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Join 411’s Live WWE Smackdown Coverage

December 13, 2019 | Posted by Robert Winfree
WWE Smackdown

Keep Refreshing For The Latest Results

Hey there everyone, and welcome to 411mania’s LIVE coverage of WWE Smackdown. I’m Robert Winfree, here providing support as Larry Csonka is covering the ROH PPV. Though at the moment the fact that Larry would rather cover ROH than Smackdown makes me nervous. Anyway let’s get into the action.

Typical recap for the opening, including Reings getting covered in canned dog food. How was that a thing?

Anyway we open with King Corbin, security surrounds the ring and Ziggler is already in it. Corbin gets the mic, and thanks the crowd for being so welcoming. He plays with Dolph a bit about the place still smelling like dog food after they doused Reigns last week. Corbin says his 2019 has been incredible, brings up beating Angle at WrestleMania, winning King of the Ring, and promises to close by beating Reigns at TLC. He promises to use everything at his disposal to make the big dog bow down to his king, and be the sole leader of SmackDown going into 2020. He and Dolph mock the “unchained” stuff that’s been around Reigns this week, joking that scared dogs run away when they’re unchained, then says he’s got security all around the building and Reigns would just get something even worse than last week. Corbin says a lot of people are happy that Reigns isn’t showing up this week, then he has Dolph speak on behalf of the locker room to approve his actions last week. Dolph says that Reigns stepped up to Corbin and got put down. Corbin reiterates that anyone who steps in their way will have to bow down. Dolph tries to lead a “Hail Corbin” chant but The New Day is here to interrupt.

Specifically we’ve got the Tag Team champions Kofi Kingston and Big E on the ramp. They put over the venue for a cheap pop, then mock Corbin’s attire and his imaginary kingdom. Corbin insults Kingston, noting that Brock Lesnar beat him in seven seconds. Kingston says it was more like eight, but he’s still a champion of the people. He says that while Corbin had a good year, Kingston won the title at Mania, and reigned for six months and beat everyone including Dolph. He then says he didn’t complain about losing the title, he got back to marching forward and they’re seven time tag team champions now. New Day gets in the ring now, Kingston resumes mocking Corbin and says if he were a real king he’d have pride and dignity but Corbin is incapable of having any of those things. Corbin mocks the one lucky day in Kingston’s eleven year career, Kingston slaps him, Corbin tells him if he wants to be a locker room leader like Reigns he’ll get humiliated like Reigns and then Corbin and Ziggler head out.

Nothing officially gets announced coming out of that, but some kind of altercation seems logical for later tonight that Reigns can crash.

Now a video recap of Bray Wyatt and The Miz from last week to set up Miz being interviewed later tonight, which will send us to break.

Back to announce Kofi vs. Corbin for later tonight. In the back Corbin and Ziggler find a security guy laid out outside of their locker room. In the room is another goon smashed through a table, these two wonder out loud who did this, Ziggler actually says “What does this mean?” I have no words.

In the ring we have an actual match about to start. Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville are in the ring, then we get a recap of the feud between those two and Nikki Cross and Alexa Bliss. They try to have a back stage interview with Bliss and Cross, Rose and Deville run down and jump them to start a brawl on the entrance ramp. Officials break things up and get us set for the actual match.

Match #1: Tag Team Match – Fire and Desire (Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville) vs. Nikki Cross and Alexa Bliss

We get a brawl right away with Bliss and Cross taking over with a double team suplex. Things settle down with Rose and Cross, Rose rakes the eyes and tags in Sonya. Sonya with a kick to Cross and a forearm for Bliss. Knees now from Deville and Rose as Rose tags in, then a running knee from Rose gets a two count. Quick tags from Rose and Sonya as they isolate Cross. Bliss yanks Rose out of the ring and lays in kicks, Cross hits a move off camera and then pins Sonya.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross defeated Fire and Desire via pinfall

They have to replay the finish since they missed it live. Cross and Bliss celebrate in the ring.

