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April 20, 2009 | Posted by Rob McNew

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  • Lineup:

    – Batista vs. Chavo Guerrero
    – Kane vs. CM Punk
    WWE Women’s Title Match: Melina © vs. Beth Phoenix
    – John Cena vs. Chris Jericho
    Non-Title Match: Rey Mysterio © vs. The Big Show
    Non-Title No DQ Match: HHH © vs. Randy Orton

    -So here we go with the first post-draft episode of Raw from across the pond in London. Looking at the match listing it doesn’t appear that the draft really made any difference at all. Hopefully they get serious about it post-Backlash, but this is the go-home show so it makes sense to have the big guns there. Just a reminder to bookmark us on your web browser or if you’re feeling really nice set us as your homepage. You can also check out 411 on Twitter and Facebook if you’re into the whole social networking craze.

    -Taped Earlier Today from O2 Arena in London, England

    -Hosted by Michael Cole & Jerry “The King” Lawler

    -Chris Jericho is out for the opening promo immediately showing that last week’s three hour show was totally pointless. Jericho says he has felt like a cast away for the past year. He says he doesn’t feel like that anymore because last week he was drafted to Smackdown, and tonight is final appearance on Raw forever. The crowd pops for that, so Jericho calls them out for not appreciating his brilliance. Jericho says without him on Raw things will change on Raw, and they will not change for the better. He says within six months we will begging him to come back to Raw, but he won’t do it because he’s done with Raw. That brings out Ricky Steamboat to confront Jericho. Steamboat looks like he may have had a meeting with Walt Frazier and Keith Hernandez as his hair looks a bit darker than the last time we saw him. Steamboat says Jericho is wrong. He says the audience isn’t unappreciative. He says Wrestlemania week the fans showed him more love and appreciation than he could ever dream of. He calls it the greatest moment of his Wrestling career. Steamboat says if Jericho wants appreciation and the fans won’t give it then he will. Steamboat thanks Jericho, and Jericho asks what he is talking about. Steamboat thanks him for bringing back a moment he never thought he’d reach again. The passion to perform one last time. To take a page of history and turn it back and feel glad about what he accomplished. He didn’t think he’d ever get back in the ring, and if it wasn’t for Jericho it would have never happened. Steamboat starts to leave, but Jericho stops him. Jericho says he didn’t come out here to thank him, but he came out here to bask in the cheers one more time. Jericho reminds him that he is finished, and that no one cares about him anymore. Jericho says all of his friends from Flair to Piper to Rourke haven’t been seen since Wrestlemania, and he will do the same to him. He asks Steamboat if he thinks a performance in a ten man tag on Raw when he was in the ring for about 27 seconds means he still has it? The crowd chants “You still got it” but Jericho states that he doesn’t have it. The fans are delusional and so is Steamboat. Jericho says the time has come to put him out of his misery the same way he put his friends out of their misery. Jericho asks for a one on one match with Steamboat at Backlash. Jericho says he’ll finish Steamboat off if he accepts. But before he can accept “Brrrrrrrrrrr APPLE STEW!” (copyright Chris Lansdell 2009) John Cena interrupts wearing a new alternate blue version of his AWA style shirt. Jericho tells Cena to stop, because he knows what he’s gonna say. He says he knows he’s gonna say what a fan of Steamboat he is and pander to his fans, but Jericho is finished on Raw and finished with Cena. Jericho says his last act on Raw will be to walk out on Cena. Steamboat stops Jericho in the aisle to let him know he accepts the challenge for Backlash. Cena stops him once more to let him know he wasn’t going to stand up for Ricky Steamboat, because he saw the match and Steamboat can handle that on his own. Cena says Vickie will not be here tonight, but she gave him a message that Edge will compete tonight. She also told him that Cena must compete tonight, and Jericho’s last act on Raw will be a match with him tonight.

    Chavo Guerrero vs. Batista
    Chavo says he’s been officially drafted to Raw, and he wants to thank his Aunt Vickie. Chavo says he’s gonna prove to Vickie that not only can he push her wheelchair around, but he can push around anyone on the Raw roster. Big fucking mistake Chavo. That brings out Batista for what I’m sure will be a highly competitive encounter. Chavo attempts his new finisher, the running fail, which Batista counters into a Batista Bomb to finish at :18. Chavo gets back on the mic and tells Vickie he’ll never let it happen again because he wasn’t ready. Batista comes back to the ring, and Batista Bombs him again.
    Winner: Batista (Pinfall-Batista Bomb DUD)

    -Shane congratulates Batista in the back on his big win, and then talks to him about last week. Batista says everything was kind of crazy last week. Shane laughingly says he didn’t appreciate him drilling him in the corner, and Batista answers that he didn’t appreciate getting double legged out of the ring. They agree that everything is cool this Sunday though. Someone be turnin.

