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Csonka’s Impact Wrestling Review 4.14.20

April 14, 2020 | Posted by Larry Csonka
Sami callihan Impact Image Credit: Impact Wrestling
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Csonka’s Impact Wrestling Review 4.14.20  

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Csonka’s Impact Wrestling 4.14.20 Review

– Johnny Swinger defeated M. Jackson @ 5:20 via pin [***]
-TJP & Fallah Bahh defeated The Rascalz, XXXL, & Reno Scum @ 11:10 via pin [***]
– Hernandez defeated Rohit Raju @ 1:15 via pin [NR]
Non-Title Match: Champion Ace Austin defeated Trey @ 6:10 via pin [***]
– Tenille defeated Taya @ 16:15 via pin [**½]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

– We open with highlights from last week.

Johnny Swinger vs. Mike Jackson: Action Mike Jackson is a 70-year old journeyman, popular in the Georgia scene, and can still go. This is his first match on national TV since appearing on WCW Worldwide in 1991. Swinger attacks, Jackson counters back and cradles him for 2. He follows with a head scissors and suicide dive. Back in and Jackson controls, covering for 2. He follows with divorce court and then goes really old school, all the way around the ring. Swinger finally cuts him off, hits a suplex and covers for 2. Swinger follows with back rakes, eye rakes and a back elbow for 2. Jackson counters back, fires up and follows with a neck breaker. THE STARPS ARE DOWN and Jackson follows with strikes in the corner. Swinger then cradles him with the ropes to steal the win. Johnny Swinger defeated M. Jackson @ 5:20 via pin [***] Action Mike Jackson fucking rules.

– Ace Austin runs down Willie Mack ahead of their title match. Trey arrives and says Ace is the biggest scum bag in all of Impact, they brawl.

– D’Amore reminds Shamrock if he touches Sami, the Rebellion match is off.

The Rascalz vs. XXXL vs. Reno Scum vs. TJP & Bahh: Bahh in boots is still weird. Adam and Romero begin with Romero controlling with his size and power. Larry tags in and double teams follow for 2. Adam cuts him off, Wentz in and Adam cuts him off. Scum works double teams, taking control. Post break and Scum continue to control. Wentz fires back, gets cut off and Scum works quick tags as Luster follows with slams. Pity city follows, Wentz fires back but is cut off with double teams. Wentz counters, hits the knee strike and tags in Dez. Dez runs wild and Wentz joins in for double teams and that gets 2. TJP tags in and he gets to run wild, Wentz cuts him off, Bahh in and it breaks down into the big move buffet. XXXL takes control, following with suicide dives and back in, TJP and Bahh cut of Scum, and the Samoan drop and frog splash finishes it. TJP & Fallah Bahh defeated The Rascalz, XXXL, & Reno Scum @ 11:10 via pin [***] It started slow, picked up and by the end was entertaining and a lot of fun.

– Rohit & Gama argue backstage.

-We get a #Cancelculture video package, running down the Deaners. Ryan yells at the production crew about showing he video and demands they play the footage he gave them. It’s RVD & Katie in a hot tub, they are home and staying safe. They run down the Deaners, the fans, and make out.

Rohit Raju vs. Hernandez: Gama is at ringside. Raju attacks at the bell, Hernandez cuts him off and rocks hi like a baby until Raju counters back, but is cut off with a pounce. The border toss finishes it. Hernandez defeated Rohit Raju @ 1:15 via pin [NR] So they hype that Raju has an important Rebellion match, and he gets completely squashed by a guy who was making a cameo appearance on the tapings. Unless this id leading to Raju breaking from Gama, this was stupid booking.

– We get a Madison Rayne talk show, Swinger co –hosts and Kylie Ray is a guest. Kylie is Kylie, super happy and positive, but Rayne tries to get her to say bad things about Kiera, who she faces at Rebellion. Kiera arrives and promises to humiliate Kylie. Kylie gets angry and calls Kiera, “not very nice.”

