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Join 411’s Live WWE NXT Coverage

October 22, 2024 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
WWE NXT - Trick Williams and Ethan Page Image Credit: NXT

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Hello everyone, and welcome to our live WWE NXT coverage on 411! Jeremy Thomas here with you as per the norm, and we’re less then a week away from Halloween Havoc. NXT is in its go-home show position, and tonight’s episode will see Trick Williams and Ethan Page come face to face ahead of their NXT Championship match on Sunday. Plus Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer will team up against Jace Jayne and Fallon Henley as they prepare to face Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade at Halloween Havoc. Meanwhile, IYO SKY and Kairi Sane make their NXT returns to battle Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson, Tatum Paxley battles Jaida Parker, and Luca Crusifino tries to soften up Oba Femi for Tony D’Angelo. I’m sure that will go well for him.

October is always a busy time here at the Thomas HQ, and I’m closing in on completion of my Hooptober movie watching. This past week I finally watched the Belgian horror flick Calvaire for the first time and loved its combination of psychological horror and themes about masculinity, the Indian ghost flick Bhoot which was a fun time, 1989’s The Church which somehow survived some truly awful dubbing to be enjoyable, and body horror sensation The Substance which became one of by top two films of the year with a bullet.

I also watched the new horror romcom Your Monster starring Melissa Barrera that releases on Friday, and you can read my thoughts on that very soon.

On TV, I’m still caught up on Agatha All Along and The Boulet Brothers’ Dragula season 6, both of which are highly recommended, and got caught up on The Legend of Vox Machina season three on Prime Video and — well, holy shit.

Anyway, we’re gonna have a lot to cover tonight so let’s hop right in.

As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.


* We’re LIVE in the Capitol Wrestling Center and earlier today, Trick Williams survived the NXT Parking Lot. So did Ethan Page, Stephanie Vaquer and Giulia. Oh, and Fatal Influence too. That lot has been remarkably safe in recent weeks. Almost… suspiciously so.

Damage CTRL vs. Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson

IYO and Jakara start off and lock up, with Jakara backing IYO into the ropes but getting backed into the center and taken down for some fists. They go into the ropes and do some acrobatics, IYO with a big dropkick! She talks shit to Lash who gets stopped by the ref and tags in Kairi. Tandem drop-toe hold and kick to the back of Jakara, double dropkick takes her down and Kairi covers for two.

Big chops from Kairi back Jakara into the corner. Kairi backs up and charges but Jakara moves and trips Kairi into the second turnbuckle, then smashes her head into it before tagging in Lash. Chop to the chest, she goozles Kairi and picks her up for a choke lift! Kairi goes over the shoulder into a sunset flip, but Lash catches Kairi and picks her up — big slap from Kairi! She goes into the ropes for a crucifix, Lash hangs on. IYO dives but Lash catches her to and bounces them in the ropes! Kairi gets planted with a slam for two.

Kairi escapes to the apron, Lash catches her but gets hung on the ropes. Kairi into the ropes and picked up, but she turns it into a sleeper on Lash. Lash gets to her feet and throws Kairi off of her, Kairi into the ropes for a headscissors and Lash sent to the outside. Jakara charges but is sent through the ropes — Kairi with a Superman Punch off the apron and IYO with a springboard moonsault as we go to break.

We’re back as IYO comes off the ropes and turns the tables on Jakara, putting her on the mat and hitting a double stomp. Kairi tags in and cuts off the tag, then hits a leaping neckbreaker on Jakara. Spear from Kairi to Jakara, she ducks a big boot from Lash and puts her in the corner with Jakara. Kairi charges and spears both women! She then charges in again and wipes out Jakara. Leaping crossbody off the top to Jakara, cover but Jakara kicks out just before three.

Alabama Slam by Kairi, IYO tags in and she quick-tags Kairi. IYO lifts Kairi into a splash on Jakara, cover but Lash breaks it up. Kairi shoves Kairi off of her and IYO slips off the top in a dive but still takes Lash out. Charging double knee to Jakara in the corner, she goes up top for her moonsault but Jakara moves! Lash tags in and hits a pump kick, then catches Kairi with a backbreaker.

