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Join 411’s Live WWE NXT Coverage

November 26, 2024 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
WWE NXT 11-26-24 - Tony D'Angelo vs Shawn Spears Image Credit: WWE

Hello everyone, and welcome to our live WWE NXT coverage on 411! Jeremy Thomas here with you as always, and tonight NXT continues its road to NXT Deadline. We have two more qualifiers for the Iron Survivor Challenges as Kelani Jordan faces Giulia and Axiom takes on Ethan Page, while both North American Championships will be on the line. Tatum Paxley will challenge Fallon Henley for the Women’s NA Title after attacking her on last week’s show, while Shawn Spears gets his shot at Tony D’Angelo and the Men’s NA Title. Plus we’ll surely have more from Ridge Holland as he heads toward his NXT Championship match against Trick Williams with Chase U’s destruction in his rearview, plus more. Should be a fun time.

I had a productive movie-watching week over the past seven days, as I continued to knock films off my “to watch” list for 2024. I enjoyed the hell out of Smile 2, which upped the ante on its original in every way, and — well, it was kind of downhill from there. I didn’t mind Gladiator II but it didn’t blow me away; I felt similarly about The Bikeriders in that both were competently made but just felt lacking in terms of their scripts.

I admired The Book of Clarence more than I liked it; it’s bold storytelling that didn’t quite get a handle on its tones the way it needed to. And Hellboy: The Crooked Man had the right indie horror vibes for what I wanted out of it, but that script was rough. And the final two new 2024 watches were both duds as Liam Neeson’s Absolution was a well-meaning misfire that didn’t go anywhere while Netflix’s Uglies would have been just dystopian YA Mad Libs. I also did one rewatch for 2024 films in Longlegs, which I appreciated more on the rewatch (and I had already liked it).

I also did a number of older watches, as per usual. I watched the home invasion flick You’re Next for the first time in a while and still mightily enjoy it; I followed that up with watching Adam Wingard’s next film The Guest which was a blast thanks to its lead performances from Dan Stevens and Maika Monroe. A rewatch of Psycho II reminded me what an underrated sequel it is, while I did a first-time watch of Psycho III and liked it more or less, though it is a heavy step down. Finally, I watched the 1939 comedy horror film The Cat and the Canary and the 1966 Hammer zombie film The Plague of the Zombies, both of which were perfectly fine.

On TV, I’ve stayed caught up on The Boulet Brothers’ Dragula season 6, finished out the decent Ted Turner docuseries Call Me Ted on Max and have watched the first two episodes of Netflix’s Cold Case: Who Killed JonBenét Ramsey which does a solid job of laying out the infamous case.

Anyway, we’re gonna have a lot to cover tonight so let’s hop right in.

As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s kids is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.


* We are LIVE in the Capitol Wrestling Center and Vic says this is the final NXT before Deadline, which — uh?

* We get a recap of Ridge Holland’s defeat of Andre Chase and thus the Chase U being forced to disband from last week. Appropriately sad music follows.

* It’s time for Chase U’s last — nope. The Chase U music plays but Ridge Holland comes out, laughing. He steps into the ring with a mic and says “I told you so!” Ridge basks in the hatred from the crowd and says he’ll be seeing Trick Williams at Deadline, then drops the mic. Well, that was a thing.

Iron Survivor Qualifying Match
Ethan Page vs. Axiom

A little feeling each other out to start. Page with a headlock but Axiom puts his shoulders on the mat for one to break. Another roll-up for two, Page dodges a kick and escapes to the outside to argue with Frazer as we go to break.

We’re back as Axiom ranas Page off the apron into the commentary booth! He grabs Page and tosses him into the ring, then climbs up top. He leaps but Page ducks, so Axiom with an armbar and gets rolled up for two. Page pushes Axiom off, Axiom kips up right into a big kick! Page beats on Axiom and then looms over him.

Axiom with a shot, and Page fires back. Axiom ducks a shot but Page snaps Axiom’s arm over his shoulder. Into the ropes and Page nails Axiom; back into the ropes and Axiom with a kick to Page! Into the ropes, Axiom with a Spanish fly into an armbar! But Page picks him up with one arm for a powerbomb!

Both men slow to get up, Page grabs Axiom and lays in a shot to the shoulders. He pulls Axiom up, shoves him into the ropes and hits a kidney shot. Backbreaker from the former NXT Champion and another. Cover gets two, and Page right into a bear hug on the mat to wear him down.

Back to their feet, Page with a shot to the back and whips Axiom into the corner hard, then again into the other corner. Measured shot to the head sends Axiom to the apron, Page grabs him for a double underhook into a backbreaker for a nearfall. Whip into the corner, Axiom goes up and over Page. Kick to the head of Page as he goes up top, they climb and Axiom with a SUPER SPANISH FLY! One, two, thr–NO.

