wrestling / TV Reports

411’s TNA Impact Report 11.19.05

November 19, 2005 | Posted by Larry Csonka

Last week on Impact:

Match #1 Samoa Joe defeated Austin Aries

  • Shane Douglas is with Scott D’Amore. D’Amore puts over Genesis and the match with the 3LK. He has an idea. He wasn’t to “Canadianize” the match with Hockey Sticks! D’Amore says he wants to help him out and boost the buyrate. D’Amore says it will promise buys. Larry says Kip will be the special ref, and D’Amore is pissed.

    Match #2 Kip James defeated Lex Lovett

    Match #3 Petey Williams defeated AJ Styles in a finishers challenge

  • Shane Douglas is with Raven and Larry Z. Larry says this is over, and Raven says Larry wastes talent. They have a failure to communicate. Raven goes crazy and Larry says he can’t fire him, but he can book him anyway he wants and he can put him through hell for Raven to prove he needs a title shot. Raven says he has a match at the PPV, and if he doesn’t want to work he can sign a release form. Raven tries to attack him and security breaks it up.

    Match #4 Jeff Jarrett © w/Gail Kim and AMW © defeated Chris Sabin, Jeff Hardy and Lance Hoyt

    What did you think of the show last week?

    Impact 11.12.05 Totals

    Thumbs Up — 19 – 34.60%
    Thumbs Down — 7 – 12.70%
    Thumbs in the Middle — 22 – 40.00%
    Didn’t Watch Show, Read Recap — 7 – 12.70%

    55 Votes

    Interesting results this week. It was the lowest turn out for voting, and the first time the “thumbs up” were under 50%.

    Thanks to all that voted, and remember at the end of this recap to vote for this week’s show!

    Today on iMpact:

    Samoa Joe vs. Jerrelle Clark

    AMW © vs. Siaki and Apollo

    And in our main event: Rhino vs. Abyss

    We get some highlights of Genesis. TNA is getting some real music to go with the videos, which is cool.

    TNA iMpact Starts…NOW!

    Tenay and West welcome us to iMpact and hype the card as well as Christian Cage’s debut.

    Awesome touch as Joe comes to the ring with the same towel from genesis with Daniels blood on it still. There’s a Hidden Highlight boys, free of charge.

    Match #1 Samoa Joe vs. Jerrelle Clark

    Clark tries to avoid Joe, but Joe takes him down and kicks away at him. Irish whip, running knee of destructivity. Face wash…charges and kicks Clark’s head off. Chops by Joe, whip and a boot by Clark. Tornado DDT try fails for Clark as he is tossed off. Running senton by Joe. Clark set up top…MUSCLE BUSTA! “You’re my bitch” locked in by Joe and that is all.

    Winner: Samoa Joe @ 2:07 via pin

    Joe keeps the hold on for a while and then finally breaks it. AJ Styles is on the Video Screen. AJ says the X Division is all about respect, but that apparently doesn’t apply to Joe. Joe stepped over the line and stepped on the fans. Styles tells Joe not to turn his back on him. AJ says it is rare, but HE is demanding a match with Joe at Turning Point with the X Title on the line and he will end Joe’s winning streak.

  • Joe squashed him good.

    Commercial time

    Buy Morphoplex, it will keep Traci’s pants off! The following message was paid for by the friends and supporters of Steve Cook.

    We are back with Tenay hyping the Turning Point PPV and discuss Styles vs. Joe and the Barbed Wire match with Sabu and Abyss. Tenay says we will find out who the #1 contender is tonight as well.

    JJ is out with Gail. JJ asks Tenay who his challenger for Turning Point. Tenay says Larry Z is in a conference call and will announce it later tonight. JJ says he will go and find out now. Gail is so hot.

    Match #2 Non-Title Match: AMW © vs. Siaki and Apollo

    AMW attack before the bell. Siaki and Apollo fight back, double Japanese arm drag to Storm. Double slam to Harris. Flapjack to Harris. AMW bail and regroup and we head to a commercial @ 0:55.

    We are back @ 4:00 with Apollo getting double-teamed in the ring. Storm has control and chops away at him. Tag to Harris and a whip to the corner. Another, but he eats a boot as he charges in. Tag to Siaki and a clothesline then a leg lariat take out AMW. Samoan drop to Harris gets 2. Apollo is back and he knocks Storm to the floor. Lung blower by Siaki on Harris gets 2! Apollo gores for a Plancha to Storm, but he nails him with the beer bottle! Harris has the handcuffs and uses then like knux on Siaki. Death Sentence finishes it.

    Winners: AMW @ 7:03 via pin

    AMW gets a table; they spray paint “3D” on it. They set up the table and go for the Death Sentence through the table, but Team 3D is here to stop them. AMW run like bitches.

    Ray on the mic and says they know NOTHING about using tables. Well, they have news. Good for them bad for AMW. They talked to Larry Z and at Turning Point Team 3D gets their tag title shots…in a tables match! They then throw the table up the ramp at AMW.

  • We had a big chunk cut, but what we saw was tight and Siaki and Apollo looked good. Post match angle was good and led to the PPV, build to the money maker boys.

