him, and will use the advice of his wise man. He says Fatu isn’t here because Heyman said he was too dangerous, Heyman is Solo’s wise man and that’s what they’re making official tonight.
Back to the ring and here comes Logan Paul. Logan has a mic and his US title, he talks his way to the ring and says he’s performing tonight in a historic arena. To truly understand what it takes to be here he’s brought someone to be in his corner who’s won in MSG before then brings out Tyrese Haliburton from the Indiana Pacers. That earns some kind of profanity chant as we’re getting cut off feed stuff but Logan does bring him down to the ring.
Match #2 – Money in the Bank Triple Threat Qualifying Match: Santos Escobar vs. LA Knight vs. Logan Paul w/ Tyrese Haliburton
Knight goes right after both men and lays out Esocbar with a slam then shoulder strikes to Logan. Clothesline to Escobar then rights to Logan but Escobar takes Knight down then he and Logan stomp on Knight for a bit. Escobar with a hurricanrana to Knight then Logan whacks him with an elbow and tosses him out of the ring. Gutwrench suplex from Logan to Escobar gets a 2 count. Knight fights back with some rights then hits a sliding dropkick to Escobar on the floor. Slingshot shoulder block to Logan back in the ring and Knight is rolling. Knight with some mounted punches to Logan but Logan fights back with a kick then hits an Alley-Oop. Logan with a pescado to Knight but then Escobar wipes him out with a suicide dive to send us to break.
Knight is bouncing Logan off of the announce table as we come back, then Escobar dives onto both of them. Escobar sends Knight back into the ring and they start fighting there. Knight gets Escobar on his shoulders and climbs the ropes, but Escobar fights free and hits an avalanche hurricanrana but Logan breaks up the pin. Logan sets to Alley-oop Escobar onto Knight, that connects but Logan can’t find a pin on either man. Knight and Logan start trading punches, Knight unloads with jabs and a right hand then hits a Russian leg sweep and drops Escobar with a DDT. Ore Ga Taue from Knight to Logan then Escobar knees Knight down. Pop up slam to Escobar from Knight then a jumping elbow drop. Knight stomps on Logan in the corner then a running knee but Escobar follows him and hits a double knee strike and drops Knight with a Phantom Driver for a 2 count as Logan breaks up the pin. Logan now unloads on Escobar in the corner but Escobar turns things around with chops and sets Logan on the top rope. Escobar with a kick then he climbs up with Logan, Knight then jumps up to drop Escobar with an avalanche back suplex but Logan then follows with a Swanton Bomb to Knight for a near fall. Logan calls Tyrese over and gets some knux but there’s a point guard from the Knicks here to disrupt things. The two basketball players argue and prevent the knux from coming into play, Escobar with knees to Logan then some for Knight but Knight dodges and hits a Blunt Force Trauma. Logan then rolls up Knight but Knight reverses the O’Connor Roll into one of his own and gets the 3 count.
OFFICIAL RESULT: LA Knight won in 12:24
Rating: 3 stars
Thoughts: That was good, which isn’t surprising considering the talent involved. Knight going over was a bit surprising as I thought they’d extend Knight and Logan while giving Escobar a chance to shine, but I’m not complaining and Knight almost immediately becomes maybe the favorite to win the briefcase.
Post match Logan and Tyrese surround Knight, Tyrese still has the knux but here’s Jalon Brunson with a chair to even the odds. All four men jaw jack for a bit but eventually the bad guys back down.
In the back Apollo Crews and Baron Corbin talk and they debate who might win the briefcase and then celebrate Escobar’s loss. Carmelo Hayes shows up for some reason, he wants to run merch ideas by them. Apollo calls him foolish, and Hayes just keeps talking and Corbin says Hayes has no shot at winning the briefcase. That, well that was a segment I guess.
We get a tribute to Sika Anoa’i who passed away earlier this week which sends us to break.
We get an Andrade promo video talking about MITB and feels this is his destiny. He’s not just taking the briefcase, he’s taking everything.
Back to the ring where Blair Davenport gets no reaction as she walks out, Indi Hartwell got the jobbers entrance. Naomi follows and actually wakes the crowd up a little bit.
