wrestling / TV Reports

411’s Ring of Honor on HDNet Report 5.02.09: Episode VII – Aries vs. Strong

May 2, 2009 | Posted by Larry Csonka

411’s Ring of Honor on HDNet Report 5.02.09

  • As a reminder, this is the barebones report. I will do play by play and results, that is all. JD Dunn will be back with his breakdown of the show, with the wacky hi-jinks and star ratings.
  • No pictures this week, I am out of town.

    Ric Flair is announced as the NEW ambassador for Ring of Honor! Woooooooo! Flair is met by ROH owner Cary Silken in the ring, and handed the mic. Silken says it THE Ring of Honor, HDNet and the nature Boy in the same building on the same night, Wooooooo! He won’t retire and leave wrestling, when the Ring of Honor called, he didn’t thing, he said Ric Flair and ROH, that works for him. This is a great company with a great owner and a ton of great young talent behind the curtain. There may even be a Nature Boy back there. An HBK back there, even a HHH. It is all about the growth of pro wrestling and these guys work hard. He is honored to be here, and this is his first night as the ambassador. He then puts over his friend Jerry Lynn, the ROH Champion.

    ROH Champion Jerry Lynn makes his way to the ring and shakes with Flair. Flair says he is THE world champion and he is honored to be here with him. Lynn is THE man and to be the man you have to beat the man. Lynn thanks Silken for allowing him to rejuvenate his career. Lynn then thanks Flair for 1985 for their first match. Flair was in a major car wreck days before the show, but he still showed up and gutted out a match with Lynn and tough him a lesson. Lynn learned about honor, pride and passion, and he brought that to ROH and he beat the man, which wasn’t easy, and now he has to try and stay the man.

    Austin Aries now makes his way out. AA talks about what Flair said, and he says that HE is in the back, Austin Aries. AA says he respects both men, but the facts are that before Flair came here and before Lynn came here, HE was the man in ROH and he backed it up. He has been a champion his whole life, and maybe people forgot that he was the top and he will come for the ROH title. Tonight he will destroy Roderick Strong, and he will be the man.

    Flair likes this attitude, and if Aries is in the main event for ROH, you have to be a fair hand and he looks forward to seeing him and hopes he can back it up. Aries says he can back it all up. “Woo.”/deadpan

    Flair tosses out some “Wooooo’s” and Lynn holds the ropes for Flair as they leave the ring.

    Chris Hero w/Hagadorn and Del Rey vs. Kenny Omega

    Hero is back to his wacky tights. Lock up, go behind and Omega to the mat, kips up and Hero takes him back down. Omega escapes again, but taken back down as Hero works the mat game. Back up, off the ropes and after several counters Omega gets a dropkick and Hero to the floor. No hands dive by Omega and connects with Hero AND the steel barricade. Back in the ring and Omega with the bog cross body and a cradle gets 2. To the corner, Omega goes flippidy and Hero just slams him down by the hair. Hero tosses him to the floor, gets a dropkick through the ropes and Hero and Del Rey are both happy about this. Back into the ring they go, Hero charges into a back elbow and then a boot. Omega with a big charging back elbow, Enziguri lands and then a dragon suplex gets 2! Electric chair try, Hero escapes, the ref is distracted, ROARING LOADED ELBOW OF MISAWA DOOM by Hero and that is all.


    Winner: Chris Hero @ 5:00 via pin

    -Kyle Durden talks with Roderick Strong about the main event.

    The Necro Butcher vs. Brodie Lee w/Jimmy Jacobs

    Necro has a chair with him, but the ref takes it away. As Jacobs talks to Lee, Necro uses a senton off of the apron to wipe him out. They brawl at ringside before the bell rings, chair shots by Necro Jacobs sneak attacks Necro, and that allows Lee to black hole slam Necro on the entrance ramp! Lee picks up Necro and carries him to the ring.

    So the match actually begins now and Jacobs with a cheap shot to Necro. Lee rakes the eyes, uppercuts connect and then a slam to the corner. Lee misses the big corner boot, Necro fires back, but Lee gets the big corner boot for 2. Jacobs distracts the ref, Necro runs Lee into him, roll up and Necro wins with wrestling!

    Winner: The Necro Butcher @ 2:00 via pin

    -Necro clears the ring and then as a seat in the chair and calls on Lee and Jacobs.

    -HDNet commercial break.

    Sal Rinauro vs. Erick Stevens

    Sal bitch slaps Stevens during the handshake. Stevens with the:

    *Doctor Bomb.


    Winner: Erick Stevens @ 1:00 via pin

    -Replays of last week.

    -Danielson vs. Black will rematch next week in a “top contender’s match”.