Sami Zayn is walking down the same generic hallway everyone uses, he runs into Heavy Machinery who have Santa hats and a gift. Otis apparently got Zayn in the secret Santa pool. Zayn opens it to find a Christmas ham, cooked and everything. Sami says this is easily the worst gift he’s ever received, reminds them he’s a vegan and calls the ham an insult. Otis apologizes, Zayn mocks him for the apology and asks Tucker how he deals with Otis who he resumes mocking. Calling Otis an oaf is apparently a bridge too far, Nakamura and Cesaro show up to delay a brawl, Zayn puffs back up and then Cesaro takes the ham, holds it for a second before tossing it on the ground. Shame on you Cesaro, that could have fed people.

Shorty G (I feel dumb even typing that out) and Mustafa Ali make their way to the ring for a tag team match before we head to commercial break.

Match #2: Tag Team Match – Mustafa Ali and Shorty G vs. The Revival (Dash Wilder and Scott Dawson)

Shorty and Wilder start us off. They trade wrist lock takedowns, Shorty gets the better of it but there’s a blind tag to Dawson who low bridges Shorty then ambushes Ali with a clothesline. They double team Shorty, Dawson goes for a cover but only gets two. Dawson is keeping Shorty grounded, Short hits an armdrag but can’t tag out. Wilder tags in, Shorty takes them out briefly but Wilder cuts him off then takes out Ali. A series of near falls from Shorty but Wilder cuts him off with a back breaker then tags in Dawson. Dawson tries a Doomsday style attack, there’s supposed to be a counter that doesn’t come across visually but three men are down then Ali comes in and takes out Wilder as we head to commercial break.

Back from break Ali and Shorty fly with dives onto both Dash and Dawson. Ali tags in, they hit a double team stomp/back suplex onto Dawson but that only gets a near fall. Shorty hits a rolling thunder onto Wilder after Wilder took out Ali, Dawson counters Shorty with a Tiger Driver for a near fall. Dawson sets Shorty on the top rope, tries to follow him up but Shorty escapes, hits Chaos Theory for two but Wilder flies with a splash to break that up, Ali then takes out Wilder with a 450 and everyone is down. Ali gets to the corner and Shorty tags him in. Ali misses a tornado DDT, Wilder tags in, Ali avoids an attack then tries a springboard move but runs into a Shatter Machine for the 3 count.

OFFICIAL RESULT: The Revival defeated Shorty G and Mustafa Ali via pinfall

In the back Bayley is being interviewed. She says Lacey Evans might be impressive to other people but she doesn’t care about people, she wasted years doing what other people wanted, she feels the title speaks for itself. She’s getting going but Elias is in the background strumming to cut her off. Bayley takes exception, Elias says he got Bayley for secret Santa so he has a song to give her. He mocks her in lyrical format, Bayley calls the song stupid and picks a fight with Dana Brooke to send us to break.

Match #3 – Non Title Match: (c) Bayley vs. Dana Brooke

Bayley and Brooke trade slaps then Brooke drives Bayley into the corner and kicks her until Bayley powders. Spinrboard back elbow from Brooke on the outside, then she tries again in the ring but Bayle cuts her off with a clothesline. Bayley in control, sets Brooke on the top rope and looks for a superplex but Brooke cuts her off and hits a sunset powerbomb but only gets a series of near falls before Bayley gets to the apron. Bayley cuts her off with a shot to the knee, hits her finisher and this one is over.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Bayley defeated Dana Brooke via pinfall

In the words of Larry, delicious squash.

We get a recap video of The Fiend Bray Wyatt and The Miz up next. To the shock of no one, Wyatt does creepy really really well. That is to set up a remote interview with Miz that will start after this next commercial break.

Back from break Sheamus has a video promo to announce his return to Smackdown, he’s bringing heart back to Smackdown, a heart that is ready to crush all opposition.