    Kane vs. CM Punk
    Both of these guys were drafted to Smackdown last week, but this is hyped as their final appearance on Raw. Punk attacks with a barrage of kicks, but then springboards inside into an uppercut which gets two for Kane. Snap mare from Kane sets up a dropkick for another two count. Kane grabs a side headlock, and Punk quickly elbows out. Punk hits the ropes but runs into a sideslam. Kane goes for the chokeslam, but gets hit with a barrage of kicks and then the high knee in the corner. Punk goes for the bulldog, but gets pushed into the corner sliding to the apron. He springboards inside with a forearm to Kane and that gets a one count. Punk goes for the GTS, but Kane blocks it and delivers a big boot. Kane again calls for the chokeslam, but Punk counters into a DDT which finishes at 2:12. That looked…odd.
    Winner: CM Punk (Pinfall-DDT *)

    -Santino Marella is out, and he says last week he lost to The Great Khali, and now his sister has to go kiss The Great Khali. He says he and his sister are not happy about this, but they are Marellas so they will keep their word. So he’s going to bring out his twin sister right now to apologize to her. He goes on to say some people have the nerve to say he and Santina are the same person, but he is going to prove those people wrong. He calls out Santina, but she is of course on the titantron. She says its impossible to kiss the Great Khali, because she has developed a blister on her lip. He asks her where she is and she says she’s in the greatest country in the World, Italy. Then we get the worst piped in boos you’ll ever hear. It sounded worse than a 70’s sitcom laugh track. She says she needed to see her doctor to get blister cream. He says there is no way she can go to Smackdown and kiss Khali, and its too bad because she wanted to grab him by his muscular shoulders. Then the tape speeds up exposing that she isn’t live, but Santino hilariously covers saying his sister “loves the red bulls, she so hyper.” Santino says too bad she won’t be able to see Khali since he’s on Smackdown and she’s on Raw. She agrees it’s too bad, so Santino pulls out a poem to make her feel better. He calls it ode to Marella Family Beauty. Santino reads through the poem, but gets interrupted by Beth and Rosa. Beth says she’s so sorry to hear about his sister’s blister. Beth says she set aside time with Vickie for Santina to kiss Khali at Backlash. Santina then thanks Santino for the poem, again exposing the tape. Santino tells Beth she can see that she is filled with the jealousy, and she had better hope she wins the women’s title tonight, because she’ll never be Miss Wrestlemania.

    WWE Women’s Championship: Beth Phoenix (w. Rosa Mendez) vs. Melina ©
    Beth takes control early with a powerslam for a one count, and then drives a series of elbows into the head. Beth grabs an armbar, but Melina fires back with a series of forearms. Beth grabs a modified torture rack, and Cole again proves what an idiot he is by saying it “could be a submission hold.” Melina elbows out, and goes for a backslide, but Beth rams her into the corner. Beth picks up the leg of Melina and repeats the Royal Rumble spot by kicking Melina in the back of the head with her own leg. This time while standing in the corner however. Melina fires back with a series of forearms, and then springboards off the ropes with a back elbow. Melina hits the ropes, and runs into a double axehandle from Beth for two. Beth puts Melina up on the top rope, but Melina comes off with a face buster for two. Rosa hops up on the apron, and Beth looks to take advantage with a spear. Melina moves however and Beth spears Rosa. That allows Melina to hit the Last Call for the victory at 3:20
    Winner: STILL WWE Women’s Champion-Melina (Pinfall-Last Call **)

    -HHH is getting ready in the back, and Shane stops by to wish him good luck. Shane says he can’t stop thinking about this Sunday. With the title on the line he says they have to be sure not the screw this up. Shane says they can all be hot heads, and if they get DQ’d then Orton becomes Champ. HHH says as far as his anger goes, he’s going to get it all out of his system tonight.

