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411’s NWA TNA Impact Report 2.18.05

February 18, 2005 | Posted by Larry Csonka

Welcome to The Best Damn TNA Recap: Ver. 2 for 411wrestling.com. Once again, it’s me, the King of Wrestling Media Larry Csonka and I am here for you recapping pleasures. Remember, I don’t do star ratings, not my thing. My play by play is straight up, unless something just screams to be commented on in a sarcastic way, which I love to do. I have a good time, I mark out and yes I really enjoy TNA as well as the WWE and all wrestling. So sit back and relax and enjoy The Best Damn TNA Recap: Ver. 2!

Last week on Impact:

  • Tenay and West pimp the PPV.

    Match #1 Johnny Devine w/Coach D’Amore and Eric Young defeated Sonny Siaki

  • Highlights of Brown, DDP, Nash and JJ at the Best Damn Super Bowl Road Show. DDP talks to Jerry Rice who picks Nash to win. JJ hangs with T.O.
  • Shane Douglas interviews Monty Brown. He vows revenge on JJ for robbing him of the NWA title.

    Match #2 DDP defeated Chris Candido

  • Scott D’Amore tried to send Team Canada after DDP, but Monty Brown came down and they backed off.

    Match #3 Jeff Hammond w/3LK defeated David Young w/Kazarian and Shane

  • Dusty stepped out of his truck to talk with Traci, then Trinity stepped out and fixed her top and alluded to having sex with Dusty.
  • AJ Styles joined the commentary team, but Christopher Daniels was not happy and came down to ringside. He slapped Styles, which lead to a pull apart brawl.
  • At Destination X there will be a 4-man Ultimate X Match for the X Division Title.

    Match #4 “Primetime” Elix Skipper defeated Shark Boy and Chris Sabin

  • Mike Tenay had a pre-taped sit down interview with Nash via satellite from Hollywood, and JJ via satellite from Nashville as they were banned from the Impact Zone.

    Match #5 Dustin Rhodes and America’s Most Wanted © defeated Raven, Kid Kash and Lance Hoyt

  • A cool PPV hype video closes the show.

    Today on Impact:

    Ron “The Truth” Killings vs. Michael Shane

    Buck Quartermain and Lex Lovett vs. The Naturals

    Mikey Batts and Kid Romeo vs. Phi Delta Slam

    Shark Boy vs. Chris Candido vs. Chris Sabin

    And our Main Event – “The Alpha Male” Monty Brown vs. Lance Hoyt

    TNA Impact Starts…NOW!

    We get still shots of Against All Odds to start the show.

    Mike Tenay and Don West welcome us to Universal Studios and TNA IMPACT!

  • At Destination X, the Ultimate X Match will begin as a tag team match with the 4 men selected. Once there is a pin, the man pinned is eliminated and then it is a triple threat. After another pin or submission that man will be eliminated and then it will be a 1 on 1 match and THEN and ONLY THEN may they climb for the title. They will have a series of matches the next few weeks on Impact to determine who the 4 men will be.

    Match #1 Ron “The Truth” Killings w/The 3LKvs. Michael Shane w/Kazarian

    Konnan with the RetRo mic work, he’s apparently looking for his dog. James takes a turn as well.

    Lock up to start and Shane with an arm bar. Killings reverses it and gets one of his own. Shane takes him to the corner and fires away with right hands. Boots to Killings now and Killings shoves him off, up top and a missile drop kick! Spinning forearm smash to Shane and Killings is in control. Kazarian pulls Killings to the floor and delivers some right hands then rolls him back in. Shane covers and gets 2. Killings fires back with right hands but Shane with an overhead toss for 2. Slam by Shane, and he goes up top. Killings crotches him…Fisherman’s buster to Shane! Right hands to Shane and then the leaping sidekick by Killings! Off the ropes, but Kazarian stuns him off the ropes. Shane has Killings, but he reverses it and shoves Shane into Kazarian who was on the apron and Killings nails the AX kick and that is all @ 3:52.

  • Solid match, if only a little short but it is cool to see that Killings will be involved in the X-Division.

    Commercial time highlights the Ultimate X match.

    We are back Shane Douglas puts over the Iron Man Match. Daniels says it is ridiculous and that AJ is lucky. Douglas says it was a tie and that HE asked for the overtime. Daniels says he should be automatically put into the Ultimate X match because he pinned AJ. If he has to go through the whole X Division he will, because THAT’S the gospel!

    Match #2 Buck Quartermain and Lex Lovett vs. The Naturals (Douglas and Stevens) w/Chris Candido

    LL and Stevens start. Reversals and Stevens with a clothesline. Tag to Douglas and they double team LL in the corner. Right hands by Douglas and then a leaping knee ala Harley race. Right hands again and a tag to Stevens and a double team bulldog/face buster combo gets the Naturals 2. Stevens in control and tags Douglas again and beat down LL in the corner again. LL chops back at Douglas, but Douglas chokes him over the top rope. Then chokes him over the middle rope as Candido yells at LL. Eye rake by Douglas and then a low blow. LL off the ropes and a running blockbuster to Douglas! TAG to Quartermain! Eye poke to Quartermain and he throws Douglas off the ropes but he falls through. Suplex back in as LL takes care of Stevens. They get a 2 count, and then take out Candido. They toss Quartermain and grab LL and he eats the Natural Disaster for the win @ 3:35.

    They grab Quartermain and Natural Disaster to him! Candido directs traffic and celebrates.

  • Solid match, and I am glad to see that they seem to have plans for The Naturals. Candido is a great guy to help them become good heels, as they already have the “natural” ability.

    Commercial time.

