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Join 411’s Live WWE Raw Coverage

September 16, 2024 | Posted by Tony Acero
WWE RAW 8-19-24 CM Punk Image Credit: WWE

Keep Refreshing For The Latest WWE Raw Results

As a Cali native, this week’s Fine Dining Podcast interests me heavily. Septemburger continues with Michael Ornelas covering In-n-Out and Whataburger all while wearing a stupid hat!

Everyone! Visit my site! Subscribe! Leave a love note! Book coming soon!

In other news, my website, www.tonyacero.com is up and running. I got a book coming soon, so if you could find some time to click the link and subscribe, I’d love you just a bit more than I already do!

And Finally,

WE ARE LIVE and CM Punk is WALKING! Perhaps a bit sour from missing Bret last week, he’s wearing a sweater with his initials on it as he makes his way to the ring.

Punk is a bit somber, seemingly upset. He says he has been asked how many more matches he has in his feeble bones of his, and depending on oyu, the answer is great or disappointing, because the answer is way more than you think.

When he came back to the WWE, he said he didn’t come here to make friends, and that didn’t mean he came here to make a mortal enemy, but that’s exactly what he has done. He was foolish to think touching four corners would end this. People can ask how many Hell in the Cell matches does he have left in him? The honest answer is zero. His sister has asked him not to doit, his wife has asked him not to. So he will tell us exactly why he is going to do this. His heart. The same one Drew said he was going to get to stop beating. He cant promise he’ll kill Drew, but he can promise that he will make him bleed. He will have to kill CM Punk. He is prepared for all of this to be over with. He had a great career, and if this is the end, so be it. He is prepared for it to be the end of CM Punk, and if Drew is prepared for it to be the end of McIntyre, then he’ll see him in hell.

Sheamus wants to talk about his dream, and how it got taken away from him – The IC Title. Pete Dunne took that away from him. So now he will inflict pain to his protégé. So to the arena out here, whatever you do, don’t call him Butch. He hates it. Despises it. Especially when you say it over and over again. Tonight, Pete Dunne, he becomes Sheamus’ Butch.

Sheamus vs Pete Dunne

Pete goes full Butch and fucks with Sheamus’ fingers until Sheamus drops him with a sloppy slam. He corners Pete and gets some stomps. Reversal and a big high kick from Pete. He starts with the fingers, then stomps the back of the elbow as the crowd chants for BUTCH. Sheamus rolls out of the ring. Pete follows nad looks to stomp the fingers on the steps but Sheamus trips him up then hits an Alabama Slam onto the announce table!

We are BACK and Pete has Sheamus up high for a powerbomb. He gets it! Pete with a pin! 1.2…NO!!! Sheamus yells for Pete to listen to the crowd. This pisses off Pete, who hits him with a huge right hand then a bunch of hard forearms to the face. Big stomp to Sheamus. Sheamus wants more. Pete grabs him by the chin, lifts up, and goes nose to nose. He hits a right, Sheamus blocks, Pete hits headbutts, but Sheamus grabs his chin, yells that he is a bitch, then hits a hard clothesline. A big axe handle. A huge lariat in the corner, powerslam to Pete. Sheamus to the top rope. He dorps the knee pad. KNEE TO THE FAYCE!!!!!! COVER!!! 1…2…NO!!!! Sheamu lifts up for a Celtic Cross, but Dunne drops down and hits an enziguri, stomp to the fingers, kick to the face, to the top rope. Sheamus is up! UPPERCUT! He climbs, Pete hops on his back, Shemaus grabs him for another big powerslam off the 2nd rope! Cover! 1..2….NO!!! Pete to the apron! Sheamus grabs him! We get the ten beats!

Dunne grabs the Shalackalacky but Sheamus hits a big knee! Sheamus notices the Irish stick! He grabs it. Pete rolls out of the ring, the ref takes the stick away and tosses it, but Pete has a Cricket bat! He clocks Sheamus across the dome! Pete rolls into the ring and covers for 1.2…3!!!!

Winner: Pete Dunne
Good shit.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 11:11

Braun Strowman is backstage. Here comes The Miz to wish him luck. Braun shows some bad bruise on his bicep. Miz wonders what Braun meant when he said he was no match for Reed. Braun says no, he didn’t mean no harm. He’s seen the career Miz has had. Sometimes it takes a monster to beat a monster. Miz agrees, he is no monster. He tells Braun he’s got this.