Now we head to Renee Young interview The Miz in his home. Miz still doesn’t know where Daniel Bryan is, Young asks why he’s interested in Bryan again and brings up their antagonistic past. Miz doesn’t have a good answer, says he and Bryan bring out the best and worst in each other but he acknowledges the love the fans have for Bryan and how important he is, and despite their occasional dislike he respects him and feels it’s finally time to do the right thing himself. Now asked about last week, Miz says Wyatt likes to play mind games and he knows that as he (Miz) plays mind games as well. He says the doctored photo is still in his head and doesn’t feel he’s got a choice in accepting the fight with Wyatt. Wyatt claims to have changed everyone who’s stepped into the ring with him, Miz says he’s changed as well but it was through fatherhood and his family is the most important thing to him, then notes he genuinely doesn’t know what Wyatt is capable of. Young asks if he’s afraid about the match, Maryese off screen calls him over to see Wyatt on the tablet and the Funhouse puppets in the crib of their daughter playing with her. Miz and Maryse run up to the nursery, and find a doll with Fiend style face paint. Miz asks his infant daughter where she got it, then he tosses the camera crew out saying the interview is over.

Back in the arena the Firefly FunHouse shows up. The painted doll is on screen then Wyatt shows up. He says he was just trying to be nice, as it’s the holiday season and the time of giving. He says that how much Miz loves his family makes his heart say Yowie Wowie. He says Abbie taught him that nobody likes a snitch, he says Miz worked so hard to expose what happened to Bryan he exposed himself, but not in that way you silly Goose. He says Bryan is still with Him, but Miz is here with Wyatt. He says he trained himself to not feel pain, because pain is just a chemical reaction in his brain, then says Miz can train himself not to feel love and offers to teach him that trick, if he’ll let him in. To close he says Marine 5 was fire, the best in the series, and hopes to see him at TLC.

Commentary now runs down the entire upcoming TLC card.

Heavy Machinery now makes their way to the ring to set up their match which starts after the break.

In the back from break Corbin and Ziggler find more goons laid out, including Corbin’s litter being trashed. Corbin says they wont just humiliate Kofi tonight, they’ll make a statement. Now Cesar and Nakamura make their way to the ring.

Match #4 – Tag Team Match: Heavy Machinery (Otis and Tucker) vs. Cesaro and Intercontinental Champion Shinsuke Nakamura w/ Sami Zayn

Tucker and Cesaro start us off. They tie up hit the ropes, Cesaro with the cheap shots, they do the indy running the rope spot, Tucker lands a drop kick then a cross body. Both men tag out, so Otis and Nakamura square off. Otis over powers Nakamura early, Nakamura then with stomps and kicks but runs into a shoulder block. Nakamura slips off the shoulder and lands a kick then tags in Cesaro, Tucker with a blind tag then a top rope dive onto Cesaro and Nakamura. They double team Cesaro, toss him outside and we go to a commercial break.

Back to action and Cesaro has Tucker grounded, we see how they got control during the break with a series of kicks. Tucker can’t get away from Cesaro, who sets him on the top rope, tags in Nakamura who lays in knees to the body but that only gets a two count. Knees to the head now from Nakamura. Rights from Nakamura but he runs into a boot from Tucker. Tucker with a Thez press and both men are down. Otis gets the hot tag, and Cesaro is in as well. Otis runs wild on Cesaro and Nakamura for a bit, Cesaro cuts him off but Otis starts firing up after body shots. Cesaro tries to hit him, Otis slams him down but Nakamura is in with kicks, Cesaro with a flying European uppercut then a sliding knee from Nakamura only gets 2 after Tucker breaks up the cover. They all go crazy then Otis sets Nakamura for the compactor but Nakamura saves him. Tucker tosses Nakamura and Cesaro winds up in position for the Caterpillar but Zayn distracts him. Cesaro dumps Otis, Tucker dumps Cesaro, then Tucker turns into a kinsasha for the end.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Shinsuke Nakamura and Cesaro defeated Heavy Machinery via pinfall

In the back Corbin tries to rally the remaining three security goons ahead of his main event match, and we head to break again.

Back from break and commentary confirms that Batista is going into the Hall of Fame in 2020. Also they mention the Original 4 (lol) members of the NWO are going in. New Day are here in the arena for the main event now. Corbin is out, and he has to walk on his own power to the ring with the remnants of his security force.

