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Hall’s ROH TV Review 10.24.24

October 25, 2024 | Posted by Thomas Hall
Ring of Honor ROH TV - Brian Cage vs Komander Image Credit: ROH
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Hall’s ROH TV Review 10.24.24  

Ring Of Honor
Date: October 24, 2024
Location: Adventist Health Arena, Stockton, California
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

So once again we have a new champion and once again it came on an AEW show. In this case, Chris Jericho has regained the World Title from Mark Briscoe in a ladder war, thanks to the interference of the Learning Tree. While I can’t imagine that we’ll be seeing the new champ around here in any significant role, we’re in a new era. Let’s get to it.

We open with a quick look at Chris Jericho regaining the World Title last night on Dynamite.

We run down the card.

Gates Of Agony vs. The Infantry

Bravo works on Kaun’s wrist to start before grinding away on a headlock. Kaun powers out and it’s off to Toa for a hard clothesline. Bravo fights up and hands it off to Dean, who is promptly dropped with a superkick. Dean pops back up and takes Kaun into the corner for some choking, setting up the chinlock.

That’s broken up in short order but a neckbreaker gives Bravo two. Kaun DDTs his way to freedom though and it’s Toa coming back in to clean house. The Samoan drop/fall away slam at the same time sends the Infantry flying and everything breaks down. Open The Gates finishes Dean at 8:18.

Rating: C. So the Gates are now good guys, or at least they were wrestling like it here, as they did a comeback and then finished the Infantry off. That’s kind of a random turn, but it’s not like there is any reason to believe that this will matter in the title scene. I’m sure we’ll hear about it, but until I actually see it happen, it’s the usual ROH noise that goes nowhere.

Reyna Isis vs. Viva Van

Isis is from CMLL. Feeling out process to start with Van ducking a clothesline and dancing a bit. Isis’ running hurricanrana brings Van down and Isis hits some running knees in the corner. Back up and Van hits a running spinwheel kick before grabbing a rocking horse. Isis kicks her way out of the corner and hits a high crossbody, setting up a springboard dive to the floor. Back in and they trade rollups for two each until Van hits another spinwheel kick for two. Van misses a charge though and gets caught in the ropes, where Isis hits a middle rope legdrop for the pin at 6:38.

Rating: C+. This was the latest “here’s someone from another promotion and she’s a champion there so she must be awesome” match and as usual, it was up to the incoming star to prove themselves. That’s only going to get so far in a match that doesn’t even last seven minutes, but Isis did what she could here. I’m not sure if she’ll be sticking around, but another match or two wouldn’t be a bad thing.

Leyla Hirsch is back from injury and ready to go.

Brandon Cutler vs. Rocky Romero

Romero has the mascot of the Stockton NBA G-League team with him. Cutler says Romero can’t do anything until they shake hands, so Romero shakes his hand and grabs a headlock. Romero shoulders him down and his a middle rope springboard crossbody to start fast. A middle rope spinning crossbody connects but Cutler rakes the eyes for a needed breather.

Cutler drops a dancing elbow for two and we hit the chinlock. That’s broken up and Cutler misses a high crossbody to fall outside, allowing Romero to hit the dive. Back in and Cutler’s rollup with feet on the ropes is caught thanks to the mascot, allowing Romero to hit a tornado DDT. The standing Sliced Bread finishes for Romero at 4:52.

Rating: C. So the mascot for the villains (well, one of the many villain stables in AEW that is) just lost to the lackey of the stable comprised of people with no stable of their own. With a basketball mascot involved. This is a match that someone felt needed to be on a show behind a paywall. I think it’s safe to say that sums up this show as well as anything else right now.

EJ Nduka/Lee Johnson vs. Bret Haskins/Jiah Jewell

Haskins and Johnson start things off with Johnson headlocking him down as commentary talks about Jerry Lynn still being a member of the Board Of Directors. Along with Stokely Hathaway and Paul Wight (I guess?), none of whom have been around here in months. Nduka comes in and drops Jewell so it’s back to Johnson, who gets taken into the corner. A splash is shrugged off though and Nduka comes in to clean house. That includes a spinebuster/neckbreaker combination to finish Jewell at 4:40.