Nattie’s back.

And the crowd goes mild.

Natalya (w/ Lyra Valkyria and Zelina Vega) vs Zoey Stark (w/ Shayna Baszler and Sonya Deville)

Nattie drops Zoey with ease. Zoey shoves her hard and Nattie fights back. They do some rope work, Nattie slaps the stomach then rolls into a pin for 1.2..NO!!! Dropkick from Zoey!

We are back and Zoey misses another dropkick. Nattie hits her with a discus clothesline. Right hand to Zoey. Whip to the ropes, Zoey kicks, Nattie catches nad swings Zoey face-first into the mat. Kick to the face. Cover for 1.2..NO!
Nattie bounces Zoey off the op buckle, goes for a bulldog but Zoey shoots her off then hits a DVD and a big kick t othe side of the face. Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Zoey mounts and punches down. Zoey flips Nattie for the finisher, but Nattie lands on her feet, shoots the legs, tries for a Sharpshooter, but Zoey stops it, so Nattie bridges.

They exchange pins until Nattie tries for a Sharpshooter again, but Zoey kicks away then rolls up, gets 2, but Nattie reverses with a Schoolboy and a pin for 1..2..3!!!

Winner: Natalya
Total Rating: *
Match Time: 7:04

We are backstage with Cathy and Rhea Ripley. Kelley brings up Bad Blood. Rhea is about to reply, but Finn Balor is here. He says he hasn’t had a chance to speak to Rhea. He feels like she is just as bad as Damien Priest. Rhea said they were a family, acted like she cared, but she only cared about herself. She is tired of her blaming Finn for everything that has gone on. They are the reason he is not the champ, for everything that has happened.

Rhea laughs this off, and says what we are not going to do is lie to her face and rewrite history to hide Finn’s little ego problems. All she did was try and stop them fighting every week. She LOVED her family, but if Fin n wants them to be the bad guys, then so be it. At Bad Blood, him, Liv, Dom, and the other two bozos will see how bad she can truly be.

Finn says ok, there’s one more thing. He wanted to tell her something, and she wanted her to hear it from him. He told Dom to go with Liv, he was the Devil on his shoulder, he helped liv and Dom link up. It was him.

In comes Jey Uso who asks if they have a problem here. Finn says no, just old friends catching up. But Jey needs to focus on the IC Title, because Rhea is out of his league.

Finn leaves and Rhea says he has a point. Jey laughs it off, thinking she is not out of his league, but she says not that, the IC Title. He says it’s ok, he is on his way to the ring right now.

We are back and Bron Breaker is here to cut Jey off. He calls it inspiring that Jey is out here, trying to prove he can do it all by himself, that he doesn’t need the help of his family. He did his homework, though. 14 years Jey has been here. 14 is a long time. WE love him. But Bron has done more in 6 months than Jey has done his whole career. Here’s the kicker, he did it without his father, his uncle, he didn’t even need the name. Why? Because the title is his family, what he fights for. He fights for it, it fights for him. He’s a dog, that’s what he does. Next Monday, when they fight for the title, he’ll expose Jey. He is nothing without his family.

Jey sees it. Sees it in him. Bron’s got that dog in him. He won’t take him lightly. But like he said, how long he been here? Six months? He’s been here for 14 years winning championships while Bron was in diapers, boy. Next week, they throw hands. Next week, he’s gone dog-walk his ass. We’ll see what he’s bout and how long this last, because it might end up short and sweet just like Bron’s NFL career.

Mic drop.

Bron turns, goes for the cheap shot right to the dome. He lifts jEy and barks in his face then hits the ropes, hits em again, BUT JEY HITS A SPEAR TO BRON!!!! FUCK YEAH! HUGE POP!

Backstage, Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill are chilling in the hallway, but Iyo Sky comes RUNNING UP ON THEM screaming. Sh is wondering why Bianca challenged Kairi even though she has an injury. Bianca is a coward. Bianca tells her to chill and says she was booked, she didn’t challenge, but since Iyo is standin ten toes down how bout Iyo takes her place. Iyo accepts.

