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Winfree’s MLW: Fusion (Ep. 178) Review 8.17.23

August 17, 2023 | Posted by Robert Winfree
MLW Fusion Image Credit: MLW
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Winfree’s MLW: Fusion (Ep. 178) Review 8.17.23  

Well everyone it’s time for more MLW action. Tonight we’ll get the finals of the Opera Cup, Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs Tracy Williams in what could be a pretty good match. We’ll also have Rickey Shane Page taking on Jacob Fatu as Page tries to become a double champion. We’re still building Alex Kane vs. Willie Mack, and Delmi Exo will defend her title as well. Fusion has been in a notable funk lately, the last two weeks in particular still getting through a backlog of matches from back in February, so let’s hope they start turning things around here.

First a quick recap of the two other tournament matches from the Opera Cup this year to hype up Smith and Williams.

Jacob Fatu heads to the ring as we start the episode proper. Minor commentary error here, they reference that Fatu, Lance Anoa’i and Juicy Finau are all champions which isn’t true as in the chronology of presentation The Calling have taken the tag team belts from the Samoan Swat Team. This match and our main event are coming from the Battle Riot event though, so it was true when it was recorded.

Match #1 – National Openweight Title Match: (c) Jacob Fatu vs. Rickey Shane Page w/ Raven and Mandy Leon

RSP grabs a spike from the weapons table, but Fatu hits a suicide dive onto him to somewhat nullify it. Ringside brawling as Fatu tosses RSP around then some headbutts and he tosses RSP into the barricade again. Fatu gets a chair and throws it into RSP’s face. Back in the ring Fatu hits a Swanton Bomb for 2. RSP lands a boot then an enziguri but he runs into a headbutt from Fatu. Double jump into an Arabian moonsault from Fatu but that’s only a 2 count and he comes up favoring the knee. More strikes from Fatu in the corner but RSP tosses him down then hits a running crossbody and we get a cut.

We don’t seem to miss anything as RSP comes back in with a chair and whacks Fatu with it. Chair assisted scoop slam from RSP then he gets the spike again. RSP goes to spike the foot of Fatu and mostly succeeds, then partially fish hooks Fatu with it. RSP bites the foot of Fatu which earns a “you sick fuck” chant. More strikes from RSP then he sets up the chair in the ring and hits the Raven drop toe hold into it, but Fatu fires up and headbutts the chair and comes up throwing hands. Superkick from Fatu floors RSP and RSP rolls out of the ring, so Fatu dives onto him with another suicide dive. Fatu posts RSP then tosses him back in the ring, Fatu then climbs the ropes for a crossbody that gets a 2 count. Another superkick from Fatu then a handspring moonsault for another 2 count. RSP is bleeding as Fatu heads out of the ring to get a bunch of chairs. The Calling menace Fatu, Raven is flanked by a couple of gas mask goons but they don’t do anything. Back in the ring that delay allowed RSP to recover and he throws a chair at Fatu. RSP puts two set up chairs together then sets them on their side, Fatu hits a couple of strikes then crushes RSP with a Samoan drop onto that chair contraption which gets a near fall. Fatu heads out of the ring again and looks for more plunder, he gets a table and slides it into the ring to “ECW” chants. Back in the ring RSP lands a couple of kicks to send Fatu out of the ring. RSP then sets up the table in the ring. They head out of the ring and fight over a chair, ultimately RSP tosses it at Fatu. Back in the ring now, and commentary through either ADR or proper notes reference how The Calling have the tag team and middleweight titles right now. RSP sets Fatu on the table after cracking him in the head with a chair shot. RSP goes up top, senton through the table but only a near fall. They head out of the ring again and RSP with more chair shots, but Fatu gets one of his own and cracks RSP with it. Fatu with strikes now as they both shove the ref away and keep brawling, this all leads to the ref waving this off.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Double Disqualification 12:08

Rating: 3 stars
Thoughts: Decent weapon filled brawl, I’m OK with the non-finish as this whole feud is clearly not quite done yet.

Fatu and RSP brawl up the entrance ramp as officials come out to separate them.

In the back Tracy Williams gets an interview, he’s focused on what got him to this point and that’s being the best professional wrestler. There are very few people who actually understand what professional wrestling is, most prefer pageantry and spectacle. But Davey Boy is one of the few who know professional wrestling, the onus is on Williams to prove that he is professional wrestling, and that’s what he’s going to do by winning the Opera Cup.

Whatever those space themed promos have been talking about will culminate next week.

Fury Road update, mostly it’s a recap of what we already know but our new addition is a rematch between Jacob Fatu and RSP in a Weapons of Mass Destruction match. The WMD match between Fatu and Mads Krugger was pretty fun, so hopefully they can recreate some of that.

Matt Cardona video, he mentions wrestling Mance Warner at Fury Road and says there’s no heat between them, this is just business. He’s going to walk out of Fury Road the winner. This isn’t about stealing anyone’s spot, he’s got his own right at the top. Everyone’s welcome to jump on his back and he’ll carry everyone to the promised land.

Apparently we’ll have a special announcement next week as well.

