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Join 411’s Live TNA Impact Coverage

July 18, 2024 | Posted by Himanshu Doi
TNA Impact 7-18-24 Image Credit; TNA

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Hey there, TNA fans! It’s Thursday and that means it’s time for another episode of iMPACT! I’m Himanshu (you can follow me on Twitter @Himanshu_Doi) and you know how this works. Tonight on iMPACT, Matt and Jeff Hardy join forces for the first time in 7 years as they challenge Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers for the TNA World Tag Team Championship, Moose, Nic Nemeth, Joe Hendry, Steve Maclin, Frankie Kazarian and Josh Alexander will sign on the dotted line during the Slammiversary Main Event contract signing, Charlie Dempsey, Myles Borne and Tavion Heights battle Zachary Wentz, Trey Miguel and KUSHIDA in six-man tag team action, Mike Santana goes one-on-one with JDC, Brookside will have an opportunity to even the score with the reigning Knockouts World Tag Team Champions, when she goes one-on-one with Alisha Edwards and more. So let’s jump right in!

As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.


Date: July 18th, 2024
Location: 2300 Arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matt Rehwoldt

Match 1: Charlie Dempsey, Myles Borne and Tavion Heights vs. Zachary Wentz, Trey Miguel and KUSHIDA

The members of TNA all get a submission on the No Quarter Catch Crew guys. The NXT boys all drop them with a powerbomb. Kushida hits a Pele Kick on Dempsey. Wentz gets the tag and Dempsey is set up against the ropes but Gresham comes out at the stage and claps. Kushida runs to chase him. Dempsey hits a German Suplex. Borne hits a neckbreaker and Dempsey hits a Dragon Suplex on Wentz for the win.

Result: Charlie Dempsey, Myles Borne and Tavion Heights def. Zachary Wentz, Trey Miguel and KUSHIDA by pinfall
Rating: ***

We see the Rascalz Tree House and Dezmond Xavier is there. Trey Miguel asks since when is he there. Zachary Wentz says he’s Wes Lee now. Wentz says for old time’s sake and they have a smoke.

Match 2: Xia Brookside vs. Alisha Edwards

Alisha Edwards kicks Xia and slaps her across the chest. Alisha whips her into the ropes and Xia comes back with a clothesline. Brookside runs into a splash onto Alisha in the corner and covers her for two. Xia hits a crossbody for two. Xia looks for double knees in the corner but Alisha moves out of the way and Xia gets out of the ring. Masha tries to get involved but Spitfire run out and beat down on Masha. Xia hits the Brooksy Bomb for the win.

Result: Xia Brookside def. Alisha Edwards by pinfall
Rating: **½

A video package for Santana who says when the Odds are stacked against him is when he feels the most at home. He says The System doesn’t give a damn about JDC. He says he’s going to sink his teeth and bite into JDC.

We see footage from earlier today when Mustafa Ali was jumped while he was in his limo at 2300 Arena.

Mike Bailey gets in the ring and says Ali took out his best friend Trent Seven, so they need to put an end to this right now. He says he is not leaving this ring until he comes out and fights him. Ali is seen on the big screen and says he accepts Bailey’s challenge on the condition that Bailey has to earn it. He says if Bailey wins the Secret Service Gauntlet, he will fight Bailey.

Match 3: Mike Bailey in a Secret Service Gauntlet

Bailey superkicks the first one and pins him for the pin. Bailey hits a standing shooting star press on the second for the pin. He looks to kick the third but he gets out of the ring and Bailey hits a moonsault onto him to the outside the ring. Bailey kicks him and throws him into the ring post and a kick across the back. Bailey hits double knees on his torso and hits him a superkick in the ring for the pin. Bailey gets the fourth one in an armbar but he gets his foot on the ropes. Bailey hits a big boot followed by a kick and two somersault double knees for the pin. Bailey has pinned all four members of the Secret Service.

Result: Mike Bailey wins the Secret Service Gauntlet
Rating: **½

Champagne Singh comes out and says Bailey has to defeat him first.

Match 4: Mike Bailey vs. Champagne Singh

One of the Secret Service men tries to attack Bailey and Champagne attacks Bailey from behind. Champagne hits a Uranage for two. Bailey converts an attempted Sharpshooter into a rollup for two. Bailey hits Ultima Weapon for the win.