Axiom back out to the apron and goes to climb to the top, but Page is able to cut him off. Page climbs but is nailed by Axiom — Axiom with some joint manipulation but Axiom with a BACKBREAKER ON THE TOP! Axiom to the outside as we go to break again.

We’re back as Axiom hits a HUGE MOONSAULT DDT and covers for a nearfall. Axiom grabs Page and kicks him in the chest a couple of times and then decks him. Page gets to his feet and fires back, sending Axiom into the corner. He charges, Axiom hits an enzuigiri and locks in a sleeper! Page breags it in the corner, Axiom goes for a Dragon Sleeper but doesn’t get the hands locked and Page SUPLEXES HIM into the corner! Backbreaker by Page, cover gets a nearfall!

Page sets Axiom chest first in the corner and hits a kidney shot, then putys him on the top. He goes for the Super Ego’s Edge! AXIOM COUNTERS into a rana! Axiom charges in — Golden Ratio COUNTERED with a massive lariat for three.

Winner: Ethan Page (16:51)
Rating: *** 3/4
Thoughts: Now THAT was a match. It got tons of time, and Page and Axiom made the most of it. Barn burner of a bout.

Sarah congratulates Ethan on qualifying and he says if you bet against him, you’ll lose money every time because he’ll find a way to win. He calls Axiom a hell of a champion and says that in two weeks —

Frazer says he hasn’t won anything yet and says the Iron Survivor is his kind of match, and Page won’t be able to keep up with him. Page says Axiom is the guy who actually carries the weight on his team. Frazer says Axiom isn’t the driving force and Axiom is pissed.

Here’s Wes Lee! My feed went funky but he assumedly talked about how he was going to win. And here’s Je’Von Evans who asks Lee how many times he’s going to be in the penalty box.

OTM IS HERE! They don’t care about the Iron Survivor, they aren’t cool with Frazer and Axiom chasing singles gold. The rest of the tag teams are out here and it turns into a brawl.

* Backstage, Brinley says that Sol is her pick for the Iron Survivor. Lola and Stephanie Vaquer talk in Spanish and Lola says she had to make sure Steph won. Wren Sinclair says it was crazy that Lola went after Jaida again, and that leads to a match being set between them.

* Ashante asks Nikkita about calling him out last week and says that train has left the station. He says things are different now and Nikkita says he did text her, right? He says yes and of course Karmen walks up pissed. Nikkita talks shit and leaves, and Karmen says “Fool me once, shame on me” before walking off leaving Ashante sad.

Wren Sinclair vs. Lola Vice

Lola with a waistlock takedown to start, Wren back to her feet but Lola takes her back down. Wren manages to get free but gets hiptossed. Lola with a facelock and alligator roll. Into the ropes, Wren goes for a hiptoss but Lola counters into an armbar! Wren manages to get Lola’s shoulders on the mat for two.

Wren back up into a shot from Lola, who hits a trio of suplexes with a little Eddie shoulder shake before the last one. Two-count and they’re back up, but Wren with a shoulder lock slam into the mat. Wren takes over and locks in a chickenwing, she pulls Lola to the mat into a headscissors submission with the wristlock. Lola escapes it but Wren locks it back in! Wren gets free and to her feet but Wren sends Lola shoulder-first into the corner.

Wren charges in but Lola dodges, then hits some kicks before Wren knocks her down. Wren with a basement dropkick, then a rather sloppy clothesline. Lola to the outside and wren sets her hand on the steps — Lola with a shot to the head! She pulls Wren to the floor but Wren with a dropkick sending Lola headfirst into the steps. Back in the ring, Lola with the spinning backfist out of nowhere for the pin.

Winner: Lola Vice (4:21)
Rating: ** 1/2
Thoughts: This was okay for its time, though there were definitely some awkward moments. It was just intended to get Lola the win, so mission accomplished.

Post-match, Lola says she and Jaida are going Underground very soon.

* Rizzo walks up to Tony and asks about Luca and Stacks, Tony says they’re doing their own thing. He says his knee is fine and they can go.

* Spears and Brooks talk about what a mastermind Spears is. Shawn says “Let’s do this” and they walk off.

* Tatum Paxley is backstage telling her dolls that she can finally be a champion soon. Jacy and Jazmyn walk up and tell her to tell her friends they’ll never be champion. Tatum says “Your past will haunt you” and walks off. A mysterious hand picks up the doll with Gigi Dolin-covered hair.