Match #3 – Money in the Bank Triple Threat Qualifying Match: Blair Davenport vs. Naomi vs. Indi Hartwell
Indi and Blair agree to attack Naomi but Naomi dropkicks both of them down. The numbers do catch up to Naomi but Naomi fights back with a double mule kick but she gets tossed aside after a cross body. Blair with an awkward school boy pin on Indi that doesn’t work. Naomi fights back with a kick to Blair then Indi picks up Naomi and slams her into Blair then hits a powerbomb on Naomi for a 2 count. Everyone heads out of the ring now and Blair with a double stomp from the apron to Naomi. Blair then throws Indi into the ring steps and follows a double stomp to her as we head to break.
Indi grabs a sleeper on Blair as we come back. Naomi with kicks then awkwardly sets up a double team on Blair but they sort of pull it off. This has been a little rough so far. Naomi with a top rope cross body then unloads on Blair with a clothesline a kick for Indi. Double leg drop from Naomi but only 2 on the pin to Blair. Corner attacks for both Blair and Indi from Naomi, but then Indi fights with a spinebuster to Naomi and then a spinebuster for Blair onto Naomi but ultimately that only gets 2. Naomi fights back and slams Indi into Blair then hits a split legged moonsault onto Indi after Blair moves. Blair then with a Falcon Arrow onto Naomi and Indi has to break up the pin. Everyone starts throwing hands, Blair with a superkick then Indi with a boot to Blair. Naomi sets Indi between the ropes for a Heatseeker then Blair takes a kick from Naomi. Blair avoids a split legged moonsault but Indi breaks up a knee strike and gingerly swings Blair into the ring steps. Indi shoves Naomi into the barricade then sends her back into the ring. Jade wanders down ringside though and clocks Indi then rams her into a ring post and sends her into the ring where Naomi hits a head kick and Bubba Bomb to get the pin.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Naomi won in 9:42
Rating: 2 stars
Thoughts: This one just didn’t click, there were a ton of timing or execution issues throughout and the crowd was pretty dead. Naomi makes sense here, Blair is still unknown and Indi doesn’t feel quite ready for that kind of spot. Jade and Indi might be something decent for both women right now.
That sends us to break.
Next week Jade and Belair will take on LeRae and Indi plus Pretty Deadly vs. the Street Profits, and DIY get their tag team title shot at Theory and Waller.
In the back Byron talks with DIY, Ciampa brings up their history in Toronto but here’s Austin Theory. Theory thought about what happened a couple of weeks ago, Gargano says they weren’t aiming at him but Waller pulled him in the line of fire. Theory says Waller is his friend but Gargano interrupts that and tells him Waller isn’t his friend. Waller shows up and attacks then heads out with Theory to end the segment.
We get another recap of the start of the show, happier times I guess.
To the ring and for the second time here comes Solo Sikoa with the Tongan’s and Heyman in tow. They all head into the ring and Heyman gets a mic. Heyman introduces himself but then Solo puts a hand out of the mic. Heyman seems not sure about passing the mic but ultimately does so. The crowd want Roman, per usual. Solo says they have business before they get to that, and he introduces the newest member of the Bloodline, the Samoan werewolf, his enforcer, Jacob Fatu. Fatu has music and a pretty cool tron video, and the force of violence shows his face and heads to the ring. Fatu gets to the ring as we head to break.
We come back to Solo with the mic, he tells MSG to acknowledge him and Heyman loses his mind briefly. He calls up Tama and Tama acknowledges Solo. Next he calls of Loa for some reason, Loa acknowledges Solo and somehow his promo is even more awkward than his striking. Fatu steps up next, Fatu acknowledges Solo. Only one left and Solo walks up to Heyman. Heyman looks fed up with this, Solo gives him this one chance to acknowledge him. Loa brings out the ceremonial lei and Solo says to acknowledge him as the Tribal Chief. Heyman looks totally distraught, he’s crying, and says he loves Solo and he acknowledges. . . that Solo is not his Tribal Chief. Bless Heyman’s acting, he’s carried this thing since Roman has been gone. Solo with a Samoan Spike to Heyman then he calls for more violence. Fatu climbs up top and crushes Heyman with a top rope headbutt. Again Solo wants more, they dismantle the announce table then Fatu and the Tongan’s murder Heyman with a Shield Bomb through the table. Solo screams at Heyman asking if he wasn’t good enough, then Fatu puts the lei on Solo. This new Bloodline stands tall and poses over the fallen body of Paul Heyman and chants of “fuck you Solo” that have to be muted out to end the show.