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TNA House Show Results 7.12.09: Syracuse, New York

July 13, 2009 | Posted by Larry Csonka

Credit: Steve Kowalczyk and Wrestlingobserver.com

– Sheik Abdul Bashir beat Consequences Creed. Creed pinned Bashir in about 10 seconds, Bashir demanded another show so Creed beat him in 6 seconds. Borash told us that was a new TNA record. Bashir offered Creed $5000 if he could beat him a third time. Bashir ended up winning with his feet on the ropes.

– Taylor Wilde beat Angelina Love. Decent match, Angelina’s backside looks fantastic in tights, Taylor is very pretty but doesn’t particularly ‘stand out’.

– Homicide beat Suicide to retain the X Division title. Borash told us this week’s Impact was taped last week, and Homicide was the new champion. Suicide does the finger-guns thing too much.

– Daniels & AJ Styles beat Samoa Joe & Kurt Angle. Advertised main event was Styles vs Angle.

– Jeremy Borash brought Mick Foley out to say a few words. Quick mention of going to school down the road, lots of bad Syracuse mentions, etc. The girls I was with, who know nothing about wrestling, were noticeably disappointed with Mick after an hour of six packs and low body fat. And Samoa Joe.

– Jay Lethal beat Eric Young. First time there was any real work outside the ring, I guess the guys discovered the guardrails made a good sound on the concrete or something.

– Beer Money, Inc. beat Team 3D. Lots of ‘gay’ spots with Beer Money. Brother Ray did a sunset flip, which shocked the hell out of me. Devon got the table, but Bashir ran in and blew Brother Ray low, one guy from Beer Money got the pin, then one guy put through the table afterwards (I couldn’t tell which one either time).

– After the bell, Ray got on the mic, pimped TNA and New York, and offered up a piece of the table. Devon picked out a cute 4-year old named Emma and brought her to the ring. Ray was very nice to her on the mic, she got the piece of the table, crowd gave her a big hand as Devon paraded her around, and the TNA employee almost gave her back to the wrong family. She was a lot more confident in the ring with Team 3D than I would have been. Team 3D took photos in the ring while Creed, Lethal, and Daniels (maybe more after we left) signed autographs around the ring. There were some wheelchair guys in line; I hope TNA hooks handicapped people up with something special since they can’t into the ring.

– Overall a good show, nothing outstanding but nothing even remotely bad. On a par with most WWE house shows I have been to, but with almost no mic work or comedy. TNA’s only other time in Syracuse was a free show during the New York State Fair about 3 years ago. The show was in the convention center, across the street from the hockey arena, just rows of chairs on the floor. I’d say it was a little less than half full, so probably under 1000 people. Syracuse is not an overly attractive town BTW. Some bleachers, and/or closing off more of the room with temporary walls would have helped the atmosphere a lot, but the crowd was pretty into it. High school or college gymnasiums would be a better choice for house shows, even if it doesn’t sound as impressive to run them.

– Jeremy Borash said the crowd was so great tonight that the next time TNA comes to Syracuse it might be for a PPV, so I’m pretty psyched about that.


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Larry Csonka

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