    Shane Douglas with JJ and Gail wait on Larry Z. JJ is upset, and Shane says he will wait to see what happens. JJ says he will beat down the door, and Gail doesn’t trust Larry.

    Still to come, Christian Cage. Next is Rhino vs. Abyss.

    Commercial Time.

    We are back with a video history about the 3LK and Kip James.

    Shane Douglas with BG and Killings. Apparently we will get an “announcement” about the 3LK next week. Konnan says he needs to go back to rehab. BG says is for the best and he has a meeting to go to. He says they need to trust him, trust him. Konnan says they don’t need a cliffhanger, and BG says they have to wait until next week. Konnan says HE has people to talk to. Killings wants to know when the drama will stop.

    Match #3 Rhino vs. Abyss w/James Mitchell 1.50

    Boot by Abyss to start. Clubbing shots now. Rights to Rhino, Rhino fires back and beats Abyss down in the corner. Abyss rammed to the corner, off the ropes and a boot by Rhino. Abyss tries a hip toss, but Rhino clotheslines him and he goes to the floor. Slingshot cross body by Rhino to Abyss on the floor! That’s new as we head to a commercial.

    We are back with Rhino working an arm bar/body scissors combo on Abyss. Abyss makes his way out of that but Rhino with an elbow, then a clothesline that takes Abyss to the floor. Mitchell in the ring, but Abyss grabs Rhino before he could gore Mitchell and crotches him on the steel post. Abyss beats down Rhino now. Rhino tries to battle back…but Abyss takes him down. Abyss hates the chanting crowd, but is able to get a neck vice on Rhino. Rhino battles out with elbows…and then gets a flying clothesline. Rhino charges and Abyss with a boot for 2. Abyss with rights to Rhino, off the ropes, reversal and Rhino gets a spine buster! Cover for 2. Rhino goes for a table now and slides it into the ring. He sets it up in the corner and then works over Abyss some more. Tries to ram him into the table but Abyss declines. GOOZLE on Rhino…escape and a belly to belly by Rhino! Rhino sets up…MISSES the gore and flies through the table! Abyss covers and gets 2. Shock treatment try by Abyss…lights out…SABU! Barbed Wire chair! He threatens Abyss, Abyss is afraid, he turns around…GORE GORE GORE and that’s it!

    Winner: Rhino @ 8:56 (Shown) via pin

  • That was a damn good match with these guys, I was very pleased.

    JJ finds Larry Z and wants to know his opponent. Larry says it will be RHINO that JJ defends against. JJ wants to know about Raven or Monty. JJ says fair is fair. JJ says he will have to beat Rhino, and expects Larry to toss Christian at him next. Gail says he is on thin ice and JJ says he doesn’t run anything, TNA management does.

    Commercial time.

    We are back as we wait for Christian Cage.

    The peeps love him. Captain Charisma’s first Impact and apparently he ruffled some feathers with what he said at Genesis. In case you missed it, allow me to retort. He said he didn’t come here because he was fired or nowhere else to go. He came here because this is the place to be. He came here to get the damn respect he deserves. He came to TNA to take the NWA Title, and if anyone has a problem with that, I don’t care…because that’s…how…I…roll!

    Monty Brown has a problem with that.

    Monty says to hit the brakes on that garbage. You are no longer up north rolling, Christian, welcome to the Serengeti. The quantity of speech in not always indicative of the quality of thought. That’s a lot for you to understand. I hear you running your mouth, and you haven’t said or proven anything. You gave JJ advice on clothes, let me clue you in smart guy…that atrocity you call a shirt and your Bob the Builder boots should never be worn. I digress…I have rolled over everyone here in TNA and in my path. If you want to talk about rolling, I did it. The only way you’ll leap frog you’ll leap frog me is for me to lay down, and I lie down for no man. I will take you Christian and make you feel the…

    Christian stops him…you said your piece, I know you like to hurl your body and “pounce” on men. What ever you do in your spare time is cool. It sounds to me like you are afraid of losing your spot. You should be. Unless you nut up, go find someone else to POOOOUNCE…HAHAHA! PERIOD!

    Here we go! They brawl. Monty beats him down… Christian retaliates with rights, off the ropes…reversal…Pooooooooooouuuuunce DESTROYS Christian!

  • Final Impact Thoughts: First off, I thought there was an AJ vs. Sabin match on this week. Anyway, Joe looked good and AJ gave a strong promo to Joe, which is a good thing as AJ is not known for talking. AMW and Team 3D escalated their feud nicely, and Rhino and Abyss had a hell of a match. Christian and Monty closed the show with some great promo work and a good little brawl. They built to the PPV very well this episode and I was pleased.

    If you missed the show tonight, remember there is a replay Monday’s at Midnight!

    READER PARTICIPATION: What did you think of the show? Click your choice and send away!

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    Thumbs Down

    Thumbs In the Middle

    Didn’t See The Show, only read the recap

    Next week I will have the poll results at the beginning of the recap, along with the “Last week on Impact” recap.

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