Result: Mike Bailey def. Champagne Singh by pinfall
Rating: **

Mustafa Ali’s music hits and two riot squad members come out. One of them gets in the ring and attacks Bailey from behind with a baton and takes off his mask to reveal that he’s Mustafa Ali.

Match 5: Mike Bailey vs. Mustafa Ali

Mustafa Ali threatens one of the referees. He pins Bailey for the win.

Result: Mustafa Ali def. Mike Bailey by pinfall
Rating: NR

Mustafa Ali is backstage and says Ali vs. Bailey at Slammiversary has been removed from the ballot and the reason is because he has defeated Mike Bailey. Santino Marella walks in and says the match at Slammiversary is still on and if he doesn’t show up he will be fired. Santino says he hopes Bailey kicks his ass. Ali says what happens to Mike Bailey now is on Santino.

Match 6: The System vs. Matt and Jeff Hardy for the TNA World Tag Team Championships

Jeff Hardy hits a jawbreaker on Eddie and tags to Matt Hardy. Matt slams Eddie and Brian’s face into the turnbuckle. Matt hits a DDT on Eddie for two. Matt punches Eddie and Brian but Eddie spears Matt for two. Eddie pulls Matt by the leg and tags to Brian. Brian has Matt against the corner and tags to Eddie who kicks him and drops him with a short arm clothesline for two. Eddie goes for a Backpack Stunner but Matt Hardy gets out of it and hits a Side Effect on Brian. Jeff Hardy gets the tag and hits a double leg drop on Brian Myers. Jeff hits a Whisper in the Wind on Brian for two. Jeff and Matt hit a Twist of Fate on Brian and Jeff goes for a Swanton Bomb but JDC runs out and pushes Jeff off the top. The referee calls for the bell.

Result: Matt and Jeff Hardy def. The System via DQ, The System retain the TNA World Tag Team Championships
Rating: **½

Jeff Hardy’s neck is wrapped in a steel chair and he is thrown into the ring post. Security comes out with a stretcher and wraps Jeff’s neck and wraps it in a brace.

Match : Santana vs. JDC

We see footage of Jeff Hardy being taken away in an ambulance. Santana hits a superkick on JDC followed by a Death Valley Driver for two. JDC hits an Air Raid Crash for two. JDC takes Santana to the top rope and hits an Avalanche Falcon Arrow for two. JDC goes to the outside and takes out a steel chair but Santana throws him into the ring post. Santana takes the chair and smashes it against JDC’s back. Referee counts for the bell.

Result: JDC def. Santana via DQ
Rating: **½

Security comes out and Santana fights them off. Santana hits Spin The Block on JDC on the outside.

Tom Hannifan with a sit down interview with Jordynne Grace. Tom talks about the Royal Rumble and Jordynne says being the Knockouts Champion changed the trajectory. Tom talks about showing up on NXT. Jordynne says she can’t think of the words. She says NXT was a complete surprise to everybody. She said it’s a crazy time in professional wrestling. Tom says Ash by Elegance ruined the opportunity to win the TNA and NXT titles simultaneously. Jordynne says she has not given up on that. Tom asks what she thinks of Ash as a person. Jordynne says she is very confident and she wants Ash to know that she is not untouchable. Tom asks how she will deal with Ash’s concierge. Jordynne says she is not concerned with him. She says she is concerned with Ash and she will show why she is the best in the world.

George Iceman is backstage on the phone and says he has taken care of everything and she will be treated like the princess that she is.

Santino is in the ring for the contract signing for the main event of Slammiversary. All the participants make their entrance. Nic Nemeth has a video message and says he has a partially torn labrum. He says he will be medically cleared for Slammiversary and he will be the World Champion. Santino asks all the participants to sign the contract. As Joe Hendry is about to sign the contract, First Class comes out and AJ Francis says the biggest Slammiversary show is one with him in the main event. He says he’s facing the French Canadian Frankenstein in French Canadia. He says he respects 5 guys in the match that he respects immensely and then there’s Joe Hendry. The crowd chants “We believe” and AJ says they also believe The Eagles will win the Superbowl. AJ says the main event of Slammiversary will be PCO vs. TNAJ Francis. Santino says this is not the time to act like this. AJ says why doesn’t he make him get out of the ring. PCO comes out from under the ring and throws him out of the ring. All the participants get into a brawl. Moose looks to powerbomb Joe Hendry into a table but Josh punches him and Josh hits the Standing Ovation into a table. Joe Hendry signs the contract.

article topics :

TNA Impact, Himanshu Doi