NXT North American Championship Match
Tony D’Angelo vs. Shawn Spears

Tony with a shot to Spears to start the match. They brawl a bit before Spears is set into the ropes and gets run over, but Tony favors his knee. They face off and Spears goes for the knee, Tony back into the corner but batters Spears out. Spears gets Tony right back into the corner and goes right after the knee, sending him to the mat as we go to break.

We’re back as Spears has control of Tony, but Tony manages to pull his opponent into the ringpost. Spears is put on the top, Tony climbs — SUPERPLEX! Oh, and the tag teams are brawling in the parking lot, which I assume happens 24/7 and we just don’t see it. It’s the NXT Parking Lot, after all.

Tony hits a belly-to-belly on Spears and charges, but his knee gives out and Spears nails Tony, then locks in a Figure Four in the center of the ring! Tony struggles and tries to get to the ropes — he’s so close and he gets it! The break is forced but Tony is holding the knee. Spears goes for the Figure Four again but Tony pushes him off. He rolls out and then back in, charges — SPEAR by Tony for a two-count!

Tony is up now and grabs Spears, throwing him into the ropes — Spinebuster but his knee gives out. Spears goes for a piledriver, but Tony with a backdrop. A couple quick roll-ups — Tony with a Spinebuster! That’s it!

Winner: Tony D’Angelo (8:33)
Rating: ***
Thoughts: Good storytelling here, with Tony selling the hell out of his knee. It played out fine and the post-match attack takes some of the sting out of the loss for Spears.

* Brooks attacks post match and Tony takes out both Spears and Brooks before Nico wipes Tony out with a lariat. They stand over the champion and stare at Rizzo, who looks hesitant.

* Kelani Jordan WALKS backstage. Giulia also WALKS. And the tag teams continue to brawl backstage. Why would anyone ever park in that parking lot? It’s going to ruin your insurance premiums.

* Tonight’s NXT Focus from Progressive sees Andre Chase packing up his Chase U office. He stares sadly at his #1 Professor plague and looks at his sweater in a briefcase. The briefcase is shut and he grabs his box, then looks around the office before walking out. He stars at his name on the door and turns to walk away, making a lonely walk down the hall. Someone yells, “Hey, Mr. Chase!” (it sounded like Duke) and he turns around before we cut away.

Iron Survivor Qualifier
Kelani Jordan vs. Giulia

Lockup to start, Kelani with a wristlock that gets reversed. Kelani flips through and takes down Giulia by the ankle, back up and Kelani back into the wristlock that gets reversed. Snapmare by Kelani, off the ropes with a BIG crossbody for one.

Giulia locks in a hammerlock on the mat, Kelani to her feet but Giulia with a headlock into a crucific for two, they trade several two-counts before separating. Kelani offers the handshake and Giulia accepts it — then she gets whipped into the ropes. They counter each other, Giulia with a headscissors takedown into a shoulder submission in the center of the ring! Kelani pushes Giulia’s shoulders to the mat for two to break the hold.

Giulia with a shot between Kelani’s shoulder blades and charges in, but Kelani nails her. Giulia with a big headbutt, tilt-a-while armdrag. She charges in but Kelani kicks Giulia down and goes for the split-legged moonsault but Giulia to the outside. She snaps Kelani’s arm into the ropes and dumps her to the outside. Back in, they nail each other and stare off as we go to break.

We’re back as Giulia decks Kelani, but Kelani comes back with a kick that sends Giulia to the outside. Twisting dive from Kelani to the floor! They’re back in and Kelani picks up steam with lariats, but Giulia rolls her up for two. Kelani with a two-count of her own, then Kelani nails Giulia and hits a dropkick into the corner. Kelani charges into a boot, Giulia goes up but gets kicked by Kelani. Kelani climbs up, they brawl in No Man’s Land — Giulia with a headbutt! She goes up top for a missile dropkick but Kelani dodges! split-legged moonsault, Giulia counters into a triangle choke! She locks it in — Kelani gets Giulia’s shoulders to the mat for two but Giulia kicks out without letting go. Kelani PICKS GIULIA UP! Powerbomb for a nearfall!

Roxy watches from the back as Giula and Kelani get to their knees. They trade blows, back to their feet, Kelani with a kick and goes for a DDT but Giulia counters into a Michinoku Driver. She covers — KELANI ROLLS THROUGH for two! Giulia runs her over, Northen Lights Bomb finishes it!

Winner: Giulia (12:29)
Rating: *** 1/2
Thoughts: The girls showed up and showed out here. Fantastic match between the two, very competitive with a couple great sequences. Giulia was the obvious choice to win but they made me wonder a couple times.

* Ava tells the losers in the Qualifiers and says they get a last chance match. Eddy isn’t happy still but Lexis thanks Ava for the chance. Ava tells Fraxiom that there will be a battle royale next week and Fraxiom will defend their titles at Deadline. Axiom isn’t happy and the tag teams run in.

