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WWE Drops Buddy Murphy’s First Name

February 7, 2020 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Buddy Murphy Royal Rumble

Buddy Murphy has joined the ranks of the mononymous, as WWE looks to have dropped his first name. The Raw star is now listed on WWE.com’s Superstars page as “Murphy” on his singles image.

Interestingly, it doesn’t look like the transition to just Murphy is complete. His listing as a Raw Tag Team Champion with Seth Rollins still reads Buddy Murphy and the URL for his own profile page includes his full name, but currently gets a redirect error as it tries to redirect to a single-name page.

WWE has a history of dropping first or last names if they feel they don’t properly fit a character or for other reasons. Mustafa Ali was known simply as “Ali” for several months, and Otis and Tucker of Heavy Machinery had their last names dropped shortly after their Raw debuts last year.

article topics :

Buddy Matthews, WWE, Jeremy Thomas