Jakara tags in, she comes off the ropes — and Piper Niven trips Jakara for the DQ!

Winner: Meta-Four By DQ (11:16)
Rating: ** 3/4
Thoughts: Really fun match that continues to show how much Lash and Jakara have improved. Obviously they’re in the ring with some of the top women in WWE so their matches will be better just because of that, but they also held their own here.

Chelsea Green is here too! They take out Meta-Four and Damage CTRL both! Piper sets Damage CTRL up and Chelsea dives into a crossbody onto them.

* Earlier today, Tank was talking to the audience outside and NASCAR champion Cole Custer showed up. Tank and Hank meet up with Cole as OTM walk up and say Cole is in their spot. Hank says OTM doesn’t have a special spot. OTM say that Cole can have a special seat to watch them beat Hank and Tank’s asses tonight.

* Earlier today, Karmen and Sol helped Brinley work out. Brinley says Ashante tried to get her a rose and can’t take the hint. Ashante walks up and says he felt Karmen was feeling her. She says Ashante cost her a match so she returned the favor. They keep bantering and Sol and Brinley say Karmen isn’t interested. He walks off, Sol says she’s clearly interested and Karmen says she doesn’t know what’s best for her but she’ll find out.

* Booker and Vic hype the NXT 2300 Arena show on November 6th.

Jaida Parker vs. Tatum Paxley

Jaida ducks a lockup and knocks Tatum down, then manhandles her against the ropes talking shit. Tatum knocks Jaida down, leaping splash for two. Jadia with a snapmare but Tatum rolls her up for two and hits a bodyscissors, rolling her around the ring. She stops in a pin attempt for two.

Tatum is dizzy after that but hits a dropkick to Jaida, then charges in for a crossbody in the corner. She sends Jaida across the ring and dives in again but gets caught and put on the second rope — slap to the chest and a Teardrop. Jaida nails Tatum in the back and hits an inverted front facelock suplex, cover gets two.

Jadia with a bow and arrow submission hold as Lola watches from backstage. Tatum to her feet and hits a back elbow, she rolls Jaida up for two. Jaida charges into a big boot, then a facebuster to the knee. Tatum is up now and hits a charging shot to the head, another, and a step-up enzuigiri. Tatum picks Jaida up on her and drops her on the mat! Cover gets two.

Jaida goes for a suplex but Tatum with an inside cradle for two. Enzuigiri ducked by Jaida, they counter each other but Jaida with a shot to the knee and then a hip smash off the ropes for three.

Winner: Jaida Parker (4:16)
Rating: ** 1/2
Thoughts: Perfectly fine match for the time it got. Jadia winning was the obvious choice, she’s on a greater upward trajectory.

Lola is out here being held back by officials and Jaida talks shit. Meanwhile, Wendy Choo grabs Paxley and puts her in a road case, wheeling her off.

* Lexis King walks up to the NQCC and says people are still doubting him despite his win. He says they have a lot in common: technical prowess and fantastic facial hair. He says he’s a straight shooter and he wasn’t joking about the Heritage Cup. He needs to win the Cup so he can get the same respect.

Charlie asks if winning the Cup will change anything, and Lexis says yes. Dempsey tells Borne to get the match made, and Lexis goes to find a cornerman.

* Wendy rolls the Tatum box along backstage as Fraxiom walk up to Cedric and Je’Von and Frazer says Je’Von still has time. Je’Von takes offense and Frazer says he dealt with that when he was Evans’ age. He gets slapped and Evans says “That’s what happens.”

Wes Lee is there and says that he knew it was only a matter of time before Evans snapped, and then jokes Evans still has time before running off and Cedric holds Evans back.

* We get a vignette recapping Vaquer and Giulia vs. Roxy and Cora. Vaquer talks about walking down unknown roads to get to where she is and how she’s making history, having built herself up from scratch. She’s traveled the world and conquered countries, collecting championships with the goal of getting to WWE.

Giulia and Stephanie are there and talk about their history. Giulia says she has learned how different it is here and how Vaquer is someone she can trust who has the same goal in mind as her. She says once they finish Cora and Roxy, they’ll be on their way.

* Backstage, someone attacked Adriana Rizzo! The Family will take care of her while Luca Crusifino goes out to compete against Oba Femi.

Luca Crusifino vs. Oba Femi

Luca goes on the attack from the bell, beating on Oba. He’s sent into the ropes and hits a dropkick, gets put on the apron and catches Oba’s boot to crotch him in the ropes. But Femi quickly takes over and works over the shoulder, putting him on the mat and stomping on the back. Euro uppercut to Luca and knees to the back, followed by a chinlock.

Luca hits a jawbreaker to get out but Oba quickly clotheslines him down. He locks in a Million Dollar Dream, Luca gets to his feet and hits a jumping knee for some breathing room. Big punches from Luca, neckbreaker but Femi escapes — into the ropes and Luca with the neckbreaker! They’re up to their knees, Oba goozles Luca and goes for the chokeslam but Luca counters with a Lawbreaker.

Femi to the outside, Luca on the apron but Oba slaps him down. Back in the ring, chuck across the ring and Fall from Grace, it’s over.

Winner: Oba Femi (3:04)
Rating: ** 1/4
Thoughts: Adequate squash match.

Oba tosses Stacks after the bell and slams Luca into the corner. Stacks goes on the offense against Oba but gets thrown to the outside, Femi goes under the ring and sets up a table against the guardrail — Tony is here! He gets thrown into the ring steps though. Oba zip-ties Tony to the turnbuckle, grabs Stacks and chucks him through the table! He clears off the commentary booth and pulls a ladder from under the ring, laying it against the ring and booth — powerbomb to Luca through the ladder!

* Delta is atop the mountain and staring at a Halloween Havoc wall. Her new name is Zaria.

* Ethan Page WALKS backstage. So does Trick.

* It’s Chase U time! Andre talks about how Chase U is giving others an opportunity and you can make a change for the better if you want. But that wasn’t the case for Ridge. They welcomed him with open arms and he understood what it felt like to be in a family. They won the titles, and Ridge had redemption in the palm of his hand but he threw it away. He can’t take away the pain from his students but he cam make Ridge feel what he felt. They have an Ambulance Match at Halloween Havoc.

* All Ego is here! And here comes Trick Williams too. Trick cuts the music and gets to the point. For what Page did to him last week, he should have come out and dropped his ass like a mixtape. But he promised Ava he’d wait until Sunday. But he learned Page is scared. He’s not All Ego; he’s All Desperate.

Page says maybe, or maybe that’s what he wanted Trick and everyone to think. He says Trick sees him boasting and might know him as a father, or a wrestler of 17 years. But when he talks about that, he glosses over what he went through. They went through different paths; Page didn’t have a Performance Center like this to pander and cater to him. He didn’t have the greatest minds in wrestling prepping him for a top position in this company. He had to go to hell to get there.

Trick says Page has his story, and he has his too. But he’s not going to let Page shame him for being blessed. Page says Trick doesn’t get it. Has he ever been busted open, have sweat and blood blur his vision and know he still had to get up. Has he had a weapon tear is flesh and know he had to get up and keep going? Or has he tasted his own blood, gotten that copper and salt that makes others a little queasy, but it happened so many times he started to like it?

Trick says he gets it, he’s been through a lot. And he’s glad Page likes it because he’s busting him open again on Sunday. Page says there he is, the silver-talking, dressed to the nines, two-time NXT Champion. All flash and fake confidence. Hitting him with the light last week was a preview of what would happen in Devil’s Playground. That stage benefits him, and he points out how good Trick looks, but he doesn’t have what Page has which is the devil inside him. He says Trick isn’t tough and isn’t built for the Devil’s Playground.

