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Kurt Angle Praises Ronda Rousey’s Heel Turn, Names Favorite Wrestling Storyline and More

March 10, 2019 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Kurt Angle WWE Raw

– Kurt Angle shared his take on Ronda Rousey’s new heel persona, his favorite all-time wrestling stoyline and more in a new Facebook Q&A. You can see some highlights below:

On Rousey’s heel turn: “It’s great for Ronda. It shows her depth as a persona and her understanding of the business. Ronda will learn very quickly how to be a heel in the ring, which means she will be bumping a lot more than before. I’m looking forward to it.”

On his favorite wrestling storyline ever: “I always loved Vince vs Stone Cold. It really took wrestling to a whole new level. Vince was the heel and Austin was the baby face. It was a really fun time. Back then you could get away with the adult humor that made it so entertaining.”

On Triple H and Mick Foley mocking his getting emotional about his gold medal win: “Honestly, I didn’t care. Because I knew that neither one of them knew what it felt like to be a gold medalist standing on top of the podium. I thought to myself ‘would I rather be the one standing in the podium being made fun of or would I prefer being the one making fun of that person?’ I will choose crying on the podium… all day, every day.”

On his best memory of working against Sting: “Sting and I once had an empty arena match. It was so different from anything else we did. I enjoyed doing it. Sting was incredible to work with, he was one of my favorites.”

On his favorite current WWE heel: “I’m digging Elias. Love him making fun of the city he’s in each week on RAW. Entertaining.”