Eddy wants to talk to Ava and Ava says she’s giving him everything she can. She walks, Eddy grabs her hand and she says not to touch her. Someone gets bumped into the door in the tag team scuffle and Ava gets knocked down. Uh-oh.

* Shawn asks Ava what happened and Eddy says he can explain. Shawn Michaels shoves Eddy back against the wall and tells him to get out of here. Someone doesn’t want to get in trouble with the Final Boss…

* WHOOP THAT TRICK! The NXT Champion is here. He says let’s talk about it; medical is checking on Ava but he’s sure she’ll be okay because we know who her Bloodline is. He says NXT has been nothing but chaos the past couple of weeks and we might have seen the end of Chase U. He says he looked around last week and it was sad. Kids cried, people were sad, but he looked up and saw the pure evil grin of satisfaction on Ridge’s face. And he knew they weren’t the same. Because he grew up with people who loved NXT like DIY, Bron Breakker, Tiffany Stratton, Ilja Dragunov — even people like Carmelo Hayes. But more importantly, people like Chase U. They laid it on the line to make NXT what it is today.

But all Ridge knows is how to destroy things, and that’s why he can’t let Ridge become NXT Champion. Because if he does, everything they’ve created will die.

RIDGE IS HERE! He tells the refs not to touch him and he says he doesn’t care that wherever he goes, controversy follows him.

ERIC BISCHOFF IS ON THE TRON from his home! He says he wants to get a closer look, because he’s coming to NXT next week. Ridge wants the title, Trick wants to keep it. He wants to see what makes them tick, and by the time he’s done, they’ll want to destroy each other before Deadline.

* Tatum Paxley WALKS backstage. So do Fatal Influence.

* Charlie Dempsey catches up with Wren, who says she was cleared by medical. Tavion and Myles walk up and say they’re in the battle royale. Wren says Lola hits hard, and Charlie tells her about the Last Chance match. She is nervous about winning.

Set For Next Week:
– Last Chance Iron Survivor Qualifiers
– #1 Contender’s Tag Team Battle Royale
– Eric Bischoff appears
– X-Pac appears

NXT Women’s North American Championship Match
Fallon Henley vs. Tatum Paxley

Lockup to start, Tatum backed into the ropes and Fallon gets backed up. She flips Tatum to the mat and works over the shoulder, snapping it over her shoulder and putting Tatum on the mat. Knee to the shoulder, she taunts and gets rolled up for two. Fallon goes in but Tatum handsprings away!

Fallon with a shot to Tatum, but Tatum with a kick to the head. She tries to lock in a legscissor to the arms, Fallon gets her shoulders down for two and Tatum with a bridge pin for two. Double underhook suplex by Tatum and she sends Fallon to the floor. Tatum chases after and grabs Fallon, rolling her into the ring. Jacy gets in Tatum’s face, that distraction lets Fallon swing around the ringpost to kick Tatum as we go to break.

We’re back and Tatum is teeing off on Fallon. Into the ropes, Fallon turns it around and nails Tatum. Slap and a takedown, Fallon off the ropes for a big right hand and cover for two. Fallon with a headlock, Tatum gets free but gets kicked in the cut. Suplex countered into a small package from Tatum for two.

Tatum and Fallon both hit headbutts that staggers them. Double crossbody! Fallon and Tatum trade shots on their knees, they’re back to their feet and trade kicks. Double palm thrust to the gut by Tatum, Fallon with a shot to Tatum. Tatum leaps over a charging Fallon, catches a boot and knocks her down. Step-up enzuigiri, crossbody in the corner and an inverted Samoan Drop for a nearfall!

Tatum pulls Fallon into position and goes up top — Jacy distracts her and Tatum is caught, then hit with a pumphandle suplex for a nearfall. Tatum pulls Fallon off the top and climbs — 450 SPLASH! Cover gets two and 7/8! Tatum goes for the Psycho Trap but Fallon counters with a roll-up for two. Tatum rolls up Fallon for two and then hits a dropkick to Jacy on the outside. Fallon avoids the Psycho Trap and hits the Rocker Dropper for three.

Winner: Fallon Henley (10:55)
Rating: ***
Thoughts: Very solid match between these two that really built Tatum up well. She looked competitive and strong here.

Fatal Influence triple team Tatum — AND GIGI DOLIN’S MUSIC PLAYS! She’s behind Fatal Influence! Gigi takes them all out and helps Tatum up. Gigi brawls with Jacy, Tatum fights Fallon — double enzuigiri sends Fatal Influence to the floor!

And with that, we’re done for the night!

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WWE NXT, Jeremy Thomas