    We are back and James Storm is digging the hay in Dusty’s truck and finds a cowbell on a bullrope. He wants Raven at the next PPV in the bullrope match and already has signed a contract, which he gives to Traci. She tries to tidy up the truck/office and Abyss is there and scared the shit out of her. He jams a signed contract in her pants that lucky bastard.

    Match #3 Mikey Batts and Kid Romeo vs. Phi Delta Slam w/Trinity

    PDS are 2 HUGE dudes. I don’t know their names yet.

    Romeo and dude gives Romeo some shoulder blocks. Blond man is Bruno. He levels both opponents and tags the other bug dude. Double choke toss on Batts now and then Bruno is back in. Big Till is the other dude. Bruno is just killing Batts. Till in and they double team Batts and he is down. Batts with an Enziguri and tags Romeo. He tries to drop kick them but they shake him off. Bruno picks him up…sit out powerbomb. Till up top…he shimmies and dances, almost falls…GIGUNDOUS FROG SPLASH called “The Tsunami Splash” and Mikey Batts is part of the mat @ 2:31.

  • Squash match. These guys are what many would call “big fatties.” I think they could be good for a short run and would be a nemesis for AMW eventually.

    Commercial time.

    Mental note, buy Cook the Kid Kash shirt for his birthday.

    We are back with Dusty and his ladies **GAG**. Dusty says JJ used a Cello in the intense match at Against All Odds. Hardy and Abyss will have a “Falls Count Anywhere in Universal Studios” match. JJ will defend the NWA Title against DDP, who Dusty brings out right now. Dusty has a stipulation for JJ, but he won’t tell him now. DDP is in the ring, “It’s me…it’s D…D…P!” He says he was never supposed to be a champion, but he was. Timing is everything and right now is the time for him to become the NWA Champion. He starts up a new little catch phrase that will annoy me in the coming weeks, “It’s TIME!” He came here to be the champ, because…”IT’S TIME!” Feel the bang bitches. Here is JJ, and DDP has one thing right. That it’s time for DDP to get out of his ring so he can celebrate. JJ says there is always time after the PPV where he lets the fans pay respect to him, and now that DDP has his shot he has a decision to make. Leave Planet Jarrett the easy way, or leave it flat on his back. DDP says it’s time and they brawl. DDP with right hands and he has the guitar now. The New Age Outlaw (Billy Gunn) comes out to beat DDP down and here is Nash! Diamond Cutter to JJ as Nash tosses the NAO and they stand tall.

    Commercial time pimping the Victory Road DVD with the swank video they used for that PPV.

    We are back and AJ Styles joins the commentary team. They put over the Iron Man match. AJ is here to scout for the Ultimate X match.

    Match #4 Shark Boy vs. Chris Candido vs. Chris Sabin

    Eye poke to Sharky and Candido with right hands to both. They both fight back on Candido and give him a double backdrop. Candido to the floor and Sabin and Sharky go at it. Arm drag to Sharky and a RANA by Sabin! Candido in and tosses Sabin. Missile drop kick by Sabin and Sharky breaks it up. Knee to the head on Sabin by Sharky and then a neck breaker to Sabin. Candido takes down Sharky and a stalling suplex to Sabin, but Sharky drop kicks him down and Sabin covers for 2. Sleeper by Candido and Sharky locks one on Candido! Jawbreaker by Sabin and Sharky rams Candido into the turnbuckle. Sharky punches at Candido, then Sabin sends Candido to the floor. Knee breaker to Sharky and a reverse figure 4 by Sabin. Candido slides in and covers Sharky who is locked up and that is it @ 3:21

  • Fun little sprint again this week, but it needed more time. Candido got a slick win and it kept both men strong.

    Commercial time as they show highlights from Against All Odds.

    We are back and they air highlights of the PPV.

    Kevin Nash will face The New Age Outlaw at Destination X in a no-DQ match.

    Match #5 “The Alpha Male” Monty Brown vs. Lance Hoyt w/Kid Kash

    Lock up and they shove off. Again and Hoyt misses a punch. Lock up and Hoyt takes him to the corner. Knees by Hoyt followed by back elbows to Monty. Clothesline by Monty, then another and Hoyt almost to the floor and eventually rolls to the floor as we go to commercial @ 1:14.

    We are back @ 3:49 with Hoyt in control. Kash tries to grab ay Monty and Hoyt with a clothesline. During the commercial Kash rammed Monty to the steel railing and that is how Hoyt got control. Hoyt chokes Monty, then Kash with a right hand. Boots by Hoyt and Monty fights back. Off the ropes…sidewalk slam by Hoyt for 2. Back suplex by Monty, and then a clothesline. Fall away slam to Hoyt and Monty is on fire now. He nails Kash who tried to get in the ring but Hoyt levels Monty with a big boot. He chokes Monty and covers for 2. Picks him up and goes for the black out, Monty escapes…POOOOOOOOOOUUUUUNCE! The lights go out and Tryton is here. He points at Monty and they stare down. The stage fogs up and he is gone. Spooky. No contest I suppose @ 7:00.

  • Monty gave way too much to Hoyt in this match. It wasn’t that solid and having a no contest for the main event leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

  • Final Impact Thoughts: They have the PPV off to a good start with some matches announced, as well as explaining the set up for the Ultimate X including qualifying matches. Killing vs. Shane and the X 3-Way were good, but too short. Overall solid show and they are off to a good start for Destination X.

    If you want to read more from me, take a trip over to TWTF.com! Thanks for joining me this week for Impact. Keep the feedback and suggestions coming; I crave it and can’t live without it! Until next time, I am Larry Csonka and you know you want to be a Zonkamaniac~!

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