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Csonka’s NXT Review 5.15.19

May 15, 2019 | Posted by Larry Csonka
Keith Lee WWE NXT
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Csonka’s NXT Review 5.15.19  

Csonka’s NXT Review 5.15.19

– Keith Lee defeated Cezar Bononi @ 2:35 via pin [NR]
– KUSHIDA defeated Kona Reeves @ 5:09 via submission [**¼]
– Vanessa Borne defeated Jessie @ 2:55 via pin [NR]
NXT Tag Title Match: Champions The Viking Raiders defeated The Street Profits @ 2:25 via DQ [NR]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

– Percy Watson is gone after leaving NXT, and Beth Phoenix is replacing him.

The Viking War Machine Raiding Experience Arrives: Ivar & Erik arrive and say they have been raiding Monday Night Raw. They aren’t done yet, and then call out William Regal. NXT dad arrives and they say that there is no one that can take the titles from them; they are relinquishing them to Regal. The Street Profits arrive and call bullshit on this, and say they took the fight to them a few weeks back, and they say they can beat them. Ford says they know it and that’s why they are giving them up. The former champions want a match. Regal books it for later tonight.

– We get highlights of Riddle beating Cole last week. Undisputed Era argued after the show last week, with Cole accusing Strong of ruining everything. Cole, O’Reilly, & Fish are interviewed now and Cole doesn’t know where Strong is, but says he will always be the leader. Strong arrives and says Cole is right and that they are stronger together, Strong says Riddle is taken care of. There was a ruckus in the background earlier, so it appears he jumped Riddle in the parking lot.

Keith Lee vs. Cezar Bononi: The crowd is hyped that Lee is back. Bononi attacks, but Lee mows him down with a shoulder tackle. Lee follows with chops, but Bononi fires back and hits a running boot. He follows with strikes, but Lee absorbs them and lays in strikes, and the pounce… period follows. Lee hits the spirit bomb and finishes it. Keith Lee defeated Cezar Bononi @ 2:35 via pin [NR] This was a good return squash for Lee.

– We see Shirai & Baszler fighting at the PC last week. It is announced that they will face at Takeover. The Forgotten Sons go to meet with Regal about the tag title situation.

KUSHIDA vs. Kona Reeves: They lock up and Reeves overpowers KUSHIDA to begin. KUSHIDA grounds him and they work into counters. KUSHIDA follows with arm drags, grounding him again. He starts working the arm, as we see Drew Gulak watching on. Reeves battles back to his feet, and KUSHIDA follows with a RANA. Reeves cuts him off with a slam, and follows with strikes. The running knee follows and the suplex gets 2. KUSHIDA fires back, hits an enziguri and then a springboard attack. The back handspring elbow and cartwheel dropkick follows for 2. KUSHIDA hits the rolling kick and then follows with a top rope senton to the floor. Back in and the PK and hover boar lock follows. Reeves taps. KUSHIDA defeated Kona Reeves @ 5:09 via submission [**¼] This was ok, KUSHIDA is great while Reeves is a warm body.

– Belair meets with Yim backstage. Yim wants a rematch with her and talked to Regal about it. Belair goes to meet with Regal.

– Johnny Gargano says Riddle is ok. but that he’s angry and the Undisputed Era will pay. He also announces he’s facing Cole for the title at Takeover.

Vanessa Borne vs. Jessie: Aliyah is at ringside. Jessie has gear now. They lock up and Borne follows with a shoulder tackle and then grounds things. She lays the boots to Jessie, follows with strikes, and just pummels Jessie in the corner. Borne follows with a dropkick, and then chokes her out in the ropes. Aliyah gets in a cheap shot but Jessie gets the small package for 2. Jessie drop toeholds her into the ropes, but misses a charge and Borne hits a head butt. The running neck breaker finishes it. Vanessa Borne defeated Jessie @ 2:55 via pin [NR] This was a good win forborne in a dominating and aggressive performance.

Champions The Viking Raiders vs. The Street Profits: Erik hits John Wooooooooo and a knee strike right away. Ivar tags in and double teams follow. Ford fights off Thor’s hammer as Dawkins spears Erik. Dawkins & Ivar do cartwheels and Dawkins hits the spinebuster. Frog splash by Ford connects and that gets 2. Ivar battles back, tags in Erik and he runs wild on Dawkins and covers for 2. The Forgotten Sons arrive and jump the champions for the DQ. Champions The Viking Raiders defeated The Street Profits @ 2:25 via DQ [NR] The match was un while it lasted, and the post match was chaotic fun to set the stage for NXT with the champions leaving.

– Burch & Lorcan join in and everyone brawls. Ivar hits a dive to he floor and the Profits hit the doomsday blockbuster on Erik. The champions double team Burch, and press slam him to the floor onto the pile of bodies. Thor’s hammer to Blake follows. They then lay the belts in the ring and bow to close the show.

– End Scene.

– Thanks for reading.

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The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 19. On the show, the good brother, Jeremy Lambert, joins 411’s Larry Csonka. Today, the guys will look back on the ROH War of The Worlds Tour with full reviews of the three live events and then preview Sunday’s WWE MITB PPV. The show is approximately 110–minutes long.

* Intro
* ROH War of The Worlds Buffalo Review: 3:00
* ROH War of The Worlds Toronto Review: 29:00
* ROH War of The Worlds Grand Rapids Review: 47:30
* WWE MITB Preview: 65:30

You can subscribe and listen to the 411 on Wrestling Podcast via the
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The final score: review Average
The 411
This week’s NXT was a solid show, with two title matches set for Takeover, Lee returning, KUSHIDA rolling along and likely facing Gulak soon, and chaos in the tag ranks as the Viking Raiders leave for Raw.

article topics :

NXT, Tremendous Tirades, WWE, Larry Csonka