    Austin Aries vs. Roderick Strong

    AA is cool so he shakes with Strong, and gives him a shit-eating grin. Lock up, to the corner and a clean break. Go behind and takedown by AA, back to the feet and AA backs off. AA with the side headlock, now works the arm but Strong reverses it. Kip up by AA, back to the arm and gets the leg drop on the arm. AA backs off, they lock up again and off the ropes and a shoulder block by Strong. Japanese arm drags by AA, head scissors by Strong, BUT YOU CANNOU THEAD SCISSORS AUSTIN ARIES and he dropkicks Strong in the face. Roddy should have known better. AA to the floor as he wanted to avoid the chops. AA chops Strong as he comes back in, and calls on Strong. He avoids him and slides to the floor. AA takes a lap, celebrates and then Strong with the elbow smash off of the apron! AA slammed to the barricade, but is able to avoid the chops. Back into the ring they go, but as Strong comes in, AA dropkicks him to the floor. AA goes Randy Savage with the double Ax Smash from the top and to the floor. Knee charge by AA and covers for 2. CHOP TO THE FACE by Strong! AA manages to get him to the floor, and Strong is slammed into the barricade. Back into the ring and AA with the one foot cover for 1. Pendulum elbow by AA and a cover again for 2. Strong tries to fight back, AA manages to stop the chop again, but Strong with the cross body for 2. AA keeps attacking the chopping arm of Strong, grinds his face on the ropes but Strong back with an Enziguri. Strong LIGHTS up Strong with repeated chops. Knees by AA, but Strong comes back with a sweet dropkick and a cover for 2. HARD chops by Strong and AA is rocked. To the corner and more chops by Strong. Aries grabs the ropes, but Strong sends him to the corner and gets repeated elbows. BACK BREAKER by Strong gets 2. AA counters the gut buster, sends Strong to the floor, HEAT SEAKING MISSLE by AA! Back to the ring as AA gets the slingshot, corkscrew splash for 2.

    10-minutes in now, half nelson back breaker by Strong gets 2. Strong picks up AA, to the corner and more chops by Strong. AA looks as if he may cry. Enziguri by Strong and into the cover for 2. Strong misses the boot, AA counters into north south, knees to the head, Last Chancellery applied by AA! Strong makes the ropes. AA with chops, bites Strong on the head, and then gets caught on the charge, gust buster! Dropkick by Strong and into the Stronghold! AA struggles and finally makes the ropes. Strong pulls him back center, AA fights, kicks by Strong but AA gets the ropes. Strong finally releases the hold, goes for it again, but AA manages to kick him to the floor. Strong eats a dropkick as he comes through the ropes, brain buster countered by Strong, and into the Stronghold again but AA gets the ropes once again. Strong looks for the Gibson driver, head scissor counter by AA and now AA locks in the Stronghold (Boston Crab BTW). Strong counters into a roll up for 2. Kick to the head by AA, and the BRAIN BUSTA~! 1…2…3.

    Winner: Austin Aries @ 15:00 via pin

    -Danielson vs. Black II next week.

    -Danielson speaks on the chance for the title shot as well as another shot at Tyler Black.

    -Black says it is time to establish the new pecking order. He knows Danielson better than anyone, and says he will make his own destiny by beating Danielson and winning the ROH title.


    * Jerry Lynn (2-0)
    * Nigel McGuinness (2-0)
    * Claudio Castagnoli (2-0)
    * Chris Hero (2-0)
    * Erick Stevens (2-0)

    * Kevin Steen (1-0)
    * Sara Del Rey (1-0)
    * Kenny King (1-0)
    * Eddie Kingston (1-0)
    * Bobby Dempsey (1-0)

    * Bryan Danielson (1-0-1)
    * Tyler Black (1-0-1)

    * Austin Aries (2-1)

    * Brent Albright (1-1)
    * Delirious (1-1)
    * The Necro Butcher (1-1)

    * Roderick Strong (0-1)
    * “Dirty” Ernie Osiris (0-1)
    * Sterling James Keenan (0-1)
    * Rhett Titus (0-1)
    * Jay Briscoe (0-1)
    * Daizee Haze (0-1)
    * Eddie Edwards (0-1)
    * Orange Cassidy (0-1)
    * Sal Rinauro (0-1)

    * Brodie Lee (0-2)
    * Jimmy Jacobs (0-2)
    * Sami Callahan (0-2)
    * “Sugarfoot” Alex Payne (0-2)
    * Kenny Omega (0-2)

    * The Dark City Fight Club (Kory Chavis and Jon Davis) (2-0)

    * Daizee Haze and Neveah (1-0)
    * Rhett Titus and Kenny King (1-0)
    * Jay Briscoe and Kevin Steen (1-0)

    * Chris Hero and Eddie Edwards (0-1)
    * Sara Del Ray and Sassy Stephie (0-1)
    * Grizzley Redwood and Andy “Right Leg” Ridge (0-1)

    * Cheech and Cloudy (0-2)

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    Larry Csonka

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