wrestling / TV Reports

411’s WWE Smackdown Report 12.29.06

December 29, 2006 | Posted by Brad Borchardt

Welcome everybody to my SmackDown! review for 411Mania. This week we have a recap show for Best of SmackDown! 2006. Remember, we will be having a point system starting January 5, as we will begin the competition for WWE SmackDown! Wrestler of the Year for 2007! Here is how it will work:

1. The winner of each match will receive two points unless it is by count out or DQ in which they will receive one point.
2. The winner of a title match will receive an additional point for retaining and two additional points for winning a belt.
3. The winner of the main event will get an additional point.
4. The winner of a specialty match will get an additional point.
5. In a tag team match, a wrestler on the winning team that does not pick up the win will get one point. If the match is a DQ or Count Out, the legal man will get one point and the illegal man will get half a point.
6. If the match ends in a draw, all wresters involved will get half a point for participating.
7. If it is an elimination match, each elimination is worth one point.
8. If the match is for example, a Best Two Out of Three Falls Match or an Iron Man Match, each fall is worth one point.
9. I will keep track if a SmackDown! wrestler competes on RAW, ECW on Sci Fi, PPVs, or other specials and if a RAW Superstar or ECW Extremist can defeat a SmackDown! wrestler, they will get points as well.

Here are the standings right now including Undertaker defeating Johnny Nitro at Tribute To The Troops.

#1: Undertaker (5 Points)
#2, #3, #4, #5, and #6: Ashley, Batista, Chris Benoit, Johnny Nitro, and Kane (2 Points)
#7: Layla (1 Point)

These points will NOT be included in the 2007 standings.

I hope that is all simple enough but if it isn’t, people will get the hang of it. The standings do not start until January 5, but I’ll be doing the point system till then so readers can get use to it but tonight won’t count because it is a recap show.


We start off with Michael Cole and JBL discussing some of the things that they will be showing tonight.

Match #1: 2006 Royal Rumble Match

Rey Mysterio and Triple H start off the Rumble. Mysterio uses his quickness to get an early momentum with a cross body and a hurricanrana. Springboard dropkick on HHH and he goes for the 619 but HHH ducks. Out comes #3 Simon Dean. He beats down Rey but he then annoys both Rey and HHH so they toss him out. Rey and HHH go at it again. Rey hits a drop toe hold to HHH in the corner and pulls out the Bronco Buster. Out comes #4 Psicosis. Psicosis attacks Rey and then hits a heel kick on HHH. Face buster to Rey but Rey counters his powerbomb and tosses him over the rope.


We come back and we rejoin with HHH, Rey, Carlito, Tatanka, Chris Benoit, and MNM in the ring. Now out comes Trevor Murdoch at #17. He goes to work on Tatanka. What a dream match that would be. HHH tosses Rey over but Rey is able to hold on. We now go to the end of the Royal Rumble as #30 Randy Orton comes out. He quickly attacks and eliminates Benoit. RKO to Viscera. We have about twelve guys in the ring right now. Carlito and Chris Masters eliminates Viscera and then Carlito tosses out Masters. We now go to the final five with Carlito, Rob Van Dam, Orton, HHH, and Rey. RVD gives Carlito the worst elimination is Royal Rumble history with a horrible kick. Rey and RVD seem to team up as HHH and Orton do. RVD and Rey start doing some double team moves to both former Evolution members. RVD goes to the top rope but HHH knocks him off his feet and tosses Rey into him to cause the elimination. HHH and Orton double team Rey but Rey counters with a double DDT. Rey sets both men up for a double 619 and hits it on both guys. He goes for the West Coast Pop on HHH but he ducks and Rey hits Orton. We go to the end now and we see Rey eliminate HHH with a hurricanrana leaving Rey and Orton. HHH pulls Rey from under the ring and throws him in the stairs as Orton throws him back in. Orton picks up Rey to eliminate but Rey counters and pushes him out for the win!

Winner and 2006 Royal Rumble Winner- Rey Mysterio

We now get a small video recap of Kurt Angle vs. Randy Orton vs. Rey Mysterio at WrestleMania 22 for the World Heavyweight Championship which Rey won.


We come back and we get some Dive Search 2006 highlights which Layla won. Now we get some bikini crap.

Match #2: Bikini Contest: Ashley vs. Jillian vs. Kristal vs. Michelle McCool.

Miz will be your host. Ashley poses first and whips out the “Rocker Look” black bikini style. Jillian brings out the gold bikini. She should win. Kristal whips out a tropical bikini. Jillian should win. Michelle refuses to strip. Jillian should win. Ashley won. Jillian should of won.

Winner- Ashley


We come back and get a recap of JBL losing the United States Championship to Bobby Lashley. He then puts his career on the line against Rey Mysterio for a shot at the World Championship and loses. This was how we get the 2006 Announcer of the Year.

We now get some footage of WWE going to Iraq. Hopefully a lot of people tuned into that. It’s a fun show every year.


We come back with highlights of the Rey Mysterio/Chavo Guerrero/Vicki Guerrero storyline.