WWE World Tag Team Championship Match
The Judgment Day vs The New Day

Kofi and JD to start JD corners him, whips out, Kofi to the top rope, turns and flies with a forearm. Snapmare and Woods gets a tag, kick from Kofi, clothesline from Woods, splash from Kofi and a elbow from Woods then a cover. 1.2….NO!!! Woods with a body slam then tag to Kofi. Woods puts Kofi on his shoulders and flips him onto JD. Cover for 1..2NO!!! Kick to incoming Finn. Kik from Woods. Double team Bulldog, Superkicks to JD and to Finn.

We are back to Woods kicking JD’s ass. He mounts in the corner and gets a full ten then knocks Finn off the apron. JD kicks Woods, Locks up behind, tries for a back suplex, Woods lands on his feet, hits a Side Russian Leg Sweep, kip up and kick to Finn. Kofi with a springboard elbow to the head. Drokick from Woods. Kofi hits the ropes and flips over with a senton to Finn! JD kicks Woods, tries for a powerbomb, Woods lands on his feet, and hits his own powerbomb! Cover! 1.2…..NO!!!!

Here comes Carlito, Liv Morgan, and Dominik Mysterio but right behind them is LWO to attack!

In the ring, JD rols up Woods. Woods kicks out at 2, kick to the chest knocks JD on his ass. Kofi to the top rope, Woods to the top rope. Kofi flies on everyone outside. Woods springs off the ropes. Cover! BUT THE REF IS DEALING WITH KOFI OUTSIDE! Woods is pissed. He leaves the ring to grab the ref. He tells the ref to get back in the ring. REF YOU SUCK chant. Lol.

Woods argues, Finn with a blind tag. Woods rolls JD up. Ref wont count. Sleeper from JD. COUP DE GRACE!! 1…..2…3!!!

Winners: JD McDonagh and Finn Balor
The commercial gutted it, but we had a good second half and the point was the story, not the match, so I’ll let it slide.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 8:32

After the match, Woods screams at Kofi, “WHY?! EVERY TIME!” Woods says he is tired of this and something has to change, then leaves Kofi in the ring by himself.

The words of the red grow strong, whispers like a thousand words, guiding the knife until our hands are one in the same. You speak, we follow.


We are back and Kofi is looking for Woods. He finds him yelling at LWO. Kofi says stop yelling, he told them to be out there. Woods asks why. Kofi daps them up and tells them to go. He asked them to have their backs in case Judgment Day showed up, which they did.

Woods questions now they need help? Now they need it? Kofi says they used to have E! Woods wonders if he isn’t good enough anymore. Why did LWO know the plan about their match, but Woods didn’t? He knew nothing. He’s tired of it.

Woods storms out.

Before the Braun vs Bronson match starts, Reed tries to splash in the corner and breaks the top rope. All four collapses. Braun tries for a chokeslam, sends Reed out of the ring. Braun calls for the choo-choo train, but Reed grabs some random in the crowd and tosses that person INTO Braun! Lol. Braun is up, then hits a crossbody across Reed through the timekeeper area.

Just when you think it’s over, we get both big men destroying each other backstage, including the demolition of a golf cart and Reed hitting a Tsunami onto some tables. Braun gets up from this and trucks Bronson through a wall.


Backstage, we see Pearce freaking out till Ludwig Kaiser comes up to him to talk bout Gunther, but Pearce tells him that Sami has a compelling argument for the title. Kaiser says no, but Sami’s music hits and we see on the TV that he is on his way to the ring.

We switch to the ring where Sami Zayn is making his entrance. He talks about the high he’s been on since last week where he meant everything he said. He has come to the conclusion that he needs to be champion. He needs to be the man who defends weekly. Unfortunately, Gunther has repeatedly declined every challenge. He claims it’s because Sami is not on his level. Here’s the thing, Sami doesn’t believe that. He doesn’t think Gunther believes it either. He remembers Mania. He thinks Gunter is scared.

Ludwig Kaiser comes out instead. Wonders what Sami is doing here. Out of everyone here, why Sami? What is he doing asking for a title shot against Gunther? What is this nonsense about Gunther being scared? Why would he be? Gunther is the most dominant forc in the WWE right now. If anything, he is trying to protect Sami, to save him from the worst embarrassment of his entire life.