Match #5: Kofi Kingston w/ Big E vs. King Corbin w/ Dolph Ziggler

Kofi tries to wrestle early, but Corbin cuts him off with a forearm shot. Drop kick from Kofi and Corbin looks befuddled, which is kind of his resting face anyway. Strikes from Kofi but Corbin reverses a whip attempt and hits a shoulder block. Corbin tries to dump Kofi but Kofi hits a head scissors to send him out then a kick to keep him down. Kofi climbs up and hits the trust fall dive to send us to another commercial break.

Kofi is in control as we come back to action, but Corbin shoves him off of the top rope to the outside. Corbin slams him into the barricade a couple of times. Now Kofi gets posted, back in the ring for a two count. Kofi avoids a corner charge, but runs into a right hand trying to springboard onto him. Corbin trash talks Big E, and drops Kofi with another right. Kofi fires back with strikes but runs into a back elbow to stifle his momentum. More punches from Corbin as the crowd chants “Burger King”, seems unfair to that establishment. Kofi avoids some offense then hits the SOS for a near fall. Corbin tries a choke slam, Kofi counters with a hurricanrana then a kick and the boom drop. Kofi sets for the Trouble in Paradise but Ziggler grabs his leg and the ref ejects Ziggler. Big E mocks him as he walks away. Corbin is on the outside, Ziggler comes back down to attack Big E, we’ve got a szhmoz and the ref throws it out.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Kofi Kingston vs. King Corbin went to a No Contest

Big E tosses Ziggler around, a bunch of refs show up to break up the brawl. Big E drops Ziggler with a clothesline, gets a mic and says if the two of them want to fight they can have a match right now. Corbin agrees and we get another break.

Match #5 – Non Title Tag Team Match: (c) New Day (Kofi Kingston and Big E) vs. King Corbin and Dolph Ziggler

Ziggler and Corbin have Big E isolated as we come back. Big E eats a fame-asser but kicks out. Corbin tags in and lays the boots to Big E. Hard whip from Corbin, Big E avoids an attack and hits a belly to belly suplex. Kofi wants the hot tag, and he’ll get it as Ziggler comes in but Ziggler runs into a bunch of offense as Kofi runs wild. Ziggler sent over the top rope, Kofi runs into a clothesline and Ziggler super kicks Big E on the outside. Corbin lays into Kofi, he’s not the legal man. Ziggler gets hand cuffs from under the ring, the ref throws the match out as Corbin hand cuffs Kofi.

OFFICIAL RESULT: New Day vs. King Corbin and Dolph Ziggler went to a No Contest

They hang up Kofi in the corner just like last week and Corbin pulls out more dog food. The Revival cut off Big E with a Shatter Machine, just to make the odds even greater for Reigns to overcome. Speaking of Reigns, here he is. Reigns runs over a bunch of security goons, takes out Dawson and Wilder, takes out more security goons. Wilder and Dawson toss Reigns into the ring, where he proceeds to abuse them more, he lands Superman punches to The Revival, and Ziggler, but Corbin blind sides him. Corbin gets the scepter, Reigns with a Superman punch and he’s out but left the scepter behind. Reigns gets the scepter, and a can of dog food. Ziggler with a super kick to cut him off, The Revival are alive again and they set Reigns on the announce table. Ziggler climbs the ladder, but Big E is here and takes out The Revival. Reigns up and chokeslams Ziggler off of the ladder through the announce table as Corbin looks befuddled on the ramp. Roman Reigns stands tall in the ring as we fade to black.

Alright, that wraps up SmackDown’s go home show for TLC. I imagine Larry Csonka will have coverage of that event for you all on Sunday. If you’re interested in MMA I’ll be covering UFC 245 Saturday over in the MMA zone so feel free to stop by. Thanks again for being here, stay safe out there, and keep checking 411mania for all of your pop culture needs.

article topics :

WWE Smackdown, Robert Winfree