Match #3: I Quit Match: Chavo Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio

This is a match that happened on an episode of SmackDown. They begin brawling right away and Chavo gets the upper hand. Rey hits the cross body and takes control. Rey sends Chavo outside the ring with a hurricanrana and hits a flipping senton to the outside. Rey beats him on the outside. He asks if he quits but Chavo says no. Rey grabs the chair and hits Chavo numerous times. Chavo refuses to quit. Rey now sets Chavo in the corner and dropkicks the chair in his face. Chair shot to the skull of Chavo. 619 by Rey . Rey goes to the top but Vicki distracts him while Chavo blasts him with a chair. Chavo now works on the leg of Rey. Chavo starts bashing Rey’s knee with the chair. Half boston crab to Rey now and then another chair shot to the leg. Chavo wraps Rey’s leg in the chair and Chavo hits a Frog Splash on it. We now skip some of the match as they battle by the entrance. Rey suplexes Chavo in the entrance way. Rey hits a huge kick to Chavo’s head and he falls to the floor. Rey jumps off the stage to the floor with a Senton. We skip some match to them brawling around now. Chavo tries to roll a metal case at Rey’s leg but Rey countered. Rey climbs the steel structure but Chavo gets Rey’s legs stuck in it. Chavo grabs a chair and beats on Rey’s leg until he quits.

Winner- Chavo Guerrero


We come back with Teddy Long and he announces the first ever “SmackDown Sprint” and the man that has the fast victory will meet Batista at Royal Rumble for the World Championship. Cole and JBL then go on to talk about the Kane/Taker vs. MVP/Kennedy feud and we get the recap of their SmackDown Tag Team Match.

Match #4: Kane and Undertaker vs. MVP and Mr. Kennedy

MVP and Undertaker start but MVP quickly tags in Kennedy. Kennedy works on Taker in the corner but Taker fights out and takes out both MVP and Kennedy. All four men in the ring and Taker & Kane hit stereo Big Boots and Clothesline. Later in the match now and Taker is working on the arm of MVP including some Old School. He punches Kennedy off the apron. That jerk. Tag to Kane. Kane clotheslines MVP and then hits a side slam. He climbs the top rope and hits the clothesline but Kennedy broke the pin. Taker chases Kennedy but Kennedy goes back in the ring and low blows Kane for the DQ. Teddy Long comes out and restarts the match with no count outs and no DQs. Taker and Kane begin to beat on them on the outside now including a beat down with the announce table. Both MVP and Kennedy get back in the ring and Kane hits a splash on both men as they are on separate turnbuckles. Undertakers does the same. Kane does it again. We go later in the match. Undertaker hits Snake Eyes on Kennedy and Kane boots him. Leg drop by Taker as MVP breaks the count. Low blow to Taker by Kennedy and he hits a swinging neckbreaker. Kane gets hit with a double DDT but breaks out at two. Both Taker and Kane get up and hit stereo chokeslams. Tombstone on Kennedy by Taker and that’s all she wrote.

Winners- Kane and Undertaker

We get a small photo recap of Kane vs. MVP in the Inferno Match and then some of Kennedy vs. Undertaker in the Last Ride Match at Armageddon.


We come back with a small video of the Little Bastard making his debut. This leads into a classic match

Match #5: Chris Benoit vs. Finlay

This match is from Judgment Day. We join the match in progress as Benoit hits the three German suplexes. Benoit misses with the top rope head but though. Benoit goes for the Sharpshooter but Finlay counters. He goes to get a chair and Benoit baseball slides the chair in Finaly’s face. He hits the head but this time but get a two count. Finlay works on the neck but Benoit some German suplexes and an Enziguri. German suplex on the outside by Benoit! Both men get back in the ring and Benoit hits the Three Amigos. Finlay hits Benoit out of the ring now. Finaly works on the shoulder of Benoit now but Benoit counters to a Cross Face and Finaly taps.

Winner- Chris Benoit


We get a small video recap featuring Gregory Helms, Jimmy Yang Wang, Boogeyman, Brian Kendrick and Paul London, Miz’s birthday party, and Vito. We then get a video of Cole and Vito having some “fun”. It was gross. We now get some footage of Tribute to the Troops again.


We come back to a small video recap of King Booker followed by Batista’s comeback which leads into their match at Survivor Series.

Match #6: World Heavyweight Championship- King Booker vs. Batista

Batista attacks Booker during his entrance and they brawl to the ring. They are in the ring and Batista gets a two count. Booker comes back with some strikes and Batista overpowers him. Suplex by Batista. He goes for the Batista Bomb but Booker counters. We go later in the match and Batista clothesline Booker for a two count. Booker hangs Batista on the top rope now as we take a break.


We come back with Batista fighting out of a headlock with success. Batista hits the belly to belly suplex. Clothesline to Booker. Another clothesline to Booker followed by a big boot. He tosses Booker into the ring steps and then back into the ring. Batista hits a shoulder block from the top rope for two. Spinebuster for two. Booker is just being Batista’s bitch. Booker hits the Book End though! 1….2….no! Kick out by Batista. He goes for the Scissor Kick but Batista counters with the Batista Bomb. He gets a two count as Booker get his hand on the rope. Sharmell gives Booker the world title. He misses Batista with it. Batista hit Booker with the title and gets the three count. That cheating bastard. I wanted them to rewrite history and have Booker win the match.

Winner- Batista

We get a small recap of Cena and Batista vs. Finlay and Booker at Armageddon as we end the show,

That’s it for this week. Next week will start the official race for 2007 SmackDown wrestler of the year. Happy New Year Everybody!


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Brad Borchardt

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