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WWE News: LA Knight Interrupts Million Dollar Face-Off, Mercedes Martinez vs. Zayda Ramier Clip

May 25, 2021 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas

– LA Knight insinuated himself into the Million Dollar Face-Off between Cameron Grimes and Ted DiBiase on tonight’s NXT. Tuesday’s show saw Grimes confronted by DiBiase in the scheduled segment, with DiBiase saying that he saw a lot of himself in Grimes but that Grimes had lost his edge since getting rich. Grimes argued otherwise, only to have Knight appear and come down to the ring. He said he deserved to be DiBiase’s protege, and attacked Grimes when the latter’s back was turned. DiBiase and Knight left together. You can see video of the segment below:

– WWE posted a clip from Mercedes Martinez’ win over Zayda Ramier, which you can see below. After the win, the lights went out, coming back as red with Tian Sha on the TitanTron before things turned back to normal: