wrestling / TV Reports

411’s WWE Smackdown Report 7.27.07

July 27, 2007 | Posted by Larry Csonka

WWE Smackdown Begins…NOW!

-We kick off the show with highlights of the Great American Bash.

-Tonight we get the Great Khali’s Championship Celebration. PUNJABI STYLE~!

  • Batista vs. Deuce w/Domino and Cherry

    Go behind and shove by Deuce. He says that was for Cherry and there’s more for Batista. Lock up and Batista tosses him down. He flexes for Cherry and she liked it. Lock up and Deuce tossed down again. Batista poses for Cherry again, Deuce attacks from behind and then Domino levels him when he goes to the floor. Back in and Deuce covers for 1. Rights by Deuce, Batista then blocks and gets a boot and rights. Irish whip and Batista eats the post when Deuce moves. Deuce sloppily takes him down and then gets lost, now he hits him and gets a top wristlock. Batista snap mares him down, but Deuce back on the attack. Poses and as he goes for the kick of doom Batista gets a spear. They get to their feet and rights are exchanged, Batista tosses him down and then gets a clothesline. Corner clothesline and shoulder blocks in the corner. Irish whip and a boot blocked by Batista and a side slam connects. Rope shake, he then slams Deuce into Domino, Batista bomb and that is all.

    Winner: Batista @ 4:37 via pin

    -After the match Cherry smiled at big Dave. He’s a self-admitted womanizer by the by.

    -We get highlights of the Cruiserweight Open, and Horswaggle winning with the tadpole splash.

    -Random interview guy is with Noble. Noble says this is not funny, because he is embarrassed. Everyone is making fun of him. He hopes the troll had a nice 5-days because tonight he gets his revenge and goes home the champ.

    -Back from commercial and Michelle McCool is loving life.

  • WWE Cruiserweight Title Match: Horswaggle © vs. Jamie Noble

    After his music plays; Horswaggle doesn’t come out for the bout and Noble goes to look under the ring. He gets pissed and Horswaggle appears in the ring. Baseball slide by Horswaggle. He takes off his coat and is ready to go. Horswaggle tries to run and Noble tosses him to a corner and a kick to the shins by Horswaggle and then he bites him. Horswaggle to the floor and Noble chases him. He hides behind the steps, Noble kicks then and Horswaggle is under the ring and back in. Horswaggle to the floor again and under the ring he goes. He calls on Noble and he nails Noble. Back in and forearms by Horswaggle. Wild punches and a SHINING WIZARD by Horswaggle gets 1. Yakuza by Noble to boo’s. Noble talks trash and grabs him and tosses him to the floor. Noble chases him and Horswaggle runs, ref counts, Noble grabs him and pulls his shoe off and Horswaggle beats the count and Noble is counted out.

    Winner: Horswaggle @ 3:12 via pin

    -After the match Horswaggle runs away with the title. Noble throws the shoe at him.

    -Back from commercial with a Ray Mysterio is returning video.

    -We go back to October of 2006, where Chavo beat Rey down and won the “I QUIT” match.

  • Eugene vs. Chavo Guerrero

    Eugene wants to shake hands and Chavo nails him with a slap. Boots and rights, to the corner now and more rights by Chavo. He beats Eugene down and more boots to Eugene. Eugene manages to fight back, drop toehold by Chavo and a senton splash. Pulls Eugene to the corner and slams him knee off the apron. Now Chavo wraps it around the post. Boots to the knee by Chavo and now into a half crab. Eugene makes the ropes and fights back with rights to Chavo. Samoan drop try, knee buckles and a back suplex gets 2 for Chavo. Uppercuts by Chavo, and then pulls at the knee. Chavo keeps working on the leg and then lays the boots to it. Elbows to the leg by Chavo, Eugene in the ropes and Chavo pulls him out and into a leg wrench. Rights by Eugene to fight out, Chavo sets and dropkicks the knee. Chavo lays Eugene on the apron and springs out over the top and nails the knee. A cover by Chavo gets 2. Chavo back to the knee with boots, off the ropes and Eugene gets an atomic drop. Slams Chavo to a corner, Eugene tards up and delivers rights to Chavo. Airplane spin by Eugene, clothesline and a cover for 2. Boot and stunner try countered and a dropkick by Chavo. Brainbuster by Chavo connects, a frog splash later and it is over.

    Winner: Chavo Guerrero @ 6:20 via pin

    -Matt Hardy and Flair walk, WOOOOOOOOOO and strut!

    -Back form commercial with a promo for Jesse and Festus.

  • Matt Hardy and Ric Flair vs. MVP and Chris Masters

    MVP and Matt to begin things. Nope, MVP tags out to Masters. Lock up and to a corner they go, a right misses by Masters. Lock up again Matt gets a side headlock and Masters with forearms. Off the ropes and a shoulder block by Masters takes Matt down hard. Irish whip, back elbow by Matt and Masters answers with a clothesline. Rights by Masters, tag to MVP and they beat down Matt. Take down and a cover for MVP gets 1. Rights and boots by MVP, Masters chokes him as MVP distracts Flair. Snap mare and a cover for 2 by MVP. MVP looks for a piledriver, Matt escapes, counters and gets a leg sweep. Tag to Flair now. Chops for both. Off the ropes and a back elbow by Flair. Backdrop to MVP, Flair river dance (~!) and then a chop block on MVP. Figure four try, countered and Matt in and Masters and MVP go to the floor for a powder. We head to a commercial @ 3:20.

    Back from commercial @ 7:25 with Flair working over the leg of MVP. Single leg crab by Flair, into a leg lace and MVP gets the ropes. Tag to Matt and he nails MVP from behind. Rights by Matt, tag to Flair and chops to MVP. Rights now and MVP is down. STRUT by Flair, but an eye poke by MVP and Flair gets some chops. MVP to the eyes again, tag to Masters and he and Flair exchange chops and rights. Masters with more rights now and Flair is down. Tag back to MVP and he slams Flair to the corner. Irish whip and MVP gets the Kawada kick. FLAIR FLOP~! 1…2…and a kick out by Flair. MVP works the arm of Flair now, Masters tags back in and powers Flair down. Covers for 2. Flair back with chops now, but Masters gets a powerslam for 2. More chops by Flair, right to and a tag to Matt. Matt cleans house with rights, whip and a corner clothesline to Masters. Bulldog connects and he then nails MVP to the floor. 2nd rope ax handle by Matt. Side Effect and a cover for 2 as MVP makes the save. Matt counters a slam, twist of fate and that is all as MVP washes his hands of Masters.

    Winners: Matt Hardy and Ric Flair @ 13:50 via pin

    -After the match MVP says they haven’t won nothing because they didn’t beat him. He already beat them both, they gave him all they had and the better man won. Matt gets the mic and says to put the money where his mouth is. He wants another US Title match. MVP says he already won, and the US Title is off the table. Matt cannot beat him at anything, including hopscotch. Matt says since MVP thinks he is better, Matt says he will name the game and he’ll beat him again, and again and again. Matt will beat him all over the world and when he does, he will then get his US Title shot and prove that he is better than MVP.

    -Back form commercial with a hype video with Chuck Palumbo riding his motorcycle. Prepare for the ride of your life he says. I’ll take his word for it.

  • Mark Henry vs. Joey Ryan

    They gave Joey a generic name that I refuse to use. Ryan attacks and is leveled by Henry. Henry grabs him, clubbing shots to the back on Ryan. Rights by Henry now, Joey Ryan’s stash is great. Henry continues to beat him down and gets a walking powerslam. World’s Lamest Splash connects for 2 as Henry picks him up. Bear hug now by Henry, Ryan falls asleep and that is all.

    Winner: Mark Henry @ 1:40 via submission

    -Henry on the mic now. “SILENCE! For those of you that are ignorant, I am Mark Henry, the world’s strongest man. There is not a man or beast that can beat the world’s strongest man. I am the silverback and this is my jungle.”

    -Henry then grabs Ryan and press slams him to the floor. Poor Joey.

    -We get the Raw Rebound.

    -Back from commercial with a diva filled Summerslam promo video. Now 100% Jackass Free.

    -Backstage Teddy and Krystal work on wedding plans. RON SIMMONS arrives! He and Teddy hug and Teddy asks him to be his best man at the wedding. Teddy says for old time sake. Ron is speechless. DAYUM. They hug. Teddy has CUBAN cigars and they go to reminisce about the awesomeness of DOOM~! Krystal is so happy and her and Vicky hug.

    -Back from commercial and we get footage of Edge at the hospital getting surgery. A complete rupture of the muscle, and holes drilled into his bone to re-secure the muscle. Edge stays in character and blames Kane for it all.

    -JBL says Kane robbed us of Edge.