Rating: C. Nduka is a beast and someone who could go somewhere. Johnson feels like someone who could have been a thing but never actually won anything important, which kind of limits his impact. I’m not sure why these two are a team unless it’s meant as a way to hide Nduka while giving him something to do, but it’s better than him sitting on the sidelines even longer.

From Final Battle 2022 (and from a previous review).

Women’s Title: Mercedes Martinez vs. Athena

Martinez is defending and takes her into the corner for some early forearms to the head. Athena gets fired up and hammers Martinez down, including a backhand to the jaw. Back up and Martinez hits a spinebuster (the fans do not approve) to start the rather early comeback. That doesn’t last long as Athena shoves her off, setting up a basement superkick for two.

Martinez is right back up with some suplexes into a brainbuster for two more. A Prism Trap is broken up though and Athena plants her hard on the apron. They head outside with Athena missing some running knees into the barricade so Martinez can grab a hanging neckbreaker off the barricade. Back in and the Brass City Sleeper is broken up so Athena gets to pull the turnbuckle pad off. A shotgun dropkick sends Martinez into the exposed buckle and the O Face gives Athena the pin and the title at 12:55.

Rating: C. That was the only way to go, as Martinez has been away for a long time but while Athena is in the middle of a rather nice heel turn. Also, Athena had to win something outside of NXT at some point to make her feel more important and this is as good as anything else. Decent match, but the right call is much more important.

Here is Billie Starkz to introduce Athena, still chained to Lexi Nair for protection, for a special celebration. Nair introduces the Minions In Training dance team but Athena sends them out. Athena isn’t happy that her parents aren’t here, with her mother option to have surgery rather than come here. Where is the women’s division? She lifted them all up but can’t get any kind of attention from them?

She hasn’t lost in almost two years (in ROH at least) so where are her flowers? This party sucks and it’s ALL Starkz’s fault for being all jealous. Starkz finally snatches the microphone away and says she’s done before storming off. Nair has a surprise though: the original Women’s Title, but now IT SPINS! Abadon’s music plays and suddenly Abadon is chained to Athena instead of Nair. The Black Dahlia drops Athena and it’s a cake to the champ’s face.

After losing the World Title last night, Mark Briscoe had nothing to say.

TV Title: Komander vs. Brian Cage

Cage is defending and shrugs off Komander’s chops to start. A toss sends Komander down and Cage fires off the shoulders in the corner. The clotheslines in the corner keep Komander in trouble and Cage sends him crashing out to the floor, with Komander coming up holding his leg. Cage throws him (Atlantis according to Riccaboni) back inside where Komander flips out of a German suplex.

A hurricanrana out of the corner sends Cage outside for the running flip dive but Cage is fine enough to hit the apron superplex for two. Komander is back with a top rope Fameasser, followed by Cielito Lindo. Cage kicks out and rolls through into four straight powerbombs and the F10 to retain at 10:17.

Rating: C+. Fine enough power vs. speed match here, though there was only so much they could do to get around the idea that Komander wasn’t going to win the title. He’s one of the most prominent designated losers around here and while Cage is only a step ahead, he wasn’t going to lose the title here. Cage’s finishing sequence did look good though, as he went into beast mode to put Komander away.


Gates Of Agony b. The Infantry – Open The Gates to Dean
Reyna Isis b. Viva Van – Middle rope legdrop
Rocky Romero b. Brandon Cutler – Standing Sliced Bread
EJ Nduka/Lee Johnson b. Jiah Jewell/Bret Haskins – Spinebuster/neckbreaker combination to Jewell
Brian Cage b. Komander – F10



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The final score: review Average
The 411
This was another case where the wrestling wasn’t the point, but rather this show did not feel important in the slightest. What did we have here? The suddenly good Gates beating the Infantry as part of the never ending merry go round of tag matches around here, a showcase for a CMLL star, two low level people in a match involving a mascot, a tag squash, and Komander getting a title shot. Oh and a setup for the Halloween match, because we needed to spend six weeks or whatever getting that ready. This was bottom of the barrel even for this show, which doesn’t have much room to spare in the first place.

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ROH TV, Thomas Hall