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Csonka Reviews This Week’s GFW XPLOSION Matches (Vol. I)

September 11, 2017 | Posted by Larry Csonka
GFW XPLOSION El Hijo De Dos Caras Image Credit: GCW
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Csonka Reviews This Week’s GFW XPLOSION Matches (Vol. I)  

Csonka Reviews This Week’s GFW XPLOSION Matches (Vol. I)

– Tyrus defeated Caleb Konley @ 5:44 via pin [**]
– El Hijo De Dos Caras defeated Mario Bokara @ 5:11 via pin [**]
No DQ Match: Marshe Rockett defeated Mahabali Shera @ 6:00 via pin []

Tyrus vs. Caleb Konley: Konley tries to play keep away to begin, as they look to work the obvious power vs. speed dynamic. Tyrus looks to cut off Konley, but Konley fires back with kicks and sort of hits a short RANA. They work to the floor, where Tyrus cuts off the action with a clothesline. Back in they go as Tryus works the knee of Konley, and then grounds the action. Tyrus hits the world’s strongest slam, covering for 2. He continues to keep things grounded, standing on Konley and then hitting the heart punch. Konley slowly start to make his comeback, picking up the pace and laying in body kicks. The missile dropkick follows, and Konley covers for 2. The springboard DDT connects, but Tyrus kicks out at 2. Konley misses the springboard moonsault, allowing Tyrus to hit a shoulder block and XPLODER. The corner splash and chokeslam follows, and Konley is done. Tyrus defeated Caleb Konley @ 5:44 via pin [**] This was a perfectly solid little match, Tyrus got to play monster and Konley sold very well for him.

Mario Bokara vs. El Hijo De Dos Caras: Caras is the brother of Alberto El Patron. Caras talks some trash, they lock up and Bokara grounds him right away. They battle for position on the mat, Bokara takes control and hits a slam. Caras hits the arm drag, but Bokara attacks with strikes but Caras counters a hip toss and hits an up kick and then a dropkick, sending Bokara to the floor. Caras follows with a baseball slide dropkick, but Bokara trips him up and brings him to the floor. Back in the ring and Bokara works over Caras, laying in strikes and hits a belly to back suplex, covering for 2. Caras battles to his feet, looks to counter with a sloppy float over, but Bokara lays him out with a lariat. Caras heads up top, hitting a high cross and laying in back elbows. The dropkick follows, and Caras gets 2 there. They work into some counters, with Bokara hitting a German suplex for 2. Caras kicks out, and hits an arms trapped German for the win. El Hijo De Dos Caras defeated Mario Bokara @ 5:11 via pin [**] This was another perfectly solid match, where Bokara again continues to be a really good and consistent guy to have around. He works clean matches, sells well and is proving to be a good pick up in that regard. Caras was solid, but he tries to get a bit too cute, doing some lucha style stuff that doesn’t come off clean due to his size; it’s too clunky. If he stops that, he’ll be better off. I have no clue what he really has to offer, he’s “fine,” but there are way too many more talented lucha guys to bring in. He’s only getting a shot because he’s Patron’s brother.

Marshe Rockett vs. Mahabali Shera: Mahabali Shera is the king of XPLOSION, previously beating Rockett. Shera attacks right away, working over Rockett and sending him to the floor. Shera continues to control until they worked back into the ring, where Rockett momentarily cut him off. Shera quickly fought back, sending Rockett to the floor again. They didn’t stay on the floor long, back in and Rockett hits a dropkick and bicycle kick. They roll back to the floor, Rockett betas on Shera a bit and then brings him back in along with a chair. Rockett repeatedly hits Shera with the chair in front of the ref. Hebner stands around looking like an idiot, Shera finally fights back and punches the chair into Rockett’s face. Commentary now casually mentions that this is a no DQ match. Quality control. He makes the big comeback with clotheslines; they then brawl to the floor with Shera slamming Rockett to the steps. Shera now uses the chair to beat on Rockett, KM gets involved and slams Shera onto the chair. Rockett covers for the win. Marshe Rockett defeated Mahabali Shera @ 6:00 via pin [*½] This was a largely lethargic and repetitive match. Also, how do you have a stipulation match and not inform the audience until halfway through the match.

– End scene.

– Thanks for reading.

 photo fe36ffd0-0da4-4e3b-a2d3-b026b341dd87_zps41ef5d61.jpg
“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”

The final score: review Poor
The 411
This was an overall poor collection this time around, with nothing worth going out of your way to see unless you’re really curious about the guys that don’t make Impact all that often.