  • Kane vs. Dave Taylor

    A slap by Taylor to start, Kane is pissed and then uppercuts by Taylor. Off the ropes and a big boot by Kane. To the corner and rights by Kane. Back elbows and rights connect. Knees by Kane, snap mare and off the ropes with an elbow drop. Off the ropes and a boot by Taylor, uppercuts and he rocks Kane. Half nelson and chinlock by Taylor, he now clubs away at the arm and then goes back to the hold. Kane escapes and a boot by Taylor. More uppercuts, but Kane gets shoulder blocks in the corner. Corner clothesline by Kane, and then a charging one. Side slam by Kane connects. Kane up top…flying clothesline connects. GOOZLE, Chokeslam and that is all she wrote. Poor Dave Taylor. Bring up Burchill and make a tag team please.

    Winner: Kane @ 3:20 via pin

    -We see Jimmy Wang Yang dancing as he listens to his IPOD. Torrie is here and is dressed like a cowgirl. She asks if the shorts are too short, and Yang replies with a, “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAW~!” Guess not.

    -Back from commercial

  • Kenny Dykstra and Victoria vs. Jimmy Wang Yang and Torrie Wilson

    The ladies get into it a bit and then at the bell Dykstra levels Yang and covers for 1. Dykstra in control with rights, a clothesline and then short-armed clothesline gets 2. Off the ropes and Dykstra trips up Yang, drops elbows and covers for 2. Neck vice by Dykstra, Yang to his feet and after a miscommunication Dykstra beats down Yang. Yang manages a dropkick out of a flapjack try and the ladies are now in. Snap suplex by Torrie gets 2. Boot by Victoria, Spinning side slam by Victoria gets 2. Boots by Victoria, and then rubs Torrie’s face in the mat. Victoria slams Torrie’s face to the mat. Snap mare and then a surfboard on Torrie. Torrie battles to her feet, spins it and then gets a neck breaker on Victoria. Dykstra pulls Yang off the apron and this allows Victoria to maintain control. Dykstra tag sin and the ref tries to dismiss Torrie, but he grabs her and she boots him in the face. Big cross body by Yang on Dykstra. Leg sweep and a dropkick gets 2. Torrie and Victoria brawl, Dykstra off the ropes and a back elbow by Yang, moonsault onto Dykstra and that is all.

    Winners: Jimmy Wang Yang and Torrie Wilson @ 4:30 via pin

    -Back from commercial with…


    Tony Chimmel says it is time for our celebration. We get a bunch of Punjab dancers, I like the word Punjab. They dance and throw flowers. Chimmel then announces Khali. He and the translator come to the ring with flowers adorning themselves and LOTS of fireworks.

    They throw flowers all over Khali as he stands tall, well obviously, and holds up with World Title. His translator says this is the official celebration for our world champion. Khali cuts “a promo” and looks very jolly. The flower ladies look on in amazement. The translator says that Khali is the first World Champion from India. Last week he took out 19-other men to win the title. Then at the Bash he took out Batista and Kane. Now he is one of the most famous Indians ever, like Ruddy Shankar, Maka Singh, M. Night Shamalad, and Mother Theressa. Maybe bigger than Gandi! Now that he is the most famous, he is the greatest world champion of all time. They want us to dance and celebrate with them, PUNJABI STYLE~! KHALI DANCES! I LOVE LIFE! Khali smiling and dancing is hilarious.

    Damn it, Batista is out to ruin the celebration. The flower girls leave the ring and leave Khali and the translator alone. The translator says he is stopping this great celebration and is disrespecting Khali. Batista says he is here to challenge Khali, 1 on 1 for the world title. Khali says NO! Batista attacks and gets a spear on Khali and now the party is ruined. Translator man holds Khali back as they leave ringside.

  • Remember to send your thoughts on the show for the 4R’s!

    The following recap has been brought to you by…

    The Ring of Honor – Respect is Earned Podcast~!

    We are back for yet another podcast as we go where we haven’t gone before! That’s right, this time around we are joined by the Column of Honor’s ARI (~!) as we discuss the Ring of Honor – Respect is Earned PPV! We will discuss the great in ring action, who impressed, who didn’t, what worked and what didn’t (which isn’t much as it was a great show!) This was to be a part of the Great American Bash podcast, but we went on for 1-hour and 15-minutes so ROH gets it’s very own show! Download and enjoy kids, and remember, always drop us a line and let us know what you thought!


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