    John Cena vs. Chris Jericho
    You know I’ve heard that Europe is about two years behind us in the States, so maybe that explains why the London crowd doesn’t necessarily care for Cena. Didn’t they get the memo? Cenahate is so 2006. Jericho attacks quickly ramming Cena into the corner, and stomping away with a series of boots. Jericho scores with a snap mare and a kick to the back of the head. Jericho connects with a back suplex, and then hits a back elbow as Cena comes off the ropes. Huge “Y2J” chant from the London crowd, as Cena begins to fight back. Jericho delivers a clothesline and gets a two count. Jericho scores with a suplex, and then delivers a dropkick to a horizontal Cena for a two count. They do the BOO! YAY! punches with Cena eventually ducking and delivering a pair of shoulderblocks. Cena connects with a protoplex, and goes for the five knuckle shuffle with also hits. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment, but Jericho counters into a DDT for two. Cena rolls to the apron, and Jericho goes for a springboard attempt. Cena catches him in another Attitude Adjustment attempt, but Jericho again counters driving Cena off the apron into the ringsteps. With that we head to commercial. Jericho gets a two count as we come back from break, and then stomps Cena in the head. Jericho drives Cena into the corner, and stomps Cena down to the mat. Jericho whips Cena into the corner, but charges into a back elbow from Cena. Jericho goes right back to a Walls of Jericho attempt, but Cena kicks out of it. Cena charges, but gets side stepped and hits the mat face first for a two count. Jericho goes for the bulldog, but Cena throws him up onto the top rope for a counter. Cena goes to the corner, and climbs the ropes with Jericho on his shoulders for an Attitude Adjustment attempt. Jericho counters though into an electric chair drop for two. Jericho goes for the lionsault and misses, and then charges into a drop toehold. Cena goes for the STF, but Jericho counters into a small package. Cena stands up from there, and goes for the Attitude Adjustment. Jericho AGAIN counters and this time connects with the codebreaker! What a match! Jericho is slow to cover and Cena is out again. Jericho charges for another codebreaker, but runs into the Attitude Adjustment which this time connects. Cena is slow to cover, and that allows Jericho to get out at two. Cena heads to the top rope and goes for the legdrop, but gets caught in the Walls of Jericho. Cena gets close to the ropes, but Jericho pulls him into the middle. Jericho powers out, and counters into the STF which is the same finish from Armageddon, but this time Jericho doesn’t tap immediately. Cena tries to pull him back to the middle, but Jericho hits an enzaguri for two! Jericho heads to the top rope, and brings Cena with him. The fight on the second rope, and Cena goes for a superplex, but Edge runs in and pushes both men off the top which throws the match out at 16:31. Fucking lame. This was one of the best free tv matches I’ve seen all year ruined by a lame ass ending. Edge comes in and delivers a beat down to Cena finishing him off with a spear and a conchairto. Edge says the winner in a last man standing match is the man who knocks his opponent unconscious for the count of ten. Edge then counts to ten to drive the point home (and confirm he ain’t winning on Sunday). Nice angle, but it could have been done after we got an actual finish to that great match.
    Winner: No Contest (Outside Interference ***1/2)

    Rey Mysterio vs. The Big Show
    This should be quicker than the Chavo-Batista match. It won’t be, but it should be. Mysterio attacks with a few kicks, but runs into a clothesline. Show picks Mysterio up by the neck and throws him right back to the mat. Mysterio gets set up on the top rope, and an open handed chop from Show sends him crashing all the way to the floor. Show palms Mysterio’s head, and brings him all the way into the ring. Rey fights back and hurracanrana’s Show into the top buckle, and then delivers a 619 to the ass of Show. Rey dropkicks the legs, and goes for another 619, but this time gets caught. Knockout punch finishes at 1:44. Still longer than it had any right being, but it was the glorified squash it needed to be. Afterward Rey does the stretcher job.
    Winner: The Big Show (Knockout Punch-Pinfall ½*)

    -Recap of the Batista-Dibiase match from Smackdown.