Trick says Page hasn’t seen him go to war with Hayes, Ilja or Dunne? Page says they aren’t as savage as him, and he’s thought of every way to make Trick hurt. Have they thought of ways to make Trick rethink being a wrestler? He promises that Trick hasn’t seen a guy like that his entire career.

Trick says Page is all talk and can’t beat him. He’s desperate and trying to do everything he can to get close to the title and it ain’t happening. Page asks if this looks like the face of a desperate man? Good because he is, and Trick is 1,000% right. It took him 17 years to become a champion in WWE and now he’s addicted. He’ll satiate that addiction when he gets what’s his on Sunday. They’re about to play in the Devil’s Playground and for the first time, Trick will have to walk through hell. They’ll play by the devil’s rules — his rules. Trick looks forward to it, and turns it back on Page to leave.

* Cora and Roxy talk about Giulia & Vaquer’s promo and say being around the world is nothing like being in NXT. They don’t like her, and Fatal Influence walk in and say they don’t like Kelani as champion. Roxy says they’ve run things and Kelani walks up and wants to know who she’s facing. Fallon says she’ll find out on Sunday and tonight the Wheel will determine their match.

Sol Ruca vs. Karmen Petrovic

Lockup to start, Sol escapes being backed into the ropes. Karmen locks in a headlock, Sol tries to push her off and Karmen with a takedown after running the ropes. Sol turns it into a headscissors, Karen counters into a headlock and goes into the ropes, Sol leaps over a legsweep and handsprings off the ropes.

Headlock by Sol, Karmen with elbows to the side and gut to escape. Sol into the corner, Karmen with a monkey flip to but Sol lands on her feet and puts Karmen on the mat, riding her like a surfboard. Superkick to Karmen for two.

Karmen hits a back kick to Sol and sees Ashante hanging with another girl, then lays in punches to Sol. She comes off the ropes with a basement kick to the gut of Sol, kicks her in the corner and charges in — she ducks a clothesline and hits a kick to the torso for two.

Sol stops Karmen’s momentum with a lungblower, then punches Karmen to the mat and hits a couple springboard crossbody, cover for two. Karmen into the corner, she dodges a charge from Sol but eats a kick. Sol up top but Karmen stops her and throws her to the mat. She goes for the big roundhouse but is distracted by Ashante walking off and Sol hits the Sol Snatcher for three.

Winner: Sol Ruca (4:08)
Rating: ** 1/2
Thoughts: I’m glad they’re building storylines for the midcard women, and it’s giving them a spotlight. But not sure where this one is going and it’s…just curious so far. Match was as good as it could be for the time given.

* Tyson and Tyriek are with Nikkita, who says the lioness is back and will always pounce first. She asks where they’ve been and they say they’re waiting for their moment. Nikkita says they need to be aggressive and they need to talk their opportunity. Oba walks up and says she dropped her Lioness cape, hands it to her and walks off.

Hank & Tank vs. OTM

OTM attack Hank and Tank to start, but Hank and Tank take over. Hank has Price in the ring and the bell rings. He batters Price and tags in Tank — charging pancake splash, cover gets two. But Price tags in Nima who batters Tank down and comes off the ropes for a boot to the side of Tank’s head.

Bronco with a chokeslam to Tank and a splash in the corner. He locks in a chinlock, Tank goes for the tag and manages to get it! Hank comes in hot and he batters Nima, then comes out of the ring and pounces Prince into the booth! Up top, he leaps onto Nima, my feed went wonky but when it comes back Lola Vice is brawling with Jaida on the outside.

Nima comes off the ropes but gets nailed by Cole Custer. Collision Course finishes it.

Winner: Hank & Tank (3:07)
Rating: **
Thoughts: A three-minute match with two interferences, yeah that didn’t need to be a thing. This was to do the promotional thing with NASCAR, which…fine.

Lola dances with Hank, Tank and Cole after.

* Frazer is pissed and wants a title match against Je’Von and Cedric. Axiom isn’t sure but Frazer says it’s fine and the match is set. They leave and Lexis comes in asking Ava to appoint someone as his cornerman for next week because no one trusts him. She says that’s not how it works and he says she doesn’t get it because everyone loves her. He says fine, he’ll find his own and walks off.