Champion Ace Austin vs. Trey: They work into a fun fast-paced opening stretch as Trey control early on. They battle to the floor, Austin slams him to the apron and then takes control back in the ring. Austin chokes him out, talks shit and grounds things. Try fights to his feet, fires up and follows with a neck breaker. He trips up Austin and follows with kicks, heads up top and follows with the missile dropkick. Austin stuns him of the ropes, follows with the springboard kick and Trey counters the fold, hits Cheeky nandos and the 619. They work into counters, and Austin cradles him with the tights for the win. Champion Ace Austin defeated Trey @ 6:10 via pin [***] A short, fun and good little sprint.

– Willie promises to beat respect into Austin and take the X-Division championship.

Taya vs. Tenille: Tenille takes early control, working over Taya and dumping her. She follows with a Thesz press off the apron. Heads up top and Bravo crotches her. That allows Taya to attack, and hit the superplex for 2. Post break and Taya maintains control, choking out Tenille and Bravo joins in to help from the floor. Taya follows with strikes, clotheslines and an ass attack. The double knees follow and she covers for 2. The half crab follows from Taya, but Tenille counters into a cradle for 2. Taya cuts her off, follows with knee strikes and lays the boots to Tenille. Taya misses charge, follows with kicks and a running knee for 2. The taste of Tenille and suplex follows for 2. Taya cuts her off with a spear and covers for 2. Post break and Taya still has control, Tenille fires back with kicks but Taya hits road o Valhalla for 2 as Tenille gets the ropes. Taya grabs a chair, the ref takes it and Tenille sunset flips Taya for the win. Tenille defeated Taya @ 16:15 via pin [**½] This was solid, Tenille continues to under whelm to me. but I’m really confused by the booking. It was originally announced as Grace defending against Taya at Rebellion in full metal mayhem, so unless that changed, I don’t get it. I hope they aren’t doing whet they did at the last PPV with ODB and add Tenille to the match, I just want a proper Taya vs. Jordan match.

– Post match, Taya beats her down with chair shots and trashcan shots. She buries her under chairs and pummels her. Grace eventually makes the save, clearing out Bravo & Taya. Tenille’s possibly dead,

Sami & Ken Sign a Contract: Josh hosts as Ken & Sami arrive. Sami boots Josh and takes over. He says Ken has himself in a funny situation since he can’t touch Sami tonight. Sami fucks with him trying to make Ken attack, thusly canceling the match, and then claims the biggest accolade of Ken’s career is the one with Sami, because he’s the draw. Ken signs the contract and Sami appreciates the power move. Sami says he makes stars, creates buzz, and makes ratings. he created the best Eddie Edwards ever, and says ken is welcome for all he’s done for him. Sami brings up Ken’s family, and teases doing bad things to them. Sami calls him a bitch and disappears when Ken gets pissed. ICU masked guys appear around the arena and Ken looks confused. He wants to attack, but is afraid one is Sami, which is clever. Ken chases after one, D’Amore tries to calm him but Ken chases anyway. Ken gets a phone call and it’s Sami as Ken is surrounded in a car by ICU guys.

ON WEEK ONE OF REBELLION: Sami Callihan vs. Ken Shamrock, Kylie Rae vs. Kiera Hogan, Willie Mack vs. Ace Austin, oVe vs. Dreamer, Rhino, & TBD.

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The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 106. On the show, 411’s Larry Csonka &, Jerome Cusson, & Ian Hamilton break down the uncertain state of NXT UK, how the brand will continue through the current pandemic & then talk Dark Side of The Ring: Brawl For All. The show is approximately 121-minutes long.

* Intro
* Looking at the Uncertain State of NXT UK w/Ian Hamilton: 2:00
* >Dark Side of the Ring: Brawl For All Review w/Jerome Cusson: 1:12:03

* iTunes
* Spotify
* Stitcher
* Google Play

– End scene.

– Thanks for reading.

The final score: review Average
The 411
This week’s episode of Impact Wrestling was another solid show. There was some wrestling I enjoyed, some Rebellion build, and a nice flow to the show, but also some questionable booking. I also didn’t feel the big push buzz for Rebellion like I do with most Impact PPVs, but I do think that Impact making it into a two week TV special was the right move, even if tonight didn’t feel me personally feel that I had to watch next week. But Impact PPV tends to deliver, and I hope that’s the same over the next two weeks.