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Penelope Pink On Being WOW – Women Of Wrestling Champion, Previews This Weekend’s Show

April 20, 2023 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
WOW Women of Wrestling Episode 32 Image Credit: WOW Television Enterprises, LLC

Penelope Pink is the WOW – Women Of Wrestling Champion, and she recently discussed making it to the championship and more. Pink spoke with PWInsider for a new interview previewing this weekend’s show, and you can check out some highlights below:

On what it means to get to the point of being WOW Champion: “There almost is no words. It’s six and a half years of blood, sweat, and tears for this absolute great honor to hold the WOW World Title. I am the eighth woman to be in the spotlight and be the champion of this company, and I’m so thankful that WOW is getting such a great spotlight and opportunity thanks to Jeanie Buss and David McLane and AJ Mendez and Selina Majors to really put forth women’s wrestling and being spotlighted on syndicated television. And I’m going to go out there and like I said from day one, I said I was the best damn thing that WOW’s ever seen. And every week I go out there and I show them why I meant it, and I prove everybody wrong.”

On evolving her character and how WOW has changed her as a performer: “It’s been an absolutely amazing rollercoaster ride. I had never been out to the West Coast before and seen the professional wrestling scene out there. So, to get the opportunity to work with our roster, which we’ve had so many different women from all different walks of life, some that have trained in the UK, Japan, Australia, and just to get the opportunity to step foot in the ring and elevate your wrestling, your ability, your game, has been my favorite part of this experience without a doubt is because you’re going to get better the more challenging your opponent is. And I love to say that our WOW roster is one of the deepest and most diverse rosters in all of women’s wrestling. And I’m so thankful the fact that I am given the opportunity to not only compete, but also elevate myself as a competitor. And I also get to work one-on-one with the best women’s manager of all time, Lana Star. And without a doubt, I’ve never had a manager before and she brings me to the next level and I’m so thankful and I couldn’t have done it without her, honestly.”

On her eight-woman tag team match on this week’s show: “The Fabulous Four, we are a well-oiled machine. We have the same mindset. We have one game plan, we’re going in there, the Island Dynasty, they’ve kind of just all bumped into each other. They kind of just formed recently. They’ve all kind of been doing their own individual thing, where we are training together, we’re at the gym together. We are just always in sync. So, they have a tall task ahead of them without a doubt. But our game plan still remains number one, win at all costs.”

On getting advice from AJ Mendez: “Oh my gosh, she has been such an amazing person to have behind the scenes and at commentary. She always is wanting us to be true to ourselves and going out there and being proud of your performance and always elevating yourself, putting yourself on the platform you think you deserve. And honestly, I absolutely love going out there and every time I walk that entrance way, she’s standing there and like you said, she’s the Hall of Famer. So, it’s a constant reminder of the fact that women’s wrestling has evolved so much. And to have somebody who has seen so much history and to get that feedback and you to get those words of encouragement means the absolute world to all of us at WOW.”