Let’s talk about Mania. It was undoubtedly the greatest night of Sami’s career. For the first time, his whole family looked up to him and not down. Miracles never happen twice. So Sami, take it, run with it, and enjoy it. This is never ever going to happen again.

Sami finds this very strange that he is out here talking for Gunther. Gunther doesn’t need him to speak for him. He doesn’t need Ludwig for anything. Sami doesn’t think Kaiser needs Gunther either. Kaiser has the desire to prove himself, like any one of us. This is why he turned on Vinci, he’s trying to show us all what he is capable of. Just like any one of us. But does he think he’ll win respect as Gunther’s mouthpiece? If he wants to talk to Sami, that’s fine, say it. But he doesn’t need to speak for Gunther. Have the balls to speak for yourself.

Here comes Gunther!

He will answer Sami in a little bit, but first…is there anything Kaiser needs to tell Gunther? If yes, do it now. Kaiser looks to Sami, then to Gunther, then puts his head down. He says there is something he is trying ot get off his chest for a very very long time.

He then cheap shots Sami and mounts for punches as Gunther laughs his ass off. Kaiser with an over-exaggerated DDT. He then lifts Sami up, and holds his chin as Gunther looks to him, says regarding his challenge, the answer is and will remain no.

Sami is up! Gunther leaves! HELLUVA KICK TO KAISER!

Backstage, Cathy is with Damien Priest. Tonight, he takes on Dom. Does he have any hesitations against someone he considered family?

Here is Liv Morgan to cackle and shoo Cathy away. She says how sad, a former champ who doesn’t even realize he’s already a has-been. It want hard for The Judgment Day to choose between her and Dom and Priest and Rhea. They are losers hanging on to the only time they were ever on top.

Priest thinks he cant believe someone in The Judgment Day has a set. Protect that, because when Rhea gets her hands on Liv, she will shove them down her throat. He doesn’t know why he is here polluting his air. Go kiss Dom goodbye, because he’s putting him down.

By sucia.


Bianca Belair vs Iyo Sky

LOCKUP! Bianca with a side headlock takedown, Iyo hits her own. Bianca trips her up, gets a pin fr 1..NO! Iyo rolls up for 1..2NO!!! Iyo tries for a crucifix, but Bianca stops her, swings her off her shoulders, hit the ropes. Double dropkick and a stalemate. Iyo with a go-behind, reversal, another, Bianca with the switch, Iyo slinks underneath, they run the ropes, and another stalemate. Bianca hits the ropes, flips over Iyo, shoves her up, Iyo tries for a rana, Bianca catches her, lifts her up, Sunset flip from Iyo gets 1.2.NO!! Kick to Bianca, chop to the chest. Out the corner with a whip, Bianca hops over, flips away, to the top rope and calls for more. Iyo runs, Bianca flips over her, catche the head and we get a marching delayed vertical. Bianca runs over th body, hits the ropes for a springboard, Iyo rolls out of the way, arm drag and Bianca lands on her feet.

Fuck yeah.

We are BACK an Bianca drops Iyo with a shoulder tackle, another, dropkick. Iyo up in the conrer. Bianca rushes it, hits a hard shoulder. Bianca climns, hits a few punches, but Iyo turns nad grabs the leg, kick from Bianca, Bianca flips over, gets sent to the corner, uppercut from Iyo, another, dropkick to Bianca. Iyo with running knees. Iyo double underhooks. Bianca lifts up and tries for a back body drop, but Iyo lands on her feet! She runs, Bianca catches her. Gutbuster! Bianca misse a splash. Iyo to the top rope! Missile dropkick!from Iyo! Iyo covers! 1.2…NO!!!

Both girls trade right hands. Over and over. Kick from Iyo, rollup for 1..2.NO!! Bianca waits, Iyo runs, Bianca lifts up nd drops her face first into the buckle then a hard spinebuster! Bianca with a springboard moonsault! Cover! 1.2….NO!!! Bianca kicks Iyo in te corner, lifts up t othe top rope. Bianca presses Iyo in the sky, Iyo falls off, lands on her feet, GERMAN! PIN! 1..2…NO!!! Bianca to the apron. Hits a shoulder. Bianca grabs the head, hooks the leg, drags Iyo over the top, but Iyo hangs her up! Bianca to the table! Iyo hits the ropes. FLYING CROSSBODY THROUGH THE ROPES! HOLY SHIT!!!