Our next match was taped at Never Say Never. Before walking to the ring we get a backstage interview with Delmi Exo, she says the god queen is ready for another defense. B3cca interrupts this whining about not getting a title shot and Exo awkwardly talks to her, warning her that she sets the terms and if B3cca wants to have matches instead of deluding herself about music, then they can talk. That felt very, very scripted.

Match #2 – Women’s Featherweight Title Match: (c) Delmi Exo vs. Paris Van Dale

Exo with a quick arm wringer, Paris pulls the hair to get free then lands a chop. That just annoys Exo who lands chops of her own in the corner then hits the ropes and lands an elbow. Fisherman’s suplex for 2 form Exo. Paris counters an Irish whip with a Regal Cutter and then gets on top landing some strikes on the mat. Exo with some strikes then a Samoan drop for 2. Some corner offense from Exo, then a kick and a Delmi Driver to end things.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Delmi Exo retained the title in 2:30

Rating: Acorn squash
Thoughts: Slightly prolonged squash but a squash all the same.

Post match B3cca has a guitar and El Kabong’s Exo on the entrance ramp. B3cca then poses holding the title before dropping it on Exo and walking off.

That same clock promo followed by the Back to the Future time circuit with dates on it. I’m still guessing Kushida.

In the back Alex Kane talks. It’s about the same copy paste thing he’s done for months. He runs down Mack, wait, is this just a replay of a prior promo from Kane? It might be, or if it’s not it’s utter indistinguishable from anything else. OK no, this is a straight up repeat of the promo from Kane a couple of weeks ago.

Alright, main event time.

Match #3 – Opera Cup Finals: Davey Boy Smith Jr. w/ Mr. Saint Laurent vs. Tracy Williams

A little stalling from Smith early before they tie up and Smith tosses Williams away. Williams with a duck under but Smith grabs an arm wringer. Williams counters into a crucifix for 2 and they wind up in a stare off. Leg scissors takedown from Williams and he goes for a kneebar on the slightly taped up left leg of Smith but Smith rolls out of the ring. It doesn’t look like Williams will give him time as he dives onto Smith then tries a suplex but Smith counters into one of his own on the floor to give us another cut.

Nothing missed as we come back to Smith working the back of Williams. Back in the ring Williams hits a chop block to the knee and starts working the leg of Smith. Smith tries to roll through and we wind up in a 50/50 position with both men attacking straight ankle locks. Smith stands and looks to step through into a Sharpshooter but Williams blocks it and attacks the knee again. Williams with some strikes then a Dragon Screw leg whip. More leg work from Williams but Smith lands an enziguri to counter another Dragon Screw attempt. They start trading strikes and Smith gets the better of up but Williams counters an uppercut into a backslide for 2. Smith blocks a back suplex, but Williams persists and hits it. Williams with some corner strikes then a Russian leg sweep into a slightly modified Octopus Hold on the mat. Smith fights free but Williams grabs another crucifix for 2. Suplex from Smith stifles the momentum of Williams and lands a leg drop. Smith goes up top, guillotine leg drop connects but only a near fall. Williams blocks a piledriver and lands a back elbow then heads up top but Smith meets him. Smith with a running powerslam but Smith is selling the knee for long enough to delay the pin and Williams gets a foot on the rope to break the pin. Williams avoids another powerslam and hits La Mistica but transitions to an Ankle Lock. Smith thinks about tapping, but kicks Williams off then catches him with a snap powerslam for 2. Smith hits a Liger Bomb for what should have been 3 but the ref botches by claiming there was a kick out. Either Williams forgot to kick or the ref screwed this up, not sure which. Anyway Smith transitions into a Crippler Crossface and gets the tap.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Davey Boy Smith Jr. won in 9:45

Rating: 3 stars
Thoughts: I was going towards 3.5 before that slightly botched ending, but whoever messed up the finish there took enough off the match in total to drop it down a bit. Shame, because the wrestling from these two was pretty darn good.

Smith and MSL celebrate together in the ring. The ref presents Smith with the Opera Cup and he poses with the cup.

Commentary breaks down the card next week before Smith gets interviewed on the entrance stage. MSL puts over Smith and says the only thing that might have made this better was winning it in London or Calgary, rather than a third world place like Philadelphia. He runs down Philly women as well, then demands respect for Smith and how he represents the greatest fighting family in Canadian history. Smith asks for the courtesy of no interruptions, then insults the fans again. To close he reminds everyone they’re looking at wrestling royalty, while he’s looking at inbred royalty and promises that next he’s coming for the world title. They’re really going to try and make Kane a face aren’t they. Anyway that ends the episode.

The final score: review Average
The 411
Well after a couple of down weeks Fusion was able to rebound here. We got a couple of good matches and some relevant announcements about upcoming stuff. The recycled Kane promo was a downer, and I'm still a little sad about the ending to Smith and Williams getting as awkward as it did, which ultimately keep this just barely out of Good territory. But on the whole a nice return to more proper form for MLW this week.

article topics :

MLW: Fusion, Robert Winfree