* The NXT Focus is Ridge Holland asking Ridge about why he’s so angry and what it’s like being a teacher, used to having all the control, having none as he tears down what Chase built brick by brick. He asks if Chase is sure he wants an Ambulance Match because now he can be what everyone says he is: the most dangerous man in NXT. Chase will be taking the last ride.

* Vic runs down the NXT Halloween Havoc card.

* Tony is with Sarah Schrieiber and is asked about his rou8gh night. He doesn’t know what the hell is going on. Halloween Havoc is going to be more about the title, and Oba made it more than that. It’s more than a Championship match; he’s going to use every table and ladder to beat Oba’s ass.

* Giulia and Stephanie walk backstage and have a quick encounter with IYO and Kairi before they walk off.

Fallon Henley & Jacy Jayne vs. Giulia & Stephanie Vaquer

Giulia starts with Fallon and they lock up. Fallon pushed into the corner, Giulia goes for a swing and backs up, they trade reversals and Giulia with an arm drag and dropkick. Jacy tags in, misses a clothesline and gets bodyslammed for one.

Giulia with a front facelock and tags in Vaquer. Suplex by Vaquer and the headscissors into headslams into the mat. Fallon distracts Vaquer and Jacy attacks, they double team her and Fallon covers for two. Vaquer sent into the corner, Jacy tags in and kicks Stephanie in the gut. But Vaquer with a jawbreaker, whip into the ropes and Jacy ducks a clothesline, then hits a rana off the ropes. Giulia distracts Jacy and Vaquer takes her down. Tandem offense leads to a 619 on Jacy, Fallon runs in and gets taken down, double elbow drop!

Giulia charges at Jacy but gets put on the apron, Jazmyn pulls Giulia to the floor and she gets taken down by Fallon. Fatal Influence poses as we go to break.

We’re back as Fallon drags Giulia around the ring. But Giulia with a roll-up for two. Fallon nails Giulia and gets a front facelock, Giulia escapes and tees off but Fallon takes her down and tags in Jacy, who locks in a bow and arrow submission with a foot planted in the back. Jacy drops to the mat to get both feet on the back, Giulia backs her shoulders into the mat for two and hits a basement dropkick!

Giulia gets the hot tag, Fallon in but gets hit with a springboard crossbody. Eat Defeat to Fallon, Jacy put in the corner and headbutted down! She hits Fallon with a forearm and then charging knees to Jacy. Fallon goes for a double kick but is caught and slammed down for two.

Giulia tags in, Fallen gets free and ducks a leap but Steph and Giulia with a double big boot. Cover but Jacy breaks it up. Jacy and Vaquer to the outside and Jacy takes Vaquer down. Fallon and Giulia trade big shots in the ring, Fallon with a kick to the gut but gets whipped into the corner. Back elbow by Fallon who goes up, Giulia nails her and goes up top but Fallon blocks the superplex and hits her own suplex in a nifty reversal. Jacy tags in, Blockbuster, uranage bu Jacy, cover but Vaquer breaks it up.

Vaquer pulls Fallon outside, Jazmyn distracts Giulia and Jacy rolls her up for two. But Kelani is here to take out Nyx! Knee to Jacy from Giulia, Vaquer tags in, powerbomb neckbreaker, cover gets three!

Winner: Giulia & Stephanie Vaquer (12:17)
Rating: *** 1/4
Thoughts: Great work by all four women here. It was more competitive than I expected it to be but Giulia and Vaquer still looked strong and got the big win heading into their match with Roxy and Cora.

It’s time to spin the Halloween Wheel for the North American Women’s Title match. But Kelani poses with Giulia and Vaquer first as Cora and Roxy watch from the podium. Giulia and Vaquer talk shit and Kelani watches Jacy spin the wheel — Spinner’s Choice! Before they can say what it will be though, the lights go out Zaria’s video hits.


And with that, we’re done for the night!

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WWE NXT, Jeremy Thomas