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BK Rhythm On Comparisons to John Cena & Max Caster, Working For WOW – Women of Wrestling

April 16, 2023 | Posted by Lee Sanders
BK Rhythm Keta Rush WOW - Women Of Wrestling Image Credit: WOW Television Enterprises, LLC

Our very own Lee Sanders from The RCWR Show, sat down this week to talk with WOW – Women Of Wrestling Superhero BK Rhythm (also known as Killa Kate). During their conversation, BK Rhythmm discussed her time on the independents, working with WOW, her promo work being compared to John Cena and Max Caster, love of music, comic books and more. Check out a few highlights along with the interview below (or by clicking here) which was done ahead of this weekends newest syndicated episode.

On how she got inspired to get into the industry: “Honestly, it was seeing it on TV and being like–OH WOW! I didn’t know it was a thing. My family wasn’t wrestling fans. I saw it on TV, and was going what is this? I started getting hooked and started going to those independent shows when I was younger and was wowed. I thought maybe I can do this one day. That’s kind of how I got to the wrestling field.”

On being inspired to write rap lyrics and her musical influences: “You know there are so many. I always go back to my favorite which is Lupe Fiasco. Especially since his new album was really good. There are a lot of talented artists. So many that I used to literally go and download people’s like mixtapes and stuff back when I was in high school, and learning how to become a rapper myself! How to write rhymes and stuff like that…kind of learning in that regard. I like the underground style and stuff like that. Artists like that who influenced me and there’s a lot of wrestling people who also influenced me in that way as well. I would say the nineties and then current era is really what I’m most a fan of.”

On her mic work and persona comparisons to John Cena and Max Caster: Honestly, I think it’s a good comparison because they’re both super talented individuals, especially on the mic. Especially Max Caster, he’s killing it right now. It’s so hard to rap to a beat, so that’s why I got to give him that prop. I do it acapella, but wrapping two a beat is so much harder on a live platform. So those are great comparisons honestly, and I would love for there to be more. I think if anybody has a skill or a talent or something they’re passionate about bringing into wrestling, it’s just an awesome thing to [bring and] make their skillset even more versatile and different.

On her favorite opponent so far in WOW & who she’d like to face in the future: “I would say probably my favorite opponent so far has been Chantilly Chella (aka Ray Lyn). I think she pushes me when I’m inside the ring. We’ve had two matches up to this point, so I think we’ve each won one, so we need to have that best 2-Out of 3 to see who’s the best. I know it’s me, but I would like to see it and prove to everybody and stuff like that. In regards to who I would want to wrestle I think, the biggest answer, the most obvious answer is I want to wrestle THE BEAST. I didn’t get to get a chance to wrestle her before she had her injury and whenever she comes back, I want to be one of those first opponents because she’s a champion–a former champion. I want to be on that same level and prove my worth.”

On why fans need to check out WOW – Women Of Wrestling: “I think they should check it out because honestly, one of the biggest things that I noticed when I first started watching WOW before I was even on it was that they give so much time and dedication to everybody’s story. There wasn’t a single superhero on the roster who I didn’t know their whole backstory, know what they were all about, and know their expertise inside of the ring. I felt like everybody was a complete persona, No match feels like one that you want to miss! You’re excited for each match because each competitor you know so well and there’s always somebody to cheer or boo for, and I think that’s something that’s missing inside of the wrestling world today, is that emphasis on character and that emphasis on who they are as a person. Not just here’s their name please, and please like them.”

WOW WOMEN OF WRESTLING airs new episodes in syndication on weekends. For listings in your area head over to WOWE.COM