    -Rhodes and Dibiase discuss the Backlash match, and they talk about how their opponents are hotheads. Dibiase says its nice being apart of the group, but its not the same when the leader isn’t… Orton interrupts there and asks that he’s not a what? A Champion? Dibiase says this Sunday they should have no problems. Orton says they shouldn’t because its not about hotheads, loose cannons, or looking for DQ’s. Its because he’s the very best in the industry, and no one is even close to being at his level. He says that’s why Dibiase and Rhodes have put their career in his hands. That is why everyone is jealous of him, because they know he is better than all of them. He says that is why HHH is on borrowed time, and he knows it. He needed a sledgehammer at Mania, because he is done. He will never forget about what Orton did to his wife. Orton says this Sunday they are going to win, and tonight he is going to beat Triple H. He guarantees it.

    No Disqualification Match: Triple H vs. Randy Orton
    The Brits love their heels. Big pop for Orton’s entrance. Orton attacks at the bell pounding away at HHH in the corner. HHH fires back with a series of rights, but gets whipped into the corner. He explodes out with a clothesline, and then a right hand sends Orton to the floor. Orton attacks HHH when he comes outside and rams him into the guardrail. HHH comes right back whipping Orton into the barricade, and then clears off the announce table. HHH places Orton on top of the table, but Orton comes right back ramming HHH’s face into the table. Orton goes under the ring for a trash can, and an attempt to bash HHH with it is stopped by a boot. HHH tries to answer but Orton stops that with a boot, and they head back inside. Modified backbreaker connects for Orton to get a two count. Orton delivers a European uppercut, but then hits the ropes running into a high knee. HHH clotheslines Orton back to the floor, but he grabs a trash can and blasts HHH with it as we head to break. Back from commercial and Orton stalks HHH on the floor whipping him into the ringsteps. Orton fires HHH back inside, and then fires the ringsteps inside before heading in himself. Orton blasts HHH with the steps, and gets a two count out of it. Orton heads back outside and gets the bottom half of the steps, and sets them up in front of the announce table. Orton pulls HHH out to set up for the hangman’s DDT on the steps. HHH counters sliding out and taking Orton down onto the steps with a double leg takedown. HHH goes for a steel chair shot, but Orton moves out of the way and slides into the ring. HHH comes back inside and hammers away with a series of rights in the corner pounding Orton down. HHH hits the ropes and delivers a facebuster for a two count. HHH grabs the trash can, and charges into the boot of Orton. Orton charges at HHH, but runs into a spinebuster into the can for two. HHH grabs a chair and blasts Orton in the ribs, and then over the back with it. HHH tells Orton to look him in the eyes, but Orton comes charging back with a shot to the midsection and a DDT on the chair. Orton goes for the punt, but HHH moves out of the way and then chop blocks the knee of Orton. To the floor goes HHH wrapping the knee of Orton around the ringpost. HHH grabs the chair, and blasts Orton in the knee with it before heading back inside. HHH drives the knee of Orton into the mat, and then drops an elbow on it. HHH locks in the figure four, but Orton is able to reach the bottom rope. Being a no DQ match HHH refuses to break the hold so Orton squirms to the floor breaking the hold. HHH fires Orton right back inside, and goes back to work on the knee tying it in the ropes and dropping down on the back of the knee. HHH grabs the chair again, and then wraps Orton’s knee around it Pillman style. That draws Dibiase and Rhodes out to save Orton, so Shane comes out to run them off. Dibiase and Rhodes dispatch Shane to the floor, and continue the beat down on HHH. Batista comes out and delivers a pair of clotheslines to Rhodes and Dibiase and then a spear to Orton. Rhodes rakes the eyes of Batista, but then Batista goes for the spear. Cody ducks and Shane who just returned to the ring gets a spear from Batista. HHH questions Batista, but he explains it was an accident, and turns his attention back to Dibiase firing him from the ring. Cody attacks from behind knocking Batista to the floor, and HHH fires Cody out of the ring. HHH turns around into an RKO which picks up the pin at 17:34. Well they had the match they should have had fifteen days too late. This runs Orton’s all time record against Triple H to 2-382 (rough estimate). This was far better than the Wrestlemania match, but still something always seems to be missing with these guys.
    Winner: Randy Orton (Pinfall-RKO **3/4)

    -Not a bad show, as they always seem to blow it out in London. Orton and HHH had a decent match even with all the run ins, and Jericho-Cena was a finish short of being the match of the year. The show was heavy on wrestling while still setting up Backlash nicely establishing the dissention in the ranks of Team McMahon, and the solidarity of Legacy. Edge got one over on Cena, and we get one last match from Steamboat. No real complaints, although I’m quickly losing interest in Orton-HHH.

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