Bianca grabs Iyo for a delayed suplex! SHE WALKS UP THE STEPS AND TOSSES IYO INTO THE RING!!! Bianca to the top rope! Flies for a 450! Iyo with the knees up! Iyo t othe top rope but Bianca is up! KO—NO!!! SMALL PACKAGE!! Iyo with the Small Package! 1.2…3!!!!

Winner: Iyo Sky
That was fun as fuck.
Total Rating: ***1/2
Match Time: 12:24

Backstage, Rhea asks Priest to please brutalize Dom. Priest says he will.

American Made gets a video package, with The Creed Brothers getting some camera time as well. They will be bringing respect and honor back to the ring. They don’t run from history, they make history

Next week, Kaiser will expose Sami Zayn to the entire world. Let’s talk about Sami, the man who he called his best friend, Kevin Owens, and talk about how whenever one of them got more successful, they turned on one another. That is who he is. Kaiser will show the entire world that Sami is a sad, bitter man, jealous of what KO was because that is exactly what Sami will never be – a World champion.

Backstage, Ilja Dragunov wishes Jey Uso the best of luck.

Jey leaves and here comes The Judgment Day who wants to give him a little advice – think a little more about who he chooses as his friends.

Dragonuv says friends is such a strong word, but he does respect Rhea, Jey, and Damien, but none of them.

Finn says this is just a friendly reminder. Next time, the message won’t be so nice. They gotta go take care of one of his friends.

Damien Priest vs Dominik Mysterio

Priest with a shoulder tackle! He tosses Dom into the corner, Dom bounces back, Priest lifts him up by th head then just drops him. Priest locks the fingers and hits a hard shoulder. Priest grabs Dom by the head. He hits a body shot, and Priest with a HUGE RIGHT HAND knocks Dom to the floor! Priest lifts Dom, Finn distracts, Dom rolls outside. His boys check on him. Priest leaves the ring, turns to Dom and grabs him then drops him onto the edge of the apron. Priest with a right to the jaw again! Priest turns. A right to Carlito! Priest tosses Dom into the ring. JD distracts, Finn sends Priest into the post. Dom with a suicide dive!

We back and Dom has the upperhand. Tornado DDT from Dom. Elbows from Dom. Huge chop to Priest! Priest is pissed. Dom turns and Priest stands to hit a right, another, kick to the side, high kick, another kick, spinning right. A big one drops Dom. Dom t othe corner. Back elbow from Priest. He locks up. Flatliner. Cover! 1..2..NO!!!

Finn on the apron to distract. AGAIN! Rollup from Dom! 1.2..NO!! Roundhouse kick to the temple! Broken Arrow! Cover! 1.2..NO!! Liv puts Dom’s boot on the bottom rope! RHEA WITH A SPEAR SENDS LIV OVER THE TABLE! She takes out Wade, too!

Priest with a flying fist to Carlito! He sees Finn! Suicide from Dom but Priest catches him and launches him onto Finn! Kick to Carlito! Priest bck in the ring, superkick from Dom! Dropkick! 619 to Priest! Dom to the top rope! Frog Sp—NO!!

Priest up! HUGE LARIAT! Priest drops the straps! GOOZLE! SOUTH OF HEAVEN! COVER! 1..2….3!!!!

Winner: Damien Priest
Exactly what it needed to be.
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 12:15

The attack is on! Dom leans against the ropes and Rhea is there to grab him, but Liv grabs her and sends her into the steps and the beatdown continues.

JEY USO IS HERE TO HELP!!!! He kinda takes his time, noticing that he is outnumbered, but here comes BRON FUCKING BREAKER OUTTA NOWHERE WITH A SPEAR!!!

The beatdown on Rhea and Priest continues, with JD working the knee and Finn looking to stomp his chest in. Dom screams to wait. Finn barks orders. Liv hits Rhea with oblivion. Coup De Grace to Priest! Finn heads up top and wants to hit another one! He does! ANOTHER ONE!

The Judgment Day stands tall.

End Show

article topics :

RAW, WWE, Tony Acero